SFA Purpose Objectives and Aims 2020

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Founded January 2007

ABN 42947116512

SFA, Sandringham, Victoria, Australia 3191

E-mail: sandyforeshore@optusnet.com.au

"We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the waters and lands on which we live and
work, and pay our respects to the Elders past, present and emerging”

What is the Sandringham Foreshore Association?

Sandringham Foreshore Association is a voluntary association of residents who deeply care
for the Bayside coastline, cliffs, foreshore and beaches.
Our mission statement includes:
Protecting Bayside's coast, natural and cultural Heritage
Who is the Sandringham Foreshore Association?
Members and Friends of the Association have a common and strongly held belief. We all
understand that our foreshore zones and beaches are a very valuable local environmental
asset, which is both precious and fragile, and needs to be cared for with utmost respect.
In Sandringham and the Bayside surrounds, we have one of the best natural beachscape
environments in the world that is located close to a major city. Our foreshore zones and
beaches have a long history of recreation, sporting and holiday use which we believe will be
sustainable providing that best-practice foreshore management continues and improves.
Membership of the SFA is free of charge. The SFA is a not-for-profit, voluntary association.
Membership is open to all residents.

Objectives and Aims

1. Sustain the natural elements of our Sandringham foreshore and neighbouring beaches
2. Preserve its natural landscape beauty and aesthetic value
3. Monitor cliff erosion and beaches for sand loss as sea levels rise
4. Facilitate remediation of cliffs and beaches where possible for preservation purposes
5. Maintain healthy and clean beaches, cliffs and water quality
6. Conserve natural wildlife and its habitat e.g. marine life, native flora and fauna
7. Ensure a “sense of place” respectful of traditional owners
8. Ensure archaeological, palaeontological and cultural sites are protected
9. Conserve cultural and historical values for all ages and future generations to enjoy
Our self-acclaimed role is to foster and promote good natural conservation principles to
Bayside foreshore management authorities.

Our focus is to assist public education by:

 Aligning ourselves with scientific experts in fields of conservation, geomorphology,

palaeontology and natural environment,
 Facilitating effective communication between community, council and state and
federal governments, and
 Seeking and highlighting relevant, peer-reviewed environmental science publications
and position statements.

The role of SFA is to care for and help protect our local beaches and cliffs, but also to
educate, raise awareness and preserve our local archaeological, geological, palaeontological,
cultural, indigenous and heritage sites - including the Red Bluff cliff and the Beaumaris Bay
fossil site.

SFA regularly runs guided walk and talks along the Bayside coastline to inform and educate
the community on:

 How our beaches have formed over millennia

 What are the trends and impacts of sand movement
 The history of the local geology
 Issues regarding coastal erosion
 Bayside’s living museums of local fossils, and
 the local history of the Boon Wurrung traditional people

Our aim is to help care for and protect our precious coastline for all ages and future
generations to enjoy

The Sandringham foreshore is the primary reason that Bayside residents are drawn to, and
choose to live in Bayside. It’s also a highly visited zone by local residents and also many,
many people who come from outside of Bayside, to share the beautiful outdoor spaces of
our foreshore and beaches.

The SFA also supports all clubs and associations that provide recreational use to the public,
such as the Marine Care Ricketts Point, Lifesaving Clubs, Sandringham Croquet club,
Sandringham Football Club, Guides and Scouts Sailing Centre, Hampton Sailing Club, Bayside
Triathlon Club, Australian Volunteer Coast Guard and the Sailboard Headquarters. It also
acknowledges the important work the many other voluntary Bayside environmental groups
such as MCRP, BCS, MESAC and BRASCA.
The aim of the SFA is to continually consult and communicate transparently with its
members, the community, and all stakeholders concerned such as Bayside City Council, the
Department of Environment Land Water Planning, Parks Victoria and the Victorian Coastal

Non-profit clause (:)

The assets and income of the Sandringham Foreshore Association shall be applied solely to
the furtherance of its above-mentioned objectives, and no portion shall be distributed
directly or indirectly to the members of the Association except as bona fide compensation
for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Association.

Acknowledgement of Country and Indigenous Australians(:)

The Sandringham Foreshore Association respectfully acknowledges the original custodians of
the Bayside foreshore, the Boon Wurrung people who are the Traditional Custodians of the
Land and we pay respect to the Elders both past and present and extend that respect to
other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people present today. We respect the Boon
Wurrung people for their rich culture, deep affinity with the land and spiritual connection to

The Sandringham Foreshore Association was founded in January 2007(:)

To date, (the) SFA communicates with its working party of over 700 members electronically,
and also by way of meetings, letters, flyers and phone calls. The SFA believe it is vitally
important to continually communicate and liaise transparently with the community on all
levels. We understand there is valuable local knowledge of the foreshore and its history
within the memories of long-term residents and regular users of the beaches.

Dissolution Clause / Winding up of SFA(:)

Membership of SFA is free – an application form can be downloaded from the website.
SFA may occasionally request and receive voluntary donations from its members and from
non-members, when there is a specifically communicated cause or project - in which case all
the proceeds have been (will be) presented to that cause. For example, in 2019 SFA had a
fund raising drive for a Museum Victoria Project which directly benefited a palaeontological
project in Bayside.
Should SFA receive and be holding any community-derived money in the form of grants for
projects, and at the same time the Association is required to wind-up, then those funds will
be reimbursed to the grantor or provided to another registered tax exempt non-profit
organisation if it wishes to pursue the project for which the grant was received.
In the event of the Association being dissolved, the amount that remains after such
dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to another
organisation with similar purposes and which has rules prohibiting the distribution of its
assets and income to its members.

Artistic and cultural appreciation of Sandringham foreshore (:)

The Sandringham foreshore is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful bay coastlines in
Victoria, with its native vegetation and sweeping shoreline meeting sandstone cliffs. This
area has been treasured for its natural beauty over many years by artists, residents, visitors
and tourists.
Our coastline is particularly well known for its outstanding beauty, and has been painted by
many artists. Reproductions of some of the more famous paintings are on display along the
coastal paths and vantage points of our cliffs. Some of these works were exhibited in 2007
when they were entitled ‘Australian Impressionism’ at the Ian Potter Gallery in Federation
Square (part of the National Gallery of Victoria). This exhibition was very successful and
included some of Australia's best loved works from the 1880s to early twentieth century.
The collection included masterworks by noted artist Charles Conder, including
"Sandringham" painted in 1890 and held by the National Gallery of Art, Canberra, and
"Rickett's Point", also painted in 1890, held by the National Gallery of Victoria. Other
paintings by Tom Roberts from the same era also captured coastal scenes from Port Philip
Bay near Sandringham.

Committee members of SFA:

Dr Vicki Karalis –  President; Medical practitioner

Alison Horton – Vice President & Public officer/secretary; Perfusionist

Adrienne Smith - Committee member; IT consultant

Ike Solomon - Committee member; Corrosion engineer

Salva Crusca - Committee member; Counsellor

Helen Gibson – Committee member; Geologist and Renewable Energy advisor

Artemis Siourthas - Committee member; student, Website Administrator

Cassandra Karalis - Committee member; student, Social Media Coordinator

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