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1. A c-shape on the ball with the dominant hand

2. Fingers are not interlocking and gripping the ball
3. Step forward with the Non-dominant leg and bent the leg
4. Step back with the dominant leg which creates a straight line
5. Dominant arm moves backward away from the body
6. Bring the ball close to your ear while bending your elbow
7. Use your non-dominant arm as a pointer towards your open target
8. Rotate your hips, shoulders, and truck as the arm comes forward
9. Lead with the elbow and snap the wrist as the ball released opposite the peak of the cap
10. Follow through while reaching the opposite side of your pocket
1. Athletic stance: shoulder width apart and knees bent
2. The palms of your hands must face outward
3. Fingertips spread
4. Bent the elbows
5. For high balls create a diamond shape by connecting both thumbs together and both index
fingers together
6. For low balls, your pinkies are connecting to each with fingers spread apart below the
7. Maintain eye contact with the ball as it comes into hands
8. Use your fingertips to catch the ball
9. Squeeze the ball with palms and fingertips
10. Bring the ball close to your chest
Jump Shoot
1. Look at the target
2. A c-shape grip with dominant hand on the ball
3. 3 steps forward
4. Takeoff from the surface with one leg
5. The leg in the air is bent
6. Create a T-shape with your arms while rotating the shoulders, hips, and truck
7. Bring the ball close to your ear like you were talking to someone of the phone and
rotating the shoulders, hips, and truck forward
8. Snap the wrist as the ball is being released at the peak
9. Follow by hitting the target
10. Lastly, land with both feet on the surface
1. Begin to move in the direction of the ball
2. Athletic stance: shoulder width apart and needs bent
3. Low stance position
4. Non-dominant leg is pointing away from the target
5. Dominant leg is bent and behind use
6. Elbow bent
7. Palms are facing outward and fingertips are spread
8. Rotate the truck, shoulders, and hips
9. When the ball is coming to you, connect your thumbs together and index fingers together
creating a diamond shape and squeeze the ball with your palms and fingertips
10. Hug the ball close to your chest
Offense: Cut back
1. Look at your teammate
2. A c-shape grip with dominant hand on the ball
3. 3 steps forward
4. Pretend you are going to shot the ball at the target by:
5. Create a T-shape with your arms while rotating the shoulders, hips, and truck
6. Bring the ball close to your ear like you were talking to someone of the phone while
rotating the shoulders, hips, and truck forward
7. Once the ball is close to your ear, step with your non-dominate leg forward and bend
8. Swing the arm backwards
9. Look at your teammate and release the ball at chest level
10. Partner catches the ball and takes a shoot at the target

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