Script 1. Our Breathing

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Our breathing: a very powerful tool!


Do you often feel very restless and stressed when you have to do something complicated or make
a decision? Is it hard for you to be focused? You can't sleep for hours? Take a deep breath! Deep
breathing and certain breathing techniques can help you overcome the hardest moments of your

INTRO (pause 2-3 sec)

We all know that breathing is a fundamental physiological process by which oxygen and carbon
dioxide exchange are performed. A complete breath includes two distinct phases: inspiration,
that is, the taking of the air (gases) from the environment in the body, and exhalation, by which
the used (exhausted) air is eliminated outside the body. By respiration, oxygen (O2) from the
inspired air reaches the cells, and the resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) is eliminated through
exhalation. Inspiration takes about 2 seconds. The expiration is slightly longer: it lasts for 2-3

Have you ever wondered how many times in a day you breathe? 200 times? 7000 times? About
17 280 times a day. Scientific researchers claim that at rest, the respiratory rate is about 12
breaths per minute, but can vary up to 15-18 breaths per minute. During this time, about 6 liters
of air enters the lungs. During intense physical activity the respiratory rate increases and,
consequently, the volume of air that reaches the lungs.

The rhythm of the breath has a direct impact on the mental, physical and spiritual state. This is
why breathing exercises can be used to calm the mind and induce a calm state. The use of
simple, but extremely strong techniques will help you to relax in times of intense stress. To
maximize the effects of controlled breathing it is important to create a ritual, especially at the
beginning when you are not used to it. In time you will find that your body will automatically
call for controlled breathing in extreme situations of stress or anxiety.

About breathing exercises. I have prepared three simple techniques to relieve you of stress:

The first one - Power 10. Focus on problems that create a state of anxiety and stress only when
you inhale. Then it eliminates all these problems from your mind, body and soul when you
expire. It is a repetitive process. You have to breathe 10 times.

The second technique is called HEART BOOST - Think of two of the happiest times in your life.
When you inhale you close your eyes and try to see those moments again with the eyes of your
mind. Any negative feelings will be released from the body as you exhale.

The third technique is practiced by the U.S. Navy SEAL and ancient mystics. The technique is
called BOX BREATHING. To experience the benefits it is recommended that this technique be
practiced at least 5 minutes every day. All you have to do is try to clear your mind of any thought
and focus exclusively on breathing. Now you just have to expel the air from your chest and keep
your lungs bare for 4 long counts. There are 4 other long counts in which you inhale through the
air nose. Now we hold the air in our lungs for four long numbers. It is very important that we do
not bend and that there is no additional pressure. We end with a smooth expiration through the
nose for four long counts. We repeat this process.

It is not at all surprising that, in a difficult situation, we often say: "take a deep breath."
Your breathing is a very powerful tool. Proper breathing has two important characteristics:
tension and relaxation. Tension is a feeling of contraction or storage. Liberation is very
important. Relaxation is a feeling of release. We took it and then we left. Without a relaxed body
and mind you cannot live healthily and you will never feel relieved. Something is accumulating,
and that something will disturb you sooner or later.

In conclusion, 5 minutes of controlled breath a day can be a very powerful tool that allows you to
calm down, relax or easily overcome a difficult time in your life. We have a limited number of
breaths in life. When it ends, life ends. Therefore, it is very important to breathe deeply and


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