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In order to determine where you should invest your efforts, you compare your

Active High/MidTier customers to your Active Risk of Churn customers in the

Compare Groups section of the Customer Explorer. What can you learn from
the results below? (select all that apply)

Review Later
Customers acquired via Facebook Ads represent a higher percentage of
the Active Risk of Churn target group than of the Active High/MidTier target
The Max Future Value of customers in the Active Risk of Churn target
group is lower than that of customers in the Active High/MidTier target group.
Migrating customers from the Active Risk of Churn target group to the
Active High/MidTier target group will result in an average increase in future
value of $306.
The Active Risk of Churn target group is considerably larger than the
Active High/MidTier target group.
According to the results shown in this Inter-Stage Migrations report, what
percentage of the customers in the Active stage churned during the analyzed

Review Later

The Inter-Stage Migration report: (select all that apply) 

Review Later
Presents insight into Optimove’s four predictive metrics.
Allows you to evaluate your marketing performance according to your
customer coverage rate.
Presents the average percentage of customers who moved from one
lifecycle stage to another during a specific period.
Presents the average revenue per customer generated from each lifecycle
stage migration during a specific period.

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the results shown in
this Campaign Summary report?
Review Later
The campaign had no statistically credible impact, neither on the test
group’s response rate nor on the average of the selected KPI.
The campaign had a statistically credible impact on the average of the
selected KPI generated from customers in the test group.
The campaign had a statistically credible impact on the response rate of
customers in the test group.
The campaign had a statistically credible impact on both the test group’s
response rate and average of the selected KPI.

If you were to apply the filters seen in the image below, which campaigns
would you see on the Marketing Plan page?
Review Later
Only campaigns that have been completed and that targeted customers in
the Active lifecycle stage.
Only campaigns that are scheduled and that will target customers in the
Active lifecycle stage.
All campaigns targeting customers in the Active lifecycle stage.
All campaigns that have been completed.

Which Optimove reports are updated daily? (select all that apply) 

Review Later
Funnel Explorer
Customer Model
Inter-Stage Migration
Customer 360

How can you analyze the effectiveness of a campaign via three different
Review Later
You can only analyze a campaign using a maximum of two KPIs (default
plus one more).
Select the option to analyze the campaign with all available campaign KPIs
at the top of the Campaign Analysis page (one KPI at a time).
There’s no way to do this after the campaign has run because you have to
choose the KPI which will measure the campaign’s performance when you
first create the campaign. So, to use three different KPIs, you must create
three different campaigns.
Ask your CSM to enable multiple KPIs for the campaign.

The Longevity filter in the Segmentation Explorer allows you

to: (select all that apply)
Review Later
Filter the segments you are exploring to include or exclude customers
based on the time since they churned.
Filter only today’s targeted segments to include or exclude customers
based on the time since they first entered your database or their first
Filter the segments you are exploring to include or exclude customers
based on the time since they first registered.
Filter the segments you are exploring to include or exclude customers
based on the time since their first order/deposit.

You sent a “Sale – three days only” campaign to previously top-tier customers
who have churned, but who have been active on your website within the past
60 days, as shown here:

On the last day of the sale, you want to send a reminder campaign to all
customers who received the initial campaign but have not made any payment
since then. What would the target group criteria include?

Review Later
Churn lifecycle stage, Low Tier Customers and Activity History (number of
payments equals zero in the past two days)
Churn lifecycle stage, Low Tier Customers and Campaign History (those
customers targeted by “Online Active - Top Tier Churned” exactly two days
Campaign History (those customers targeted by “Online Active - Top Tier
Churned” exactly two days ago) and Activity History (number of payments
equals zero in the past two days)
Churn lifecycle stage, Top Tier Customers and Activity History (number of
payments equals zero in the past two days)

In how many lifecycle stages can a customer be during any given day?
Review Later
Up to 10

If one of your customers has a Total Payment Value of 520, will she
necessarily be included in this target group?
Review Later
No, because the setup doesn’t make sense: the criterion is redundant
since it is a subset of the criterion.
No, because her Favorite Day of Week might not be Monday.
Yes, because the selection criteria use a complex selection expression and
she meets the first selected criteria.
Yes, because her Total Order Value is greater than 500.

In the self-optimization process presented below, what do the colored squares

Review Later
The current action mix for a given customer cluster.
The different customer clusters receiving a given treatment.
Customer clusters where a leading action has been identified.
Customer clusters where a leading action has not been identified

On Monday, you sent a limited time offer campaign to the entire customer database, with a
seven-day duration. You want to schedule a separate campaign targeting customers who
celebrate their birthday for the next day, Tuesday.

You can ensure that the customers with a birthday on Tuesday, who also received the limited
time offer on Monday, will receive the second campaign by:
Review Later
Selecting the “Included in this campaign” option when scheduling the Birthday campaign.
Prioritizing the Birthday target group to be the highest priority.
There’s no need to do anything – the customers with a birthday will receive both campaigns.
Selecting the “Included in this campaign” option when scheduling the limited time offer

When Optimove does not have enough information to determine the ideal control group size
when using the Ideal Control Group Size feature for a daily recurring test/control campaign,
which of the following statements is correct?
Review Later
The default control group percentage will be used to allocate customers in the target group to
the control group.
Optimove will allocate a random percentage of customers in the target group to the control
The campaign will not run.
You will be asked to manually allocate a percentage of customers in the target group to the
control group.

How can you tell that all the data in your Optimove instance is up to date?
Review Later
There are three yellow checkmarks shown when clicking on the menu icon
in the upper-right corner of any page.
There is a green checkmark next to only “Data Updated” when clicking on
the menu icon in the upper-right corner of any page and the snapshot date in
the customer model shows yesterday’s date.
There are three green checkmarks shown when clicking on the menu icon
in the upper-right corner of any page and the snapshot date in the customer
model shows yesterday’s date.
The snapshot date in the customer model shows today’s date.

A campaign intended to increase customers’ payment amounts is set to use

the Ideal Control Group Size feature. After the first set of runs, customer
payment amounts for the test group are increasing. As a result, how will
Optimove change the percentage of customers allocated to the test and
control group? 
Review Later
The percentage of customers allocated to the test group will decrease,
while the percentage of customers allocated to the control group will increase.
The percentage of customers allocated to the test group will increase,
while the percentage of customers allocated to the control group will
The percentage of customers allocated to the test and control groups will
remain the same.
The percentage of customers allocated to the test group will increase,
while the percentage of customers allocated to the control group will
decrease, as long as the results are statistically credible.

The month of January is shown in the Marketing Plan Explorer page and a
coverage rate of 85.7% is shown for the Active lifecycle stage. What does this
Review Later
85.7% of customers were in the Active lifecycle stage during the month of
85.7% of the customers who were in the Active lifecycle stage at the end of
January responded to at least one campaign during the month of January.
85.7% of the customers who were in the Active lifecycle stage at the end of
January received at least one campaign during the month of January.
85.7% of the campaigns sent during the month of January were sent to
customers in the Active lifecycle stage.

Your manager has asked you to report on whether your Active lifecycle stage
customers increased or decreased in number and total spend, YOY. Where in
Optimove would you be able to find this information? (select all that apply)
Review Later
The Funnel Explorer: Assess Customer Value
The Segmentation Explorer: Average Attribute Value Trend
The Customer Explorer: Compare Customer Groups
The Dashboard: Model-based KPIs

You’re exploring your Active Mid Tier Risk of Churn customers. According to
the data shown in this Customer Explorer report, which of the following
statements is correct with regards to this group?

Review Later
Half of these customers have a probability greater than or equal to 73% to
Fewer than 10% of these customers are from LatAm.
Some of these customers have a probability greater than 83% to churn.
Half of these customers have a future value greater than or equal to $91.

In which of the following Optimove pages can you specify the campaign
duration? (select all that apply) 
Review Later
Manage Actions
Journey Builder
Marketing Plan
Run Campaign Wizard
How is the “Increase in” metric calculated?
Review Later
The sum of all revenues generated by a campaign’s target group minus the
sum of all revenues that would have been expected had the campaign not
been sent, and all customers behaved like the campaign’s control group.
The sum of all revenues attributed to a campaign’s test group customers.
The sum of all revenues generated by test group customers minus the sum
of all revenues generated by control group customers.
The sum of all revenues attributed to a campaign’s test and control groups.

A customer meets the criteria of all the target groups shown in this marketing
plan snippet. Assuming that the “Excluded from this campaign” option is only
selected for campaigns targeting Active Top Tier Cross-sell customers. Which
of the following scheduled campaigns will the customer
receive? (select all that apply)

Review Later
The campaign targeting All Active Weekly Promo.
The campaign targeting Active Birthday Treat.
The campaign targeting Active Top Tier Cross-sell.
The campaign targeting Active Top Tier VIP.

You would like to execute a campaign with a duration of seven days. To send out a reminder of
the initial campaign on the third day, you should:
Review Later
Copy the original target group and create a separate campaign prioritizing the campaign over
the original, and select the “Excluded from this campaign” option.
Create a new target group based on the campaign history criteria of “customers who were
targeted while in the original target group exactly three days ago” and select the “Included in this
campaign” option.
Copy the original target group and create a separate campaign prioritizing the campaign over
the original, and select the “Included in this campaign” option.
Create a new target group based on the campaign history criteria of “customers who were
targeted while in the original target group exactly three days ago” and select the “Excluded from
this campaign” option.

Which of the following is the correct way to select all customers in the US who are either Active
customers or members of your VIP Program?

Review Later
Complex selection: (1 or 3) and 2
Leave the Complex Selection checkbox unchecked
Complex selection: 1 or (2 and 3)
Complex selection: 1 or 2 or 3

How can you prevent customers from receiving any campaign?

Review Later
By using the appropriate complex selection criteria while building target
By removing the customers from the daily data provided to Optimove
By selecting the “Excluded from this campaign” option when scheduling the
By adding the customers to the Always Exclude group

What is the predictive reactivation rate in Optimove?

Review Later
The probability that a customer will move from an Active micro-segment to
a Churn micro-segment
The probability that a customer will move from a Registered-Only micro-
segment to a New micro-segment
The probability that a customer will get into a Registered-Only micro-
The probability that a customer will move from a Churn micro-segment to
an Active or Reactivated micro-segment

Is it possible to use the same target group for several campaigns?

Review Later
Yes, but for no more than two campaigns per week.
Yes, but with a limited number of customers per campaign, based on your instance’s “Max
Customers per target group” setting.
Yes, as long as the campaigns don't have overlapping days.
No, a target group can only be used for a single campaign.

You executed a campaign with a four-day duration, but want to analyze its
performance over a period of a full week. During the last three days of this
week, the uplift figure changed. What could possibly cause
this? (select all that apply) 
Review Later
Activity by customers in the test group as a result of the campaign during
these last three days
Activity by customers in the control group as a result of the campaign
during these last three days
Activity by customers who were added to the campaign during these last
three days
Activity by customers in the campaign’s test or control groups as a result of
other campaigns targeting them during these last three days

Assuming that your target group prioritization list includes a combination of manual priority and
auto priority target groups, such as the one presented in the following screenshot. To which
target groups will Optimove assign users first?
Review Later
As part of the daily run, Optimove will decide if auto priority groups should be prioritized
over manual priority groups
Optimove will always assign customers to manual priority target groups first, and only then
to auto priority target groups.
Optimove will always assign customers to auto priority groups first, and only then to manual
priority ones.
Optimove will assign customers according to the order of the groups in the list.

You are trying to identify the highest converting acquisition source by UTM source for the past
month. Based on the data shown in this Funnel Explorer report, which source would that be?

Review Later

In which Optimove page can you see all the campaigns sent to a particular
Review Later
Marketing Plan
Customer 360
Customer Explorer
Campaign duration is: (select all that apply) 
Review Later
The number of days a campaign is in effect
The period during which Optimove measures the results of a campaign
Assuming you select the “Included in this campaign” option, the period
during which Optimove prevents customers from receiving other campaigns
Assuming you select the “Excluded from this campaign” option, the period
during which Optimove prevents customers from receiving other campaigns

The main purpose of the Funnel Explorer is to:

Review Later
Create customer journeys for personalized campaigns.
Analyze the effectiveness of a specific CRM funnel (customer journey).
Analyze and understand the performance of your overall retention efforts.
Analyze and understand the performance of any phase of your conversion funnel.

You executed a recurring A/B test campaign to your “New, High Spend, Low
Promotions” target group. When you visit the Optibot feed, you see the “Drop
the Losing Action” card suggested for this campaign. What will happen if you
accept this recommendation?

Review Later
The campaign will stop running.
The campaign will turn into a test/control campaign and will only run the
winning action.
The campaign will turn into a Self-Optimizing Campaign.
The campaign will gradually increase the percentage of recipients receiving
the winning action.

A campaign will receive the status of “No Customers” when: (select all that


Review Later
No customers meet the target group’s selection criteria on the day the
campaign is scheduled to run.
All customers in the campaign’s target group have already received this
campaign recently.
All customers in the campaign are included in one or more running
campaigns still within their duration period, and the “Excluded from this
campaign” option is selected.
All customers in the campaign are included in one or more higher-priority
target groups for which campaigns are scheduled on the same day, and the
“Excluded from this campaign” option is selected.

What does it mean if a campaign’s “Increase in” result appears in red?

Review Later
The campaign generated a decrease in the selected KPI.
The campaign generated a statistically credible increase in the selected KPI.
The campaign generated a statistically credible decrease in the selected KPI.
The campaign generated an increase in the selected KPI.

You have implemented an automatic marketing funnel for all the customers in
the New lifecycle stage, based on their “days since first transaction”. There is
a big event coming up and you want all the communications related to this
event to be prioritized above all other campaigns. To achieve this, you should:
Review Later
Create the target group that should receive the event-related campaign, set
it at a higher priority than all other target groups and schedule the event-
related campaign.
Delete all the automatic campaigns from the marketing plan and schedule
the event-related campaign instead, for each of the existing target groups.
Schedule the event-related campaign and set the duration of the campaign
to be longer than the rest of the campaigns already scheduled in the
marketing plan.
Optimove does not support this scenario.

Churn factor is:

Review Later
The predicted probability that an individual customer will churn, based on the future value
prediction for all customers in the same micro-segment
The same as churn rate
The probability that an individual customer will churn, based on that customer’s individual
activity recency and frequency
The predicted probability that customers in a particular micro-segment will churn, based on
that micro-segment's customers’ average activity recency and frequency

In order to find out if any customers were excluded from an executed

campaign, you should:
Review Later
Contact your CSM with this query.
Go to the Marketing Plan page, hover over the campaign and click Details.
Go to the Manage Target Groups page and click Show Group Size for the
relevant target group.
Go to the Marketing Plan page, hover over the campaign and click

You want to send out an important announcement to the entire customer database at 8:00 am
tomorrow, in addition to all other ongoing campaigns in your marketing plan, but Optimove’s
daily update won’t begin until 9:00 am. How can you ensure that the campaign is sent on time to
all customers?
Review Later
Set the campaign’s start date for today. Set a lead time of one day. Select the “Included in
this campaign” option.
Set the campaign’s start date for today. Set a lead time of one day. Select the “Excluded from
this campaign” option.
Set the campaign’s start date for tomorrow. Set a lead time of one day. Select the “Excluded
from this campaign” option.
Set the campaign’s start date for tomorrow. Set a lead time of one day. Select the “Included
in this campaign” option.

Which predictive metrics does Optimove provide?

Review Later
Churn rates, conversion rates, response rates and future values
Churn rates, retention rates, reactivation rates and future values
Churn rates, conversion rates, reactivation rates and future values
Churn rates, retention rates, reactivation rates and lifetime values

Which of the following are true with regards to this snippet from an LTV by
Group report? (select all that apply)

Review Later
The report shows all acquisition sources that acquired a minimum of 30
customers over the past seven days.
The report shows all acquisition sources for the past seven days.
Customers acquired over the past seven days through affiliates have a
higher predicted average Future Value than those acquired through Google
Customers acquired during the past seven days through the SEO Direct
channel have the highest average customer lifetime value of all the acquisition

You have decided to create your first Newsletter program, so you decide to first create an action
called, “Newsletter”. Where can you create this new action?
Review Later
In the Manage Actions page
In the Run Campaign wizard
In the Journey Builder page
In the Marketing Calendar page

What does the “Increase in” metric represent?

Review Later
It is an indication of the total ROI (or any other selected KPI) generated by
a campaign’s test and control groups.
It is an indication of the additional revenue (or any other selected KPI) that
was generated as a result of a campaign.
It is an indication of the additional response rate generated as a result of a
It is an indication of the total revenue (or any other selected KPI) generated
by a campaign.

Which of the following can Optimove’s Streams feature help you

optimize? (select all that apply)
Review Later
The migration rate between two lifecycle stages.
A KPI for a specific target group.
The click rates and open rates of emails sent to two different target groups
The customer coverage rate.

In your Marketing Plan, there are currently three recurring campaigns for three target groups as
seen in the screenshot below. Based on the target groups’ criteria, customers may fall into more
than one target group on any given day. You would like to:

1. Make sure that customers who fall in the Active Birthday Treat target group always receive
the campaign for that target group.

2. Let Optimove autonomously decide which of the remaining two campaigns to send to each

3. Make sure that no customer receives more than one campaign.

What would be the ideal way of prioritizing these target groups in order to achieve the mentioned
above? (Select all that apply)

Review Later
Select the “Excluded from this campaign” option for the Active Top Tier VIP and Active
Top Tier Cross-sell campaigns.
Manually prioritize the Active Birthday Treat target group and place it as #1 in the priority
Set all three target groups as auto priority.
Set the Active Top Tier VIP and Active Top Tier Cross-sell target groups to auto priority.

Which customers will be included in a target group using only the selection
criteria shown below?
Review Later
Customers who made a purchase of $40 or less, exactly 3 days ago.
Customers who made a $40 purchase, exactly 3 days ago.
Customers who made a purchase of $40 or more, more than 3 days ago.
Customers who made a purchase for a total amount greater than $40,
exactly 3 days ago.

The Single Customer View (also known as a 360-degree customer view)

is: (select all that apply)
Review Later
A flattened, aggregated, continuously up-to-date table of each segment in
the Optimove Model
A table containing all relevant customer data points, such as historical
activity data, original acquisition channel, demographic data, and all other
available data points
A table containing demographics and preferences defined by the customer
A flattened, aggregated, continuously updated table of each customer in
the database
What can we learn from this Stream Analysis? (select all that apply)

Review Later
Stream A generated a statistically credible increase in the number of purchases.
Stream A wins because the difference in Avg. Net Revenue resulting from each stream is
statistically credible and Stream A generated a higher Avg. Net Revenue.
There’s no statistically credible improvement in the percentage of customers who made an
There are statistically credible results for both percentage of customers who made an order
and Avg. Net Revenue.

Optimove’s future value predictions are based on:

Review Later
The average of actual revenue generated by similar targeted customers
Micro-segment to micro-segment migration probability and the value
represented by each migration
A regression model of the actual revenue that was generated by a
The predicted average revenue of similar targeted customers

The following are insights that Optibot can provide: (select all that apply) 

Review Later
A percentage of your customers are about to churn.
Drop the losing action in an A/B test.
Focus the target group of a campaign when a small percentage of the
group generates most of the uplift.
Stop campaigns for which effective responses have not been generated
across key KPIs for long periods of time.

Self-Optimizing Campaigns can optimize results against how many KPIs?

Review Later
Only one
Up to ten
One or two

Why might an Optimove campaign not generate statistically credible

results? (select all that apply) 
Review Later
The target group size was not large enough.
The measured campaign uplift was negative.
There were too few responders.
The response rates of the test and control groups were too similar.

While analyzing the performance of your Active lifecycle stage customers, you notice a decrease
in the number of customers who recently purchased/deposited, but an increase in expected future
net revenue. What could be an explanation for this? (select all that apply) 
Review Later
Each of the remaining Active customers, on average, is making more purchases/deposits than
The remaining Active customers, on average, are spending more per purchase/deposit than
Your business is currently in the midst of an expected seasonal decrease, which is expected
to increase in the future.
The remaining Active customers are spending less per purchase/deposit than before.
Which of the following can help you maximize the personalization level of your
marketing efforts? (select all that apply) 
Review Later
The Target Group Size Distribution section of the Marketing Plan Explorer,
reflecting the number of different target groups you are targeting and the
granularity of each
An Optibot card, indicating that a significant portion of your target group is
being locked by a larger, higher-priority group
An Optibot card, suggesting splitting a running campaign and sending a
more suitable offer to customers who did not respond well to it
The Increase per Customer section of the Best Action for Target Group

This chart helps you to:

Review Later
Determine the contribution of each group to the total predicted future value
of your customer database.
Determine if your overall live customer pool has increased or decreased
over a given time period.
Determine if your overall new customer pool has increased or decreased
over a given time period.
Determine if your overall reactivated customer pool has increased or
decreased over a given time period.
As part of your marketing plan optimization efforts, you want to know if you are communicating
with the majority of your “live” customer base (customers who have made at least one monetary
transaction since registering and have not churned). Where in Optimove can you get information
about this? (select all that apply)
Review Later
The Coverage Rate Trend chart in the Marketing Plan Explorer, indicating the percentage of
customers who were targeted with any campaign during the selected analysis time period
An Optibot card, indicating that a significant portion of your customer base is being
overlooked by not being targeted with any campaign at all
An Optibot card, indicating that a significant portion of your target group is being locked by
a larger, higher-priority group
The Live Customers Trend chart in the Dashboard, indicating whether your pool of live
customers is growing or shrinking

What does “potential increase” mean in Optibot cards?

Review Later
The predicted monetary increase that the recommended action will
provide, based on an analysis of campaign performance.
The potential increase in customers if the recommended change is applied.
The potential increase in a campaign’s engagement.
The predicted increase in customers who will get a specific action.
In how many target groups can a customer appear on any given day,
regardless of what campaigns are scheduled for that day?
Review Later
Up to 10

According to the details below, what criterion could you add to cut the size of the group size by
about half?

Review Later
Future Value is greater than $653.
Future Value equals $653.
Future Value equals $569.
Future Value is less than $569.

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