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Tutorial # 7 Thu 8:30- 10:30

Tutorial Leader: Amanda Robinson

Office Hours: Friday 11:30 am- 12:30

Vari Hall 2187A. Inside the History Department, 2nd floor of Vari Hall.

Phone extension: x66978. Email:


I want to reiterate and stress what the professor said about coming to tutorial prepared. Many, or all, of
you are here because you were successful in high school so you should understand the importance of
diligent attendance and participation. You should be here because you want to be here and to me, that
should reflect your attitude and engagement. Hopefully, it will also influence your marks in a positive
way. I understand that many or all of you are first year students and speaking in front of your peers may
be intimidating, or even terrifying. In order to succeed professionally in the academic world, you need to
confront this challenge. A good chunk of your mark will hinge on your ability to express your ideas about
the readings and the topics. When you come without having done the reading, you waste my time, you
waste your peer͛s time, and it wastes your money, or your parent͛s money.

Since this course has no exam, memorizing facts and names isn͛t that big of a concern. You are here to
grasp over arching themes and concepts, and learn how to be historians. So, to prepare for tutorials I
urge you not to read word for word, but to see the bigger picture in the chapter or selected pages that
are assigned. Come with ideas about why you did, or didn͛t like the author͛s style. Keep in mind though
that you are reading these works for a reason. They have historical value. It is easy to be critical. It is
more challenging to give constructive criticism while also seeing the value of the work. If you can,
question the argument but also acknowledge its strengths. No true version of history can ever be known
and I stress to you the living nature of the past. Just because it has been written once does not mean it
can͛t be reconsidered and given a different perspective.

Just to be clear about the type of environment I want to create in tutorial, I want to raise a few issues
revolving around equity. The classroom should be a positive space. At no time will any type of non-
equitable behavior or comments be tolerated. While debate and discussion is encouraged, intimidation
and arguing in a negative fashion are not indicative of a harmonious and organic environment. Respect
flows both ways. I will respect all of you, and I expect respect in return     
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      Allowances will be made for special considerations, for example
if someone͛s ability is impacted by use of electronic devices. Please speak to me in private regarding
matters such as these. Otherwise, please respect the policy as it is for the benefit of the entire class.


So the mark breakdown for the year says that 20% of your final grade is decided by your tutorial grade.
While just showing up counts towards your mark, your mark will be significantly influences by your
participation. You can say whatever you want and it doesn͛t have to be long. For example if you have a
question, ask the question. If you have insights, say that. Mention something you liked or didn͛t like
about that particular chapter/page/ author ect.

To ensure that at least a few of you have done the readings for class every week, groups of you will each
be assigned to a week in first semester where you prepare 7-10 questions for the class to discuss in
tutorial and give a 7-10 min. presentation summarizing the readings at the start of class. Questions will
have to be emailed to me on the Monday before tutorial. This will allow for sufficient time for me to
review the questions and email out to your classmates. Your questions should center on the main
themes and ideas of the readings and can incorporate information from the lectures where applicable.
To get the class thinking, your first few questions should be simple but thought provoking. They should
lead into questions that get a more in depth discussion generated. During the presentation portion all
members of the group should participate. Your collective grade will reflect this. This presentation will
account for 33% of your tutorial mark and the mark your group receives will be out of 33 and will be
based on:

/12.5 all group members took an active part in the verbal portion of the presentation

/ 12.5 question content and class engagement

/ 8 group self assessment

The other 77% will be based on your participation in tutorial. There are eleven classes in this semester
and you will get a mark out of 7 for each class. Sometime after the October reading week I will give you
a midterm participation mark for in class participation. This will not include your presentation mark and
we will deal with this separately. If you are nervous or shy about speaking in class, please speak to me in
private and we can discuss ways for you to tackle these concerns or show that you have done the
reading in other ways. Keep in mind that this will not compensate for missing tutorial.

At the end of the semester, I will have you complete an evaluation for me. This is designed to help me
be a better teacher. Remember, I am here for you. I want to see you all succeed and I am open to
suggestions about my teaching style, marking scheme ect. I feel that by being flexible about my style
and the marking scheme, I can better serve you and hopefully make the tutorials more enjoyable!

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All late submissions will be subject to the penalty outlined in the course syllabus. Extensions will only be
granted in the case of documented illness of injury. Otherwise late submissions will be penalized 5% per
day. I will not take assignments over email except where documented illness or injury prevents a
student from travelling to campus.

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Plagiarism is illegal. It compromises academic integrity. Please refer to York͛s policies surrounding
academic integrity if you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism and be aware that I will be actively
looking for plagiarized submissions.

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