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Child Abuse

Deviance implies unusual and prohibited conduct which means that deviance is basically going
against the society’s values and norms by violating it. Deviance can come from traffic offence,
something that can lead to a minor and major issue such as rape, murder and molestation. Every
society explains what is deviant and what is not, deviance vary generally between social orders.
Deviance is a relative issue, and principles for deviance can come in many forms such as
location, age social status and individual societies. People does not have to act in a deviant way
keeping in mind that the end goal is to viewed as deviant. Once in a while people are viewed as
deviant as a result of traits or characteristics they have. Punishing individual for deviant conduct
reminds individuals that what will happen and what is expected from the if they do not obey the
society’s norms. Social Control is very import in the society that is why all society has some
techniques for Social Control. These strategies for social control incorporate positive sanction
and negative sanction. A positive sanction is a socially built articulation of endorsement. A
negative sanction is a socially developed articulation of objective.

Child abuse is important because it is the toughest behavior to understand for a human being.
Children can likewise experience the ill effects of psychological mistreatment and practical
neglect. It is particularly hard to know how much a child is abused and how often it happens.
Newborn children clearly can’t talk and babies and more suffered are the youngsters who are
child abused, though they do not tell anyone that they are being abused by someone. They
probably won’t characterize it as an abuse, as they are terrified to tell to their parents, that might
remind them about the abuse or they do not know to whom they could converse about their
abuse. Whatever the reason maybe, it is always considered as an instruction to stay quiet making
it exceptionally hard to know how much abuse happens.

It is an important matter and requires further investigation to deal with these types of cases. As
the rate of child abuse is increasing day by day but to solve and find the remedy of it is very few.
These scars don’t heal very easily and sometimes stays forever as the innocent souls are being
hurt. The effect of it can complete destroy a child’s entire life. Their mind and perception about
certain things will change due to this and they won’t be able to be normal again.
Source by Mehedi

1) Why do these people or groups engage in deviant behavior? Be sure to provide a detailed
analysis. If possible, provide alternate perspectives.
People who engage in child abuse are basically suffering from mental sickness. Such sickness or
mental state is usually developed over many years. The root of the problem starts from the
childhood of the child abuser. Disturbed childhood can be a reason for such behavior. In such
circumstance a child sees bad relationship between parents which sometimes end in physical
fight between them and towards the child. This results in absence of love and care of the child.
Thus, the child doesn’t know how to get or give love and care to the other people. This child also
doesn’t get the proper guidance regarding moral education, societal norm education and religious
education while growing up. Therefore, they grow up to be mentally unstable and violent adult.
During adulthood the stress of workplace and other burden of societal pressure trigger the violent
nature of these people. Then they look for weak victims on whom they can take out their anger
and frustration. Children are the easiest target for them in this issue. They can’t protest or fight
back. Therefore, child abuser feels strong enough by physically or sexually abusing them.

2) How do these deviants view their behavior? For example, do they regard their deviance
as a one-time aberration or see it as a deviant career? Justify your answer.
A child abuser may regret his action right after the abuse takes place. But the truth is there is a
high chance that he will be doing the same thing next time when he gets the chance.

3) What impacts (both positive and negative) does the deviance behavior have on
Deviance can be useful for a society because it performs a variety of functions for
society. It helps to clarify norms, it clarifies what should be widely accepted by
society. Deviance behavior has mostly negative effect. These activities are considered
not normal by society standard.
4) In what ways has society responded or reacted to the deviance?
Deviance behavior creates imbalance in society by breaking the rules and by creating
unruly situation. Deviance behavior creates confusion among people within a society.
Some support it and some people are not at all ready to accept it. but as a whole
deviance helps to define the standard of behavior within a society.
Source by Mim

1) Why do these people or groups engage in deviant behavior? Be sure to provide a detailed
analysis. If possible, provide alternate perspectives.

People engage in deviant behavior when they cannot achieve socially approved goals by
legitimates means.

2) How do these deviants view their behavior? For example, do they regard their deviance as a
one-time aberration or see it as a deviant career? Justify your answer.

Depending on the society and culture, deviance is considered either generally accepted or
vehemently opposed. In the first type of society, people have the option of returning to life
without deviance as society acknowledges that people will commit mistakes and gives them the
chance to rectify themselves. In the second type of society, people with deviant behavior
typically assume that the only way to live life after being labelled as a deviant is through
deviance itself. They believe that they have been stigmatized and cannot return to life before the
deviance and must therefore continue this way of life.

3) What impacts (both positive and negative) does the deviance behavior have on society?

Positive effects due positive cases of deviance are a lot more powerful than the negative ones
since they are rarer and therefore cause a bigger impact on society. Negative effects of deviance
on society are much common as deviance from societal norms are mostly towards the negative
side. A society with more negative deviance in it may become a society where productivity is
lower than usual and trust is also lower than usual.

4) In what ways has society responded or reacted to the deviance?

Society's response to deviance depends on how much it is accepted in society. If it's generally
accepted then it's not a very big problem and people understand the situation more. If a society
is used to opposing deviance then it takes a much harsher stance towards it.
Source by Sadik

1) Why do these people or groups engage in deviant behavior? Be sure to provide a detailed
analysis. If possible, provide alternate perspectives.

Failure of religious and moral values is the main cause of deviant behavior and delinquency.

2) How do these deviants view their behavior? For example, do they regard their deviance as a
one-time aberration or see it as a deviant career? Justify your answer.

Deviance is a very common social disease. Deviant individuals find themselves completely
sound. They have their own justification which makes them feel they are doing right. Even if it is
a one-time aberration, it may recur again in a lifetime.

3) What impacts (both positive and negative) does the deviance behavior have on society?

Deviant behavior mostly has negative impact then positive, especially on young children and

4) In what ways has society responded or reacted to the deviance?

Society in general has a tendency to avoid these deviant people as much as possible and most
people try to live a normal healthy life

Source by Yousuf

1) Why do these people or groups engage in deviant behavior? Be sure to provide a detailed
analysis. If possible, provide alternate perspectives.

Child abuse is a problem which existed in our society for a long time and it ours from a mental
disorder. A child can be abused by their parents which can be mentally or physically because
of a careless mistake which children’s do quite often. Children’s are abused in most cases
because they are the easiest target for any kind of abuse like sexual, mentally or physically.
2) How do these deviants view their behavior? For example, do they regard their deviance as a
one-time aberration or see it as a deviant career? Justify your answer.

The abuser might feel great as it completely happens due to a sickness and sometimes there
can be some certain regrets as well.
3) What impacts (both positive and negative) does the deviance behavior have on society?

Child abuse is a negative impact on the society which creates an imbalance in many
ways. Thus, impacting the standard of a good society as well as breaking the social
4) In what ways has society responded or reacted to the deviance?

Some people will react very negatively on this issue and try to prevent it from continuing any
farther but we all know among a group of good people there will be someone bad, who will be
destroying the standard rules and thus for those few people child abuse will continue. So, a part
of the society we all should think positively to stop this issue.

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