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Teacher: Bertha Peralta Date: 24-09-2020 4th grade-CEBA ESTADOS UNIDOS

English - session 7

Activity N°7
Propósito: 1. Answer the question.
Identificar las prendas de
vestir y los pronombres 1. What do you wear if the day is snowy?
demostrativos según lo que sueter
I wear______________________________
escucha. 2. What do you wear if the day is rainy?
I wear waterproof

3. Write questions and answers. Escribe preguntas y respuestas.


4. Watch the video and complete.

Dialogue 5
Woman: ______ fine. Oh! My goodness look at _____ mess!
Man: Let me help you. I think _______ is your briefcase.
Woman: No, _______ isn’t my briefcase. _______ your briefcase. _____
is my briefcase.
Man: You’re right.
Woman: Is ______ your _______ ?
Man: Yes,_______ . Thanks. (………)
Man: I think ________ are my ______________ .
Woman: ______________ are nice ____________ .

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