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Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana
Public Health Engineering Department,

All Superintending Engineers,

Public Health Engineering Circles,
ln Haryana.

All Executive Engineers,

Public Health Engineering Divisions
ln Haryana.

Memo xo.'367q1* 1"9 PHED/ urban Dated: -

,oV' APl'6
Subject: Amendment in notification of fly ash vide dated 25.A1.2016 by
Ministry sf Environment, Forest & Glimate Chango.

Please refer to the subject noied above.

Please find enclosed herev.,,ith a copy of letter No. HSPCB|2A16|78-BB
dated 04"04.2016 received from Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Panchkula,
Sector-6, Panchkula alongwith copy of
notification for
information and
necessary action.
DA/ As above

Executive Hngineer (U),

1f For Engineer-in-Chief,fiaryana,
( e PHED, Panchkuld,YqV

Endst. No. - PHED/ Urban Dated: -

A copy of the abeve is forwarded to All Chief Engineers, Head Office

for information please.
Executive Engineer (U),
For Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana
PHED, Panchkula"

\,a, /

rcm tr-€s-s 3(ii)l qri?I 6] {lEfqt i sffiTqRsl

(10) de-A :nffi {ct qTfirs rffi srffi i, rer6<on4 q-€RqT tTirft IT$=I ffifr"r n-qrTrr
rrrcff qtskfi, 2005 {T*nir), €q qr<tr gTRqrq, {r{& "flK 1rr*{r qF{r€l;r Eft'q.,
dfrffid dn q'6 ilurl< wi s'z * 3TRsF t 3it-< sTq.riTlffir d:dtlt i-ftqi'r t, Frff dTd-d 3lftRn
3ffifur ffi' Er cr+T un frsl'c qTtr-s trf * srfi Mrr * t, *r eiltrrftil fi qr ts€rdi
b srsrcs ts"rfr'r m gFFra. +t+ I

A-Gffid * t{r b T{r w51q{ k rsc i srfi?r fi sqSE qn* q-r R-qrc 6T
{11} Tp'riqrEi?r Fft
i g*?tr t"
ti s" ffi rfw *rfunffi sstff srrid €' qFtiFT it<r * qTslqR 3't RftiTt, 2017 t fr:mr

F.rr q.r RqR? a$srfrd ilrfr fr{il Ti?iT, s{t El<r ss-rRF.Hr{ W h 100 TRrrd' srfr'r h 4RR.-K
i:,t sr*rffsc*drr r{qrrr<31 ft1iix, eotz *g{rfrr}' t

{t,r. d'
Rqqflq ft€T, 1iT€ qftq
t {!rrt{, ffflqr{E, qrq lI, ri< 3, s+de (ii) q qft{fir d' anr.3Tr. 763{3{)'
ff3cqo1. {.c wf*qq-*r qrrd
nitq t+ Rii{r, 1999 E[r{r irfl-f{Iff fi tT* ft *( fi* rnqff{ff d'sfrffi ;ierqa-ar 6
qq t-t
fi.s{r. 979(3r),trrft'q 27 3FrRI, 2003 qt{6r.31T. 28O4(3r), infts 3 q{Tt, 2009 aRT l-+q

il{ew Delhi, the 25th JanuarY' ?016
S-O" 2s4{E;-Whergas a draft of cer{ain arnendnre$'rs to thc Govcrnmenl
sf lndia in the Ministry of
gnrrimnnenr, Eor"ri. and Climare Change number S"O. ?63(D, dated the l4th ScplB$ibcr' l{99 {heEinaflcr
sutr-sadon {l) and
referred to as tftc said notificgion) rvhic*r s:c c-eng-al Govsnnrenl FfoPoses lo make-undq
(29 rcad with-c-lau'se
ctause (v) oi se*-.secrioa {?) sf seciion 3 of the Environrnent (Protection) Act. 1986 of" 1986)
rvas published in the Cazette ol India'
{d) of zub.ru1c {3) of rule 5 of the Environmenilfrotection) hules, 1986,
May, 2015 inviting objeclions
Exrraordinary" parr II" secrion 3, sub-section (ii),vide s.o. [396{E), dared the 25e
and suggestilns frsm all persons likely to be affecred thereby before the expiry-of
sixty.days lronr the date on
rvhieh 6pics of ttrs Oazetie containing thc said draft amendrnents werc madc availnble to the
May' 2()15:
And, whereas copies of rhe sajd Gazette werg rnacie avaiJable to the pubiic on 25th
be afJected thereby in
And, whereas all rhe objcctions and suggestions received fPq dl persons likely to
respect of ths said drafrnotificaiion have been duly consiCered by the Central Govenrrnent;
(2) ol
Now, tlrereforJ, in of the powers confsred by sub'section (1) and clausc (y) of sub-seclit]n
"*er"i*e i3) ol' rule '5 oi
secrion 3 of the Envlronrnenr (prorection) A"L it*'itt or tggo) reart witlr clzuse {d) of si-rb-rtrlc
hereby makes the following, irntendntents to
ihc Environrnent (pro{ection) Ruies, 1986, thc Ceirlral Covernnrenl
Lhe sajd norifisadon, namely:
]. Xn the said notification" in paragraph l .-
(a) in sub-paragraph l(A), for the words "hundred kilometers", the words "three hurdred
shall be substituted;
(b) in sub-.paragraph (3)- f-or 1|1e figuras and lerbrs "100 knr"" the words "three hundred kilometers"'
shall be substituted;
hundred Kilonreters"
(c) in sub-.paragraph (5)" for tJre words "hundr-ed Kjlomefcrs"" the rvords "lhree
shdl be zubstjtuted;
tr in sub-paragraph (?), for the wonds ,'hundred Kilometers'"" the words "three hundred
shall b'e substituted.

in paragrapb 2r'
In the said uotification'
($" tbe follo$ins pro",so "Jff
ta) aftes

rfiose thennnal

power pla , ----n*n sha' be inserted' rramelyr

shall rramervr

;; sub-paragraphs
3;;il;lfiJl#:'fi":ffi with them ano rilGrvqs
ash available
fi; of
Jttr \
tvlonth' hntall dcdi crred dry ash silos
having separare

{e) Everr
*tui' roads so a d constructi"l
p,oJ'T:::iff"'1;x:tffilitJ*"'"" r,o*
r ash based
r0) rhe cos' "i"*ffi:T;HilfHH ##;;;;u*li ris:i::TJ-tr,",,,,ut

i coar _or
oroduc$ or use a

rT* $J"%ff shell be sirared equarty

rviY?'- H*?**x *rurux HST
frffi& ttt::
power plant'
'at"meters rdoPt and ser uP
(financial Td
or in
r plants shall promota^' within therr premises
) rhe coarril}il,::#, m*t -"
{r r

their premises so
as to
rF '*""0o
ffiTrJJry.i of rhe cides shtl*n-r13otq of
1r) rhe coar or rigi'ite
of ash o*iJt#;i;;
also to red
and assist in setting
iricksanri.:*-tl"ilctttgconslsuctiou-TT:::;;;rt; thu as,' in the irrat.,irie 'or'urhoniv

,,,, il1.Tffi'#'.,::l ?*; ;'lh *re ce*i *cari on o

r ash

J:"ilffi-*i{;ffi **",*f * wi.t!1i

;;il;; *
i:,:* iltr _l* *l'""J JffiHffi
snffi tr i' fr
.#il".ion or
t r+l ftE *"1 ":]:f:;''ffi,*ffi:Fli"iffi;;r'ot,oua'o*ilu"*n*n, invoiving
*-"riO" prograrnmes ol
the endre cost
tltl^ Sadak Yojna *g *T'Tl
5) and a'i

;?i# #;rffii"'l assist

*::ff iffiii*#;gffi******* disuicts $ralt supprort'
il-;d;iob*o#i*-p-oig*"ph'ttt"L*o er*o tocated io **rur

*"i]lo',o, be ins€rred,
in paragraph 3'
after sab-paragrap
tbe fo*owbs shau

ln the sid not!frcation'

narneiyr -.,.- ^" ., roving various
(B),, sha,,
ffi *.:##H:'Tif,#;{#ftFffiitrur ;n'*lm' r*#o o'
il; P*a""* is made
csnma$ors' arnend Buirding*y" ?Y: gg,#-f."''ili:T5;'1ffiffffi*:X:
is) "fhe Sute Authoritjes shall
) or rnore'J"*;;;;'r"requirernents
nseesssr.v *?J**i."
:XK,l- requiren or oro'd'ucts in all
r-+^a-rv of ash based brieks gr
" Hr 66i g
Act 2005 $dNRi *t
l-t91*#f$Jr"fll,x*# *ffim**+;;ft:*
;ff, 6 *J-': ifr ;IH*ff#?ffiJf*J z'"*
designatul indust-r '"'""*i'
l_j*ry il-brs 36;11
lRiIEIlIElfi : stTft{Rrl

{ll) The Ministry of Agriculr,vre mar consider

the promotior of a*, ulirisarion in agi*urrure
*s sr.rir

3*.lj* period 1o comdrfth tf,e auov,e provisions

2017:''TF€ cuat sr ug*relasea th.."*i";;*e1,nra.1ri
by aII concerned autborities is Deermber"
rn"I ."-av wilh rhe abor* prur.ision in
sdditiq i;utm g urittiation of fly ash
by them b*f;ti, Decrernber, ?0r?"

lF. No.9_8/3005_HSMDI
Note:- The pri*cipal notification was pubrished
in the Gazette of Irxjia ExFlnrdinary, part II. section
Sub.secrion {ii) vide notification S.O" fO:fgl, "1.
dared rbe !4"' Septemtre. 1999 snd was
amendEd w:rle nofification S.O. 979C8)" subsequenrly
ao,.a *," ZZd Augusi ?it03 arrd S.O" 3g04iE),
3d November,1009. dared rhe


Tr*aUy*" and pubtrishar

by the ca*rrroiler of purtfarions, oel',r-ir

Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana
puntic Health Engineering Department'

* All SuPerintending Engineers'

Public Health Engineering Circles'
ln Haryana.

All Executive Engineers,

Public Heaith Engineering Divisions
in Haryana.

Memo No. 36 7?/^1q-PHEDtUrban Dated: - t6 'oL|'fu I

in notification of fly ash vide dated 25'A1'201C bv
subject: Amendm,ent

Please refer to the subject noted above'

Please find enclcsed herewith a copy of letter No' HSPCB2A1'6178-88
control Board' Panchkula'
dated 04.04"2016 receivecj from Haryana state Pollution
seetor-6, Panchkula alongwith copy of notification for information and

necessary action.
DA/ As above

Executive (figineer (U),

-4for Engineer-in-Chief, ffrYena'
i te{i -
;i PHED, Panchkula

Endst, No.3 6 577 - 88o -PHEDIUrban Dated: iA,oQ,Ss /:/

A eoPY of the above is forwarded to All Ghief Engineers, Head

for information Please.

Executive,€ffir tul,
"f For Engineer-in-Chief , ff Vana
PHED, Panchkula'
V V{1,

rffi sig S" qfio-:ro_qar9i REGD. NO, D. L.43A04199.


WhE, {F,ngette of '3Jndic

lTtrr ll-qrg 3*Et{-lcug (ii)
PART ll--section 3-Sub-section (ii)

fft i*€eTi', € 29, ce-isl€€ 4, ii37

qsfEsJ, qq eirc qfurfq {.Trirq

q€ ftffi,' i 25
rT{, zol s

s-r.qr. 1396to1..-t*o t, fi.qr. Rrftq' 14 Rdq(, t ggg (Rfr q* qq+ qrqrf, qffi
srB'qEqT s-{r q?n t), qr.W 929(u) Trftq'27 srr€f,, 2oog *r mT.qL 2804(3T) il-ffq 3
qcl'fi, 2009 sl-(r
$ * ftfrqiry * mq uvQ'q"i fr m frfra 6rt sft{ +tqqr qr frr;nqa qIHTfti-*q1fr-q-
il.ffi q
t qd qt ffi*cr fi frAtrb qRB fr TEq nrrft h Gffi.T qk ftqt'T ffi
if wr€ tqr * sq*{r
qiT rsr+ tt h frq"fftqr urrft f+q t;

sTt(.s{f, dqfrem tsifBqEqr $. +r.qr. 804(BI) ilftq 3 ;pffi, 2009 dRI fffrq +iq* tqr h
*1 qRqra sq-*{r h q*q * qii'r fit* Rq Tiqq-ft'{r ftRffiri ft fr;
*{qqesprfl"t fr nr$q ft'{trd{fi anr * sRqrawrt tqT h wmir t qqq * ffft rpr frqr
qnr t #{ sTqs"ffi wr$ tqr ft q'nr ftim w cs t;
BTk T{ fi ?qr rpqr t ft ffirr qqfuf wrt tff aqr qqi€ $r ulmle riqrfr +r erqtft ffiur
qffiq-{rit fr !-fi-q ;r{i m< € t;
ei-c q q-{Ktr ftffi"Trln"ft t-r * !ffi't tpr *< wtr€ t$ BTIuIRR v:.rrfr h wFi{rr h frq 3TRftffi
sqrq +rt ft n-.mrq BTwq.r+.ffi t; :

fr{ qrrd trr+'rc h qqfa-{ur, qq eflT q,'6.qrg qffirr qflqq t qs gt mr rfteror ftqr t dr a-fiq'
ff{6'rc6r r€qiltfr m'uf,a-qq"'fl't *efreffifuqq{tft sTrEqu-ffir t;
eTti qqtq{sr qrkerq frw, rgae h ftqq 5 h wFqq (s) h ci€ (fi) it zr{ sqqff€ft Eqt4"
trcTR ffi s*q 61"q-aBqftqi qr ffi *{ fr rffiq qI y-qTrm qtt qt ffits qr fr4sr{slfHtfrd"
ryrm nfr*qq-q* frT{Ww*h srqtsnqmfiqqqi tsr-fr t;

2318 GV20ls ( r,f

| fir I plvr t
Fil"r(ul'(H-{sr$ qmrdqq, 1986 (1s86 fir
1es6 (1986 fi rr<r gs fi sqtrRr (1)'8fr(
ze) fr
nr 29-) (1) Bfr( wnt\ *
(zlT w11'1pEjTT"
,^, * ,,ll-,utjtT'
(s) drr rrRI b aRr ffin qrffi m aG,gq *
frqPdlec d{ t{fu{, ft6 o# oasq*
.'s(+ +'nmqq fr h*q*vrs'R T{f{-{rr_(qnrurln*q *.*ffi. @ HH ffi *
1sd;b'h frrr 5 (s) ; ft
gm FS:$RS .il."ffi
# dwq-{T e ff' Klo' h Rq_qiHRr FrR#h- ;,+# \
Hl t:Lt vi rc_nn.-nvw.'n-+ -n*., *ifi, ; A-ft' ;il6;
uw+r t5ujg{i*fr^ffi
+.1r< qlt
ff qqe 6 ffi'*!-#
ft {ffiq d
Bi{{r qrd sq ilrfrq * trfr ffi
gHrE, qR dt
ry TT
tRr r{r{or #,. -fr
eFe, qqtfiq', +q
Et ffi-110003 fr qr
ffiryg qft{f,T +iTffi{, qg$ ilq, y* Ri+.,

r!*0.ryptl@" rn *t an
* + i-+ur , i"r",hr@-r",*
qT6s ;fllqqt * #* + *. \
F w*r w gwr+, il vm ffi * Yi !
fi-d-( fr{ft *fr fr vrw f,t t, q< h.*e scsTi enr Rqrr ftqr qrqqr
5,m'd 1 r

r. rnrqlsp-{T+t<r I d- :

(+) sq t-a t 14 t "s| ftfr4q' {r-+ *' wr;r 'qiq d ftffiftg1,

q-< qrEe r+ *,i+;
, (q) w t<r ial il "1oo flfi.*" Bi* ${ ffsff *'ffirq T( ,,qiq . qr"E
{a .qr(frj
kr (5), + "fl} ft;pfrfi7q'{rd h rqm r{ ,'qtq d frftfrfr.r, qr"q (a qrq+;
(rr) sq
(q) w ttr g; i' "d ffiftgq' qr'd t F{Fi q{ ,,qiq Tfr mfTrt, fl6E
€ "ilrqtr
2. sfir qrhffiTr h t{T z +', sq t$ (,') b qqqrf,,
frrEftfue sq trr .fv: q.rfra ft',qi q1qqr, -rqf(,
"(B) erttr *{rqr qr ffi'qrsa qiErka
1rfft-ft"gil tqa (tfr'q Wo' t wft w5* il{q frftffiq ft
Er() 3Tq* qT€"sKT-"q *d t*t h r(t'{ -+';
" q{qir r+6' q-q-{r} fr m-q' fr qs"{R "f.
etrfi a"flt - *"-*m" nt,-n qlT ***
# **q t* * rd. **
* u* * R-ft H .H, *;; .

(9) +{ff qi Rrq,t{ BTrfiftd d.a* Rgil {Tr t l.oo ft.ft ft qR& fr, vEtr efu
rso fri{tur
qftqt"q-{Ntr h ftq wrt qqr qfr-{F
* ff rflrm q* -}*r q1furqe -t"'R" nq* # aro
: q-d'{ fr qKr{ft *s loo ffi qftft,h arfl ffin 500 ft.* ne
v'.rq rnEn ffiq q+ff.
tsil{ *qqr qrfurr€ qrrnfta r,L4qiiq" q*TrffisqftEt* "Rw
* wqrftr
(10) ntqdr ql ftn*r{c qraTRf,'ilrfu ffii rr{r qiq qt qRft ii, ysnr{i*
trfi-.T *.* **n
qk v{sn h qrR gwr ed+'rfr',
Eqq1,* qsfr, qiEn *q irsdfi h fr:qi.r frgj6u:i,";'A
q*-il-ft vr tfr qFs ftqfq- qffi
h eq-e m mn{ $
h rft-E-'ff wrr qrrm a-g fi

3. s-r* qfD{qqr * tff r h sq t-<r tA h qeq.rfr, ftqfrfua w q<r tsit.srfrd ft.qr qrq?iT, eTEIq :-
"G) frft-.T ftqfrr
W BiTrrrfut ergfrfdil $rt Er+ qff <rsq {rBtw,ft * *E qtnqerR".q €Fn ft +
qqr{ tqT qr wit *q,t h Eqhr E ilffiq frg_ tr_qJ'.fl" d_t" eq* qr}+Elff +
qeq qqfrr *tt q-.q *igT fun w*
ffi +tr

[d. e- B/2oos-qqqq-qq-S]

Rqr{reT,frEr", rigFvR{
itn rI-so-s qKil q'ITlqql

frrqsr : !F'qf*qqel rrrtr h {rElTT, ennqr<or; qr{r r, Eie 3 sqds (ii) if qfr{qqT*. +T.qTr. z6g(sr)
*Sr 14 fuiqr, 1999 trRr FdTRrd' ft G eft Btri rfl'C' qeqril{ff deilff{ qfd{qqr
{'.hr.qr. 979(q) nr{re ZZ srrrRf, 2003 fr EfiT.Grr. 2804(3r) Trfiq 3 q-dq(, 2009 Er(r firq qs Er


New Delhi, the 25ttr March,2015
S.O. 1396(E).-whereas by notifica[ion nurnber S.O. 763(E) dated the 14ft Septemiei 1999
(hereinafter refened to as the said notification) notifications S.O. 979(E) dated the 27th August, 2003 and S.O.
2S04 (E) dated the 3'd Novembern 2009, the Cenfral Government issued' directions for rest'icting the
excavation of top soil for rnanufacfure of bricks and promoting utilisation of fly ash iri the manufaoture of
building materiais and in construction aotivities with a specified radius of one hundred kilometers from coal
qr lignite based thermal powei pia-nts; .

, the said amendment notification nrunber S.O.S04(E) datef-r trhe 3'd November,
A,.'rd whercas, vide
2009, timeline to achieve 'rhe target of huudred per cent utilisation of fiy ash by ther:nal pcv/er piants was

And-whereas. it is that the thenna! pov/er plants tc achieve the tatg,c.t +f hu:tdied per
cent utilisatibn of fly ash arid iho'.rnutilised fly ash quantum is continuousty increasing;

And whereas, it is observed fiat *Jre construction agencies are not using fly ash and fly ash based
products in their construction projects;'

And whereas, it is felt that ihere is an urgent need to provide additional measures for utilization of fly
ash and fly ash based products in the country;v;
And .whereas, the issue has been examined by the Government o{ lnCia in the'Ir{inisty cf
Environment antl Forests and the Cenfal GovemrnerJ is of the opinion that the said rrotification needs to be

And whereas, clause (a) of sub'rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Proteciion) Rules, 1986
provides that whenever the Central Government considprs it bxpediont to impose prohibition or reshictions
on the locations of any industy oi the carrying on of processes or operations in any area, it may give notice
of its intention to do so;
Norv, therefore, in exeroise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and ciause (v) of sub-section
(2) of the section 3; and section 5 of the Environmont (Protection)Act, t9S6 89 cf 1986), the following
further amesdments, whieh the Cental Government proposes to make in the saici notification is hereby
ti published as required by clause (a) of sub-rule(3) o{rull 5-of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 for
il the information of the public likeiy to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft
amendment notifieation will be taken ihto eonsideratibn on or drfter the expiry of thp period of sixty days
from the date on whieh copies of the Offrcial Gazette, in which this notifieation is pubiished, are made

available to the publie ;

Objections or suggestions, if any, may be addressed to the Seuetary, Ministry oi Environmint, Forest
rl and Climate Change, 4u'Levei, Prithvi Block, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jorbaglr Road, New Delhi-l10003,
, 'j;
or electronically at e-mail address:,, Tho objection or suggestion,
4l which may be received from any person with respeet to the said draft amendments rvit-hin the period specifiod
'.t above, will be taken into consideration by tho eenffal Governmetrt

1, in the said notifioation, in paragraph l,-'
(a) in sub-paragraph 1(A), for the words 'ohundred kilometers", the words "five hundred
kilometers" shail be substituted: :


ll it

t fr I

. (b) in sub-paragraph (3), for the figures and letters "100 km.' the words and letters "fin
hundred kilometers" shall be substituted; !'

,. . . (c). in sub-paragraph (5), for th'e words "hundred Kilqilieters", the words "five hundred
Kilometers" shall be substituted. l

(d) in sub-paragraph (7), for the words q'hundred

Kilometers", the words "five hundred .

Kilometers" shall be substituted.

2. In .the said notification, in parag raphl,after the sub-paragraph (?) the following sub-paragraphs
shall be inserted, namely:-
. "(8) Every coal or lignite based 'thermal power plants shall, (A suitable date prospective to .

final notificatibn is io be specified) upload tlte siock of each type of fly ash availa'uie wi'rh them
' on their website and, thereafter shall update the stock position for each type of fly ash at least
once in evdry forhrigl'rt.

(9) A radius of hundred Kiiometers from a coal or lignite based thermal power piant, tho
aost of transpcrtation of fly ash for building and road construction projec.ts shatl be bcrne by
such coal or ligrrite based thelmai power pla.nt and the cost of transpol'tJtio4beyoad. a radius cf
hmd^-cd Kiloftotsrs aiiti ii1;to fivc ilruiiired kiiomerers shaii be shared equaii; betseen the usei
eonstruetion agency engaged and the soal or lignite based fhe:mal powerpiant.

(10) The coal or lignite baseti thermal power plants within a radius of five hunCreC kilometers
shall bear the entire cost of transportation of fly ash to the site of road construction projects
under Pradhan Mantri Ora-min Sadak Yojna and asset creation programmes of the Gbvemment
involving construciion of buildingso roadn dams.and embankments".

shall be inserted, namely:-

rtrry:_ i

"(8) It shall be the responsibility of all State Authorities approving various construction
projecjs to ensure that Nlemorandum of Understanding or any other arrangement for using fly '

ash 9i fly ash based products is made between the thermal powei plants ind the construJtion
agency or conhactors," p

[Na. 9-8/200s-HSbdD]'
BISHWAT\A^TH SIj{i{A, Jt Secy.

Note I The principal notification was published in the Gazeffe of India, Extra ordinary, Palt II, section 3,
sub-seetion (ii) vide nofrftcation number S"0" 763 (E), dated the, l4!h September, 1999 and was
subsequEntly amended vide notification numbers S.O. 979(E), dated the 27s August, 2003 and ,

S.O" 2804 (E), dated the 3'dNovember,2009.

Prinled by the Manager, Oovernment of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-l10064
and Published by the Controlter of Publications, Delhi-110054.

,tt-L2 /
Subjeci: Amendment in notification of fly ash vidb dated 25.01.2016 by
Ministry of Envilonment, Forest & Glimate Change'

Vide PUC, Member Secretary, HSPCB Panchkula vide letter dated

A4.A4.2016 has sent a copy of amendment in notification of fly ash vide dated
2b.01.2A16 by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change for information

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