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200158 Business, Society & Policy

Week 10 Tutorial Activity Sheet



Before each Pre-read your instructor’s lecture notes and view video clips in the vUWS site
session for detailed understanding of the topic, including:
1. Lecture slides and notes: Week 10
2. Video Clips – key concepts for Week 10

Read the support materials in the textbook for more detailed comprehension,
Reading 12: Chapter 6 (Critics of capitalism).
Reading 13: The ethics of consumer production and marketing.
Reading 14: Chapter 15 (The politics of environment and development).
Pre- answer any given questions or complete any given tasks in tutorial activity
sheet when possible before each session.
During each Enthusiastically participate in the “activities” guided by your instructor.
session Contribute to each session with focused questions and discussions.
Attempt any questions and problems shown in your session.
Identify clearly what you know and what you don’t know.
Ask your instructor about any questions or problems from this or any session.
After each Attempt any questions and problems advised by your instructor.
session Reflect in action (while doing these questions and problems).
Review the worked solutions to questions and problems.
Reflect on action (after you have done these questions and problems).
Identify clearly what you know and what you don’t know.

1. CLASS DISCUSSION: Understanding what is requirement for assessment 3

Refer to the learning Guide for extensive instructions.

2. Pre-view/read the videos and lecture notes and readings for Week 10. In your own
words, explain your understanding of the following questions.

What are the basic consumer rights and the importance of consumer protection?

 Basic consumer rights are commonly a reference to a collection of law that relates to things
the makers of merchandise must do to shield clients from harm. The bill expressed that each
individual has
Four essential consumer rights—the option to be informed, the privilege to choose, the privilege to
safety, and the right to be heard.
 Customers should have the option to acquire precise, impartial data about the items and
product they buy. This empowers them to settle on the most ideal decisions dependent on
their inclinations and keeps them from being abused or misdirected by organizations and
businesses. These rights protect you when an item is damaged.

Business, Society and Policy 1

Week 10 Tutorial Activity Sheet
What is environmental ethics?

 Environmental Ethics s a branch of ethics that reviews moral and ethical connection of human
beings and the environment and how moral assume a function in this. Natural morals accept
that people are a piece of society just as other living animals, which incorporates plants and
creatures. These things are a significant aspect of the world and are viewed as a useful piece
of human life.
 Environmental ethics gives moral grounds to social strategies planned for securing the earth’s
condition, its environment and curing ecological debasement/degradation. That is the reason it
very well may be seen that natural morals includes biological cognizance among us. It likewise
show ways to a manageable and sustainable future.

What is fair trade?

 Fair Trade is an organized social development and market-based methodology that

plans to help makers and producers in creating nations get better exchanging
conditions and advance maintainability.
 The development advocates the instalment of a greater cost to makers just as social
and natural guidelines. It canters specifically around trades from creating nations to
created nations, most strikingly crafted works, coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, bananas,
nectar, cotton, wine, new organic product, chocolate and blossoms

3. Using a Newspaper database, Factiva or Australia and New Zealand Newsstream, identify a company or
corporation whose activities are associated with advertising issues, product quality and safety issues,
environmental issues and fair trade issue in a newspaper article published in the last 3-5 years.
Note: 1. Using the News & Newspapers Subject guide to access a Newspaper database
2. Using FACTIVA to find Australian and International Newspaper Articles

Alka Power, an alkaline water business which produces branded water for celebrity chef
Pete Evans has breached the food and beverages advertising code. The claims that the
water deactivates peptides secreted in the stomach called pepsin and increased bone
density were found to be incorrect by an advertising watchdog

4. Class debate: Jobs are more important than the environment.

Arguments for the statement

 With no economy, there is no point having a decent situation

Business, Society and Policy 2

Week 10 Tutorial Activity Sheet
 We need cash to live –
 The earth isn't delicate]
 No economy, no condition
 Without the economy, the world is a me

Arguments against the statement

 The environment supports all living systems, the economy or jobs is just some help with an
effective life. Poverty and ecological damage are frequently connected. Looking at this
logically, utilizing non-renewable assets for energy increases increment contamination,
pollution and it is only a transitory solution
 . Those assets will undoubtedly be utilized one day and when that occurs, there will be no
economy or earth. Your job is meaningless if you don't have food to eat and water to drink, and
water (Natural resources) that you must have to live.
 The economy is quite reining nature. You can at present be alive without the economy.
However, NOT the environment. You need the things and resources environment provides you
to survive.

Business, Society and Policy 3

Week 10 Tutorial Activity Sheet

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