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The villages of Skelton, Shipton, Overton, Newton-on-Ouse, Linton-on-Ouse & Beningbrough

The Revd Malcolm Wainwright, The Rectory, Church Lane, Skelton, York, YO30 1XT Tel: 01904 471351
The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 527423 (office hours) 01904 654784 (evenings)
The Revd Catherine Toase, 07777 672400,
CHURCH WARDENS: Online version at
Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Kathy Peacock 01904 471980 Stephanie Dow 01347 848808
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 Ingrid Kothari 01347 838211 August 2020

Don’t forget to catch our 10am Sunday Service on
W hile stuck indoors over the past 5 months,
I’ve had a lot of spare time. Spare time, that
I’ve mostly occupied with films and TV shows.
the Holy Evangelist, Shipton Facebook Page. Netflix stock is looking good these days. One of the
stories that I see coming up again, and again, and
again, is that of the flawed protagonist, who over
the course of the film, learns to overcome either an
Skelton—Morning Prayer external, or more interestingly, an internal threat.
Pixar, Marvel and Disney films all present this story
We can confirm that from Sunday 2nd August, a
wonderfully, in a whole array of settings.
service of Morning Prayer will be held every Sunday Take for example, Beauty and the Beast
at 11:00am in St. Giles’ Church, Skelton. (1991). With much assistance from Belle, the Beast
rises to the challenge of overcoming the flaws in his
In order to ensure the social distancing is correctly own personality, and growing into a better, much
observed, with we be using a booking system, so we more human, human. Once this is achieved,
can stay within the safe limits of the building’s defeating the antagonist, Gaston, earning the
maximum occupancy. Everyone will be asked to heroine Belle’s love, and breaking the curse are all
supply their name and telephone number upon comparatively trivial hurdles. Mulan, Elsa, Ariel and
arrival. Aladdin all learn about self-acceptance, love and
particularly, respect. Simba and ‘the Beast’ both
If you wish to attend, please phone me on 01904 learn about the importance of responsibility.
Pinocchio (1940) takes this idea the furthest, as
471351 beforehand.
Pinocchio quite literally earns his humanity, by
learning personal responsibility, good manners,
Please note: That the 10am Sunday service on the respect for his elders, and to heed the advice of his
Holy Evangelist Shipton Facebook Page will continue embodied conscience JC (Jiminy Cricket, or
as usual. possibly Jesus Christ).
What we can learn from these stories, and
Rev Malcolm the ideas that we see repeated time, and time
again, is a deep yearning to grow as individuals.
The very fact that we feel the need to repeat it so
often, and have done so for millennia, is a
testament to how difficult this challenge to improve
ourselves really is. Many of the old testament
prophets are deeply flawed characters, but that
doesn’t stop them from trying to be better as
people, and God is always there to help guide
them. Jesus may be an infallible example, that we
all fail to live up to, but having an ideal to walk
Please see under Skelton section re opening of towards with faltering steps can still be helpful.
St Giles’ church for individual prayer. Now is as good a time as any to try it. We
will fail. Repeatedly. But if you don’t ever try, you
NOTICES FOR THE NEWSLETTER should be received by the 15th of
August for the September issue. All notices to
From the Editor

GENERAL NOTICES as ”GOOD”. Please pop in or call the school office on 01904 555170 to
arrange a visit or for further information.
URGENT NOTICE Skelton Walking Group For details of future meetings ring 01904
The editor of the Newsletter has had to give up the role due to 470402.
ill health. We therefore need a volunteer to take over the
editorship immediately. This may look good on your CV and Gentle Yoga Class Every Thursday, 1.30-3.00pm, Skelton Village
be good experience with a publishing programme. Training Hall. A gentle yoga practice, working towards strength, flexibility and
will be given if necessary. If no volunteers are forthcoming relaxation in a friendly environment. Mixed abilities, all ages and
this newsletter will cease to be published. Please contact Rev beginners welcome. Contact Nestor on 07503 157361
Malcolm Wainwright on 01904 471351 or


SKELTON NEWS Yoga for improved health & wellbeing Wednesdays, 9.30-11.30am at Shipton Community Centre. For all abilities, beginners welcome.
Facebook: St Giles Church, Skelton, York Come & experience the positive changes in your physical & mental
health. Taster class is £8. Please contact Rachel on 07515 577377 or
Skelton Parish Council Next meeting 7.30pm, 24th September 2020, 01904 704226. Email Website
via Zoom. Following meeting Thursday 22nd October. For more
information email. See www.skelton- or parish notice boards. Shipton Space Cinema are having to close for the foreseeable future,
as of 16th March 2020. This is to comply with the latest Government
Skelton Gardening Club, We are always pleased to welcome guests coronavirus restrictions. If you have any suggestions of how we can
(£3) & new members (£15 for the year). help our community stay together in these difficult times or if you want
to join the Cinema email group by ringing John 07906 890 465 or
Online Sunday Service The All Age Holy Communion service for the 01904 470187.
benefice is broadcast at 10:00 each Sunday on the Holy Evangelists
Shipton church Facebook page. The service sheet is available at http:// Shipton Parish Council Contact to print or follow on a separate for details of the next meeting.
window or device.
Shipton By Beningbrough Playground Club Congratulations to the
Coffee, Chat and Books Hope you are enjoying your Summer winners of the Shipton By Beningbrough Playground July 100 Club
Reading! Hopefully we will be able to get together in the Autumn and draw, drawn by Karen on 9th July at Tesco Customer service, Clifton
hear all about it! Meanwhile, any queries to Mandy or Malcolm on Moor—1st Prize £55.00 Mark Sherry, 2nd Prize £27.50 Ray Parsons,
01904 471531. 3rd Prize £27.50 Rosemarie Tate. We currently have 88 members, it
would be brilliant to get our membership to the full 100 members. If
Opening St. Giles’ Church Following advice from government and you would like details of how to join, at a cost of £30 per year, please
church, St. Giles’ is now open for private prayer from 10-12 on contact me by email on .The money
Thursday and 2-4 on Sunday. Social distancing will need to be raised from the Shipton Playground 100 club goes towards the
maintained, as well as sanitising hands on entrance and exit, also
maintenance running costs of our community run playground. Thanks
keeping to the designated section of the church, etc
again everyone, next draw in August.
Rev Malcolm Wainwright
Morning Prayer will be taking place at 11am starting 2nd August.
Shipton by Beningbrough Playground Committee require
Please see the front page for more details.
volunteers to join the committee. The commitment includes fund
raising events participation and a few meetings a year including the
Skelton Social Running Group A newly-formed casual running group
AGM. We abide by a constitution to enable us to bid for fund raising
meets on Tuesday nights, 6.30pm at the green on St. Catherines
Close. We usually run 5km (3 miles) in a small group. Everyone grants. Please contact Peter Chapman 01904 471903 if you would like
welcome & if enough people we can split into different groups for to help and be involved with supporting our community further. Huge
different distances & speeds. Contact us via the Skelton Community thank you for everyone who help us raise £399 at the pig racing event
Share Facebook group. to raise funds for the playground on the 12th March. Thank you to
Garry and Pam at the Dawnay Arms, Shipton for hosting the superb
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every two event and donating a prize, thank you to Nestle, Browns Nursery and
weeks. Borrow books, update your library card or York Card, return Hearts, Easingwold for their donations.
books from any other York library, & request books to be brought to
Skelton. The library stops in Fairfields Drive from 2.40pm to 3.10pm The 2020 Shipton Village Bake off has been postponed until further
and Brecksfield from 3.15pm to 3.50pm. Alternate Mondays. Contact notice due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For more information, email
01904 552655, email or go to or ring 01904 470187
Forest of Galtres Primary School and Shipton Preschool are now
Skelton WI Monthly meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm. Visitors working together as a school nursery. We are open to children from 2
always welcome. Please ring 470605 for more information years and above, every day of the week, with Breakfast and After
School Club available. We are registered with Childcare Choices and
Skelton Village Trust No admission charge to monthly talks, but a Childcare Voucher schemes, and can offer funded and paid places.
ticket is required - obtainable from committee members and the village For further information contact the school office on 01904 470272 or
shop. call in for our drop-in toddler session on Tuesday mornings, 9:30-
Skelton Primary School We are pleased to announce that our There is an additional message on page 5 of this newsletter.
wonderful village primary school has recently been awarded by Ofsted

Church building update: The interior painting of the church is thankful to you all.
complete, and the scaffolding dismantled. The front three rows of Tea Towel Fundraiser for All Saints and Christian Aid: Looking for
pews have been removed and the baby grand piano is now sited at the a unique gift for a friend, or a treat for yourself? Gillian is hand-
front of the church, making performances more comfortable to view blocking lovely teatowels in a choice of designs on the theme of either
and enjoy. The new heating system will be installed as soon as Christian Thoughts or Natural Wonders. You can see samples on the
possible, and a new carpet fitted at the rear of the church. Our church website, Facebook page or community forums. Order by phone
amazing volunteers have continued with projects including the repair of on 01347-848219 or email Suggested
the churchyard tap, work on the lighting in the tower area, and repair of price is £6. Please choose either All Saints or Chrisian Aid to receive
gravestones, including restoration of the grave of Lydia Dawnay, a your payment, and Gillian will arrange this.
major benefactor of the church. A dog bowl has been provided near Vacancies: All Saints is seeking an Electoral Roll Officer and a
the Lych Gate for your pet’s refreshment. We politely request that dogs Safeguarding Officer. Neither role is demanding, but some experience
are kept on a leash in the churchyard at all times out of respect for the of working with children would be useful for Safeguarding. If you have
graves of members of our community buried there. Please remove any a little time to spare, please contact the Revd Malcolm or one of the
mess and deposit it in the village dog bins, or take it home for churchwarden. Contact details on first page of this Newsletter.
disposal. Thank you. For further information contact Stephanie Howe Pews for Sale: 18ft long Pine wood pews available for £250. Some
on 07885 616747. are shaped around pillars so suitable for dividing in two easily. If
Nearly New: Please put 30th October in your diary for the Big Nearly interested please contact Stephanie Howe on 07885 616747
New Sale at the Galtres
Linton History Group: For more information please contact Maureen
on 01347848268 or check website Adverts: .
Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter
Newton-on-Ouse WI: We offer fun and friendship to women of all
when contacting advertisers
ages and interests, but for the moment all our activities are suspended
until further notice. Please contact Maureen Stringer on 01347 848268
or check our Facebook page @newtononousewi for information.
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club Ring Wendy for details on
01347 844036.
Fancy an Allotment 2020? Newton-on-Ouse Allotments Association
has vacant plots on its site on Back Lane. Options (showing annual
rental rates in brackets) are: full plot (£40), half plot (£20) or ‘taster’
quarter plot (£10), with a one-off set-up fee of £10 in all instances. You
are welcome to share with a friend if that suits. Contact Kay Scott,
Allotments Association Secretary, on 01347 848465
North Yorkshire Dance Academy Classes for children and adults are
suspended until further notice. For any details contact Diane Sugden
on 07810 483 546, or email: or see
our Facebook page @northyorkshiredanceacademy.
Linton on Ouse Parish Council: Contact Would you like a helping hand to keep your for details of the next meeting. garden beautiful?
Craft and Chat is suspended until further notice. Please contact
Maureen Stringer on 01347 848268 with queries.  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
Linton-on-Ouse Whist Drive This activity has been suspended until
further notice due to Covid-19. Call Alex on:
General Knowledge Quiz: This activity has been suspended until Tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
further notice due to Covid-19. Contact Mark on 07961361048 for Mob: 07905 102702 garden maintenance
further details.
Teatime Church: If you have young children in your family, we hope VETERINARY SURGERY
you’ll support our new online initiative 'Teatime Church'. On the fourth S T Stead BVSc MRCVs
Sunday of each month this will be broadcast on our new All Saints 2 Plantation Drive, off B’bridge Road,
Church YouTube channel at 4 p.m. A local Mummy will introduce it, ACOMB, York YO26 6AG
and there will be fun stories, songs, and crafts - a sort of online version 24 Hours 7 Days a Week Emergency Service 782033
of Messy Church. Please sample Teatime Church at 4 p.m. on Sunday Alternative Emergency 07836 618 148
23rd August. What better way to calm, entertain and inform the little New Skelton Surgery Facilities
ones to settle them before tea? Here is the link: https:// Telephone Acomb Surgery for appointments
Church Clock and Bells: We are pleased to report the clock is
chiming correctly again following minor repairs and our 3 church bells
are functioning correctly following some TLC from one of our amazing
volunteers. You may hear some bell ringing practice on a Tuesday
afternoon in future but please contact Rev Malcolm if this causes any
concern e.g. for shift workers nearby.
Thank You: All Saints PCC would like to thank all the volunteers who
have stepped forward to assist with maintaining the grave-yard, the
clock, the bells and the recent repairs of the Lych Gate. We are truly

Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter when contacting advertisers

Advertising space available.

Help support the parish newsletter.
Please contact:

Built-in and Freestanding
Ovens – Cookers – Microwave ovens
Dishwashers – Washing machines
Tumble Dryers - Fridge freezers
All leading brands - 40 years experience
Tel 07764 160654 Helen Manders BSc (Hons) MCSP HCPC
Parkside Physiotherapy Practice

20 years experience treating:

- Sports injuries - Rehabilitation
- Back and neck problems - Joint problems
- Pregnancy related problems - Nerve pain
- Arthritis management - Headaches

Newton, 01347 844013,

Cundall Computers
Repairs & Support – Virus Removal – Tuition
JDC Quartz Watch Repairs
Battery & strap Replacement / Bracelets Sized
Ultrasonic Cleaning & Much More
For Both The Above Services Tel: 01904634386
10 Manor Park Road, York, YO30 5UD. EST 30YRS

Mark Sherry Electrical

Domestic and Commercial

All aspects of electrical work undertaken—No job too small

Rewiring—Lighting—Fault Finding—Additional Switches &
Sockets—Security Lighting—Fuse Box Repairs & Upgrades
Periodic Inspection/Condition Reports & Testing
Installing Appliances—Breakdowns

Friendly reliable & efficient service - over 20 years experience

Tel 07710528200 01904 470791

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Page 5 (Online Edition Only)

A Special Message from Forest of Galtres Anglican and Methodist School, Shipton

As the school year has now drawn to a close it gives time to reflect on what has been a very
unusual few months. As you know, schools closed to most pupils in late March when the
Government announced the lockdown and things have not been the same since! We remained
open for the children of essential workers and as the number of families needing this was very low,
we merged with Burton Green, one of the other primaries in the Hope Trust. That was interesting
for children, parents and staff alike, as we all got to know our new surroundings, friends and
colleagues. For the majority of children, home learning was underway, using Google classroom.
This is a great platform, which enables teachers to set and mark work, children to upload it and
importantly, children to interact with each other and staff on their own class chatroom. We have
enjoyed seeing the photos of the extra-curricular activity the children have been enjoying, as well
as seeing their hard work being 'handed in'.

In recent weeks of course, we have been able to welcome our youngest and oldest children back
to school, with social distancing measures in place. The staff and children have adapted well to our
new 'normal' in school and have very much enjoyed being back together. Preparations are now
well underway for next term and we are hopeful that we will be able to welcome all children back to
school. We will certainly be keeping everything crossed! I'd like to extend a thank you to all of our
children, staff and parents for their hard work and flexibility over recent weeks.

Of course one thing we have really missed is the interaction we usually enjoy with our local
communities, whether that is our regular visits to church, trips to St Catherine's Care Home or
seeing our volunteer readers in school. We hope to see much more of you all next academic year.

We'd like to finish with a special message for our Year 6 leavers. We know that your last term was
not as we had planned it to be but we wish you all the very best for year 7 and hope you have a
wonderful time at your new schools.

Allyson Buckton, Headteacher and Tracy Evans, Parent Governor

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