The Economic, Political and Social Issues, Hindering The Adoption of Bioenergy in Pakistan: A Case Study

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Umair Usman
Moonoo Chowk, Raiwind/Defence Road E. Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: 92-42-5321636, Fax: 92-42-5321638

ABSTRACT: The paper will inform the audience about the energy crisis that has crippled Pakistan’s economic growth
since the last 6 years, and the role that Bioenergy can play in resolving the issue. In order to help ease Pakistan in its
effort to curb this crisis and to get useful insights into the role that Bioenergy can play in solving Pakistan’s problems,
Business planning for a Small or Medium sized enterprise was attempted. The results were not encouraging and shed
light onto the financial and technical hindrances involved in creating and running Small or Medium bioenergy
businesses in Pakistan. These issues themselves were linked to the more general Social, Economic and Political
barriers for the adoption of Bioenergy in the country. The paper concludes by providing suggestions and
recommendations, as to what the government, private sector as well as the international community can do in order to
overcome the crisis. 
Keywords: Bio energy Policy, Biogas, Bio-ethanol, Third World, Pakistan

1 INTRODUCTION on these failures, new business models are discussed

that can help create a formal Biomass industry led by
Energy is considered to be the life line of any small and medium sized enterprises.
economy. It is a significant determinant of However before details of the ventures are looked
socioeconomic development and is therefore one of the into, it is imperative that Pakistan and its energy profile
most important strategic commodities [25]. Inspite of is studied first, in order to better understand the
this, traditional growth theories focus on labour, capital country’s basic needs and challenges.
and technology as major factors of production and
ignore the importance of energy in the economic growth 2 PAKISTAN’S ENERGY PROFILE
process [16].
In the era of globalization, even though dependence 2.1 Country profile
of economies on energy and their demand for it is Pakistan is a middle income economy, with an
rapidly increasing, the supply remains uncertain. estimated population of around 170 million, making it
Therefore energy shortage will be one of the biggest one of the most populous countries in the world. It is a
problems facing mankind in the next century [16]. founding member of SAARC, G-8 and the OIC. Not
One such country which is already facing an energy only is it a major military and nuclear power, but is also
crisis is Pakistan. Energy plays an important role as South Asia’s second largest economy and a front line
compared to other variables included in the production state in the war in terror.
and consumption function for Pakistan, as it is in an It sustained excellent growth record in the first half
early stage of development [10]. Already Pakistan’s of the 2000s, thanks to liberalization and an opening up
economy has been under constant stress due to the of the economy. Due to economic growth that took
energy crisis [7], leading to a sharp decrease in its place during that time, the GDP of Pakistan doubled
economic growth rate , made even worse by the 2010 between 1999 and 2007. This growth in GDP was
flooding [38;39]. higher even than the population growth resulting in an
In order to study the role that Bioenergy can play in increase of GDP per capita increased by almost sixty
overcoming the energy crisis, two business ventures percent between 2000 and 2008. Recognizing Pakistan’s
were attempted i.e. selling Biogas plants and Bio- economic growth, Goldman Sachs now considers
ethanol. Biomass seemed like a logical alternative Pakistan to be among the ‘Next Eleven Countries’ i.e.
energy solution due to the country’s large agricultural nations that are likely to become sizable economic
base. However both businesses failed at the planning powers and have greater impact on global business in
stage of development due to several micro and macro the new century [33;36]. Even though Pakistan’s
factors that were identified as hinderances. Reflecting agriculture, industry, trade and services sectors have
been growing rapidly, the government has remained well as electricity), while the share of imported energy
negligent to the surge in energy demand, leading to a is increasing over time as well. It can be noted therefore
massive shortfall in energy suppy, which is only that shortages or difficulties in imports can have
expected to widen [25]. disastrous effects on industry and transport, and
One of the key strategic objectives of the Musharraf therefore cripple the industry.
era was to turn Pakistan into an energy corridor,
connecting Central Asia (China and the oil producing 2.2 Energy crisis:
countries) to the rest of the world (14; 13; 26). However During the mid 2000s, Pakistan achieved an average
Pakistan itself is now facing a major energy crisis. To economic growth rate of 7.6%. Assuming the growth of
look into this crisis in detail, it is imperative to look at 6-7 percent could have been maintined, it was believed
Pakistan’s energy profile in detail in order to better that energy demand would growth at 8% or rougly
understand the supply and demand of different sources. double within a decade [23]. However insufficient
generation and exploration, limited planning and
2.2 Energy Profile: negligence of successive regimes, and inefficient use
The primary energy supply in Pakistan is and wastage of energy resources [30], has created an
concentrated to only a few sources. The average share acute energy crisis in Pakistan since 2006. [24; 26; 7].
of Oil and Gas between the years 1997-2007 was
44.36% and 32.58% respectively i.e. 77% of the total
supply (relatively, Hydroelectricity and coal accounted Table I: Energy Supply and Demand Gap (MTOE:
for 18% and other sources accounted for 5%). The share Millions of Tons Oil equivalent)
in 2009 stood at 31% for oil (82% is imported) and 48%
for gas i.e. the total share has grown to 79%, where the
share of oil decreased to 31 percent (relatively
hydroelectricity and coal account for 20% and 1 percent
from nuclear and imported energy) [16; 24]. According
to the Pakistan Energy Yearbook, by 2009-2010, after
the share of Natural Gas in the total available primart [16]
energy supply was 48.8% for Gas and 31.4% for oil,
while LPG probided only 0.6% [40]. Hydroelectrcty Looking to the future, according to Pakistan’s Energy
provided 10.6% of the energy followed by Coal 7.3%, Security Plan for 2005-2030 [16], the total primary
while nuclear electicty 1.1%, and imported elecirty energy consumption in Pakistan is expected to increase
0.1%. Hence Natural Gas saw an increase [40]. seven times to 360 MTOE and over eight-fold increase
Looking at total consumption of each source, the in the requirement of power by 2030 (Table I) and
average percentage share of oil in energy consumption therefore the supply and demand gap of energy is likely
was 40.9% during 1998 to 2007, followed by gas to widen.
34.6%, electricity 15.7%, coal 7.5% and LPG 1.3% The issues with the supply-demand gap were not
[16]. By 2009-2010 however, the consunption was taken very seriously by the govermment and the
highest for gas at 43.9%, followed by oil at 27.9%, country’s economy was therefore adversely affected.
electricty at 15.6% and coal at 11.0% and LPG at Pakisan’s GDP growth rate plummeted to just 2.3% in
1.5% [40]. Noting consumption of energy by sector, the 2008-2009 growth, and 4.1% in 2009-2010. During this
industrial sector consumed 37.3% of the energy, period, the energy crisis caused the large scale
followed by transport sector with a share of 32.2% and manufaturing sector declined by 7.7%, while overall
domestic sector with a share of 22.2%. The agriculture manufacturing declined by 3.3% [7]. It must be noted
sector, government and the commercial sector however that as GDP growth declines, the estimations
respectively consumed only 2.6%, 2.5% and 3.3%. By of the widening gap of supply and demand already
2009-2010,the industrial sector consumed the most discussed might not materialize, however severe
energy at 40.25%, followed by transport at 30.06%, shortages will probabaly remain. Infact in the next three
domestic use making up 21.56%, commercial sector to four years Paksitan is likely to face major shortage of
3.95%, Agriclture 2.19% and others including natural gas, electricity and oil, the three major sources,
government making up 1.98% [40]. that could choke the economic growth. It is important to
During the 1980s, about 86% of the energy demand note for further discussion that the biggest shortfall is
was met by domestic sources and remaining 14% gap expected in the natural gas supplies [16].
was filled by the imports [7]. By 2008-2009 Pakistan Overall it can be noted that the demand-supply gap
met 75% of its energy needs by domestic resources has been increasing and is likely to increase in the
including gas, oil and hydroelectricity production and future, exerting strong pressure on the energy resources
only 25% of the energy needs were managed through in the Country, paticularly Natural Gas [16; 33].
imports. [24]. However by 2009-2010, 33.3% of the
total energy consumption in Pakistan was imported, of 2.2.1 Gas
which oil was the major contributor [40]. Oil and Gas Natural gas has emerged as the most important
have therefore taken major share in the energy mix and fuel in the recent past and the trends indicate its
are likely to maintain their dominance [16], and more dominant share in the future energy mix as well [25].
significantly dependence on imported oil is putting Demand for natural gas in Pakistan increased by
pressure on the already fragile economy. roughly 10 percent annually from 2000-01 to 2007-08,
It can be seen from the above that Pakistan’s reaching around 3,200 cubic feet per day (MMCFD)
energy supply is dependent largely on Oil and Gas (as against the total production of 3,774 MMCFD. By
2008-2009, the demand for natural gas exceeded the shortage had begun to appear as the government did not
available supply, where the country had a production of have the reserves to buy oil [29]. This incident exposed
4,002 MMCFD gas against demand for 4,731 MMCFD, a major flaw in Pakistan’s energy security.
indicating a shortfall of 729 MMCFD [29][40]. By
2009-2010, production was up by only a further 61 2.2.3 Electricity
MMCFD to 4063 MMCFD [40]. Hagler Bailly, a global Electricity is another important source of energy in
management consulting firm warned in a 2006 study Pakistan. The average share of electricity as a
that Pakistan is going to witness gas shortage beginning percentage of the total energy consumed was about 18%
in 2007, and the defecit will grow until it cripples the during 1998-2007]. By 2009-2010, this had reduced to
economy by 2025, when shortage will be 11,092 about 15.6% [40] however in absloute terms electricity
MMCFD (Million standard cubic feet per day) against consumption grew in all economic sectors during 2004-
total 13,259 MMCFD production i.e. demand will be 2009 and continued to grow between 2009-2010 as well
24351 [8]. [40]. Currently Pakistan is facing severe electricity
There are about 2718 Compressed Natural Gas crisis as the shortfall has varies between 3000 to 6000
(CNG) stations in the country and approximately 1.9 MW [23;44].
million vehicles are using CNG. Pakistan has seen an The current energy crisis stems from the decline in
investment of Rs 70 billion being made in the sector, hydro sources of energy and over reliance on other
creating some 100,000 job [23]. Therefore the growth expensive sources of electricity. On top that there are
for CNG has been massive in Pakistan. By 2009, there 30% transmission losses due to poor quality
were roughly 29,167 vehincles being converted to run infrastructure and large scale power theft [24]. Another
on CNG every month, making Pakistan the third largest issue is what has come to be known as circular debt.
CNG consumer in the world after Argentina and Brazil, IPPs or Independent Power Producers make up around
and the biggest in Asia [20; 28], However due to a 45% Pakistan’s electricity supply. These IPPs sell
shortage of Natural Gas, CNG stations are now required electricity to the government, however they regularly
to go on ‘forced holidays’ for a couple of days a week. face delay in their payments due to the fiscal pressures
Many CNG stations have also been closed down on the country and the poor financial situation of the
indefinately [41]. Even Gas powered generators for exchequer. Therefore many IPPs temporarliy hault
domestic use, have been banned as well to keep demand operations until payments are made [3].
in check [36]. The issue is also related to the problem of oil, as
Industry too has been made to restrict gas usage to furnance oil-based thermal plants supply 68% of
only 3 days a week. In case a business does not comply, generating capacity, far higher than the 30% share of
its gas supply is cut off. In winters, gas supplies to hydroelectric plants [7]. Rising oil prices and the
industry are cut for upto 2-3 weeks at a stretch, when depreciation of the rupee have led to rising generation
demand is highest. During the same winter period, costs, and as IPPs saw their costs rise, many they were
many residential areas, even within major urban centers forced to close down operations temporarily from time
have little or no access to gas for weeks at a time [33]. to time as their cash inflows (government payments)
were not sufficient and timely [5]. As a result,
2.2.2 Oil manufacturing costs and inflation are rising and,
Oil is the second biggest source of primary energy Pakistani exports are becoming expensive, further
for Pakistan, and imports about 80-82% of all its needs pushing pressure on the deficit ridden balance of
[23]. The issue with oil has to do more with trade payments [23]. All of this has negatively impacted
deficits than depletion of resources. Between 2008-2009 economic growth.
(July-March) Petroleum products and crude oil made up Overall the energy sector of Pakistan is poorly
28.5% of Pakistan’s imports, totaling to about $7.4 managed, service quality is low, theft of power and gas
billion and by 2009-2010, the share in imports had is rampant and until recently, most utilities and oil
increased to 29.2% or $7.3 billion [18]. Presently the products were still receiving heavy subsidies, making
figure, according to Pakistan Bureau of Statistic is the industry even more inefficient [31]. Therefore, it
around $12 billion [42;43]. Increased use of furnace can see that Pakistan’s energy mix relies heavily on Oil,
oil, of which Independent Power Producers (IPPs) are a Gas and electricity, all of which are creating uncertainty
big consumer, have contributed in increasing the import for Pakistan’s energy needs. Even though average
bill as well, causing import bill to more than double in consumption of oil is falling, its unstable price creates
the last 10 years alone, putting huge pressure on the havoc for Pakistan. Gas reserves too have depleted and
economy. soon Pakistan will start importing gas from Iran to
The problem of expensive imported oil reached its fulfill its needs. Coming to electricity, generation is not
worst point in 2008, which coincided with the global keeping up with demand and there is a dire need to fill
recession and therefore hit Pakistan hard. The 2007- the gap as it has already had a significant negative
2008 Pakistan Oil bill was an all time high of $11 impact on industry. To get Pakistan out of this crisis
billion, due to record world oil prices, and the and prepare for the future there is an urgent need to
depreciation in the rupee’s value. This put huge stress expand and upgrade the domestic resource base, by
on the trade and current account deficit, and therefore exploring new sources, exploiting existing ones,
Pakistan’s reserves. Pakistani bureaucracy rushed to improving efficiency, undertaking conservation efforts
reach an agreement with the Saudi government to and diversify the energy mix through alternative energy
provide $5.9 billion of Oil on deferred payments i.e. 6 [16; 7]. One of such alternative energy solution is
month supply [25]. Prior to this, oil prices in Pakistan Biomass, which seems very promising for Pakistan.
reached unbearable levels and first signs of severe
3 POTENTIAL FOR BIOMASS: of the total agricultural activity in 1990-91 to just 43.9
There are several alternative energy solutions being percent in 2009-2010, the share of livestock has risen
implemented throughout the world. Efforts range from from 30 percent to 53.2 percent over this period, or
capturing wind power though wind turbines, Solar 11.4% of the total GDP, therefore becoming the biggest
energy using PV cells and even capturing kinetic energy contributor to agriculture [7; 8]. This is derived from an
of tidal waves in the oceans to produce what is known estimated livestock population of 30.8 millon
as Tidal Power. Biomass is one such solution which, at Buffaloes, 34.3 million cattle, 59.9 million goats , sheep
first glance, shows promise and potential within 27.8 and 610 milion chickens [7], averaging close to 2-
Pakistan. However to look at the significance and 5 cattle per household [22;21]. The estates for making
potential of Biomass as an alternate energy of fuel it is biogas from these sources varies between 57488
important to get insights into exactly what it really is. million m³ [4] to around 858,000 million m³ per day
[11], cattle size estimates, and the amount of biogas that
3.1 What is Biomass? can be produced,
Biomass essentially is organic matter i.e. plants, However, even though it looks as if Pakistan is all
that can be used as renewable energy. The energy set to embrace Biomass, it must be remembered that
comes from stored sun light through photosynthesis, the country is currently under severe ‘Water Stress’,
known as Bio energy. Unlike Fossil fuels, which have and is likely to become a water scarce nation perhaps as
been created through millions of years of heat and soon as 2010 [28;27]. The issue has been related to
pressure, Biomass comes from fresh sources that can be Pakistan’s mismanagement of water resources as well
repeatedly grown with relative ease [21]. However, as what is allegedly regarded as India’s illegal
most Biomass fuels recycle agriculture byproducts. This construction of dams to collect water for itself, which is
can be from, cow dung [biogas] and agricultural against the Indus Water Treaty. Water scarcity will not
residues [bio diesel or ethanol] or non agriculture only have a devastating impact on crops, where already
byproducts such as fuel wood from forests. On the other there is a ‘water schedule’ in place to distribute the
hand while traditional biomass, relies on such things as limited amount of water to fields at particular times
directly incineration firewood or cow dung, sources that only [18], it will also likely have an impact on livestock
have serious implications for health and emissions [33]; as well. Already water shortage is leading to the
they are still prevalent in developing countries, where emergence of ‘waste lands’ that have caused a shortage
2.4-2.5 billion people still rely on it (mainly for of fodder for livestock, a situation that will only worsen
cooking), a number that is set to increase to 2.7 billion in the future if nothing is done [1].
by the year 2030. Already in the South Asia region, 70- In any case, noting the potential for Bio liquid fuels
80% individuals rely in some way on traditional and Biogas, it seemed logical to attempt business
Biomass. In Pakistan 19% of Biomass energy is sourced ventures in these fields. However, even though there
from, cow dung, 22% from crop residue and 60% from were apparent opportunities and advantages to enter the
fuel wood [10]. bio fuels market, many unforeseen hindrances were
As the source of Biomass is basically agriculture noted during the business planning process.
(and forestry), there is immense potential for Biomass
within Pakistan, which is largely an agricultural based 4 HINDRANCES TO BIOENERGY VENTURES
Keeping the premise that commercialization of
3.2 Bio energy Potential of Pakistan Biomass solutions could create a private industry for
Agriculture accounts for 21.6% of the GDP and Small and Medium sized enterpises through
employees 43% of the total workforce and is hence the demonstration effects of a profitable model, two
largest employer while 62% of the population already businesses were planned. The intention was to get better
lives in the rural areas, where agriculture is the main insights into the commercial opportunities presented by
source of income [45]. Biomass based businesses and how they can be used to
Of the Total area of 79.61 million hectares of the resolve the energy crisis.
country, 27% is cultivated while only 8% is forest [12].
The ratio of cultivated land to population is 0.16 ha per 4.1 Biogas
person. Of the cropped area, Food grains are grown on Biogas has several advantages for communities.
56%, cash crops on 17%, pulses on 7%, oilseeds on 3%, Apart from the health benefits of using dung in such a
fruits on 2%, vegetables and condiments on 1% each, manner, it not only saves time and money, but the left
and other crops, including fodder, on 13%. Most of the over manure from the Biogas plant can be a used as an
17.2 million hectares of cultivated area is irrigated and even better fertilizer than traditional dung [28;35].
70% of the water is supplied by canals, i.e. the Indus
Basin irrigation system, the largest continuous 4.1.1 Commercializing Biogas Plants
irrigation system in the world.Only 30% of water comes A simple and cheap fixed dome Biogas plant, was
from wells. Traditionally, monsoons in July and August to be constructed for each home in a village on the
and conventional winter rains in January and February outskirts of Lahore. The location was selected due to
have been a source of irrigation as well. the low levels of penetration by non profit groups such
It must be noted that Maize and Sugar Cane, are as SNV and government programmes such as the
both major sources of Bio-ethanol, and are among the Pakistan Domestic Biogas Programme, that support the
top 5 major crops of the country [7]. Looking at establshment of Biogas plants [46]. It was planned that
livestock (as a source of animal waste) while the a household with 4 Buffaloes (a little above national
contribution of the crop sector declined from 65 percent average for a rural home) would be selected and taught
how to use the plant, in terms of loading, cleaning and to change the way they heat themselves, their homes or
maintenance. Although it was possibel that villagers cook their food, but even change the cooking utensils
would be skeptical in the beginning, particularly they use, feeding habits of their animals and cultivating
because of the intial cost of the plant, it was assumed and fertilizing their land, in order to adapt to the new
they would agree to use it once the benefits are system. It is therefore likely to take some time to catch
understood. However, several unexpected factors were on with the masses. Another problem however is that
uncovered that created massive hindrances to the there are no formal distribution networks for those who
growth of the idea on a general and massive scale. do not have enough of their own manure, which is
likely for villagers with smaller cattle holdings. This Micro level Hindrances: would require heavy government action, and support
As is with any new idea, there would have been alot from private for and non profit organizations, all of
of suspicion, skepticism and resistance to the idea of which have been non-existen..
using Biogas. However apart from that the real issue
was the intial price. Initial cost of a BioGas plant for a 4.1.2 Commercializing Bio-ethanol fuel:
family was estimated to be around Rs50,000-Rs75,000, Petrol or gasoline, although decreased in
which is very high for a villager in Pakistan . Although significance in recent years, is still a major fuel for the
rebates and subsidies of Rs7,500 and over Rs 17,000 transport industry [40] and therefore it was natural to go
respectively are available from the government [6;46], for a Bio-ethanol plant with a capacity of annual
they are just too small to be of much help. Usually production of 1 milion gallons, with the support from
simply getting access to these rebates and subsidies American consultants. Sweet Sorghum was chosen as
requires going through considerable red tape. The cost the feedstock for several reasons. It can give 2-3 crop
of the system would have increased further when it was rotations a year and unlike maize, or sugar cane, is not a
realized that the household would need to change their major food source. Fuel grade ethanol was initially to
cooking utensils and stoves to work with the new be marketed directly to domestic car owners and
supply of energy. businesses to reduce their cost of fuel by making their
Even if the villagers had accepted to install BioGas own E-10 or E-20 ethanol mixtures. However, even
plants, only 4 buffaloes, already an above average before the business begun there were several limitations
number of animals than in a typical village household, that stopped its inception.
would not have been enough to support a large family
of six. It must also be remembred that the buffaloes in Micro Level hindrances
villages are usually themselves mal-nutritioned. The A major problem was the availability of Sweet
uncertainty of supply was therefore an issue and so even Sorghum. It is usually not sown on a large, commercial
if the plant was installed, it probably would not have scale anywhere in Pakistan, as it is not used as cattle
functioned as a convincing alternate to traditional fodder or as a human food source. Due to little market
methods. value there is just not enough supply for a medium
These insights shed light on why not a business scale business of the sort. Maize and Sugar Cane could
based on biogas plant installation was unlikely to be a have been used, but due to the exploitative nature of
profitable venture and why other small and medium food distributors in Pakistan, and the reputation of
sized private sector companies would have wanted to Biofuel businesses to increase food prices [47], it was
initiate Biogas businesses. It is still a relatively new not attempted.
product and there is not much awareness among Another problem was the continuous power
consumers about its long term financial and health shortages in the city of Lahore, where the plant was to
benefits, making the market too uncertain and be based. At the time of planning, 12-14 hours of power
immature. Apart from issues with resistance to change outages were common, while the system being
and uncertainty of supply, the biggest challenge remains employed needed to be in continuous operation, as it
the initial price, which is very high for the average did not re-start well. Employing a generator using diesel
villager. or an ethanol mixture itself, was not found to be
feasible either. Macro- level hindrances This brings us to the issue of financial feasibility.
Biogas, although subsidized, has not bee pushed out Although cost savings were identified when used with
to the masses the way it should have been. The biggest petrol (an E-10 to E-20 mixture was envisioned), the
promoter and installer of Biogas systems in Pakistan is margin was not large, and slight changes in petrol,
still SNV, a Dutch non-profit initiative [28] which power or feedstock prices could have offset any price or
works heavily with the government’s Rural Support cost advantage of the fuel. At the time government had
Programmes Network [46] an intiative which is too already pointed to increasing electcity bills, which
small to create massive change. Even though there have would have further decreased the financial feasiblity of
been past claims by the government to promote the the whole plant. If a power generator was to be used, it
concept, not much has been done and villagers still use was impossible to sell the product on a ‘price’ basis,
cow dung and other traditional fuels. Therefore due to higher costs. Ethanol based fuels were never
government‘s unwillingness to support the propagation going to sell on the fact that they were ‘eco friendly’
of the idea seems to be the biggest hindrance to the and ‘renewable’ in a price conscious market like
growth of Biogas usage. Pakistan in any case. Overall the system was too
There are also social issues, such as resistance to expensive (fixed and running costs) for it to be a viable
change. Athough discussed earlier at a micro level, at a business, unless subsidies were available, but there
macro level too, a large population would not only have were none.
industry associations, universities, supra national Macro level hindrances agencies such as Asian Development or World Bank as
Government support had been promised since well as not for profit organizations.
General Musharraf was in power, however even though Universities could train personnel, undertake
a policy was drafted, it was never implemented. research, disseminate information and overall develop
Therefore government delay in taking action can be the necessary human resource, banks can help fund
noted as a major hindrance to the promotion and projects, and of course entrepreneurs could organize all
adoption of Biomass. these resources and networks to make it happen. The
A major, and perhaps the biggest hindrance to the public sector on the other hand would need to promote
development of Bio-ethanol is the market price of the industry by controlling market prices and overall
crops. Sugarcane and Maize, are still the best supply of feedstock, especially food items and manure.
contenders for making Biofuels as they are grown on a It would also play a major role by disseminating
massive scale that can be used as feedstock. However information among rural areas where the private sector
even slight shortages in supply can cause the prices to does not have sufficient networks, and also provide help
rise exuberantly. In Pakistan, this is due to the illegal in providing funds and subsidies to these projects. Other
cartels who control food distribution and supply and stake holders and international agencies such as USAID
regularly exploit rumours of slight shortages for which and the World Bank can also be involved for providing
Bioethanol and Biofuels can be a catalyst as they have funding and expertise. However the major role will still
been for food prices around the world [47]. This could be of the government which would have to bring all
have a devastating impact on inflation and the quality of stake holders together. Red tape would have to be
life for the common man. Moreover, slight changes in reduced, the transfer of funds would have to be made
prices can also impact productions costs and hence transparent and fair, and ensure that there is total
viability and profitability of businesses unless long term commitment to resolving the issue of energy shortage,
contracts could be negotiated with suppliers. for the long term.
A major hindrance is also the issue of creating and
setting up a distribution network. No Small or Medium 5.1 Possible Biogas Public-private partnership for
business can expand on ethanol based fuels by households
themselves and therefore distribution agreements with A possible business model for a private-public
powerful ‘Oil Marketing Companies’ (OMC) is partnership could be based on Community Biogas
necessary. Approaching a massive OMC is not an easy plants, which at one point was to be attempted on a
task and creating a market through direct marketing will large scale by the government [19]. The federal
be a slow process that can take a long time, if ever, to government could help acquire and direct funds from
reach the masses. This issue was was to be resolved in a local governments to subsidize community plants,
government draft, which was planned years ago but is which will help involve the whole community rather
still at the preliminary stage of its implementation [6; than a household and therefore reduce resistance to
24]. However the energy crisis itself also feeds into the change and lower costs. Knowledge and expertise
problem of large scale manufacturing (which includes would be brought in by the private sector, which will
producing ethanol), which has been declining since a also monitor progress, conduct R&D and improve the
couple of years, due to ever increasing costs of design. The private sector will also be responsible for
production [7] and were discussed earlier while looking establishing a constant supply of raw material by
at the financial feaisblit of the proposed ethanol plant. providing sufficient quantities of manure when not
A major hindrance, to the adoption of both Biogas available. They can also provide after sales service for
and Bio-ethanol that was identified was the which they can charge a minimal price and also help
unwillingness or the half hearted support of the install standardized kitchen utensils. An area could be
government to such efforts in terms of passing identified by the government, which can then work on it
legislation, enforcing laws and providing subsidies [5]. together with private vendors, or, it can be the other
Another problem is the fact that the political system is way around as well. The government can identify what
highly corrupt and non transparent, which means vendors to work with based on experience, expertise
usually funds are not acounted for. Another issue is that and finance. This approach is similar to the partnership
usually official policies change with successive between the private plastics firm ‘Sintex’ and the Indian
governments [32] and unless there is deep involvement government, which have been working together for the
of foreigners and the private for and nonprofit sectors, development of rural biogas [15]. An excellent
such policies are unlikely to sustain over a longer initiative by the Punjab government has been the [46],
period. which has brought toogether companies and NGOs to
share expertise and finance and build Biogas plants;
5 RECOMMENDATIONS however it is not being attempted as a profit seeking
It is apparent that there are no quick solutions to the venture and includes no partners from the business
problem of energy in Pakistan, however many community.
possibilities exist to create a successful future. The biggest role would be played by the
For the mass promotion and acceptance of biomass, government however, which will have to pass new
it is imperative that the private and public sector work legislation that would make Biogas compulsory and
together. Neither the public, nor the private sector alone eventually ban the use of traditional manure
has the will and the resources to create a sustainable incineration. This will require strict policing of the new
biomass industry on their own. This includes federal local laws. It is possible that the government’s Gas
and local governments and agencies, businesses and distribution company, the Sui Southern or Northern
Pipelines, could help spread awareness and educate grade ethanol from Sugar cane. One of the incentives
villagers about the benefits of Biogas, as it is directly that can be given to these Sugar Mill owners would be a
responsible for the distribution of natural gas. fixed price of ethanol, independent of market price. On
Consultants can also be hired in order to learn from top of that, simply finding a steady buyer would be a
expertise of the ones who have been successful at great incentive as well, as it would help reduce overall
Biogas deployments. Working with non-profit risk and uncertainty. The role of foreign private and
organizations such as SNV, which has had immense public sector would be to support in terms of expertise,
success in Asia, will be necessary. The Indian technology transfers and of course, bringing in funds.
Government, which has deployed community biogas The help of experts from Brazil and the US, which are
plants on a large scale, and has had public-private by far leaders in terms of technology and prevalence of
partnership program in place since a couple of years, Bio-ethanol, will be necessary. Work has already begun
can also be asked for support [15]. on such a business model, however it is currently at the
However a major hindrance to such a system would testing stage and only the government owned ‘Pakistan
be the issue of availability of suitable land. Even though State Oil’ sells it at a discounted than normal petrol. It
it might be leased from a private landholder, or is currently being minimally supplied in the south of the
provided by the government, it would definitely slow country in selected outlets and although planned, it is
the process as land ownership can be a serious issue in still not available throughout the country at massive
the rural area. A short term disruption of availability of scale in the past 2 years as only approx 5067 TOE are
fertilizer in a community may also arise until slurry can being used and has only recently begun to be recorded
be used. A long term disadvantage of such a system by government statiscs [40]. There has also been
is that it can eventually lead to a higher market price of increased talk of Brazil sharing technology and
manure, which is widely used as fertilizer. Another knowhow on the issue, although progress on this is yet
problem in the long run could be animals that are to be made [48].
acutely malnourished, as they might be fed to produce It must be remembered that this model needs to be
manure rather than quality meat and milk, however this further expanded to include all Major Oil Marketing
might already be the case, as manure can be used as Companies and perhaps also encourage mill owners to
fertilizer or sold in the market. use multiple feed stocks, such as Maize or Sweet
Of course such a system is for domestic use of bio Sorghum as well, rather than just sugar cane, in order
gas only, and Natural gas for transportation will require ease the supply pressures that will be put on sugar cane.
a different model than this, characterized by a Therefore the most important role of the
distribution channel that connects the rural and urban government would be to control the prices of Sugar
areas of the country. On the other hand, gas for industry Cane and Sugar Cane products, and therefore prices in
too will require a different model. Large scale systems the market, which would be highly open to exploitation
might be more efficient in the case of industries and can by distributors to produce artificial shortages in such a
be more useful in the development of a Bio Mass condition. Hence it is apparent that the possible
industry than small and medium business ventures. An setbacks of this model is that if it is not implemented
excellent recent example of an industrial venture into correctly with proper policing, sugar supplies can fall
the use of Biomass can be that of Nishat mills, (genuinely and artificially) as resources are diverted to
Pakistan’s largest textile company, which is using making ethanol, ultimately resulting in high prices (and
municipal waste and other Biomass sources to generate rising imports) of Sugar (or any other crop). Ideally, a
up to 70% of its electricity in one of their factories [49] non food source should be used as feedstock; however
and the parent company’s (Nishat Group) cement plant that will require heavy investments of time and effort
has also started heavily relying on rice husk among before a complete industry can be established, as such
other sources of Biomass. Although these examples are crops usually have little market value and therefore are
not regarding the use of Bio Gas specifically, they short in supply to begin with. It must be kept in mind
provide an excellent examples of private and thought that this whole model would require the scale
independent intiaives and business models in the of the business to increase. As discussed regarding
Biomass sector by large, financially strong business Biogas, unlike Small and Medium businesses, such
conglomerates can be a source of developing expertise large commercial ventures initiatives and work more
and examplery intitiatives that others can then emulate efficiency as well as impact as they could be backed by
and follow [50]. powerful business houses with better finances and
management skills.
5.2 Possible ethanol fuel Public-private partnership for
use in transport At the end, it must be remembered that the problems
The cost of producing ethanol fuel is still high, of an inattentive and negligent governance, corruption
therefore the best way to produce it would be to take the and misappropriation of funds is something that is
path the government has been trying to attempt for a likely to continue in the current political and
couple of years. Pakistan has a massive sugar refining bureaucratic culture in Pakistan. It is a long term
industry that uses sugar cane to make refined sugar. challenge and needs to be solved for any real progress,
Many of these are already producing ethanol, and they in any field. Already Pakistan’s current energy policy is
are most likely to already have the existing scale, not being implemented; an example can be the much
financial strength, and the cost base, to produce ethanol delayed Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline which has gone
in large quantities, on their existing sugar mills [9]. The through delays partly due to negligence of the
government would have to work with these Sugar Mill government as well as complex geo political hurdles.
owners and give them incentives to start producing fuel [5]. Also Pakistan dwells in a fragile political system
that is both corrupt and uncertain. Usually, policies are Even though the crisis Pakistan faces is severe, if the
not retained or sustained over longer periods and intenrational community works with the private and
successive governments. Stakeholders such as the IMF, public sector organizations in Pakistan, in a ‘war like
or Asian Development Bank, whose help would be urgency’, not only can the problem be solved, but
needed in acquiring fund and expertise, could become Pakistan will be able able to become an economy with a
tools of accountability. Also involvement of other stake broad energy mix and heavy reliance on bioenergy.
holders such as universities, domestic and foreign Therefore becoming self sufficient to a very large
private and public sector companies and nonprofit extent, and in the process developing new technologies,
organization, could help keep accountability, and also develping new businesses and a vibrant bioenergy
make sure that policies transcend governments. industry, as well as generating continuous economic
growth and prosperity.

The energy crisis in Pakistan is deep and worsening.

By 2030, energy supply and demand gap is expected to
increase to over 140.9 MTOE i.e. 64% of the total
supply [16]. Due to Pakistan’s large agriculture base,
Biomass is one of the alternative energy solutions that
can help ease this crisis. However it cannot be done by
the private or public sectors alone, and would require
help of all kinds from foreign governments, agencies
(e.g. The World Bank or USAID), technology
companies, nonprofit organizations (such as SNV),
universities and consultancies, in order acquire the
expertise and the funds to make it all happen.
It must be remembered though that there are serious
long term issues that need to be overcome for any real
progress. One such issues is that of water stress that
Pakistan is under. Water could soon be scarce in
Pakistan, which can have a significant negative impact
on the economy in general and the agriculture sector,
including crops and livestock, in particular (1; 28; 30).
Overall, Pakistan’s culture of corruption [51] and
the inability to implement and sustain policies with
changing governments is another major issue. This can
be overcome by involving as many stakeholders as
possible, including international agencies, foreign and
domestic private companies, therefore helping put
pressure on successive governments to continue
legislation and government initiatives.
However, Bio Energy alone cannot solve Pakistan
problems. With all the issues arising from Biomass, and
other sources of energy, it is imperative Pakistan
utilizes its immense Hydro, and Wind power potentials
as well as well as other potential mega projects in non
renewable energy sources that are being considered that
involve using Pakistan’s colossal coal reserves [23] and
making use of the proximity to Iran for transportation
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