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Ch-2 (Inside Our Earth)

Class: 7th Subject:-Social Science Date: 25-08-2020

Answer Key
A. Explain the following terms :
(a) Crust : The topmost layer of the Earth’s surface which is made-up of rocks and soil is called the crust.
(b) Mantle : The mantle is a layer between the crust and the outer core of the earth.
(c) Core : The innermost layer of the Earth is called core. The core is made-up of Nickel (Ni) and Iron (Fe).
The core is extremely hot (3000°C to 6000°C) and pressure on the core is extremely high.
(d) Sial : It is the upper crust comprising of continental masses. It is made of light weight material. It is
mainly composed of two minerals—Silica (Si) and Aluminium (Al). That is why it is called Sial.
(e) Sima : It is the lower part of the crust comprising of thin and fragile ocean floor. It is denser than the
continental crust. It is composed of minerals like Silicon (Si) and Magnesium (Ma). That is why it is
called Sima.
(f) Nife : It is the innermost layer of the Earth. It is composed of minerals like Nickel (Ni) and Iron (Fe).
That is why it is called Nife.
(g) Magma : The molten material in the lower mantle is called magma. The average temperature of this
molten material is 2200°C. It flows out of the earth during volcanic eruptions.
(h) Lava : During volcanic eruptions magma is released on the surface of the earth. It is called Lava. This
molten lava flows out through a lava tube.
(i) Fossil Fuel : Minerals that are formed from the remains of dead and decomposed animals and plants
trapped inside the earth long, long ago are called fossil fuels. They are non-renewable resources of
(j) Minerals : Minerals are naturally occurring substances having definite structure and physical
properties. They are not made by human beings. Each mineral has a chemical composition. For
example mica, quartz, feldspar, diamond are some minerals.
B. Multiple Choice Questions :
1. (a) crust 2. (b) Nife 3. (a) molten material
4. (b) solid metal 5. (b) Ores 6. (c) Diamond
7. (a) Marble 8. (a) Clay
C. Answer the following :

1. The earth is divided into three main layers :

(a) Crust : The topmost layer of the earth’s surface which is made up of rocks and soil is called the
crust. It is this layer that supports life.
(b) Mantle : Most of the earth’s interior is made up of the layer of the molten rock. It lies between
the solid crust and the hot and dense core.
(c) Core : The innermost layer of the earth is called the core. The core is made up of Nickel (Ni) and
Iron (Fe). The Pressure on the core is extremely high.
2. The rocks which are formed by the internal heat of the earth are called igneous rocks. Igneous
rocks were the first to be formed on the surface of the earth so they are called primary rocks. All
other rocks are formed from them.
3. (a) Igneous rocks are formed from molten magma found abundantly in the interior of the earth.
Magma cools and solidifies into rock.
(b) When igneous rocks are exposed on the surface, due to the action of wind, water, plants or
animals, they break down into smaller pieces called sediments. Wind and water carry these
sediments and deposit them in different places. With time the sediments get buried and
compressed resulting into layered rocks with wave like patterns known as sedimentary rocks.
(c) Metamorphic rocks are formed when the sedimentary or igneous rocks get buried deep into
the earth. Heat and pressure inside the earth bakes the rock, changing it into something new.
4. Minerals that are formed from the remains of dead and decomposed animals and plants trapped
inside the earth long, long ago are called fossil fuels. These minerals are important sources of
energy and are of non-renewable nature. Coal, petroleum and natural gas are examples of fossil
5. The continuous process in which a rock changes from one kind to another is called rock cycle.
(i) Cooling of magma results in the formation of igneous rocks.
(ii) Forces of nature, like sunrays, rain, wind disintegrate these rocks.
(iii) The broken rocks get deposited on the floor of seas, oceans, lakes and rivers and form
sedimentary rocks.
(iv) Extreme heat and pressure inside the earth changes sedimentary rocks into metamorphic
(v) Due to extreme heat and pressure inside the earth, sometimes metamorphic and sedimentary
rocks melt to form magma.
(vi) Magma comes out through cracks in the crust of the earth, cools and solidifies to form igneous
(vii) In this way rock cycle goes on.
6. Importance of rocks :
(i) Hard rocks are extensively used in construction.
(ii) Minerals like coal and petroleum are sources of fossil fuels.
(iii) Rocks provide metallic ores which are used in the industry.
(iv) Some rocks are sources of precious and semi-precious stones and gems used in jewellery.
(v) Minerals in the rocks provide nutrients needed by the plants.
Hots :
1. Igneous rocks are formed from molten magma found abundantly in the interior of the earth.
Magma cools and solidifies into rock. Igneous rocks are hard and non-porous. They do not allow
remains of dead and decomposed animals and plants get embedded and compressed in the layers
of these rocks.
2. Certain rocks contains metals which can be extracted economically and can be used for the
construction purposes. These rocks are called ores. For example, Bauxite is an ore of Aluminium.
Haematite is an ore of Iron.
D. Distinguish between the following : (a)

Intrusive rocks Extrusive rocks

1. These rocks are formed 1. These rocks are formed
when molten magma gets when lava, coming out of
trapped inside the earth. volcano, reaches the surface
of the earth.
2. These rocks take a very long 2. These rocks rapidly cool
time to cool down and down and solidify.
3. These types of rocks have 3. These types of rocks have a
larger grains, for example, fine grained structure, for
Granite. example, Basalt rocks.

Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks

1. Igneous is derived from Latin word 1. Sedimentary is derived from Latin
‘ignis’ meaning ‘fiery’. word ‘sedimentum’ meaning
‘settle down’.
2. These are formed from molten 2. These are formed from the
(b) magma. fragments of other rocks.
3. These are formed by the internal 3. These are formed by weathering of
heat of the earth. igneous rocks by action of wind,
water, plants or animals.
4. These are known as primary rocks. 4. These are known as secondary
5. These are good sources of metallic 5. These are good sources of fossil
ores like gold, silver and iron ore. fuels like coal, petroleum and
natural gas.

Organic Minerals Inorganic Minerals

1. These are living minerals. 1. These were never living.

(c) 2. Organic minerals can 2. These cannot be easily

easily break down into broken down.
materials. 3. Electrons spin in anti-
3. Electrons spin in clockwise direction.
clockwise directions.

Give two examples of each of the following types of rocks :

Igneous rocks : Basalt, Granite Metamorphic rocks :
Marble, Quartzite Sedimentary rocks :
Limestone, Sandstone
E. Match the rocks to its features :

These rocks have ribbon like layers. Metamorphic

rock (Last

These rocks have small shiny Igneous rock,

or sparkly crystals. Basalt Vth

The layered rocks with Sedimentary

wave like patterns. rock (Ist

Some of these rocks are not rough, but Granite

smooth and shiny like glass. (IV

These rocks are good source of Coal

fossil fuels. (IIIrd
These are formed when Sandston
grains of sand get e (IInd
compressed over a long image)
period of time.

F. Label the Diagram :

l Crust
l Mantle
l Outer Core
l Inner Core

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