FH Start Up Course Guide-1

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System Guide

by Marisa Russo

Session 1
NOTE: The following course uses only stages 1,2 and 6 of the
full, 6 stage protocol. The stages 1,2 and 6 in the Start Up
course contain only some of the steps of each of the stages.
The full steps for each stage are contained in the full protocol.
The most advanced protocol is learned in the 5th module of the
Forensic Healing System called ‘Spirit’. The full course contains
over 90 healing pathways and many other steps, healing words
of power and scan lists that advance your healing session.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com

Forensic HealingTM System

The Forensic Healing System will activate the most powerful healer in YOU


Marisa Russo: www.marisarusso.com

USA: 1-800-896-9136
AUSTRALIA: 1300 661 350
UNITED KINGDOM: 0-808-134-9918

All contents copyright © 2012 by 111 Matrix Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. (Licensed to Forensic
Healing Pty Ltd. ) No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher has used its best efforts in preparing
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Disclaimer: Forensic Healing does not promote the functions of medical diagnosis or prescribing
medication. You must be a legally qualified physician in your country and trained to perform these
tasks. If a client is requesting a medical diagnosis or medication, ask your client to seek the advice
of their healthcare professional.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com

Table of Contents
Marisa’s Journey  ������������������������������������������������������������������������
1....  Welcome  ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Introduction  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Forensic Healing Defined  ����������������������������������������������������������� 3
Key Introductory Terms  ������������������������������������������������������������� 5
About Healing  ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
What Is Energy Healing  ������������������������������������������������������������� 6
Universal Healing Energy  ����������������������������������������������������������� 7
The Aura  �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Chakras  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
Thought And Emotion  �������������������������������������������������������������� 12
Our Holographic Universe  ��������������������������������������������������������� 13
Forensic Healer Tenets  ������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Intention  ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17
Intuition  ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Treating Clients  ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Bio Feedback  ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Self Testing Techniques  ������������������������������������������������������������ 20
Technique 1: Body Movement  ���������������������������������������������������� 20
Technique 2: Finger Pads  ���������������������������������������������������������� 21
Technique 3: Finger Chain  ��������������������������������������������������������� 21
Technique 4: Muscle Testing – Locked To Unlocked  �������������������������� 21
2....   Profiling  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
1.1 The Interview   ������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
1.2 Opening The Case   �������������������������������������������������������������� 25
1.3 Negative Life Patterns (NLP)  ������������������������������������������������� 26
2.1 Identify Profile Age (ID Age)  ������������������������������������������������� 29
2.2 Pathway  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
3....   Healing Protocol  ������������������������������������������������������������� 31
6.1 Healing Corrections  ������������������������������������������������������������ 31
6.1a Chakra Healing  ����������������������������������������������������������������� 31
6.1b Hands On Healing  ������������������������������������������������������������� 31
6.1c Age Release Healing  ���������������������������������������������������������� 32
6.2 More Assistance  ����������������������������������������������������������������� 32
6.3 Closing The Case  ���������������������������������������������������������������� 33
Finishing A Healing Session  ������������������������������������������������������� 34
4....   Where to from here  ��������������������������������������������������������� 36

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com

Marisa’s Journey
Marisa’s Story
My life began with physical and emotional pain, including all forms of abuse in my
childhood. This pain radiated through every part of my cells. I grew up hating my
father for beating me with the thick green army belt that hung on the back of the
kitchen door.
Every swipe of the belt stung my tiny, innocent body that still bears the
scars today. I felt shame from the sexual abuse he inflicted on me to satisfy
his unrelenting need to dominate.
I disconnected from my body to survive the horrors of my life. I grew up
wishing I could dig a hole and die and put an end to the misery that lay deep
within me.
In my 20’s, I endured three whiplash injuries and suffered chronic pain. I
had developed self-destructive and addictive behaviours which added to
the ever-increasing chronic pain. I would spend most of my day counting
down the minutes to my next therapy treatment to get some relief. I would
try to stretch out my treatments (chiropractic, osteopathic, naturopathic,
massage, etc.) according to my budget at the time. My treatments were
often 2-3 times a week.

The turning point

Some years after, I was attending an Anthony Robbins seminar in Brisbane,
Australia. I was experiencing acute pain. Someone suggested I visit his
kinesiologist who was ‘weird and different’. It was music to my ears! I
thought it sounded great, as the ‘norm’ just wasn’t working for me. After
the first treatment, I felt the energy start to reconnect parts of me that
had been blocked for years. I knew I had begun to find answers to decades
of struggle. This led me on a healing journey for many years, researching,
releasing, and detoxing. I cleared karma and past life baggage which was
weird at first. I had been exposed to philosophies that didn’t support
reincarnation. Past life releasing changed my life dramatically. During the
years of research, studies and treatments, I was fortunate to meet and be
mentored by some of the best practitioners and healers in the world. They
have helped me experience life-changing shifts.

The time I began to feel energy

Along the way I received a powerful inner child treatment which changed
my healing forever. Following the healing, I sensed energy continually
flowing through my body. My body physically responded to energy, even
people’s thoughts. Over time, I have attuned this energy. With years of
experience working with energy, a gift has developed to assist me to ‘read’
a client’s body (energy field) with great accuracy and direct healing to the
areas needed.
In the beginning, my only intention was to study and research alternative
therapies until I completely healed myself. I spent thousands of dollars
trying to get well and find the answers. I never had the intention or self
worth to become a great healer or teach healing as a career. I was too
focussed on coping with everyday life and trying to survive.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com

During this time I had begun my own healing practice, treating clients on a
regular basis. This is when I discovered healing secrets that would achieve
spontaneous healing in people. People then began seeking me out to do
my courses as I toured around the world demonstrating and teaching these
unique methods.

The creation of Forensic Healing

In this period, I created the Forensic Healing System which gives therapists a
structure to work with and learn the techniques which often produced these
miraculous results that I had been achieving on my travels. There have been
so many great experiences of people standing up straight after being bent
over for years. There were some healings of people not needing to use their
walking sticks, a lady that no longer needed to use her wheel chair, cancer
and tumours disappearing, decades of pain being removed, significant
weight loss and relationships repaired after their healings that often took
only minutes. To this day I am still excited, nervous and astounded by the
results. As I look back, I can see the universe orchestrating this path that
has lead me to be a pioneer in my field of work and offer these methods to
those who seek a similar path or are searching for solutions to their own life

Your message today

I feel that 2012 and 2013 is a time to elevate our energies, work more
harmoniously and heal each other so we can heal the planet and change
the karma. The planet has gone through massive changes and has been
shaken up through the environmental events and disasters. It has felt like
being in a washing machine, tumbled around, rinsed and spun dry. There
has also been radical shifts in the way we interact with one another. We
have experienced the collapse of corrupt financial systems and exposure of
those who lack integrity in their dealings with others and the planet. There
is an obvious awakening that we need to release the old programming and
manipulations and live in our integrity and become our full potential. Most
of us are becoming aware that we are the creator of our lives through the
emotions and vibrations we emit. It is also evident that universal laws are
more powerful than ever - what you send out, will come back to you.
The concept, that we are creators, gives us a power and freedom that we
never thought possible. I am highly skilled at detecting the traits, behaviours
and character of someone who can manifest their desires and those who
don’t. It still amazes me that so many people say they understand laws
of attraction or karma however their actions prove otherwise. Life today
demands that we are honest with ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions
with the ability to change ourselves for the better. If we live in denial then
we end up in the washing machine until it hurts so much we are willing to do
anything to get out.

My mission
The past 25 years of research and healing experience has now led me to
focus on freeing wounded women. There are so many commonalities with
women who have been abused and degraded by men. I am one of them and
90% of my clientèle are females who all had similar issues of low self worth,
abuse, disempowerment, suffering and sacrifice at the hands of others.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com

My research shows that many cultures favour males over females.
Females are considered of lesser worth and are aborted as foetuses in
some countries. Some cultures allow men to have many wives and women
are condemned for affairs. Women’s roles are often subservient and
demeaning. Women are suppressed with rules, religion, clothing to cover
their beauty, and told they are unclean and sinful in their nature. Horrific
maiming of women still continues today that deeply scars them, physically,
emotionally and spiritually.

Freeing Wounded Women Movement

Eleanor Currie and I have created the Freeing Wounded Women’s
Movement and healing activation that returns your birthright to be valued,
loved and powerful as a woman. This process came to me as we attempted
to release the blocks to the Forensic Healing system when we were guided
to create the system for women only.
After looking further to find where the blocks occurred we realised there
was a consciousness that women are deemed to be unworthy and evil. I
found the source originated from the Bible beginning in the first chapter of
Genesis where is says that Adam will have dominion over all things including
Eve and that Eve and is to be cursed because she succumbed to sinning by
partaking of the fruit.
Growing up with religion, I was taught not to question the things of God.
I now question everything. When I read someone’s energy field I need to
find the source of their condition. Most conditions and circumstances
come from emotions of guilt, hurt, anger and lack of worth. The majority
of my clients are women so I have seen many patterns of abuse and women
who give their life to serving others to their own detriment. Most of these
women are born with low self worth, they have seen their mothers suppress
their abilities and endured dominating and controlling relationships. These
belief are in the DNA, genetics and consciousness. It seems to be accepted
by most women as their lot in life. This consciousness or mindset permeates
some people’s thinking that women are inferior and it is their right to
dominate, abuse and control them.
There are many obvious and subtle manipulation methods of suppressing
women. Over the years there have been rules, programming, manipulations
and conditioning to suppress their power and influence. The witch hunts
the churches once conducted were an obvious method of suppression of
women’s healing gifts, power, self-worth and rights. Woman were burned,
drowned and tortured as they were condemned to be evil. The reasons
for classifying a woman as a witch could have been as little as her inability
to bear children. The church’s methods were the most unjust of any court
system and the most unquestioned as the churches stated they were acting
in the name “of God”.
The bible was one of the very first books published and the still the most
widely read book today. You don’t have to be religious to be affected
by these beliefs in religion, cultures and society. Most women have
experienced the struggle to be respected, equal and free to be powerful.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com

The Freeing Wounded Women activation returns your rights as a woman
and shifts consciousness so there is a new level of appreciation and
We have a goal for one million women worldwide to receive the ‘Freeing
Wounded Women’s Activation’ and certificate for free by July 2013. The
certificate will allocate your activation number and you can personally
sign your declaration and frame it. This process will reverse the vows,
rituals, debts and beliefs to sacrifice and suffer as a woman. It will change
your energy field as though you have removed lifetimes of bondage and
allow you to become free to be the great woman you were born to be. The
forensic healers now have this opportunity to be part of this global mission
to assist these women change their circumstances and set them free. When
the women are healed this in turn will heal mother earth and our children.
I hope you enjoy this course and choose to join us for the five module
Forensic Healing System course curriculum. My goal is to inspire you to
want to be more of who you really are; to bring out the very best of the
essence that is you. You will come to know that we were meant to meet. We
all have much to share. I love you and want you to progress.
We will meet up online and at our workshops. I look forward to sharing
stories of success and about all of our healing efforts touching many lives.
Sending you blessings and love.

Marisa xx

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com


1.   Welcome 1 1
You are about to be taken on a journey; connecting yourself
with powerful energies for healing and self evolution.

Welcome to the Forensic Healing System and to the world of energy

healing. The decision to create powerful changes within yourself and
others represents a pivotal turning point in your life. I am excited for you,
as I know how much you will learn and evolve in this process. You will grow
through this process of learning about yourself and learning how to access
higher sources for healing others.
Part of this course will teach you the many different aspects of healing;
Energetic, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Systems which are all
integrated to obtain the most powerful outcomes. Learning to access
healing vibrations from many different sources helps to convert negative
conditions into positive experiences and successes in healing. The five
module Forensic Healing System will teach you invaluable life skills and
secrets to solve your own and other life problems in a faster, simpler and
deeper method than you have ever experienced
As you get more experience in healing, you will view your own life with a
very different perspective. You will understand that you can choose to be
empowered and learn skills to create those things you seek, just as you
seek to empower others.
My life has been personally blessed by many powerful and gifted healers.
I would not be where I am today if it was not for them. I am blessed to
have known them and I am more than grateful that they followed a path
of healing. My life has been dragged from a very deep hole of despair to a
wonderfully enriched and fulfilling life.
This work that you do is very precious and blesses many lives. I wish you
many blessings and successes along the way.

Best wishes, Marisa

“A dream is a manifestation. Just like what you live is a

manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve,
and not so troublesome if there’s something you don’t
want” (Abraham Hicks)

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 1


Forensic Healing is based on the premise that when you fully
identify the root cause/s of a condition in the body’s energy
field, it will be released from the body.

“The Truth will set you Free.” (Author, The Bible)

Forensic Healing involves profiling patterns, collecting evidence about a

condition, analysing the evidence and reconstructing the whole story to
determine the cause, beliefs, thought and behaviour that has damaged the
intelligence of DNA - the blueprint that exists in every living cell. Identifying
the cause of damaged DNA allows specific healing vibrations to be targeted
for reconnecting and realigning the DNA.
Applying new and advanced holistic healing methods, including kinesiology
will assist with empowerment, healing, and releasing the conditions. This
unravelling of one’s life makes way for removing unwanted burdens that
have been hidden or intricately woven into the complexities of life.
SNAPSHOT: Six Major Stages of the Forensic Healing Protocol
[In this Start Up Course we will learn Stage 1, 2 & 6]

Flow Chart

Part of this course will teach you the skillful use of astute observation,
© 2012 Forensic Healing and Marisa Russo. All Rights Reserved. www.forensichealing.com

intuition, development of analytical and research skills, applying deductive

reasoning, understanding physical, emotional and spiritual conditions as
well as the use of your life experience’s to achieve maximum results for
healing and wellbeing.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 2


Forensic Healing Defined

It is insightful to expand the meaning of Forensic Healing by defining
the individual terms. Using a combination of language references and
definitions we get to these meanings:

• Application of methods to answer questions of interest
• Logic and/or reasoning
• Investigation, establishment of facts and evidence
• To make sound or whole
• To restore to health
• To restore to a sound state
• To restore to original purity or integrity

When we combine the two terms ‘Forensic’ and ‘Healing’ the definition
the investigation and establishment of facts and evidence
about a person’s condition with a new holistic healing
system to restore purity, integrity, health and wholeness.

Forensic Healing System Origins

A little history for you...
Years ago when I (Marisa) completed my tertiary studies, I realised the most
enjoyable and easiest subject for me was law. It was the subject I received
the highest marks in. I loved working out the how’s and whys and finding
I looked ‘outside’ the box for solutions and the answers always came when
I took a moment to consider it. The earliest recollection was when I was

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 3


around 7 years of age. I was in my grandfather’s work shed. He had spent

nearly two hours trying to find a solution to assemble the go-cart that was
in pieces on the work shed floor. I recall looking at the go-cart and offered
him a solution that worked and he answered, “By crickey you are good at
solving problems. ”Something inside me says, “There is always a solution,
you just need to find it!” My mind gets out of the problem very quickly and
starts searching for the solution and the universal source supplies it to me.
The greatest lessons I have learned have come from my own personal life
experiences which makes me think I was some sort of basket case! On a
regular basis, my life felt out of control, and on a continual roller coaster
ride. Joining the Mormon Church at age 26 improved my spirituality greatly.
I am grateful that I had the opportunity to be a Mormon as it literally
stopped me from killing myself through drinking, smoking, bad diet
negative thought patterns and other self destructive behaviour’s. I was a
Mormon for 20 years before leaving.
Today I have never felt freer, more centered and more connected across
all aspects of my life. To make these changes I have had to dig really deep.
I was open to try just about anything to find what really works to create a
healthy and peaceful life.
My journey in healing became a similar type of learning - trying to find
the answers to solve my own life problems. The problems I had, affected
every area of my life including relationships, career, finances, health, and
spirituality. That just about covers every aspect of a person’s life!
In hindsight, having major challenges in my life had its advantages as it kept
me searching for the answers so I would become a better healer. I did not
give up as my life felt too painful to keep living the way I had been living. I
often wanted to end my life as the emotional and physical pain was often
too difficult to bear. I started learning natural techniques to heal myself as I
knew the answers were in these methods and modalities.
I decided to learn kinesiology as that way it kept me immersed in the
healing. I did experience relief and progress with my conditions; however
I never intended to become a ‘healer’. I enjoyed treating others with the
techniques I learned and as I progressed, I enjoyed it more and more.
When I was learning, I found it difficult to remember what was being taught
in the classes as during them I suffered memory loss, headaches, neck pain
and chronic fatigue symptoms. It took me many years to peel away the
layers of stress on my body and to regain total health. When I look back, I
was not particularly confident with giving healings. I was just determined
to continue on this path which is now obvious to me. It was the direction
I needed to go. I enjoyed the many classes and friendships that developed
from associations with healers.
I did not find permanent relief to my pain so I continued to learn different
health and healing methods like kinesiology, energy healing, massage,
naturopathy... you name it. Ultimately, I began working part-time as a
Kinesiologist. I created some business cards on my computer and started

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 4


offering healing treatments to anyone who agreed. I attended many mind,

body and spirit events where I worked on clients continually for days on end
which improved my skills and confidence very quickly.
“Bottom line... the more treatments I gave, the more I learned.“

My intention was to get 10/10 results for my clients so I was forever

thinking about their healing or searching and learning for ways to improve
my skills.
I learned that it is important to look at a person’s life from every angle -
spiritually, emotionally, physically, nutritionally, etc. so the true nature
of the cause can be found. I now know that clients’ healing results are far
superior when I find the exact details of the cause/s. I share all of this
knowledge in the Forensic Healing System, 5 module course.

Key Introductory Terms

Here is an explanation of some common terms that are mentioned in the

Forensic Healer
A person who is certified to use the Forensic Healing System is called
a Forensic Healer. Refer to the website for details on certification for
Diploma Level.

Forensic Healing System

The Forensic Healing System is the complete system incorporating all five

Energy Shift ES
In healing work we are looking for the body to answer questions for us.
An energy shift confirms/indicates the answers to the questions we ask.
We obtain an energy shift using various biofeedback methods. Eg: muscle
testing, heart rate, dowsing, blood pressure etc. Some of these methods
are explained in an upcoming chapter.

A test uses a form of biofeedback to ascertain an energy shift (ES) in the

This is the person receiving healing.

Imbalance, stress or physical ailment in the body.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 5


About Healing
We all have an innate ability to heal ourselves and others. We heal ourselves
and others everyday when we show compassion, kindness or send good
thoughts or intentions. Mothers do it every day when they ‘kiss the hurt
better’ or gently stroke the pain away for their children. Every aspects of
the mother’s thought’s, her physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy
is concentrated on helping her child to overcome his/her pain. We apply
healing to ourselves when we spontaneously hold an area of pain with our
hands or make statements saying that we choose to free of the condition
we have.
Accessing these natural abilities can open up a power that resides in each
and everyone one of us which blossoms into a whole new world of ‘energy

“You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive

or sick enough to help sick people get well. You only
ever uplift from your position of strength and clarity and
alignment.” (Abraham Hicks)

What Is Energy Healing

A component of Forensic Healing is based on an ancient form of energy
healing which is built into all of our bodies. It is everyone’s right to be
well and have a healthy life. Often there are programs running in our
subconscious minds that tell us otherwise. As everything is made up of
energy including our bodies, it is a logical and natural option to heal our
bodies with energy.
Energy healing is the practice of balancing the energy field that is within
and surrounds the human body. This energy is commonly referred to as the
Aura and Chakras.
This healing energy is often called ‘chi’, ‘prana’, or ‘vital force’. ‘Universal
Energy’ is referenced in many cultural traditions and is central to several
alternative healing techniques.
Energy healing techniques help the body realign and balance itself
naturally. When the energy field is aligned and balanced, this then helps to
align and balance the physical body.
We are naturally attuned to this energy as you will often feel more
connected and more aligned when you are close to the sea, lakes, forests,
mountains or basically nature.
Some people are more connected to this energy than others. If you have
an energetic awareness, you can ‘feel’ someone else’s energy field when
you meet them. You get an immediate sense of whether you resonate with
them. You can sense their vitality and level of health. You can also sense
their emotional state very quickly.

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Forensic Healing uses a combination of ancient and contemporary natural

healing techniques to assist with facilitating healing and the evolution
of the human body. DNA is the ‘blueprint’ of the creative forces of life.
Forensic Healing assists with reprogramming the DNA in cells. This healing
process brings about transformation and liberation so that you may
become so much more.

Universal Healing Energy

Universal Healing Energy is an ancient healing art similar to that taught by
most Spiritual Masters in human history. Universal Energy Healing is based
on the concept that our bodies can be attuned to channel and use a specific
energy for healing. The Indians call this energy ‘Prana’ and the Chinese call
it ‘Chi’.
This energy is accessible to everyone and it is free. The more you attune
yourself to it, the more balanced and centered you become, the more freely
it flows through you.
The Forensic healer learns to become a powerful channel and conduit for
this energy source so that it may be directed into a person’s body.
Targeted application will enhance the body’s natural healing system. Some
people are born ‘gifted’ to be a channel. It is accessible to all of us. You can
learn and practice to attract the energy for it to flow through you. During
the learning process, you will discover that you have the power within you
to trigger healing and use it to align others. It is a spiritual journey and one
that is extremely rewarding and enlightening.
Often when you send energy to specific areas of the body, you will feel
your hands become very warm and sometimes very hot. It is an indication
that the energy is flowing. Sometimes the energy may feel ‘cool’. This just
means that the vibration of the energy has adjusted to suit the specific
condition being treated.
The Forensic Healing System
teaches various methods of
accessing this universal energy
to enhance the healing for the
client. When you become a
conduit for this energy, it can also
have a positive healing effect on
you. Many of the practitioners
tell me how they feel energised
after a healing or energised after
watching me complete a healing
on someone else. It is designed
so that when you are healing
it will uplift you, not drag you
down or deplete your energy.
Forensic Healing uses more than
one method of directing this
universal energy; it is accessed
when using hands on healing,
chakra and aura healing, verbally
requesting, visualisations, setting

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 7


intentions and requesting enlightened beings for assistance. The powerful

holographic structure of this energy is covered later in this chapter. 1

The Aura
The human aura consists of seven main layers of an invisible energy field
that surrounds the physical body. It holds all the information of the person
it surrounds. Individually, it makes an elliptical or egg shape around the
body. These layers of energy vibrate at different rates: the closest level
to the physical body is the Etheric Body. It has the densest vibration.
The levels overlap and exist in the same space sharing the same chakras.
The chakras transmit energy between the light body layers. The aura can
sometimes be seen by psychics, clairvoyants or healers, who may see
different colours, shapes, or densities within the levels.

The Etheric Body

The first energy layer that is closest to the body is the etheric body. It
extends approximately 12cm from the body and it vibrates the slowest of
the seven layers.
This layer is considered to be the blue print of the physical body, and it
holds the information of your physical body. For example, if you had an
arm amputated, and you still felt pain, the imprint is held in this level. The
Etheric body also includes the information for your senses - touch, taste,
smell, hearing and sight.

The Emotional Body

The second energy layer is connected with your emotions about yourself,
your potential and motivation. It is affected by your emotional states such
as suppressing feelings, like anger etc.

The Mental Body

The third energy layer is associated with your mental, rational or logical
mind. When this level is balanced the rational and intuitive mind works
together in harmony, you experience clarity and a balanced perspective

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 8


of life. When it is out of balance, your mind feels cluttered, and thoughts
become negative. 1
The Astral Body
The fourth energy layer conveys the connections and the relationships you
have with others. It contains your interactions with other people, animals,
plants, inanimate objects, and life. Good relationships enable this level to
be balanced and clear. When the Astral body is not balanced it can cause
over sensitivity, relationship addiction and other life problems.

The Etheric Template

The fifth energy layer is related to the throat chakra through expression.
It contains the blueprint of the physical body and of all other life. This
template is alive, pulsating and constantly unfolding. It has a powerful
almost inexorable feeling of will and purpose. When this template is not
balanced you may feel disconnected to all things that are around you, not
knowing your purpose in the Universal Plan

Celestral Body
The sixth energy layer is related to the brow chakra and works with
intuition, spirit, and divine love. It interprets the universal laws and learned
ethical sense and conscience. When there are imbalances in this level,
spiritual connection feels blocked, there is a lack of trust and it will not be
possible to experience full joy. Meditation assists with balancing this level
and connects you with higher spiritual realisation.

Ketheric Template
The seventh layer is the highest vibration within your energy field. It is
made up of an extremely strong golden energy, which forms into an egg
shape that surrounds and protects everything within it. The outer edges
of this level are thick and strong. It regulates a proper flow of energy out
from the aura, as well as restricts penetration by unhealthy energies from
outside. The seventh level holds the entire field together. When it lacks
balance, you may experience feelings of disempowerment and feeling like
life is random and has no order to it.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or
vortex. It refers to each of the seven major
energy centres composing your energy system.
These chakras, or energy centres, function
as pumps or valves, controlling the flow of
energy or chi through your energy system. The
functioning of the chakras is dependent upon
your spiritual, emotional and physical states.
Forensic Healing accesses the crown, brow,
throat, heart, solar plexus, central and base
chakra. These chakras stimulate the endocrine
and nervous systems, in which emotions and
belief systems are stored.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 9


Forensic Healing uses Chakra Balancing for a healing correction in ‘Heal’ -

Stage 6 of the healing protocol. It is an important part of balancing the life
force in the body for reconnecting damaged DNA in the cells. The following
lists are the descriptions of each chakra.
1. Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine or coccyx. This Chakra is
related to survival, and your identity as an individual. It includes your health,
constitution and security such as material wealth. Colour: Red
When the chakra is open and balanced you easily feel love and tenderness
for your sexual partner, and you are able to give and receive physical,
emotional, mental, and spiritual pleasure. When is it overactive, you can
feel egotistical towards the opposite sex. When it is malfunctioning, you
may have an unbalanced or aggressive attitude towards sex. When the
chakra is closed, females may suffer from frigidity and males may be prone
to premature ejaculation or impotence.
2. Central Chakra is located in the lower abdomen. This Chakra is associated
with emotions and feelings, states of desire and imagination. Colour:
When the chakra is open and balanced there is a lot of sexual energy and
sexual power, and you are comfortable with sexuality. You can express your
power easily; you have a lot of physical energy, a strong sex drive, a lot of
healing energy, and a joy of life.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra is located above the navel. This Chakra is a focus
point for force of will and a sense of transformation. It accesses power and
authority, as well as self-control and discipline of the ego. Colour: Yellow
When the chakra is open and balanced you have a deeply fulfilling
emotional life. You take an expansive, outgoing, and sociable attitude to
the world. You are able to feel happiness, and a sense of belonging and
at one with the universe. You feel confident and you are willing and able
to take risks. This chakra is associated with leaders, explorers, and the
charismatic extrovert.
When it is overactive, you may be ruled by ambition, pride, fear, love of
fame, desires and passions. When it is malfunctioning you are easily
overwhelmed by emotions or caught up by astral forces and you may suffer
from delusions and schizophrenia. When it is closed, you tend to conceal
your emotions, or feel only superficial emotions, or you may feel negative
emotions such as anxiety, panic, or worry. You may be closed to spiritual
energies and unable to experience happiness and joy in life. You have a fear
of change and are incapable of opening to greater things.
4. Heart Chakra is located at the centre of the chest and is the focus
for love and understanding. Feelings that stem from this include love,
forgiveness, compassion, balance and harmony. Colour: Green
When the chakra is open and balanced, you are very compassionate,
understanding, and generous. The emotions of love, joy, happiness,
honesty, and respect are valued. You are able to feel love for all beings
around you. You can see the Divine, or God in all beings. You are connected
to Universal consciousness.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 10


When it is overactive, you are dominated by your emotions and feelings, such
as love, joy, and sorrow. You are desperate to please others, and too overly
concerned with others, sacrificing yourself by putting their needs before your
own. This personality type is usually a woman who may be involved with a self-
centered or immature partner, taking all their abuse, always forgiving.
This is how ‘co-dependency’ arises. When it is malfunctioning, you are full of
negative emotions such as hatred, guilt, selfishness, paranoia, impatience,
and self-pity and feel like a victim. When it is closed, you are a hard-hearted,
unsympathetic, self-centered person. You are afraid to love others, and unable
to love yourself.
5. Throat Chakra is located in the throat area. This Chakra related to
communication. When this chakra is open and functioning, it is easy to
express yourself, speech is clear and smooth. Colour: Blue
When the chakra is open and balanced, you are able to accept things as
they are and organise ways of working out situations. You have the power
to make changes and take responsibility for your own personal needs.
When it is overactive, you are always trying to take control of things,
especially other people’s lives. When it is closed or weak, you have an
inability to accept situations or circumstances and hold back your opinion
and suppress you true feelings.
6. Brow Chakra is located in the forehead, right above our eyes. This is also
known as the region of the ‘Third Eye’. This Chakra is related to perception
beyond the physical realm including intuition, insight, imagination and
clairvoyance. Colour: Indigo
When the chakra is open and balanced, you are imaginative, intuitive, and
creative, and have a very large view of life. You have an understanding
of universal truths and ideals. You may be a musician, artist, philosopher,
scientist, mystic, occultist or esoterist.
When it is overactive you are excessively preoccupied with altruistic values.
If this chakra is more developed than the other centres, you may have
difficulty relating to the mundane world and you may be ‘off with the
fairies’. When it is malfunctioning you get caught up in illusion and glamour
or addicted to consciousness-altering drugs i.e. Marijuana or Heroin. When
it is closed, you may have a limited, unimaginative consciousness; very self-
centered and lacking in vision and will tend to live life narrow-minded. This
attracts literalists or fundamentalist.
7. Crown Chakra is located at the very top of the head. It is associated
directly with dealings of the mind and spirit such as oneness with the
universe, will, inspiration and divine wisdom. It is all the things that deal
with the Higher Self. Colour: White
When the chakra is open and balanced, you are drawn to mystical or occult
teachings. Spirituality is spontaneous and is defined through unique
individual experience, an inner knowing, rather than external dogma or
religion. You may see auras, receive guidance from higher forces, have a
visionary or creative imagination and an understanding of universal truths
and a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 11


When it is closed, all sense of the spiritual and the creative is blocked. You
may have a limited consciousness. You may be an absolute materialist, or
belong to some fundamentalist religion or ideology.
Do you feel you have a broken heart? Heart chakra
Do you feel choked up? Throat chakra
Do you feel disconnected? Crown chakra
Do you feel overpowered? Solar plexus chakra
Do you feel spiritually blocked? Brow chakra

Practical Exercise
S I G N S O F Practice energising each of your own chakras
I M B A L A N C E by placing your hand flat and facing your body
I N T H E approximately 20cm above each chakra for 30–60
seconds. Begin with the crown chakra and work
down to the root chakra.

Thought And Emotion

Emotions or feelings are like vibrations inside your body that can make you
feel positive or negative. They often occur from reactions to events and
people that trigger thoughts and memories. They create a physical reaction
in your body and influence the DNA in your cells.
Just as computers store information in files, the brain also records all your
emotional experiences and files them under emotions or feelings in your
subconscious mind. When these emotions are experienced, the brain opens
the same file, and stores the experience.
This exposes the past experiences and links the same emotion. This is why
some situations become overwhelming for some people - it triggers more
than one stress. For example, if your father yelled at you when you were a
child, the same memories are triggered as an adult when someone is angry
or yells at you.
When these negative emotions are released from your body and the DNA
altered, your body can rebalance and heal itself. You will also feel and
respond differently to future emotional issues or situations.

“Your emotions affect every cell in your body. Mind and body,
mental and physical, are intertwined.” (Dr Thomas Tutko)
The fundamental links with physical conditions to emotional, spiritual and
energetic realms are covered in much more depth in the Forensic Healing
Energy, Physics, Emotions and Spirit courses.
Note: Forensic Healing System: Emotions covers this large topic in detail to
give you extremely powerful ways to help clients with stresses, trauma, etc.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 12


Our Holographic Universe

We live in a ‘Holographic Universe’. This is a new paradigm shift for viewing 1
life and the Universe. It has scientific roots, based primarily on revelations
from quantum physics.
Science has revealed parts of the equation that tell us that the Universe is
a hologram. A hologram or holograph is a photographic image created by
splitting a laser beam and recording interference patterns between the two
beams after one has been reflected off the subject to be photographed.
This will cause the image to appear three dimensional. This type of
hologram is depicted in the movie Star Wars when a beam of light shoots
out of the robot Artoo Detoo and projects a miniature three dimensional
image of Princess Leia.
It appears that the universe is a kind of giant hologram, an amazingly
detailed illusion, as real as the image of Princess Leia that initiates Luke
Skywalker’s adventure.
Gregg Braden’s book ‘The Divine Matrix’ states that “when something is
holographic, it exists wholly within every fragment of itself, no matter how
many pieces it’s divided into. This illustration helps convey the idea that no
matter how finely we divide the universe – each segment mirrors the whole
universe, only a smaller scale”.
The same principle is conveyed in Michael Talbot’s book ‘The Holographic
Universe’ (Bradley Bartholemew) which provides supporting evidence of
how our existence and experience can be viewed through a holographic
This idea of the ‘whole’ contained in each piece is the basis of the
Holographic principle.
The holographic universe concept therefore suggests that the physical
world we believe is real is in fact an illusion. Energy fields are decoded by
our brains into a 3D picture to give the illusion of a physical world.
There’s no coincidence that one DNA strand contains all that is needed to
create the whole body. The study of reflexology, iridology, numerology, and
haematology etc, all have a connection to the physiology throughout your
body – patterns within patterns.
Taking these principles into account, changing patterns and thoughts,
and changing your DNA will affect what you are creating, and attracting.
Keeping these principles in mind, the Forensic Healer’s position with their
client should be of the same view. Empower and enlighten clients of their
patterns, power and choices in life.

DNA – The Blueprint of Life

The general description and beliefs of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is
described as being a very important molecule found in all living cells.
It contains information used in everyday metabolism and growth and
influences most of your characteristics.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 13


DNA is often described as the blueprint of an organism. It may be said

that DNA not only carries the code of what you look like and how your
body develops, it also carries everything, including the process of all your
chakras, energy bodies, akashic records (history of the cosmos), past lives,
etc. It carries the programming for your life and your karma.
Reprogramming and reconnecting the DNA assists in releasing conditions
and healing on all levels.

DNA is the ‘Blueprint’ of each cell. If the DNA is

damaged then it produces a negative consequence.
Emotions and feelings play a huge role in maintaining
good DNA health.

It is also recognised that your DNA coding creates the experiences in the
world you live in. Hence why two people can be in the same place and time
and have very different experiences.
Soluntra King gives her understanding of DNA.
“The standard medical belief is that we have two strands of
DNA, ... these two strands with all their complex amino acids
and with the RNA hold the codings and genetic material that
makes us who we are. Or so we thought; only having two
strands is actually very limiting and keeps us trapped in the third
dimension and the illusion of separation.
Believing all we are is our body, believing God is out there
somewhere, and that we are worker ants, or slaves that have
to work hard just to survive on this planet. Locked into death,
decay and being hooked up to survival, being controlled by
and slaves to time. Cut off from the unlimited abundance of all
there is, and with the DNA only partially activated. Our multi-
dimensional selves have been trapped in a prison of experience
that repeats itself over and over again, as though the entire
planet was playing a stuck record.
Humanity has been famous for their inability to learn from
their own adventures; tyrants and wars have come and gone,
and none seemed the wiser for it until now. This is where it
all lightens up; as we wake up we start to empower ourselves,
awakening our Divinity, Light Body and Multi- dimensional Self”.

So the essence of her message is that your DNA is awakening, and you are
awakening to something different and better. A Russian quantum biologist
Vladimir Poponin conducted some experiments in the early 1990’s called
‘The DNA Phantom Effect’. The studies suggest that human DNA can and
does directly affect the physical world. The experiments began as patterns
of light (or energy) in a vacuum where they were measured in a controlled
environment. All of the air was removed and the light particles (or photons)
followed a random distribution. Dr. Poponin then introduced a physical
chain of human DNA. In the presence of the human DNA the photons
changed positions from a random distribution to a pattern of a wave that
aligned with the DNA.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 14


This proved that DNA clearly affected the energy of the photons.
When the DNA was removed from the chamber, they expected the
photons to return to a random distribution. The photons however,
stayed in the wave position created from the introduction of the
As they continued this study, it showed that as long as the vacuum
was not disturbed, the photons stayed in the wave position for up to
a month after the DNA was removed. The human DNA affected the
energy even when it was no longer present.

It could then be concluded that the emotions and

feelings you experience, affect your DNA. Restoring
your DNA will then affect your health and wellbeing
and again improve what you are experiencing or
attracting outside of yourself. It puts you in a position
of being a creator of your life.

Gregg Braden mentions in his books that your emotions and feelings
in your body change the DNA, biology and chemistry. Therefore this
will affect your health and life.

Being A Healer
Your focus is on creating the environment to allow heal-
ing to take place.

“It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but

you are a conductor of light. Some people without
possessing genius have a remarkable power of
stimulating it.” (Abraham Hicks)

Becoming a professional healer involves motivation to evolve

personally. You will find uncanny things happen such as attracting
clients with the same unresolved issues that you may have yourself.
You will attract fewer of these clients when you solve your own issues
personally. Your mission is to evolve just as your clients aspire to.
When you are on an upward path in your personal life, you become
a more influential healer. You develop a belief system that chronic
conditions can be solved and healing is possible for anyone who seeks
Focus on the positive things that happen in healings with your clients.
Do not dwell on the healings that you felt did not work. When you
focus on the treatments that received good results, you will attract
more of the same. I always have the intention of attracting the clients
that I can help. When a client comes to me and says that they felt
drawn to see me, then I know that they are a match and ready for

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 15


transformation. The healing experience is always what they were expecting

and sometimes even more. 1

Forensic Healer Tenets

I offer the following information as concepts for you to ponder, to assist
you in creating your own standards as a healer:

Understanding and Action

By understanding the deep principles of life you can develop yourself, act
powerfully and use your free will to become fully conscious of who you
truly are and know your life purpose.

Develop Personal Empowerment

Each person is endowed with abilities, aspirations, and a life purpose that is
unique. Advance inner qualities, talents, health, and happiness to create an
empowered environment so you may radiate this life force within you.

Increase Spiritual Knowledge

Without practical application, spiritual knowledge is merely information.
Apply spiritual knowledge in practical disciplines, methods, and exercises
to move your life forward. Our personal lives are constantly changing and
everything is possible.

Embrace Ancient Intelligence

All wise people say that many problems of modern people have appeared
because of lost contact with our own roots. Connecting to higher sources
will reconnect this ancient wisdom within you and with consciousness.

Be Responsible
You are responsible for your own development. Using will, wisdom, and a
deep desire to improve your life, you will generate profound changes for
yourself as you apply universal principles to govern your own life.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 16


Remain Open Minded

Remain open to new ideas, insights, techniques, and discoveries that are 1

Be Spiritual, Not Religious

Accept all religions, beliefs and customs without becoming fixed in doctrine
and services. Observe that which you know works for you and helps you to
feel more joy.

Connect to Consciousness
Become part of the creation of consciousness for a better and brighter
future. Consciousness is DNA, it is Intelligence, it is all that is.

Allowing Healing
Recognise that you create the environment to allow the healing to take
place in your client’s body.

Practical Exercise
Ponder and/meditate around these tenets to understand where you are in
relation to them today. Consider ways to embrace them. Adapt your own
set of tenets and have them in view each day.

In Forensic Healing, intention plays an important part by deliberately
directing ‘energy’ into what you are trying to achieve. It is an intentional
force or energy to create a desired outcome.
Intention alone can assist with healing and growth. When it is used in
conjunction with the Forensic Healing system protocol, it enhances the
healing at all levels.
Using intention at every stage of the Forensic Healing protocol will invite
healing to take place within the client’s body. It will also train you to direct
your energies more powerfully in a constructive manner. If you express your
intentions so the client is aware of what they are, they can also use their
intention and visualisations to direct their energy on the same outcomes.
This is a powerful combination.
Be mindful of directing your client’s thoughts and energy on the positive
aspects and away from the negative.


DON’T SAY: “See yourself without arthritis, tightness and pain.”

DO SAY: “See yourself feeling light, flexible, free, and relaxed.”

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 17


“The essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn.”

(Abraham HIcks) 1
Practical Exercise
Begin expressing the things you want and use your intention to put energy
on them. Watch for a shift of achieving more of those things. Practice this
daily. Help it become part of you.

Improving your intuition can make you a much more effective decision
maker and give you more insights to know what is needed for the client
in the Forensic Healing protocol. Using your intuition will assist with your
confidence and ability to provide more information that is needed.
The simplest way to make sense of how intuition works is to think of it as
an advanced pattern recognition device. Your subconscious mind finds links
between your client’s information and various patterns of your own past
experiences. You may not even recall the details of those past experiences,
however, your subconscious mind still remembers the information. It can
rapidly overlay your client’s situation onto the past patterns and send you
a message of wisdom. That message comes as your inner voice, feelings,
visions and insightful moments.

No Doubt
Doubt obstructs intuition. Know that when you remove doubt, you become
a more powerful healer. Trust that you can help with any condition your
client presents with. Your intuition will guide you.
If your doubt is nagging at you, try this;
• Close your eyes
• Take three deep breaths
• Know that you are not alone. There are many enlightened beings
all around you wanting to help people to heal. Feel connected to
them. Picture them assisting and guiding you to help others to
• Open your eyes and now choose to trust, surrender and allow.

Practical Exercise
Think of times when you have pondered situations looking for answers
and they have come to you or information has presented itself. Practice
using your intuition throughout your day. Start to rely on your intuition to
problem solve in your daily life.

Treating Clients
First impressions are important. Professional attire will gain you more
respect. Smart, clean and professional looking clothes convey to the client

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 18


you have respect for yourself and them. When you first meet your client,
spend 5-10 minutes to get to know them on what they want to achieve
from the session.
Alleviate any of your clients concerns and pay attention to how they would
feel most comfortable with your method of relating to them. For some
people, holistic healing is foreign, so it is important not to confront them
with too much unfamiliar information. Ask them about other natural
treatments they have experienced.
Ascertain what they are familiar with. For example, some people with
traditional religious background do not believe in reincarnation. If this was
the case, you could refer to past life information as ‘genetics’ as this would
not offend them. Relate to your client with their terminology.

Bio Feedback
Anyone can learn how to ‘read’ the body. With practice, your
sensitivity with energy will be heightened and you will ‘read’
with accuracy.

Wikipedia Definition:
“Biofeedback is the process of becoming aware of various
physiological functions using instruments that provide information
on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able
to manipulate them at will. Processes that can be controlled
include brainwaves, muscle tone, skin conductance, heart rate
and pain perception. Biofeedback may be used to improve health
or performance, and the physiological changes often occur in
conjunction with changes to thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.
Eventually, these changes can be maintained without the use of
extra equipment.”

Biofeedback is a treatment technique in which trained practitioners can

read signals from a person’s body to improve their health. Some physical
therapists such as chiropractors may use muscle testing to pin point i.e.
which vertebrae they need to adjust along the spine.
Psychologists use it to help tense and anxious clients to relax. Specialists in
many different fields use biofeedback to help their patients cope with pain.
You most probably have used biofeedback systems on yourself. When you
have taken your temperature with a thermometer or weighed yourself on a
scale. The thermometer indicates if you have a fever and the scales indicate
your fluctuation in body weight. Both systems are ‘feed-back’ information
about your body’s condition. This information can assist you to improve
your condition. If you have a fever, you can rest and drink plenty of fluids. If
you have gained weight, you resolve to eat more healthily and exercise.
Some practitioners rely on complicated biofeedback machines in similar
ways. The Vega or Avatar Machines rely on feedback from pressure points

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 19


on the body. Doctors use blood pressure and heart rate information,
Iridologist read patterns and textures in the eyes and Linguists may read
body language to give them information or feedback from the person.
In the Start-Up Course you will learn some of the biofeedback systems so
you can ‘read’ the body yourself. You will use a biofeedback method to
ascertain relevant information needed for the treatment.
Learning to be accurate using biofeedback systems is like learning to be a
good goal shooter in a basketball game. The more you practice, the more
accurate and confident you become. That’s why we suggest practicing with
as many clients as possible. The most accurate biofeedback system you will
learn is kinesiology, via muscle testing.
I suggest you learn all the biofeedback methods in this course and choose
the methods that suit you best. I recommend that you become proficient in
one muscle testing technique plus one self-testing technique.

Self Testing Techniques

The following techniques will allow you to self-test for answers. You do
not need a second person to learn the following four testing techniques.
These methods take time and practice to master. Be patient and use them
as often as you can so you can know which method feels most comfortable
to you.
As I mentioned, I recommend that you master the muscle testing
technique and one of the self-testing techniques. The following self-testing
techniques allow you to test for yourself or your client without having them
present. It is one of the methods I can use to perform distance healings or
to test for information for clients when they are not present.

Technique 1: Body Movement

Stand with your feet placed slightly apart, knees relaxed. Close your eyes
and set the intention that your body is a conduit for universal energy to
flow through you.
As you stand upright, centered and still, ask for a ‘confirmation’ or an
‘energy shift’ (ES) in your body to occur.
You should feel a movement in your body in a direction or a shift of some
description. This movement or shift is one method for you to receive
answers and confirmation to your questions.
These energy shifts occur in our everyday lives, we just don’t realise that
it is happening. If you think of something that you love, or something that
interests or attracts you, your body moves forward and you feel drawn
to it. If you think of something you dislike or something that repels you,
your body literally moves backwards, turning away. Either way, there is an
energy shift occurring. These ‘energy shifts’ are what you need to detect in
your testing techniques.
Practicing this testing technique prepares you for the hands on muscle
testing techniques.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 20


Practical Exercise
Practice this technique with foods such as white sugar. Hold some white 1
sugar around your navel area and ask the question.
“Confirm this sugar has a negative impact on my body?”
Practice feeling the ‘energy shift’ (ES) to get a confirmation.

Technique 2: Finger Pads

Practical Exercise
Place your thumb and pointer or index finger together and rotate them
slowly and lightly on the pads of your fingers. The texture of the finger
pads should feel smooth and even.
As you continue to rotate your fingers think of a stress and the texture of
the pads should change to a sticky and an uneven feel. The sticky feel is
the confirmation (ES) to the questions you ask. I.e. “Confirm white sugar
has a negative impact on my body.” The response should show the sticky or
uneven feel to confirm the statement is correct.

Technique 3: Finger Chain

Practical Exercise
Touch your thumb and middle finger on one hand together, making a circle.
Do the same with the thumb and middle finger of the other hand, inserting
them inside the circle so they look like two links in a chain.
To test, hold your thumbs and fingers tightly together while you pull as if
you’re trying to pull the two links apart. A confirmation, an ES, will allow
the thumb and finger of one of the circles to separate and open, allowing
the chain to be broken. Test the following, “confirm white sugar has a
negative impact on my body.” The response should break the finger chain
to confirm the statement is correct.

Technique 4: Muscle Testing – Locked To

To practice the following four muscle testing technique you need another
person or volunteer client to practice on. You also need a massage table
or something similar for the volunteer client to lie on as you learn these
Once you have a client to work on, stand at the side of the table while the
client lies down on the table. The client places their elbow on the table
with their forearm at a 45 degree angle to the table. You place a couple of
fingers or your hand over the client’s wrist area for the testing position.
Request the client to keep their arm in this position (45 degree angle) by
repeating ‘maintain your arm’. Remind them also they need to breathe as
you test. You then place a small amount of pressure over the wrist area.
To begin the test, ask the client the question ‘have you ever experienced

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 21


stress?’ You should then detect their arm move down slightly or feel a
shift in energy ES. The answer should be affirmative. So far I have not met
anyone who has not experienced stress in this lifetime!! This arm movement
technique is called testing from a locked muscle to an unlocked muscle.
This means the muscle starts strong and when the answer is confirmed it
changes to weak or ‘unlocked’.

Practical Exercise
Test the following on your client:
• Do you have a current stress? If you get an energy shift ES or a
change then it confirms there is a stress present.
• Do you have a current stress with a female? If you get an ES that
confirms it is a stress with a female.
• If there is no ES for ‘female’ then ask if it is with a ‘male’.
• Be specific with the questions and drill down. You can continue
along this line of questioning. Practice feeling the ‘energy shift’ to
get a confirmation.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 22

System Guide
by Marisa Russo

Session 2-4
© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com
Forensic HealingTM System

The Forensic Healing System will activate the most powerful healer in YOU


Marisa Russo: www.marisarusso.com

USA: 1-800-896-9136
AUSTRALIA: 1300 661 350
UNITED KINGDOM: 0-808-134-9918

All contents copyright © 2012 by 111 Matrix Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. (Licensed to Forensic
Healing Pty Ltd. ) No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher has used its best efforts in preparing
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no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of
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Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered
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fecting the validity of any trademark, registered trademark, or service mark. Forensic Healing Pty
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Disclaimer: Forensic Healing does not promote the functions of medical diagnosis or prescribing
medication. You must be a legally qualified physician in your country and trained to perform these
tasks. If a client is requesting a medical diagnosis or medication, ask your client to seek the advice
of their healthcare professional.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com

2.   Profiling 2
STAGE 1: Profiling
1.1 The Interview
Assess Client’s Pain/Stress/Condition Out Of 10

1.2 Opening The Case

These are statements you use to open up the treatment to higher energies.
It includes divine protection and ensures the treatment is for the highest
good of everyone, and that permissions are sought.
You ask for permission to begin the treatment from the client via
biofeedback. You also gain permission from enlightened sources and beings
for the treatment to take place. This ensures that the healing is done with
integrity, that everything is done with divine timing and has no negative
An ES is needed for confirmation to proceed after each statement.

Practitioner repeats Open to Higher Sources Statements

Practical Exercise
Open To Higher Sources Statements: Practitioner Says:
“I ........................(Your name) allow myself to be a pure and clear conduit
and connection to all that exists, all source energy, all universal powers,
all enlightened beings. That this healing is in ........................ (Client’s name)
highest good. I now request access to;
Divine matrix ES
Divine protection ES
Divine blessings ES
Divine guidance ES
DNA coding ES
Permissions are granted ES
For healing to flow though.................................. (Client’s Name) in this
moment in time and forever after” ES

Higher Sources Explained

Divine Matrix
We could substitute other words like ‘Divine Universe’ here. The term
‘Divine Matrix’ is explained by Gregg Braden in his book of the same
title. I resonate with Gregg’s description of the Divine Matrix as a web of
energy that connects everything in our lives, our world, and our universe.
It includes the healing of our bodies, to the success of our careers,
relationships, and the peace between nations. He gives light to this new

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 25


evidence and he reveals that we each hold the power to speak directly to
the force that links all of creation.

Suggested Reading
Gregg’s Braden’s ‘The Divine Matrix’ is well worth a read.
Divine Protection
This requests protection from divine sources to protect you and your
client from negative consequences or energies. It safeguards you against
negativity coming through or accessing something you shouldn’t. This
request will ensure that all the information that is tested and confirmed is
for the client’s highest good.

Divine Blessings
This request ensures that the client is able to receive divine blessings
from enlightened beings, including angels and guides. When this request
is blocked there will usually be negative energies or curses placed on the

Divine Guidance
This request ensures that the ‘guidance’ or information that you receive
for the client is from pure sources and is relevant for the healing. It also
requests that you receive appropriate assistance and participation from
enlightened beings including angels and guides.

DNA Coding
Since DNA is the blue print of every cell, this is a request to gain access to
the DNA blueprint. When you have access to the blueprint, the DNA strands
and structure can be reconnected, realigned or advanced for the higher
good of your client during the healing session.

Permissions Granted
This request ensures that you have permission from all those involved in
the healing. It includes your client, yourself and other light beings that
assist with the healing. It also confirms there is permission to conduct the
healing corrections that were confirmed with an ES.

1.3 Negative Life Patterns (NLP)

Everything reveals itself in patterns. Relationships, finances, health and
spiritual conditions all exhibit patterns. Identifying the predominant
negative patterns that hold you back in your life, allows new patterns to be
created. These negative patterns are usually your most difficult patterns
to overcome and may seem almost insurmountable to change. They are
designed by the Universe that way so you will eventually realise that they
cause you too much pain to hang onto them. The negative feelings act as a
compass or guide so you can know to redirect or change your life so it will
become much more fulfilling.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 26


These continual negative life patterns cause the stresses that have the
most impact on your health. There are cases of clients who do everything
to be healthy yet they have so much emotional stress in their bodies, they
barely function. There are also cases of clients who may not pay attention
to being healthy yet they have decided to live a carefree life and their
health is still very good. Understanding your Negative Life Patterns and 2
the Emotions that run them can change your life to one of feeling free and

Donna’s Case Study

Donna was in a lot of pain, suffering from fibromyalgia. She felt stressed
to the point of not wanting to live. When she understood her negative life
patterns that she was creating were ‘guilt’ and ‘judgment’ and the emotion
that triggered them was ‘feeling guilty’, Donna then had a light bulb moment.
She explained how her whole life had been dictated by her guilt as she had
given one if her children up for adoption, she needed to report another child to
the police, and her other child criticised her continually making her feel guilty.

The following list is a description of each Negative Life Pattern (NLP) listed
in the forensic healing protocol template:

Practical Exercise
Test for One Negative Life pattern (1-18)

Negative Life Pattern Description

1. Distrust You have struggled to trust others as you have felt so

betrayed that trusting is very challenging to do.

2. Grief You have experienced a lot of grief and this feeling has
constantly weighed you down with a heavy heart.

3. Guilt You have felt guilty about situations. You have agreed to
do things only because you feel obligated and you think
it is the ‘right’ thing to do.

4. Hopeless You have been in very grim circumstances. You have felt
like you have been in a black hole of despair with no way

5. Hurt You have experienced deep hurt from other people who
have betrayed you. This feels ingrained on your heart and
has manifested as a feeling of heaviness and emotional

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 27


Negative Life Pattern Description

6. Insecure Your life has felt insecure. You seek to control your life
so you can feel safe and secure. You avoid taking risks or
making big changes in your life.
7. Judgment Your self- talk has been very negative and others judge
you. You have judged yourself and others harshly.

8. Letting Go You have hung on to negative experiences or people. You

have thought about them so often, it affects your life.

9. Life Purpose You have searched and struggled to know what your life
purpose is without ever finding it.

10. Overwhelm Your life experiences have felt so overwhelming that you
have felt like giving up on life.

11. Potential Life has been difficult for you to reach your full potential.
It has been a continuous struggle for you to live your pas-

12. Power You have given your power away and others upset you
easily. You have made decisions based on what others
think. You have felt you have had no control of your life.

13. Relationships You have struggled in your relationships and your close
relationships seem difficult. This stretches your relation-
ship skills, and improves them for you to respond in a
calm and assertive manner.

14. Sacrifice You have put yourself last in everything. Your self-worth
has come from serving others. You have felt worn out
due to the daily grind of giving and never receiving.

15. Trapped You have felt stuck in your life. Others have trapped you
into circumstances you do not want.

16. Vulnerability You have been hurt in the past and you fear being hurt
again. You have put up emotional barriers that discon-
nect you from people.

17. Victim Unfair things have been done to you or you have been
a victim of other people or situations. You have felt you
had no choice in life.

18. Worthless You have felt that you have never been validated as a
person. People have put you down and made you feel
inferior or not good enough

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 28


The pathway to expose the cause.

2.1 Identify Profile Age (ID Age)

Emotions such as fear, shock, anger, grief and loss etc. can negatively
impact you long after the event that caused them. When your body fails to
‘release’ these emotions you may create unsolved aversions, including self-
sabotaging and self-destructive behaviours.
‘Identify profile age (ID Age)’ allows you to find the age of the incident or
trauma that caused these stuck emotions to reside.
The ID Age also establishes when a certain incident or a certain time in a
person’s life had a significant negative impact and has contributed to their
negative life patterns being programmed.
“Your body and mind is an accumulation of all your past experiences”. When
the ID Age is found, clients often report feeling that a heavy weight has
been lifted from their body or their pain released. This is a very powerful
part of the protocol. It shows that the healing begins before you reach the
Stage 6. It occurs all the way through a Forensic Healing System Protocol.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking

we used when we created them.” (Albert Einstein)

Practical Exercise
Test for one ID Age. Start with the client’s current age and regress back to
birth and DNA. Stop at the first ES. This is the age that has held trauma,
stress or when an incident occurred that had a negative impact on the
person’s life.

2.2 Pathway
The data identified will trigger key ideas and information for finding root
causes. This stage identifies the main pieces to the jigsaw.
After you have built the framework for the picture using the outside jigsaw
pieces, you then find the main pieces of the puzzle to build the picture
inside the frame.
In stage 2.2, you will be able to identify which direction the cause/s of the
conditions are located. The four main pathways are:
1. Energy – Meridian systems
2. Physics – Physical impact
3. Emotions – Emotional impact
4. Spirit – Spiritual Impact

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 29


Practical Exercise
Test one of the above pathways (1-4) then test one of the 14 categories
listed under its pathway. For example, Emotions (Pathway); Loss (Category).
This will confirm the main cause of the client’s condition is to do with
an emotional impact related to loss. This will most likely be the loss of 2
someone or something in their life. When you complete the Emotions
module it will expand into a full healing correction to return soul fragments
to the grieving/traumatised client.

Pathway Scan List

Energy Physics Emotions Spiritual

1. Central Vessel Dehydration Shock Karma

2. Governing Vessel Toxins Emotional Trauma Negative Energies

3. Lung Physical Trauma Fear & Phobia Past Life

4. Circulation Sex Structural Pay Off Contracts

5. Heart TMJ (Jaw) Letting Go Lost Souls

6. Liver Nutritional Loss Disconnection

7. Gall Bladder Disease Self Love Curses

8. Stomach Allergy Sacrifice Environment

9. Large Intestine Genetics Sabotage Grace

10. Adrenals Hormones Belief Systems Possession

11. Small Intestine Environment Childhood Attachments

12. Spleen DNA Relationship Protection

13. Kidney Neurological Surrogate Blessings

14. Bladder Body Systems Forgiveness Awakening

Jenny - Case Study

Jenny has chronic headaches and low energy. Jenny
was tested for the pathways table and ES confirmed
‘Physics’, then under physics it confirmed ‘physical
trauma’. Jenny then mentioned that at the age of
7 (her ID age was 7) she had fallen off a horse and
fractured her head. This is the main piece to the jigsaw.
This is the direction to continue on.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 30


3.   Healing Protocol 3
Completing the puzzle: filling in the missing gaps.

6.1 Healing Corrections 3

Healing Pathways List
1. Chakra Healing 2 Hands On Healing

3. Age Release Healing 4. Other Healing Methods

6.1a Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing is a healing correction where energy is sent with your hand
to the specific chakra that tested with an ES. This correction assists with
balance and flow of energy to a blocked or weak chakra.
Test by scanning the client’s body with your hand (just above the body)
starting at the head and work your way down to locate which chakra needs
There will be an ES over the area that needs the energy directed to the
chakra. When the area of the chakra is identified, place one hand above
the area, approx 30cm and direct healing energy into the chakra centre for
approx 1 minute. This is done by holding you hand above the chakra. Keep
the other hand connected to the client. You only need to send energy to
one chakra for this correction.

Practical Exercise
1. Scan body from head to toe to identify relevant chakra ES
2. Place hand over chakra approx 20cm above and send energy
3. Test for an ES to confirm the correction is complete.

6.1b Hands On Healing

Practical Exercise
Scan the client’s body and test for the area needing healing. Place your
hands flat on the area indicated for about 1 minute (above the body for
sexual areas). If possible you can create an energy sandwich which means
hands on either side of the body. Test for ES to confirm the healing is

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 31


1. Scan body from head to toe to identify relevant area on body for
healing ES
2. Place both hands on area identified (off body for intimate areas)
3. Test for an ES to confirm the correction is complete.

6.1c Age Release Healing

Practical Exercise
Begin with current age and count back to birth and DNA. ID Age with ES.
When the age is identified, request release of the stress or trauma in the
body. The client and practitioner takes deep breaths. Confirm the release
with ES.
1. ID Age by counting back from current age to DNA ES
2. Client and Practitioner take deep breaths until ES is obtained
3. ES confirms the stress/trauma is released.

6.2 More Assistance

Sometimes you need more assistance and energy to get you through the
protocol. This is a safety net for your client so that you are not forcing
anything to happen that the body is not ready for.

More Assistance (1-3)

1. Breathing 2. Water

3 Healing Pathways Corrections

When you are finding deep seated emotions and traumas in a client’s body,
the client’s body may start to shut down or not let you move to the next
stage in the protocol. This is evident when you don’t get an ES to move on.
Your client needs more energy or support in the treatment to keep going.
It’s similar to sitting in front of a practitioner who is asking probing
questions about a client’s past. It can be threatening for the client and
their body can go into an automatic protection mode and shut down. The
practitioner may give the client some extra support by giving them a glass
of water, asking a friend to sit with them, and getting the client in a more
relaxed state by asking the client to take slow deep breaths. This gives the
client more energy to continue with the session.
Testing will let you know what type of support or help is needed for the
client to keep going if you fail to get an ES at any stage of the protocol.

Deep breathing will remove carbon dioxide and get more oxygen into your lungs
and blood stream. It also assists in releasing tension and emotions stored in the
body. The following is a recommended breathing exercise that the client can do

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 32


while you return to the protocol to move through to the next part of the stage.
• Breathe in for 8 counts
• Hold for 4 counts
• Breathe out for 8 counts
• Hold for 4 counts

Test for ES for completion. 3

Practical Exercise
Repeat the above breathing cycle steps up to 5 times.

The human body is made-up of between 55 and 75 percent water. Your
lungs expel between two and four cups of water each day through normal
breathing. You can perspire up to 2 cups of water a day, much more if you
exercise. If you make half a dozen trips to the bathroom during the day,
that’s six cups of water.
Every system in your body depends on water. Lack of water can lead to
dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough water in
your body to carry on normal functions. Even mild dehydration - as little as
a 1 percent to 2 percent loss of your body weight - can sap your energy and
make you tired.

Practical Exercise
For this correction you and your client drinks water (1/3 to 1 cup of pure filtered

Healing Corrections List

If this correction is confirmed. Scan the Healing Corrections List in Stage 6.1. Test
for the appropriate healing correction and apply the healing.

6.3 Closing The Case

Requesting blessings and ensuring the healing is complete.
The following closing down statements completes the healing treatment
and ensures that the ‘energies’ are cleaned up and blessings are requested
for the client. We are making sure it is safe to close the protocol and there
has been sufficient information and energy for the healing. It also protects
you as the healer as sometimes ‘energies’ can transfer to you without you
The other powerful aspect to this stage is requesting blessings for the
client for the things they stand in need of. It is often a part of healing that
is missed. Just as people may send negative energies or curses, this part
proactively asks for uplifting and rewarding experiences for your client.
Requesting blessings for your client, in turn blesses you. Whatever you wish
for another, you also wish for yourself!

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 33


This stage ensures the healing or treatment is complete and checks if your
client has any residual pain or stress in their body. This will ensure maximum
healing results.
I could write a book about the things that have happened to me over the
years when negative energies have ‘attached’ to me or they remain in my
physical space. I feel like I have stepped into a dark hole where I am like a
magnet for negativity or bad luck. Electrical appliances also breakdown
including things like our computers. 3
Negative energies can cause great expense! You don’t have to experience
what I have over the years. I am very pleased to have developed this
‘Closing the Case’ stage. It is very reassuring to know that there is no
negative residue remaining from a treatment you have given. It also
ensures that the room is cleared and cleansed for the next client.
In essence, the message is that the more spiritually and physically aligned
you become and the less negative emotions you attract, the less the
negative energies can attach to you. The negativity needs to connect to
something, so keeping your energies light and empowered gives them
nothing to ‘stick’ to!

Practical Exercise
Practitioner repeats the following statements. An ES is necessary where indicated.
“I now request that purifying and cleansing take place through allowing
white and gold cleansing light to clean and dissolve all negative energies
and negative attachments from; .................(Clients’ name) ES
Myself ES
This room ES
This building ES
This surrounding area ES
Anything or anyone affected by this healing ES
I now close down all harmful pathways, portals, gateways, channels, and
access to all other dimensions and realities. ES
I ask that angels pour blessings upon ..........................(Client’s name) for all
the things that he/she stands in need of, that angels guide and protect
him/her and lead him/her on a path of empowerment and full potential.
That healing may continue throughout this time and that................. (Client’s
name) may always know that he/she is of divine worth.
I now confirm these requests have taken place and this healing is
complete.” ES

Finishing A Healing Session

When you have completed the Forensic Healing System Protocol, you
should ask your client for a rating out of 10 for the pain and stresses your
client first noted.
As your body retains a memory of all that has happened to it, the healing
process is like peeling away the layers of an onion. The outside layers

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 34


need to be peeled off first, before you can reach the inner layers. Healing
is a journey. This is why it is important to keep track of all the clients’
conditions and ratings, so you can remind them of the progress they have
made over a period of treatments. People pay attention to what is wrong
with them and often not what is going right for them. Remind them of their
Your client may want to know when they should return for a follow-up
consultation. You can use biofeedback to test when their next appointment 3
should be. That is, test for days, weeks or months. Remind your client to
drink water throughout the day and to be mindful of the possible detoxing
side-effects after a treatment.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 35


4.   Where to from here

Join us for LIVE or Online Training
How did you enjoy your experience? There is much more detail and many
more healing pathways to learn plus a whole lot of fun.
You can upgrade at any time to study the advanced courses - Principles,
Energy, Physics, Emotions and Spirit.
ONLINE Study Program
You can study the full Forensic Healing System Online or
LIVE Training Program
An intensive, life changing training program to fast-track your learning,
experience and qualification as a Forensic Healer.

Upgrading is easy...

Contact us by email: fhs@forensichealing.com

Visit: www.forensichealing.com
Contact us so we can talk you through the simple process to study
ONLINE or attend one of our LIVE training programs. We have easy
affordable payment plans or pay up front options.
The most proficient practitioners I know strive to learn different healing
modalities and consistently apply and integrate the methods that work
best. Naturally over time, these practitioners start to develop their own
methods and style.
I have found as a practitioner, your own emotions and health reflects the
type of clients you attract. The message is to take note of what you are
attracting. If clients are coming to you consistently stuck in their life – it
might be time get some healing for yourself.

© Forensic Healing™ 2012 www.forensichealing.com 36


Are you stuck? It is important that a practitioner works on themselves.

Healing is a continual journey and a very rewarding one. Being a healer is
very much about experiencing evolution within and without.
I hope you have enjoyed the course. Keep practicing consistently to gain
the experience necessary to become a great healer. Please let us know your
progress. We will meet up online or at one of our workshops, hopefully in
your part of the world.
I look forward to hearing about your stories of healing success.
See you soon.
Blessings. Marisa xx

Contact us

Australia: 1300 187 183

United States: 1800 896-9136
United Kingdom: 0-808-134-9918

Email: support@forensichealing.com

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