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A saline soil is one which contains high percentage of salts that can impair plant
growth. An alkaline soil is one having a Ugh level of exchangeable sodium. An alkali
soil may also have high pH. The limits erf salinity and alkalinity as given by USDA
Laboratety (97) are: conductivity above 4 mmhos/cm. pH valtie above AS (for the
saturation c x tra cta t 25°c) and exchangeable sodium percentatge (ESP) above IS. A
higher percentage of indsoluble caroonaces is another problem relating to soils of
the arid and semi-arid and semi-arid zones. The level of CaCO^ a t which P fixation
become an agricultural problem is perhaps the margin a t which soil can be considered
calcarious soil.

The response of plants to saline environment is of interest to people of many

disciplines. In agriculture the problem of salinity is bccomming more acute and severe
every year as the exploitation of non-saline soils increases. The Cultivation of saline
soils and the use of waters with relatively higher content of soluble salts must b e
taken into consideration for the expansion of agriculture. The adverse effect of saline
condition on plant growth and development causes considerable reduction in crop

W orld wide population increase of two percent per annum is a stress on existing
food producing system^ In tike face o f die increasing dependence by tike expanding
population on crop production it is necessary to increase area under cultivation.
Therefore the reclamation of saline, alkali soils for agricultural purposes should be
given priority.

Chapman (17) has gleaned a substantial body of information about the factors
responsible for excess of salinity in many parts of the world like frequency of tidal
inundation, precipitation, effect of drainage system, soil structures, vegetation, water
table, depth of salt deposits and temperature. W ater inflow and outflow from any
saline/alkali area is obviously of great significance.

The non judicious application of irrigation water without proper drainage practice ^
and improper drainage facilities leads to the formation of the saline soils. Besides r
these factors, Bernestein (11), reported th&rt heavy fertilization intensive agriculture
and glass house operation are frequent sources of salinity problem.

Plojakoff-Mayber and Gale (69) explained that scanty and erratic rainfall is the
main cause of increasing occurence of arid and semi-arid regions where teaching **

salts by ground water does not occur. Warm weather and ill distribution of rain
intensity the salt injury. Millions of hectares of land throughout the world are too
saline to procure economic crop yield and more and more land becomes
non-productive every year, as the non saline soils become more intensively exploited.

The problem of reclamation of salme-alkali soils is multidisciplinary and has

engaged attention of workers all over the world. It is a problem for engineers,
chemists and agronomists. The wise use of available sources of water m il ultimately
lead to better utilization of land. On the other hand, wasteful methods of irrigation
and agriculture will lead to the spread of salinity and alkalinity into once fertile

In India, there are one crore acres o f saline-alkali soils; out of which 30 lacs acres
are located in Gujarat Many factors axe responsible for formation of saline-alkali
soils but they differ in different areas.

(i) In Kuteh, North Gujarat and some parts of Saurashtra, semi-arid climate is
responsible for formation of saline soils.
(U) In North Gujarat, Bhai-Kantha and Nal-Kantha, Old-sea inundation has been a
prominent factor, which can be cas ly traced out by fpnsidering nature of salinity
of sols and Waters to be of Na-Mg-Ct-SO^ type.
(iii) In areas close to sea-coast and interior upto 3-10 km, sea-salt composition is
traceable close to Suart, Bulsar Dandi, Ubhrat, Kavi, Cambay, Dholeta,
Bhavnagar, Porbandar, Dwaraka, Morvi, Bhachau, Mandvi, Mundra, etc. Gujarat
has 1850 km long coastal area. Evca wind spread salinity is likely.
(iv) In Oil-field areas close to Ankteshw&r, Navagam, Dholka, Sanand, Kalol, Mehsa&a,
oil-field tube well waters are of Na-HCOj type, leading to salinization and
alkalization of the soils.
(v) Salinity due to canal irrigation is spreading at alarming rates in Matar taluka of
Kaira district Olpad taluka of Surat district and many other areas. Once canal
water is available, the farmers use the irrigation water indiscriminately and within
S years, there is salinity increase in soil and water logging, where sodiumisation of
' ~ " ’Sbil complex is high.

The conventional methods existing for the reclamation of such soils ate: exhaustive
tilling followed by drainage, mulching with plant materials so as to Jh«ease*fie
organic miring with sand, sugar-cane waste etc. and with chemical amendments
containig sulphur such as gypsum, FeSO+, A l^ O ^ y HLjSO^ followed by drainage.

In Gujarat saline, saline-alkali and alkali soils of different types are dispersed
throughout die state. Ahmedabad is an industrial city, where we could produce w a^e
sulphuric acid, altim-sludge, hydrochloric acid, sulphur and process out chemic&lslfke
iron sulphate, calcium chloride. Hence beginning in 1974, the waste acid method was
used for reclaiming 600 acres land in G ujarat A fter th a t using other acid producing
chemicals, use of mix amendment was designed

Various scientists have used different methods in this field to evolve an easy and
economic reclamation. A review of the contemporary literature on the subject has
been attempted here under.

Kelly (37) was file pioneer to use gypsum, sulphur, sulphuric acid, iron and
aluminium and farm yard manure.

Gypsum has been used by several workers. Abel-Kuddons (3) tried some
experiments in which gypsum treatm ent Of 2.5, 5, 0, 10, IS, 20 and 40 tons/ha was
given to a sodic so il B ut under high w ater table conditions, gypsum had no effect
on correcting ratios between exchangeable cations, although hydraulic conductivity
were improved.

Semcendyera, H.V. (81) while studying the effectiveness of die gypsum to low
sodium solonetz soils, observed that calculated amount of gypsum had improved ti e
soil fertility and the crop yield. A decrease in gypsum does led to decreased effects
of its application. He has observed that application of 9 ton gypsum and 80 ton
manure/hac. gave the best results.

Abducv and Kuliev (2) reclaimed saline soils by applying 10 tons gypsum plus 40
tons/ha fram yard mannure followed by three leaching irrigations. The sofy gave
better crops of rice, barley and cotton. Antipov-karataev Pak (7) have tried gypsum
for reclamation of solonetzs under irrigated and unirrigated conditions.

Berg and W cstrhot (10) in Netheriand studied reclamation using gypsum. The
structural deterioration of soil was minimised by application of gypsum a t die rate
of 5 to 7.S tons/ha which was calculated from the amount of adsorbed sodium in
the soil.

Bugayevskiy and cO-workers (15) fo u n d th at gypsum applied a t a rate of 10 tons/ha

reduced the adsorbed Na in soil and improved the physical properties o£ the soil
Buras and co-workers (16) considered application of 5 to 7.5 tons/ha of gypsum to
be necessary treatm ent for reclamation of some saline lands.
Gorbunov and co-workers (26) have studied die rate of gypsum and calcitc
dissolution of gypsum was slow and depended on the amount of w ater used, crystal
size and speed of removal of dissolved salts.
4 4

Hamdi and co-workers (27) have gypsum as an ameliorating agent for the
deteriorated soils in the United A rab Republic. S tsons/ha appeared to have no effect
on reducing absorbed sodium in the s o i complex, except in soils irrigated with water
having low concentration of salinity 4 tons/ha gypsum was effective against saline
w ater contaiing 2000 ppm of salts and 65% sodium for the d ay loam.

'Hauser (28) has studied Afghan alkali soils and its improvement Treatment with
4 5 tons/ha gypsum decreased exchangeable sodium, increased water permeability by
24.4% and the crop yield of wheat increased by 105%. Oats increased by 35% and
Barley by 70%.

Heafield and Ashley (29) have studied scafloodcd soil in lidsay and Licolnshire.
Application of 15 ton$.ha of gypsum ever 2 years to silty loams flooded by sea in
1953 could not stabilize soil below the cop 7.5 cm, this indicated that under drainage
was necessary.

Johnston (34) has studied reclamation of a saline-sodic soil in the N.K. Walini
Valley, using 31 tons/ha gypsum o r 6 tons/ha sulphur. Gypsum a t this does is slightly
superior to sulphur. Both the treatm ent were more beneficial titan the control. For
the first sugercane crops, average yield were 100, 99 and 82 tons/ha for gypsum,
sulphur and contdrl respectively. o-

Laktionov (41) applied 4 tons/ha of gypsum on solonetz like soil. It improves its
physical properties and increases crop yield. Lopatnik (43) has studied improvement
of saline soils in Chezkeslovakia jusiag gypsum. Mehlich and Tiwari (45) have
discussed the role of gypsum in Agriculture in a book publishecTby Unites States
Gypsum. Company, Chicago in 1974.

Moustafa and Shabasi (51) reported that the physical and chemical properties of
black alkali soils improved only in the layer in which gypsum was added. Hence,
gypsum should be applied deeply in the soil, using a sub-soiler. Narbaev (54) has
studied the source of salinazation and the order of soluble salts to be leached out,
when application of gypsum was made. Obrcjanu and co-workers (56) have studied
the sgcon^ary salinazation caused by rising of highly mineralized ground w ater above
a critisal-leysi, allowing permanent contact of, ground watet, irrigation w ater and soil.
Deepening the outlet channels contributes to preventaioiu}%
Pair and Lewis ($1) found that treatm ent of slick spots with CaSC>4 increased the
intake of irrigation w ater from 0,025 cm to 0,25 cm for 25 tons/ha application. Patel,
M M . and co-workers (64) have studied effects of nutrients and gypsum on crop
yoelds and on reclamation of saline sodic soil. The results of field experiments
showed that with the rice-wheat-rice cropping pattern, the soil came to norms!
production within three seasons.

Sharma and Fehrebacher (85) have studied the effect of hydrated lime and gypsum
on tee leachate and sodium removal from tee B horizon of a natric soil. According
to them, the effectiveness of the amendments in sodium removal from tee columns
was in the order.

Gypsum slurry = gypsum hydrated lime:

that of the rate of application was 2% 1% 0%

According to Sambur (78) on applying gypsum tee yields of sevaral crops were
increased on solonchakous but on the soda-solonetzed annual, application of gypsum
was completely ineffective.

Sambur and Kovalenko (79) suggested te a t gypsum increases yields on less wet
soils but decreases on very wet soil.

Sen and Rewari (82) suggests 12.5 tons/ha gypsum to improve a sandy saline so i.
Sindhu and Cornfield (90) studied effect of reclamation treatments (gypsum).
However a dose of 10-12.5 tons/ha is common because gypsum is solubel to the
extent 0.25% in water. This low solubility requires a high amount of water. Hence
the method may be restricted to (i) high rainfall areas and (ii) canal irrigation area).

Shainbcrg, Keren and Frankel (89) have studied reclamation of sodic soil using
gypsum and calcium chloride amendment. They tried to measure tee effect over long
period. O ster and Frankel (58) have also studied the recaimation of sodic soil. Jerry,
Jerrell and Devitt (32) have discussed the recaimation of saline-sodic soil by teaching.

In Gujarat the climate is semi-arid in 60-70% areas hence an alternate method

was to be searched for.

Sulphuric ad d has been used for reclamation of saline-alkali soils by many woken.
Abduev (1) used gypsum, its combination with manure, organic mineral waste, and
acidifier (wastes from oil refineries and chemical plants). He also used sulphuric acid
in varying doses from 10 to 80 tons/ha. Most efficient and economically advantageous
methods of improving hardly reclamablc soionetz were obtained.
Alawai, Strohldn, Hanlon and Turner (6) studied die effects of sulphuric ad d and
gypsum on soil properties. They concluded th a t sulphuric a d d was superior to gypsum
in terms of yield increases and soil improvemnt

Berezin and co-workers (9) have shown that advantage of soil addificadon by
sulphuric a d d lies in the accelerated dbplacem nt of exchangeable sodium during the
first two years, whereas the advantage of gypsum application becomes apparent in
the third-fourth year; thus gypsum is dow er tan sulphuric add. Boras (12) used a
method for the reclamation which involves neutralization of soil solution by dilute
H^SO^ o r F cS0 4 and removal of exchangeable sodium by use C aS 04 and subsequent

Chena (20) earned out laboratory studies for reclamation of saline-sodic so il

Sulphuric a d d alone removed the sodium almost twice as rapidly as gypsum alone

Miyamoto and Rayon (48) suggested the use of H^SO^ for the treatm ent of
ammoniated irrigation waters. Ammoniated w ater cause predpitaion of CaOQ^ and
increase in exchangeable Na and NH4, thus causing low infiltration in soils. H ^S04
application reduced Ca precipitation and exchangeable Na by neutralising OH
produced by NH^ and consequently preventing dedine in infiltration rates.

Kovda (38) has studied reclamation of alkaline, soda saline soils. H e reports that
in order to ensure permanent improvement of soda soils application of large
quantities of gypsum (4 0 - 9.0 tons/ha), sulphur 1-2 tons/ha and sulphuric a d d are
required. Drainage is uecessaty besides using chemical treatments.

Melkouyan (46) has reported redam ation of saline-alkali soils of A rarat plains by
addification. He has used 2% sulphuric ad d for treatm ent

Oganesyan (37) has reclaimed Solonchak* solonetzes and moderately saline solonctz
soils by applying sulphuric ad d after sowing. He has sprayed 0.5% H ^S04 a t 13
tons/ha and therby enabled the seedlings of wheat to emerge. The improvement in
chemical properties had extended down to atieast 100 cm.

Overstreet, Martin and King ($9) have tried gypsum sulphur and sulphuric a d d lo r '.
reclaiming alkali soils. The superiority o f sulphuric a d d treatm ent was confirmed in
second series of trails in which application of 7.12 and 3.33 tons/ha were made.
Overstreet and co-woriters (60) found th at 4 tons/a of C aS 04 or 3.S tons of H S 0 4
were maximum requirements for redam ing a fine sandy loam.

Petrosian and Avundjian (68) have studied chemical reclamation and effect on
physical and water physical properties of soda saline soils in ProArax low land. The
acidification with sulphuric acid affected partial neutralisation of alkalinity and
significant decrease in BSP: the Ca+ * ions of die newly formed gypsum release the
exchangeable sodium. The permeability o f soils increases very much. Prather (71)
used H ^ 0 4 as an amendment for reclaming soils high in Boron.

Prather and co-workers (72) have studied reclamation of sodic soils using three
chemical amendments C&S€>4, CaCl2 and H^SO^ As single amendment H^S04 was
more effective than C aS04> Combining either CaQ^ or H^S04 with CaS04
appreciably reduced the time and leaching needed to achieve reclamation, compared
with CaSt>4 alone.

Shanna and Mehrotra (86) used waste H jS0 4 on saline soils of Kanpur and
compared the results with gypsum treatment Sharma and co-workers (87) carried
out reclamation with gypsum and and suggested that die best improvement
taken place in case of H^SO^

Tyulenina and Fomina (96) have suggested chemical improvement of solonetzes

using 54% HjSO f The yield of grass from plots treated with H^S04 was 523-63
quintals/ha h itler than that of control.

As early as 1915, Kelley (37) used pure HjjSO^ But with availability of waste
sulphuric acid from chemical industry, synthetic fibre industry, dye stuff industry etc
and with the availability of plastic ware, waste acid method has established its rote
as quick and superior method to gypsum method. This is used in Arid regions of
Arizona by Miyamoto and Strohlcin (49) and by many Russian scientists.

Of course waste acid spray on a small scale is difficult to handle. Hence add
formers fulfil the same role with a little decrease in quickness and efficiency. A dd
formers like sulphur, iron-sulphate, aluminium sulphate, pyrites are used with
advantage in calcareous sodic soils.

Acevedo-Ramoss, Bonnet and Ortiz Velez (4) reclaimed saline sodic soil with 25
tons/ha bagasse with or without sulphur and GaC^ at the equivalant of 10 tons/ha *
sulphur. Araay (8) has discussed the principles for reclamation of saline soils by using
sulphur mineral adds, hydrolytically dissociating salts [Al2 ( S O ^ F eS04, Fe^S]
gypsum, lignite and sand.

Bottini and Lisanti (13) improved the permeability of soil whose p ly&s above 9.0
aod which contaied N ,20 0 3 by aaing JcSO, aad CaSO,. With FeSO,, Bocculatbn

appeared more vigorous and pH was reduced a greater extent than with CaSO^.
Branson and Firemn (14) reclaimed an impossible alkali soil Paloverde valley in
California. H ie most effective treatm ent consisted of the application of C aG ^
Following C aQ 2 in effectiveness were th e acidifying amendments viz sulphur
and ferric sulphate. Gypsum increased yields to the some extent as die acidifying
amendments did, b u t only after a much longer period of leaching Treatments which
supplied litter o r no soluble calcium were not effective.

These studies indicated that alkali soils in other areas could be reclaimed by
applying known treatments.

Gidnavar, Gumaste, Krishnamurthy (24) have studied effect of amendments on the

properties of saline alkali soils of Nargund (Dharwar district). Sulphur was applied
a t the rate of 150*300 kg/ha with o r without form yard manure on saline-alkali soil
(pH > 9.0). Infiltration rate of treated soil was increased. Heckel (30) has studied
improvement of alkali soils with C a Q y , C aS 04, soluble iron, aluminium salts, sulphur
and lignite.

Kacar and Akgul (35) have studied influence of heavy dressing of sulphur on
availability of soil phosphorous in alkaline calcareous soil. 250-800 kg/100 sq. m t
sulphur was applied to calcareous sandy loam soil, phosphorous P isotpe was used
and it was found that sulphur increases the availability of soil phosphorous in alkdine
calcareous soil.

Laktionov (42) used FeS04 to improve the physical properties of solonetz soils
and obtained increased yields of winter wheat and sugar beet and the increased s?gar
content in the b e e t

Manukyan (44) has discussed chemical amendments HjSO^, H O , HNG3 and

FeSOj. Tha salt content was reduced below the toxicity level and the soil was
desolonetezized. The pH changed from 9.5 to 7.6 Ferrous sulphate is preferable for
improving sodic solonchak-solonetzes.

Nurijantan and Khizantsian (55) have studied the efficiency of chemical reclamation
of soda salinized soils against the background of d o se horizantal drainage. The
redam ation is carried out with FeSO^ in powder form. It was followed by
desalinization of recaimed soils a t depth of 1 meter. From die estimated 1 meter
fyyer, th$ alkaline reaction has been neutralized cpmpletely. J h e active sodium has
been replaced by calcium.

Pak and co-workers (62) have recaltmed soloaetz in USSR using gypsum, CaCb
and byproducts e.g, ferric sulphate and of the chemical industry. There are
about 100 million hectares of soloaetz soils in USSR. 10% of rise above soils suffer
from soda salinization,

Petrosian (66) suggets that waste HJSO^ and FeSO^ are the most efficient
amendments for improving soda-saline soils. The ameliorative influence can be
observed in a very short time. Applying H^SO^ or FeS04 causes neutralization ol
the allkaline reaction and desalinization of the soil, sharply increasing infiltration rate
and permeability.

Poonia and Bhumbla (70) have studied the effect of H G and AL^SO^j
on yield of dhaincha (sesbania aculeata). The extent of yield enhancement by those
amendment was in the decreasing order.,

Ha > h ^o 4>
Rai and co-workers (74) have reclaimed calcareous saline-alkali soils using low
grade pyrites applied at 4 tons/ha. containing iron sulphide and sulphur. Sandaoval
and co-workers (80) suggested that crop yield tended to increase with both sulphur
and gypsum amendments on the IS cm plowing depth.,

Shchurina and Kurbatov (88) have stnidcd properties of a solonchak solocetz >
during reclamation by application of gypsum. H^SO^ and FeSO^. They observed that
the mlnerological composition of rite water-peptizable clay fraction was unaffected by
the chemicals. Szabollcs (92) presented a review on the reclamation of solonetz soils
in different European countries.

Szekely and Pantos (99) have discussed the possibility of reclaiming alkali soils
with coal slag and blue dust and compared it with results by CaSO^, H^SO^,
A12(S 0 4)3. Taha and co-workers (94) have reclaimed alkali calcareous soil in Egypt
using gypsum and sulphur. Sulphur was found to give best results for these alkali
soils. Taskaeva (95) has studied the effect of by-products of the lacquer industry
containig 59% dcrric sulphate in increasing the fertility of solonetzes.

Ryan and Tabbara (77) have observed that Urea phosphate improve water
infiltration and permeability in tails whose structure'is adversely affected by excess,
of Na, The improvement in infiltration race was probably due to H^PO^ solubilizing
CaCOj for exchange reactions of Ca + + with soil N a+ . The use of urea phosphate
and other acid fertilizer in improvement of problem soil have also been studied by

Mikkelsen and Jarrell (47), Gregory (25), Mortvcdt and Kclsoe (5), Ryan end
co-workers (75, 76),

Yadav, J.S.P. (99) in an exhaustive review paper presents information on different

methods of reclamation and management of salt affected soils in India and abroad.
The chemical methods deal with use of gypsum its dose, size of particles, depth of
application and frequency of application; C a Q ^ Sulphur; pyrites; phosphogypsum;
sulphuric add; lime and pressmud.

Calcium chloride has been used by some workers. Laboratory studies performed
by Doering and Willis (2) showed th a t hydraulic conductivity of sodic strip-mine soil
is maintained a t an acceptable level by leaching with high salt water and that soil
materials can be reclaimed using highly soluble Ca sline. C aQ ^ solutions stronger
than 0.5 N leading to satisfactory reclamation.

Mozhciko (52, 53) has studied chemical reclamation of sodic solonetzes by

application of gypsum and C a d y Application of gypsum was most effective in shallow
solonetz soils, but it was less effective in deep solonetz soils and in alkali soils.
Efficiency of C aC ^ application in the first year was hiigher than that of gypsum. The
combined application of gypsum and CaO^ was rather promising in speeding of the
reclamation. He reports the use of Q C L, for chemical reclamation of solonetz coils
of Ukrainian S.S.R. field and pot experiments showed that of CaC32 was effective
particularly for soda solonetzes.

Qadar and co-workers (73) have studied the effect of calcium salts on induction
of sodicity resistance in rice. The rice seedlings treated with 0i5 and 1% solution of
calciium chloride, 1 and 2% solution of calcium nitrate, for 16 hrs transplanted in
the sodic soil, increased the grain yield by 19 to 48%. Of all the treatments, 1%
C a d 2 solution treatm ent was the b est

Vasil’Chikova (98) have made comparative investigation of gypsum, FeSO^ and

C a d 2 on soda solonchaks. FeSO^ was found to be the best, next comes C a d 2 and
the last gypsum.

C a d 2 is superior to gypsum (CaSG^, 2H20 ) because of its high solubility.

The filters like molasses, petrol mud, press mud, sewage-sludge, rice-husk, Deem
leaf, krillium sand improve soil structure on mechanical principle. The soil containing
filters have improved percolation rates.

However, saline-alkali land reclamation is not only a chemical problem. I t has

engineering and hydrologic (drainage) and agronomic aspects to be taken care of.

Improvement by drainage has been discussed by many workers. Atteman and
Vigneron (5) have studied in France the sub-surface drainage as a means to re d a m
saline and alkali soils. Dhruva Narayan (21) has discussed engineering aspects tor
reclaiming alkali soils. The role of sub-surface and surface-drainage has been
discussed and hydtologoc factors have been evaluated.

Framji (23) has reviewed die w ater logging and drainage problems and their
solutions in India. Research needs for obtaining scientifically precise antiwatcrloggiig
measures and their design criteria have been indicated, but it is concluded th at with
the modem methods of Systems Approach it should be possible to evolve, without
waiting for research results, the optimised measures for meeting the requited
conditions of integration of groundwaosr and surface w ater uses, of irrigation and
drainage networks for stable groundwacer conditions a t the required degree of relief
and for ensuring permanent irrigated agriculture.

Jaiswal and Dhuvanarayan (31) have studied the design of sub-surface drainage. The
design is based on the field data of HC and the dranaige requirement on the basis of
rate of water table fluctuation and infiltration rate, and depth of the impermeable layer.
Kovda and co-woricers (40) have published an international sourcebook covering die
aspects of irrigation drainage and salinity.
Kovda and Egorov (39) discussed the problems of applying drainage as an important
measure against the salinization of irrigation soils.
Penskoi (65) has determined the distance of effective functioning of drains. The
distance of 150 mts. appears to represent the limit of effectiveness of drains on the water
salt cycle in saline soils.
Chaudhary and co-workers (19) found that use of green manure, dhaicha caused better
aggregaion of the soil when used with gypsum and paddy crops. Chaudhary and
co-workers (IS) have also investigated the role of Suaeda fructicosa in relamatioc. of
saline and alkali soils in W est Pakistan plains. It takes three years to reclaim the soils.
Johnson (33) has studied land reclamation in Saskatchewan (Canadian Land
Reclamation Association, Regina). He stressed on the need for continous cropping or
permanent vegetation on saline soils w iti emphasis on tolerant forage crops such as tall
wheat p a ss, slender wheat grass, wild rye cv. A ltai, Lucerne and sweet clover.
Kanwar, Bhumbla and Singh (36) have studied reclamation of saline and sodic soils
in Punjab. They have used dhaicha as green manure and gypsum and press mild as
chemical amendments.
Palkhiwala and Shah (63) have suggested plantation of Prosopis Julifiora, use of
gypsum, petroleum mud, resins and lime sludge jo reclaim saline-alkali soils of

Petrosian (67) kave studied the role of lucetenr in reclamation of salini2ed se ll
According to him due to lucerne growth there is decrease in capillary rise of mineralised
Shah and Vora (83) suggest growing c f prosopis juliflora for improving saline soils.
Yadav, Pathak (100) studied five saltne alkali soil profiles one each from Andhra
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and U ttar Pradesh. All were
calcareous and deficient in organic matter, nitrogen and available nutrients. Various
forest speies viz. Acacian Arabics, ATbizzia procera, Azadirachta indies, Prosopis
Juliflora, Prosopis spicigera, Eucalyptus etc. have been suggested for reclamation.
United States Salinity Laboratory (97) has done excellent services to farmers resid ing
in slaine alkali land. All the chemical methods discussed above have been suggested by
U.S. Salinity Laboratory.
Szabolcs (91,92) has also made a review of work on reclamation of saline alkali soils
in many European countries and USSR

Shah and co-workers (84) suggested first the use of from dairy industry for
the reclamation of saline and alkali soils. In the first successful reclamation tesi: in
die field of Patan and Zilia (North jGtijarat) the waste from Dudhsagar dairy,
Mehsana urns used. Later ad d waste from detergent slurry industries were also tried.
The percentage composition of the a d d waste from die former sources was

1. Sulphuric a d d 60 - 65%
2. Milksoilids 5%
3. Remaining W ater
While that from the latter was
1. Sulphuric ad d 60 - 70%
2. Alkylbenzene sulphonate 4-5%
3. Remaining W ater

In the present work redam ation of saline alkali soils by ad d powder method
(mixed amendment of iron Sulphate, Sulphur, Gypsum and Humic a d d ) was studied
at few places in G ujarat Permeability of air and w ater can be improved by chemical
amendments which replace sodium in the soil complex by calcium. The higjh ESP of
alkali soils can be lowered down when Ca+ + ions from CaCOj are generated by
interaction with addic material. Favourable results have been obtained within 15 to
20 days after applying the ad d powder method on field. A t the same time this
acid-powder method is quicker and cheaper. It also controls pollution of water
streams because it uses industrial waste-add.

Experiments of reclamation on field were conducted by acid powder method on
saline-alkali soils of Varana, Dhudhakha, Boratwada and Chanasma. The constituents
of acid-powder (pH = 2.0) are 32% iron sulphate (waste sulphuric ad d of induatries
was fixed as iron iron sulphate by reaction with iron). 32% industrial waste sulphur,
32% gypsum and 4% humic acid (prepared by the reaction of jaggery oil seed cake).
This a d d powder was applied a t a levd of 2.5 tons/ha and IS cm of w ater was put
on the land.

In the present work chemical amendments (i) Iron sulphate (ii) Gypsum (iii)
Sulphur were mixed in equal proportions and applied a t 1 ton/ha dose.

The results have been presented in Table No. 9.A1 to 9.A4, 9.B1 to 9.B4, 9.C and




EcxlC? Saturation Extract Determination Meq/Lit

Sr. No. Sample 25*C SAR
mhoifem Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ K + HCO3'1 SO4 2 O '1

Before Acid Powder Treatment

1 901A 6.82 &4 10.2 53.2 0.6 11.1 3.0 564 iai
2 901B 7.68 7.2 6.6 61.1 1.1 13.1 5.8 62.2 23.2
3 901C 5.92 62 88 49.1 Tr 12.1 4.6 441 17.8
After Add Powder Treatment
1 901A 3.38 mo 4.0 mi Tr 3.7 10.8 21.4 7.3
2 901B 3.80 m2 3.8 27.2 0.3 65 11.4 21.5 m2
3 901C 4.01 &S 6.7 27.3 Tr 1.6 13.5 261 10.4




EcxlO5 Saturation Extract Determination Meq/Lit

Sr. No. Sample 25°C
No. mh<M/aa SAR
Ca+2 Mg+2 .Na+ K+ HO03'1 S042 a 1

Before Acid Powder Treatment

1 902A 2.07 41 12 17.1 Tr 10 3.6 iai 9.9
2 902B 5.10 05 3.4 39.2 Tr 12 47 410 iai
3 903A 109 3.4 43 100.8 1.1 1.9 6.5 1041 53.4
4 903B 15.1 2.3 do 1302 1.6 14 5.7 140.2 69.2
AfterAcid Powder Treatment
1 902A LOS 5.2 1.5 5.0 Tr 01 ao 3.3 18
2 902B 3.00 5.3 2.0 m Tr 0.9 03 140 ai
3 903A 4.02 5.1 2.0 37.1 Tr 00 ai mo 201
4 903B 422 3.2 16 3A2 06 08
L« 36.1 23.1

219 . i.



Sr. No. Sample

mhaa/an Ca+2
Saturation Extract Determination Meq/Lit

Mg+2 Na+ K+ H C 031 s< x 2 cr1


Before Acid Powder Treatment

1 904A as2 1.2 ao dl Tr ao ao di 0,6
2 904B a29 1.3 ai 1.9 Tr ai ao 3.2 15

3 904C a68 2.1 1.0 S.9 Tr a2 ao 7.6 48

AfterAdd Powder Treatment

1 904A 0.42 2.5 ao 2.0 Tr ao 1.9 2.6 1.3
2 904B a20 2.1 ao 1.3 Tr ai 2.7 2.1 as
3 904C 0.58 17 a7 2.4 Tr ai 1.6 17 1.3




EcxlO? Saturation Extract Determination Meq/Lit

Sample at
Sr. No. No. 25*C SAE
nhcWcm Ca+2 Mg*2 Ha+ K+ HC034 SC*2 cr1

Before Acid Fowder Treatment

1 905A 3ft72 21.0 17.1 270,9 3.0 11.0 24.2 236.2 640

2 905B 29.80 20.1 20.5 260.1 1.6 13.2 29.1 265.3 562

3 906A 3412 17.1 15.3 3322 24 7.7 35,1 3021 843

4 906B 40.10 123 ia7 370.0 20 a2 20.2 370.1 937
, AfterAcid Powder Treatment
1 905A 5.10 23.2 6.7 iai Tr 41 2a3 35.7 45
2 905b ' 10.08 21.4 a7 70,2 1.1 7.2 36.3 55.5 162
3 906A 3.80 18.4 4.3 iao Tr 26 122 ia4 5.4
4 906B 1&02 13.3 as 140.2 24 ai 24.3 130.0 452



\illL 1 IJIMlPi A llU rl Ur ILAIJriAPi iilyUiLlli lUWoj

Soil Determination
PH T.RC meq/100g. Naas Alkaline
Sr. >ampl< a.'Tpr' erth
of mcq/
No. &P.
No. &£. 100* Ca+2+M g+2j K -fl Na+1 (ESP) Carbonate %

Before Add Powder Treatment

1 901A 40 as 19.1 13.2 0.7 5.5 286 3.9
2 901B 38 a3 34.3 24.1 0.7 iai 29.2 5.6
3 901C 59 8.6 2&4 221 07 5.8 20.4 49
AfterAcid Powder Treatment

1 901A 40 7.1 27.1 24.8 Tr 24 ao 1.2

2 9WB 40 7.4 19.9 mi 0.3 24 124 4.3

3 901C 51 ai 23.1 19.2 0.4 3.5 15.1 4.4

TABLE :9.B 2



Soil Determination
Sr. lample PH T.&C meq/lOOg. Naas Alkaline
No. No. SLP. of Iuvt| /
SB. 100* Ca+2+Mg+2 K + l Na+1 (ESP) Carbonate %

Before Add Powder Treatment

1 902A 37 &1 20.2 16.5 0.4 27 13.5 29
2 902B 41 A3 27.4 19.9 0.5 63 24.2 3.1
3 903A 51 8,2 43.5 27.4 07 15.8 37.1 29
4 903B 47 ao 447 26.3 03 iai 401 3.4
AfterAdd Powder Treatment
1 9G2A* 35 7.3 19.4 * 17.2 Tr 1.7 —&J- 1.4
2 902B’ . 41 7.2 24.9 21.8 Tr 3.4 128 26
3 903A’ 51 69 26.5 246 TV 27 100 1.5
4 903B* 47 7.8 309 27.4 Tr 45 141 3.2

TABLE :9.B 3



Soil Determination
PH T.EG meq/lOOg. Naas Alkaline
Sr. iampk SLP. of meq/ %TEC «th
No. No. 100* Ca+2+M g+2 K + l Na+1 (ESP) Carbonated

Before Add Powder Treatment

1 904A 48 at 44.9 37.7 Tr 64 14.6 12.6

2 904B 38 7.4 46.3 42.7 0.3 3.8 62 0.9

3 904C 37 7.9 3ai 33.9 03 3.8 9.9 63

AfterAcid Powder Treatment

1 904A’ 44 7.6 44.4 43.6 Tr 1.6 3.5 12.4

2 904B’ 40 69 59.8 57.7 Tr 3.1 5.4 06

3 904C 45 7.3 55.4 50.7 Tr 4.3 &1 4.3




Soil Determination
Sr. >ampi< PH TEC meq/lOOft Naas AlkaHne
No. No. &P. of IIXC€| / q C iD r ertfa
S.E. 100ft Ca+2+Mg+2 K + l Na+1 (ESP) Carbonate %

BeforeAcid PowderTreatment
1 905A 50 8.8 41.1 19.2 1.8 20.1 4a7 3.6
2 905B 52 &9 43.9 ms 0.8 226 51.4 26
3 906A 56 &1 46.6 mi 16 26.6 55.3 43
4 906B 55 ai 39.9 1&5 2.4 lft9 48.4 41
AfterAcid Powder Treatment
1 905A’ 42 7.1 27.4 24.1 0.3 3.0 11.2 1.6
2 905B* 50 7.3 36.9 27.9 0.4 a 6 23.1 21
3 906A’ 53 7.1 35.4 27.8 0.6 7.1 19.9 20
4 906B* 55 7.6 26.2 17.0 21 7.6 29.4 3.9



Sr. iampleNo. C’oarse .

?in« Silt □ay GaCOj Qcgmatter
Place of S Btfois- r
No. and Sol. tare ota!
Sampling kind
Depth Sand * Salts
Before Acid Powder Treatment
901A 11.6 64.2 7.1 101 3.1 1.0 1.9 990
(0-r) '
1 VARANA 901B 7.8 59.8 7.5 15.2 5.0 1.0 11 985

901C 65 610 63 161 4.2 08 3.1 990

902A las 610 3.8 15.6 18 07 13 98.0
902B &7 60.2 8.0 17.4 3.1 06 1.9 99.9
903A 6.4 59.1 10.2 19.2 17 04 1.8 99,8
903B 9.3 56.2 6.4 21.4 3.1 03 1.8 98.5
904A 68 56.1 7.4 21.1 3.7 — 03 3.5 98.9
3 CHANASMA 904B 5.9 54.3 9.7 17.1 101 04 1.8 99.3
904C 5.0 58.2 4.2 17.0 111 06 1.8 9L9
905A 13.7 59.1 &2 13.1 1.S 0.8 1.8 9L2
905B 4.0 59.7 &i 23.1 10 08 12 9£9
906A 11.2 59J) 5.6 19.3 1.9 07 1.8 96.5
906B 9.2 54J 7.1 21.5 3.8 1.0 1.5 9LZ
0 ’-2’)



Sr. JampleNo. Choarse , Otg. matter 1tfoiS~ r

Place of 7ice sat □ay ota!
No. CaCOs and Sol. tare 1
Sampling Sand 5 iand Salts
After Acid Powder Treatment
901A’ 6.6 s a i 11.2 17.4 1.3 07 1.6 969
1 VARANA 901B’ 3.5 60.1 9.1 181 4.2 0.8 11 97.9
o ’-*)
901C ia o 54.3 102 164 41 1.1 13 984
902A’ 60 591 82 181 1.4 06 18 962
902B’ a i 631 61 161 2.4 05 1.9 982
. 2
903A’ 62 682 7.2 12.6 1.4 03 11 980
903B’ 7.0 589 9.5 19.1 3.0 04 10 99.9
904A’ 110 512 7.0 23.9 1.5 0.5 10 981
3 CHANASMA 904B’ 9.7 601 7.9 12.5 7.6 02 1.8 99.8
904C 160 291 141 23.7 105 ~ ’ 03 17 964
905A’ 9.1 591 9.0 13.6 3.5 1.2 10 97.5
905B’ 6.7 603 12.0 15.4 16 09 13 99.2
BORATWADA* a ’-2’>
906A* 5.4 57.2 10.2 182 4.2 09 1.3 97.4
906B’ 7.8 57.1 81 20.0 3.9 1.2 1.9 99.2



Place of 2Sample _ Days

Sampling No, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Before Acid Powder Treatment
901A 0 7.8 17.1 20.1 24.6 23.8 20.0
VARANA 901B 0 18 3.8 42 42 42 42
901C 0 3.2 4.1 4.2 3.9 3.9 3.2
902A 0 73.5 74.6 99.0 97.1 7a6 861
j|> 902B
DHUDHAKHA 0 36.5 40.6 420 364 38.2 38,2
Mat* Mk A Wm* AM AM

903A 0 0.6 7.9 9.1 9.4 8,7 8,6

903B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
904A 0 0 27 220 240 28.1 28.4
CHANASMA 904B 0 0 3.8 25.2 25.0 261 262
904C 0 0 7.8 23.1 37.9 4ao 40.1
905A 0 i 4.0 5.5 5.0 5.0 60 65
BORATWADA 905B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
906A 0 0 3.8 3.2 40 43 43
906B 0 0 0 26 1.9 22 22
After Acid Powder Treatment
901A’ 0 24.1 2a 2 24.6 ! 29.8 30.6 30.7
VARANA 901B’ 0 6,2 ! a i 9.1 7.9 61 66
901C 0 1.8 22 43 42 41 3.8

* •*

115.8 1143 113.8 93.1 93.0


902B’ 0 j 460 462 44.4 44.1 445 442

903A’ 0 10.8 17.2 14.3 13.4 13.0 13.1
903B* 0 0 0 27 3.0 3.1 3.2
904A’ 0 0.9 25.2 426 44.1 51.3 51.2
CHANASMA 904B’ 0 1.3 38.0 48,1 43.0 55.7 527
904C 0 1.1 9.6 29.9 41.1 41.3 41.7
905A’ 0 10.1 262 24.2 48.0 45.3 46.1
905B’ 0 0 0 3.9 43 43 3.9
906A’ 0 1.3 5.8 61 7.2 7.2 7.2
906B’ 0 0 0 25 28 26 25

Reclamation on saline, saline-alkali and alkali soils can be attained, using various
chemical amendments. Acid (H ^ j0 4), Acid-formation [ F e ^ S O ^ A l ^ S O ^ S] and
source of calcium (Gypsum o r CaCljp) havc been used by various workers.
In areas of low rainfall (10* - IS* per year) such as VARANA, DHUDHAKA,
CHANASMA and BORATWDA [The area of N’orth-Gujarat] gypsum is not successsful
in reclaiming the soil. Bence a more soluble, amendment like F e ^ O ^ will be able
to dissolve in low rainfall and also generate sulphuric acid by hydrolysis.
The acid released will dissolve C aC 03 form soil which will turn a sodium soil into a
calcium soil. Again Ca-soil is an aggregated soil and has water channels opened up,
which were closed in dispersed Na-soiL Thereby w ater put for washing will take out die
salt, and deposit in drainage ditch.
Sulphur also gets oxidized in soil and give oxides of sulphur, which dissolve in soil
moisture to produce sulphuric acid.

Gypsum itself is a source of calcium-ions and can make a Na^-soii turn into a Ca so il
Na2 Soil + C aS04 ------> Ca Soil + Na^S04.
Thus reclamation is possible by multi chemical amendments.
Data in Table 9.A}, 9.A2» 9.A3 and 9.A4 indicate lowering of salinity level, after the
chemical amendment has been added and w ater is added to flush away the s a lt There
is decrease in Na , CF but increase in Ca SAR and die saturation extract also
Data in Table 9,B3, 9.B^ 9 .B3 and 9.B4 give information about exchangeable bases.
Here, the Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) decreases on adding chemical
amendm ent The status of C aC 03 gets low indicating that the acid formed and dissolves
CaCOj, PH also decreases, which coirsides with decrease in BSP.
Table 9.C gives mechanical analysis of die soil, before and after treatm ent

Table 9.D gives data about Hydraulic conductivity. Samples of soil after acid-powder
treatment have high Hydraulic conductivity as compared to samples of soil before
treatm ent
Thus decrease in SAR of saturation extract decrease in ESP and PH of the soil and
the increased Hydraulic conductivity indicate that saline and saline-alkali soils ran be
easily reclaimed.

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