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Viviana Andrea Pulido Niño ID: 100058053

Discuss the questions below with your partner

1. How many people are there in our classroom?
there are many people in the classroom
2. Is there a clock on the wall in your house? What time is it?
Yes, there are a clock on the wall in my house
it is ten o'clock
3. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
there are 26 letters
4. How many seconds are there in one minute?
there are 60 seconds
5. Is there a pen o your desk?
Yes, there is a pen in my desk
6. How many windows are there in the house?
There are 8 windows in my house
7. How many bones are there in the human body?
There are 206 bones in the human body
8. Hoy many pictures are there on this paper?
There are seven pictures on this paper
9. Are there any fun things to do in your town or city? What?
Yes, there are cinemas in my city
10. Finish the sentence: “there is a … near my home that I don’t like very much?
There is a DOG near my home that I don’t like very much

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