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HRM 05 (Food Mathematics)

Name: _________________________________
Date: __________________ Score: __________

I. True or False (1 pt. each)

___________________1. Mineral is a micronutrient.

___________________2. Lactose is a fruit sugar.
___________________3. Glucose is also known as dextrose.
___________________4. Amino Acid is the building block of fats.
___________________5. Starch is the most abundant and cheap source of carbohydrates.
___________________6. Fats belong to a large group of organic compounds called lipids.
___________________7. From the mouth the masticated food passes down to the large intestine.
___________________8. Digestion starts in the mouth.
___________________9. Monosaccharide’s has two sugar units.
___________________10. Butter is source of fat.
___________________11. Lecithin and cephalin are lipids.
___________________12. Vitamin C is water soluble water.
___________________13. Cholesterol is a common sterol.
___________________14. Protein is composed of lipids as building blocks.
___________________15. Protein originated from a Greek word PROTEIOS meaning to hold or prime

___________________1. Digestion begins in the _____________.
___________________2. The term for masticated food that passes through the esophagus.
___________________3. What kind of vitamins are A D E K?
___________________4. A kind of nutrient that gives heat and energy.
___________________5. The site where chemical digestion takes place.
___________________6. Carbohydrates in Greek word which means sugars.
___________________7. CHO, CHON and FATS are known to what kind of concentration are they
___________________8. Sometimes called as animal starch and found in the liver as stored energy.
___________________9. According to Physical Activity, athletes are belong to what kind of group.
___________________10. Known as the liquefied foods in the stomach and go down to small intestine.
___________________11. Fats are composed of organic compounds called.
___________________12. The building blocks of protein.
___________________13. A kind of starch resulted from burning.
___________________14. The indigestible part of food also known as cellulose.
___________________15. Also known as milk sugar.
___________________16. Also known as fruit sugar.
___________________17. A disaccharide which is also called cane sugar or beet sugar.
___________________18. Maltose is also known as ________.
___________________19. A fatty acids found in a seafoods, fish oils and some plants and good for the heart.
___________________20. A kind of fatty acids that gives risk to the heart chiefly found in fries chicken.

III. Matching Type (1 pt. each)

_________1. The good cholesterol a) Pentoses
_________2. Animal starch found in liver and b) dietary fiber
stored as energy
_________3. Site of chemical digestion c) bolus
_________4. Another name for dextrose d) Glycogen
_________5. Have 5 carbon chain sugar e) HDL
_________6. A roughage usually indigestible f) Transfat
part of food materials and turn into
_________7. The regular fat allowance in our g) Glucose
_________8. The masticated food h) small intestine
_________9. Glands under the tongue and lower i) 20-25%
_________10. Can give risk to the heart and found j) Salivary gland
in fries and chicken fat


A secretary weighs 68 kg and stands 5 feet and 1 inch.

1. Look for the following

a. BMI

b. % of Physical Activity

c. Total Energy Requirement

d. Classify her into 3 categories as underweight, normal or overweight.

2. Discuss the digestion process.

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