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MUYUULE-R ee ee \BOOTY PISTRIBUTTON IN snmrvaR An thes Choptia. Wwe well da ‘hows SS FeLUmULUTF aa proftl dy Lominer Plows Of flurd pine flow sydlirns «The oleuivedions rode mie of he cniteo re of visor > Ake expermvna 4. omrbrular onl Lonveckne anomentan Parnes L the vontept sf monuntum dolore * ta en Ona a aan “ ee Abs quantiles vans velo wt 4 aaear velo uly 1 shies. at dhs Susxpace Def peent flow Zelaakors . Myf Reni TS ( W aac Ehok s£he pressure | Ee oul son tomponens wb each oud wk the stis! Ge do mot change wel 2 gp of flow c D, oR flows 1 9t fe dhe ndots Hove : en en velookia $ iE nantly ny Sl ea a cet dill Scanned with CamScanner a Uke. th nove als cefoles eryeclcd ft a ‘tas bow 4 Ps glows My Mutcl Loryerg rot one ON ck ti, oo ie quadtkon Sy loo tt) Tess owt fiabulenb flow wn mh To nankals plow paler © conpler ie me wubb mo kor bo Us ow “Sutin The tarbulert ‘ie és at yh velo ches ‘hot Ue pohly ase flung avpask del er ents Crorsseron of The ‘Scanned with CamScanner \eloct uy dictiibubon tak honainar Flow , Vel: beofeh s- var els cok te pose ‘pe f{ ef vi ‘ pe Momentuow botawce eq Yc} Pasa tt and for. 4 bite RHS=HO - Dancer fle T ot a Enger sae eee el heave wl whe - have ayy x Dds ale be Pixs poe ey Gaantestute which a Aad, Mw @ x obeee* G) Thee chexelecsl! momen tunr pohithos fomundtlcd IW ay @ x cheer (3) | “Thage_ ds alo pana rrbrrentcni~ b) : Syabteh a rill oe mg x oleee” ' Pk 8 FATS +4 comb Scanned with CamScanner Tox Tas aes XN Ty Ty Ty Te Ty To Frwduse lo , ’ ena tliog up ® sheng wv Steps: — a D Keel t amomeritionn balance eg foc a ay finclke thickness 2) Leb £ thtcknus’ of € shell approaches reo - roe EN ab fearl eg for # hte boo est: )okle com B = toh ege be gk & Shoo shy olislibur - ; = de Inds Usa shone shucs dslibes. Scanned with CamScanner 8) No Ap pouolStson — In sobcol flat _ flard hove ome wel og t d,’ t soli snaface « Dott dtd ge enlixfan, t meni rie Klux That ‘the ie hs IM ar foil aa mat loo 00 wt 9 Hee q erlafie t netnatrbiat daw Le fen Q vel are : lente nuens qeress E talisfoe thee bo leeds 4 veloeSly- ¢ Flew oo fall lot oo re ys 4 yaw TV Cnean fe ds 8, Sie thickness da # wl. dilein fy oye Hong Ba tes yo vata Scanned with CamScanner gt J =, Ps ates f ee tg 4 Flow ts Bnd deer r . the . ‘ dete ok wed ble b ie i a { film mH % on Yar Dw 0 A, ia : “Treks 4 EF felar ay as ~ VOdAry pw o & Ss. kldolth ep . J OH tm ok yy. a wi 4 a shell thickness Ax, we cartons 'oler | orate lana, WB Mla Shell = daw fr -bwdx Se oe Re teen ia \y” : : ae: x NN Te Z i — a a0 cr aaen HEE al Scanned with CamScanner ee ake DE ke Glen 03 lonsts . hawenot flow Lonolln « 2 Dn end ef feels or neghelt @ uc thes divele, fe pe Bowlg tally tb bx ohetom Yh i a yaulan vel S ~~ eds maomaeritem bal: eg as Ro te Sum tb hwo (-§ ae fi i “Gh yleon 2 wll unt tyes iw Oty force eobra 5, LS kh doe, ws epee B- qf tralia rea => ~ bos Ax. los =k mercinlatag, (ro Wlelon3 D Me dun £5 omelerular Wing WI OVS flows — Dan oheecotd’ (Pts! Sol” D Meritale det te bulk flow o> uit diet # Rob of momenlii tn oreess bye MSvous framsperk ; momenluin in across t sus eel See ed with CamScanner be ws Oud eS 2 = 64 a, -), aa [1 bys] ] * 2Vz> = ise [} i tr %) hk ] ety 4 i] sqrt Pa Yeu e tf fyves Bet \\ at He eee Joh tees ) Polakoushch § ln $Me & Meowan LVer Lf lies eek ee ee iiap ZVx ey Norte 4) Volumeletc C Flow + vale (4) VER Au vel ARO. bw pent een = Geel! ¢ * ly Ye: “flow cate, Q > £Vy>>(bo» §): ager wo f- Te ee 2 Eafearer for dey Hf ( ) mp eat cae ye ned as mba | net vg e ON rc \ 3 “ wight 4 . ~~ 40g i is ;| Sea oF Lil aslo : Rd1000. > Joh de ved Scanned with CamScanner Y * Flow hyeugh a biqulor ‘ube Mtoe A Neotonfau fbvtd Ss Flot There e vetral dipe of xod R vrder hh. snd ising shell balene. expasrs, de bir Vbal- exheese p lar bb En, 7 "Bases Oh Bb ue, vel deofele , rstrye “J vel vet flow aa é x- be son & f t pee on dt safle f¢ Cpe; pipe hos oO hag t i Yur x momenteom SSS F as olds ont = Hes oul ie ob cel Tod. Scanned with CamScanner Woe ; fewats L. The. : ‘)* te hs CO Sorhece og, Blows will de fel te Chole. be kad. a R- Hence i a obisinmce OpeCol thickness a, Lek pits el ai a | cof Pay “ hall “thy momenhin balance | P wl anht o I Nar Pout t Sum. mol orcs = =o | z bug b visieuy oh fos ay. Wey “fot ass ob ap | clownword > 2 Mone ba due te balks lons el f Vin cCwwnward . c Moma owt be uth fhow - 4 Rete f momen liter bu anets nul are at a. aitals Tex Ia ;* : 74 Bek. Th |e jatar : if aor Rab pibpeadids on ater E> Me oe Hl tne Oo balk: Us of a0" aed a LZ dey, Ra te ene nha, , fav \ ot EL) = alte ds - eb Scanned with CamScanner IA a eK chell = aye Ae LF “Ruy FRess - few cares On - Br YEA eo xs0o - UP aga da . polis roses Prasss force acing on annular. surface oh. Reh 2 -P alte Aa (rae degen fee) a Bub all toma Ne general mone balogt. => MALT, lr “tea Ay, [Aran + ite A Ss) oo ante S Wert, t < BIKAR. ASy + anedr(h-P eo Ye [ee Om “he LP Abo fie wn tt 0b diced Of flow 6 : ATax |, x br d soe le este 4 (BoB : 4a AA +t Fe Be eee Scanned with CamScanner Oe RE he She “ Relat ey Now: Ao prlht sn), fg = f-R- Sef righ Se commie Peace Now a feted leas aie ts mnonwoads ot OY at for thonr_ shins a let, Fale.) * (hot . PL La Fat ancing ft (MR ade AvTax = Fe- Py. Atte by a eae ly Wes Paper banks we.\ fave find ok she Jot Hook soe is CeO (Tu! fore) hes: + sro plat dsbicbin iu 2 Pe Bio ef AER spas tls ee thee Aa et Ss Meno Te oa R {eee “Scanned with CamScanner ole & tender 4 in: Aras chegs C at Safa; Soran: cheat skers 64 Stonlacl) Vel chs hon Bjiven & fled Nehomt Mag ee ~Pelve, \ t au dvz 2 _ jar. Feo (BR) a. | Sdvs “f.CBd ad Vek) = & Re REG Baka te | ty / Gf bys Het KER, vie ost ~(h- “hy: 2 ae R, te, Ge P-P, fh ‘ Ht A aes on Phd (fs af). A] ys) “Ota pi aie™ Li tgy)| We ee en vel le but i Scanned with CamScanner Lt y eT Ts [wok yaa Tye Neg rile = te hu sage ic of, an asl Bate. , Kadius do = ort. Te ome-KAo os axon of oh Syne parasol vel, disbububron Ve) a) —> 'kr = 0 > thins shew deilnibuton. Scanned with CamScanner cure (ERIE (9) ade. Qn [%)," i SOE hag ad Y hte ~(e-B) [at on 7 a re = Ph fRi_pet] > ; hep PE Gf Pet gf at > PP, rr oth, (PR) AMA y YSN i REP pe : PRL. Jes Mona, Ava. vel ne half of Pan: eee bite flan Rat~ (A) V4" Glow nate- avg, e . de Sporeg x < aes rn’ oo), =(R-P,) | a a Sige Npgaeee P* ye ee * TRACI $. ° Re ~ Scanned with CamScanner a aren Mflovo sana be Lamas Tiss a 5 » a) Ianpeaite fool fa Fe Ry tase ob Lass] 8) Sady stale foo AN, >= CP WY Newt oon low ( oe OO eB) pa i 8) End fects aw id ehe ) me Pads Ne = AE DA Soman % af oe 2 fr liad |) Fluid ees Bt | see : a ra Dir a Trl 2 eel Ai i t fluth mt wel Surface @ Fee dunchon J 9 ant soba ene relia safe Eetaa EE. ; ‘ i. Eo Tagen atts 8 Atl =(P,- tay 4 x RERL | : Sy a XR) x aURL sagt ae recs ‘Scanned with CamScanner The Joa seg Abal not for co ack ons heam ous 4 ‘¢ Las by yarllur of 4 o Lh “cain tonal ccolea dn BS fest voutliibolonad, by 4 vinous gece ty psbich fends EY gewid dle thud proton This cle'var to vald ont} fot Lomntror flow R= Df hve > RZ 2400 Mot lowaier0r. dhatd/ ~ (Fhe me tha ate. ‘bnchined ak Poel Hegen Pale og ‘ D Flow is anntnar Pp La 15d ) fb tons, f, aenble Abate. 5) Flow ws Sudvberichedd . = AD Phud & Newdd mbor Tay eH ay we Scanned with CamScanner wy _— acct esa rmir remnant cemmeert n y Be i fe wo med) hoas slits ty expeused og | = 7 flodvz @ ic ° Bingham | * Ide IE fluid the velo cy | dee Tecra 20° when Jone ntun a q lax <7, : flan tuwlhan “L.. | "| Toke € tort, Te. fee by +t (ie It be = (fo (eA) nid ol poal Ha- he - C,- ye tn [Pia afrol “Fe My J Hot fe = ate Hence one expect | | fe a “plug pow! snore mnsininctanryemsintenmatemenannieacesernenen # dew t¢ Gy des bond ® Ls a oo * ¢ PAK RAG Hob ae s se nat ie fat rae bo via | Te Pee Scanned with CamScanner ~ po, - =A Varo shears Oe pine = Te (BR), Ro. hs we Fk cake ot) =. a (a ‘ ae Eas) wy Ae fe uc) eb P, i book [: tals eget a) ERE Ligne On] GRE Dre seg | a hr PR Q ee [14 4t ca) 5 (il 2~ 7 € BIR fr. joe) hey ho vel fo v9 oS gt fo ea tad ‘el: bows Aa (4) = vel x@oun - oT ae f 7 tid 7 le ak _ orf) = ail 9 /yeae Rave 22 | jee) = (te af ee he ete ras ee will get yer both Tos BE Ao, WE =O, Fou Pag Ho eau Qe 1 (T-dve gidt — Be ee ) : bil Pi ROTRO ; so oe Scanned with CamScanner MD dpe ah) we Wave a) > - OK + FT, Hic fe ’ Th d\y_ ChP) 4+ 2 ok ate er me Q: n( [ects “Ee Ade SRL ae) wT / CRN R ast) — a (es Ppt. 5. “<] 3No Sb fe T, - at 2a - Re "se RR) “(R-RDe CRA “| a 2L+ 3M [R-R) Re (4a, 2 2 (RA Hee [esta 0 4 eM [Po-PR Bfok [; Ia). ip rgat > (?,-P,) RP Rat PHtok a | hop Jey 4K 9/1 ( tay] y LR EN Ty OS uae Ree] ffot er (h-B)R! ; oo [ts {dai 4(&-) | ro tte Awe To= Po-Pin, — G@) PE Mar doa 37 a P (s Nor Re RO) y= p= T Fi a. r (Bt Spe sii “(&) | hs foc vols flow Aale i Caled an Mees “ ee al Scanned with CamScanner Shear stress distribution > Ifr 21 then V, If Sto then Vz Velocity distribution Fig. 3.5 ; Flow of Bingham fluid in a circular tube soe en Scanned with CamScanner

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