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Name: Renellie Q.

Section: BSPHARMA- V2A


It is a drama and a historical movie, directed by Chito S. Roño, it based from the book
that was written by Lualhati Bautista. The characters are Amanda Bartolome (Vilma Santos),
Julian Bartolome (Christopher De Leon) and their five sons, Jules (Piolo Pascual), Emmanuel
(Marvin Agustin), Gani (Carlo Agassi), Jason (Danilo Barrios) and Bingo (John Wayce
Sace). In this movie it shows the importance of the family and how can an individual change
the future. Through this we can realize how important our vote, us as individual and how
important our freedom is. This movie, teach us not to be a servant or a puppet of our
government. We have a voice to reach out if we need help and if we feel that we’re injustice.
The actors/actresses that lead this movie act their role properly; you can feel the emotions
that they feel during that time. The characters are very convincing on how they act because
you can feel how cruel the situation is, how merciless the country was back then, on how they
agonize in every painful situation and how they act their individual characters. This movie
gave us the satisfaction that we need. They show us how people killed and how the
administration corrupt the country back then, that most of the Filipinos doesn’t have freedom
and unable to reach out and complain the inhumanity of the governance.

This story presents the Bartolome family, a middle-class that is living in Manila.
Amanda Bartolome their mother is a strong woman who fought her five children through the
end of the movie. She shows that even a girl can fight for her family and for her country. I
was captivate by her words “Kung hindi ngayon, kailan”, this words can reflect to anything
and this also motivates us to work well and to do our best. It can even reflect to my studies
like “I should study right now because if not now, when?”

I was also amazed how Jules Bartolome fights for the Philippines freedom from
Marcos governance because Marcos treats the Filipino cruelly and mercilessly. When Jules
Bartolome joins a protest, I can see that he is very determine and dedicated to fight for our
country. I can even feel the goosebumps when they sang the National Anthem “Lupang
Hinirang” symbolizing that they will fight for our country whatever happens. The “makibaka,
wag matakot” these words told us that we should not be afraid of what we believe and what
we will fight for. When Willy, the best friend of Jules said the Freedom of Expression and
questions “why is it complaining about the government is prohibited?”, “why is it
complaining in school about not being contented of what they are serving to us is
prohibited?” I realized that why that is until now that question still cannot be answered.

In 1972, Martial Law was declared. How the movie shows that people are devastated
and worried for that law also worries me because I don’t even know what I will do if that law
will be implemented again. I feel how Jules Bartolome cried when Willy died, the military
brutally killed Willy but the one that highlights the most is that how Willy is willing to
sacrifice his self for our country. I was touched when I realized that people back then are
willing to sacrifice theirselves for our country. You can see even though they were brutally
killed, they are still happy because they do what they believe and they want and you can’t see
that they regret their decisions.

In their family Emmanuel and Jules Bartolome show their dedication and
perseverance to fight for our country, Emmanuel fights through writing an illegal literature
about the cruelty of the Marcos governance and Jules fights through weapon. When Jules
goes to Bicol for his communist group then he find peace and companion there that
understand him and having the same beliefs with him. He even told that he met a person who
died just to save him.

In 1975, it was stated that Marcos and the Church are against of each other. This
scenario shows what is happening currently, how Duterte and the Church have
misunderstandings most of the time and it was shown that Duterte is against by the
management of the Church. About the last decades of 70s, Jason Bartolome died, he was
cruelly killed by an unknown person and this scenario shows the injustice of the country
during that time. The family of Bartolome doesn’t even know what the real reason is and
what happened why is that the son of Julian and Amanda Bartolome died.
On the other hand, Julian Bartolome act like a usual father that supports his son and
let them do whatever they want. It’s just that he doesn’t share his emotions to her wife that’s
why they always argue and have a misunderstanding. But I was moved when he explain on
the last part when he said that “a real man don’t shows emotion and they must keep it to
themselves.” But then, we should change this belief, because a man and a woman can show
their true feelings and emotions to each other. It doesn’t make you a less man if you cry in
front of another person.

In this story, I have many realizations and what ifs in life. I realized that it is really
hard to have a good and a perfect family because before having a good family we must face
the trials and downs that we may face from day-to-day. The family will be strong if you will
face the problem hand-by-hand and you must help and support each other because it is one of
showing them that you love them. Also, we have different perspectives as person in life as we
grow older and we must respect whatever it is as long as it is for their happiness and own
good. We must fight for our freedom, fight for our country and fight for the future. It may not
be easy but we must remember what Amanda Bartolome said “Ang tao at bayan ay dapat

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