Friday, September 18th

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Friday, September 18th 2020

Ways to describe people
 Appearance is what someone looks like on the outside.
 Mannerisms are the ways that someone acts or behaves.
 Character traits are the little things that make someone who they are. In other words,
they make up someone’s personality.
 Emotions are what someone feels at a certain time.

Adjectives for Body Shapes ( “figure,” “physique” and “build”)

Other Words for “Fat” or “Large”
Overweight: con sobre peso
Obese: Sometimes it can be quite dangerous …Muy pasado de peso
Stout: Corpulento/a
Chubby / Plump / Stocky: Gordito/a
Paunchy: Barrigón, panzón (cuando el estómago es lo que resalta)
Pot-bellied: The same as “paunchy.”
Curvy: Puede usarse para referirse a una mujer curvilínea o gordita (se usa de las 2 formas).
Other Words for “Thin” or “Small”
Slender: esbelto/a
Slim: delgada/o: “Hey, you’re looking slim these days. Have you been working out?”
Lanky: Flacuchento/a
Skinny: Una persona muy delgada.
Petite: Forma linda de decirle a una mujer bajita.
Beefy/ Buff: Musculoso
Burly: Strong, heavy.
Well-built: Big. Strong.
Ripped: You know, when the stomach looks 6-pack (abdomen marcado)
Other Words for Beautiful
Attractive: Nice to look at.
Handsome: More masculine and manly. Grrr. (“Beautiful” para hombres)
Pretty: Bonita/o
Stunning: Extremely attractive. Even stronger than “beautiful.”
Gorgeous: A more informal way of saying “beautiful” or “handsome.” (lenguaje formal)
Good-looking: que luce bien.
Cute: Lindo/a
Hot: More or less the same as “sexy.”
Other Words for Ugly
Rough: “very ugly.” (Una persona muy fea, expression británica)
Plain: Una persona que ni es bonita ni fea, refleja simplesa.
Adjectives for Hair
Adjectives for Hair Type
Curly - Risado
Wavy- Ondulado
Straight - Liso
Recuerda la forma correcta de referirse al cabello.
So say, “He’s got curly hair.”
Not “.” That just sounds very weird.

Adjectives for Hair Styles

Dreaded: “rasta.” Think of Bob
Marley. Just so you know, it’s
more common to use the noun: “She’s got dreads.”
Afro: Very thick, very curly hair in a rounded shape.
Gelled: When you add gel to your hair.
Spiky: When your hair is gelled up into spikes. Easy to draw.

Adjectives for Hair Colour

Dyed (red, green, etc.)
Highlighted: Con iluminaciones
Ginger: naturally orange (“red”) hair.
Strawberry blonde: rojo cereza (fantasia)
Mousy brown
Adjectives for Hair Condition
Greasy hair: cabello graso
Shiny: Hair that reflects lots of light.
Cabello brillante.

Adjectives for Age

Thirtyish: Entre los 30-39 años. “sixtyish,” 60-69 años
“sixteenish.” 16 años (el número como lo conocemos
y se le agrega la terminación –ish)
Young: Joven
Youngish: Bastante joven
Middle-aged: Mediana edad (a partir de 40 años)
Old: Viejo
Elderly: forma linda de decirle Viejo a alguien.
Spotty: Una forma de referirse a una persona
“puberta” que tiene la cara llena de acné.
Pierced: Se usa para describer una persona que
tiene muchas perforaciones.
Tattooed: Alguien que tiene varios tatuajes.
Hairy: Para referirse a una persona muy velluda.
Adjectives to describe places
Al describir lugares ten en cuenta también el clima,
los colores que ves, los objetos, las formas e
identificar el lugar (ciudad, campo, pueblo) y los
Ways to describe animals

Describo en detalle, usando cuanto vocabulario me sea

possible, lo siguiente.
1. a person: teacher Luz
2. an animal: My favorite
3. a place:

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