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We have all wondered at least once how to easily overcome the obstacles in our lives
without consciously thinking about it. The way you relate to the obstacles that arise in your life
may be the best indicator of your level of self-awareness. A conscious person tends to become
even more conscious, and an unconscious person tends to become even more unconscious.
Therefore, what is this consciousness and why is its development important?
Consciousness is a misunderstood word. The word consciousness derives from the latin
term "con scientia and means knowledge. But we are talking about a reflective or intuitive
knowledge, we have to take care of each human being or they are about their existence. The
deeper this consciousness with which it can be considered, it can turn into feelings, using only
From the perspective of ancient mystics, you can only see yourself if you can persevere.
You can talk, breathe, create, feel your heartbeat, or move your body, but the ability to realize
that you are already a robot. In one form or another, all sages have told us over time that the
source of our unhappiness or suffering is unconscious.
Whether it's a stone, a worm, a tree, a bird, an elephant, or a human being - almost
anything is the format of the same simple material. You can reach the intelligence that makes life
happen to us or we call it "consciousness". The only reason we experience our daily lives and the
state of fixation in life is because they are themselves. If you are unconscious, we do not know if
you are alive or dead. Are you a little confused? Without imagining deeply, after a provocative
care in terms of energy and falling asleep - you are alive, but consciously do not know this.
During sleep we tend to oscillate between the phase of dreamless sleep and that of
dreamy sleep. In the waking state, similarly, most people do nothing but oscillate between the
usual level of unconsciousness and a deep unconsciousness. When I tell you about the usual state
of unconsciousness, I want you to think about the moment of identification with your personal
thoughts and emotions, with your reactions, desires and resentments. This is the normal state of
most people. In this state you are led by the mind dominated by the false self and you are not
aware of Being. It is not a condition that causes acute pain or unhappiness, but almost
continuously, it creates discomfort throughout sleep - a condition that affects our lives, not just
sleep. Maybe you don't realize this because it's so much part of "normal" life that we don't hear
any noise in the background if the sound intensity is low and the level of awareness is low.
So it is essential to raise your awareness in automatic life for the ordinary situation for the
power presented to increase. When you can learn to be able to witness your thoughts and
emotions that surprise you and you realize the level at the emotional level and the level of
thinking for the mind is usually resistant. In essence, we do not stand up for the contract of
conscience. We do not raise the experience to a level, so we can become more aware. We are
aware to a certain extent. The question is up to this level.
In conclusion, we need to be able to raise our consciousness - we just need to be able to
rise to a certain level to have access to this and to experiment. Consciousness is in the whole
period. Where it should be supported, ensure the ability to turn breathing and food into life. You
are alive - you may be aware of this. But so far there is minimal access. As one accesses it
expands, the sense of delimitation expands. Nature has given us or a certain ability to be
conscious. But the face training, the care part or we see is narrow and limited. What do you do
for the radical transformation of any life experience in constant discovery? Try to find the
answer and see you next time!


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