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Rashis, Rulers and The Holistic Zodiac

Sam Geppi – American Academy of Vedic Art and Science

In this weekend course we’re going to explore the connections between the astrology signs and
astrology houses. We’re also going to discuss their innate connection to the astronomy that underpins
Vedic astrology. It’s hard to fully grasp the connections between zodiac signs and houses without first
understanding the sky, the zodiac and the logic behind the energetic matrix we are inhabiting.

Day 1
1. The Seasons, the Sun and the Earth
Before we can understand zodiac signs, the astronomy, etc. we need to start with the origin of it all,
the calendar. Before there was a zodiac, there was a calendar. The ancient people’s all measured the
course of the sun through the sky. They timed their entire existence to this course of the Sun. Their
”Sun-centric” approach to life is seen in ancient monuments the world over. Pyramids, Stonehenge,
the Sphinx, and all ancient cosmology was connected to the sun. More specifically, the Earth’s orbit
around the sun and how this creates the year and the seasons. Understand this emphatically, the
earth going around the sun does not create the zodiac, nor does it create 12 calendar months.

There are two things created by the earth’s orbit around the sun, one year and 4 transitional/cardinal
points. We can see this illustrated beautifully in the diagram below.
2. The magic number “12” (Signs, houses, months)
But eventually the number 12 also entered ancient timekeeping. We see this is especially true with
the ancient Indians and the ancient Babylonians. This Number 12 is based on the lunation cycles,
from new Moon to new Moon, that were observed. It was seen that there were 12 of these lunation
cycles in one year. Unlike the “one year” and “four cardinal points” connected just to the earth/sun,
when you bring the sun/earth/moon together you now have 12 portions. Because we also have to
understand we are seeing all of this from the earth.

With the Indians, the earliest writings contained a very well-developed calendar and zodiac. These
two things were separate. Meaning, they were measuring earthbound calendar-based timing one way
and sky bound Space-centric measurements in a completely different way. The calendar factors were
connected to what we would now call “tropically” (pinned to the sun/ Earth orbit) and the astronomical,
Space factors were pinned to the space itself, more specifically to the Nakshatra’s.
Indians always defined the sky using 2 terms “Niryana” and “Sayana” Chakras. Literally the “Wheel
with the Solstice Added” (Sayana) and the “Wheel without the Solstice” (Nirayana Chakra). One is
zodiac circle, connected to the sky. Whereas the other is the wheel connected to the calendar.
3. The Zodiac – astronomy becoming the Signs and Houses (nailed together)
It’s clear when we understand the concept behind Indian timekeeping and their relationship to the
sky, that the astrology signs and astrology houses are to be taken as the same sections of space. It’s
accurate to look at the zodiac (from an Indian perspective) as points plotted on a grid. On that grid
each section in its entirety makes up both the sign and the house. You should understand this is not
the case in western astrology. In western astrology the signs and houses are different, because the
houses are calculated within a different spatial matrix. That matrix is mainly based on where we are
on earth in relation to the ecliptic. In India, the ecliptic itself is the matrix. This is the primary reason
why there was only one “House system” that came out of India, called “Sri pati” in the 11th century.
We can even see signs and houses being called by the same term in all Vedic astrology texts.


(From research and translations of Mike Neely)

Many texts after the YJ mention various synonyms of the zodiac signs as follows:
“... rāśi, kṣetra, gṛha, ṛkṣa, bha , and bhavana . The terms are one and the same.” (BJ 1:4)
“The names of the bhavanas (zodiac signs) are declared by the ancient sages as ṛkṣa , rāśi , kṣetra ,
or indeed, bha for the use of the same meaning.” (S 1:8)
“... rkṣa , bhavana , kṣetra , and horā are the synonyms of the rāśi (zodiac sign).” (H 1:35)
“... Kṣetra , rkṣa , rāśi , bhavana are those named bhas (zodiac signs).” (JPJ 1:7)
4. The Holistic Matrix and Planets as rulers of signs and houses from every perspective
You must always remember that there are 12 signs always in relationship to each other. ”Leo” is not
just a zodiac sign. It is the place where Mercury rules the second and 11th houses. It Is where Mars
rules the fourth and ninth houses. Nowhere else in the zodiac does that occur.

It’s important when evaluating planets in Signs and houses to keep both of those factors in mind. You
must remember for a Gemini rising person, their fourth House is the sign of Virgo. So, their emotional
and intellectual state has those Virgo qualities. Also, the planet that rules one house also rules the
other house.

For a Scorpio rising there 8th house is the sign of Gemini. Each of these planetary rulers shows the
quality of the chart being read from that perspective. And, as was said, you must always keep in mind
that every house ruler (except the signs Leo and Cancer) rules two Signs / houses. Integrating both of
those houses into the interpretation, folded in with the nature of the planetary ruler. This is the
beginning of a good interpretation.
5. Interpretive similarities and difference between Signs and Houses
Signs are the feelings and psychology. The houses are the environments and the areas of life being

House and Sign Numbers Correlation

There is a correlation between the sign numbers and house numbers. In fact, these things get blurred
together horribly, mainly because people do not understand the houses very well. Thus, you will hear
something like a “Virgo/sixth House quality” Or ”a 12 House/Pisces quality”. Ultimately, this is very
sloppy if you want to do precise work. There are certainly correlations, especially as you are learning
about houses. But the distinctions are more important.

The signs are more psychological and the houses show the actions and the results. For example,
there’s a correlation between Gemini (the third sign) and the third House. But it’s effective to
understand the Gemini quality to be more of that feeling of curiosity and playfulness. Whereas the
third house will show more of those results, such as writing, exploring many interests, etc.
For example, the third house from Scorpio is Capricorn. So, a Scorpio person will explore their
curiosities in a very Capricorn way, very seriously, very thoroughly, etc. But to the Scorpio person,
those Capricorn qualities are actually fun for them (“fun” being a Gemini trait).

It’s extremely important to be able to interpret each sign as taking on the quality of its placement from
every other sign – especially from any rising sign you are reading.

Body parts
There is a direct connection between the zodiac signs, zodiac houses and the body parts. When
doing medical astrology before trying to ascertain the effects of certain parts of the body, you look for
a confluence of factors. There are many things that indicate different body parts, organs, elemental
factors, etc. But you can look at these correlations as being directly attributable to both signs and

• Aries/ first house – head and body in general

• Taurus/second House – mouth and face
• Gemini/third house – Neck area, arms and hands
• Cancer/ fourth House - Heart and chest
• Leo/ fifth house – stomach and gut
• Virgo/6 house– intestines
• Libra/seventh house – pelvis & rear end
• Scorpio/8th house – genitalia anus
• Sagittarius/ninth House – buttocks and thighs
• Capricorn/tenth house – knees
• Aquarius/11th House - shins
• Pisces/12 house – ankles and feet

6. Two Potent Metaphors to Unlock Hidden Sign Motivations

The astrology signs in the zodiac also work as a mandala for the lifecycle of a human being. This can
be a very effective psychological metaphor.

The sun and Moon enter each zodiac chart through the signs of Leo and cancer respectively.
Whichever houses those signs fall from the ascendant shows the nature of our transcendent identity
(Leo - Sun) and where we inherently feel vulnerable and confused (Cancer - Moon). We may tend to
overdo the house where Leo falls, and compensate for the house where Cancer falls.

Aries is the birth. (Mars, fiery, active)

The Aries native experiences high levels of emotional vulnerability as the Moon rules the 4th house.
The ruling planet Mars is debilitated in this house, deepening this crisis of vulnerability. They will
compensate for this by using their powerful intelligence and discriminating mind as the Sun is 5th
lord. This is magnified by the Sun’s exaltation in the 1st house.

Taurus is the childhood and nurturing. (Venus, Earthy, pleasure)

The Taurus native will experience vulnerability surrounding the use of a positive self-willed nature and
a curious, experimental approach, as shown by the Moon ruling the 3rd house. They will compensate
for that by looking to maintain consistency and domestic security as the Sun rules the 4th house.

Gemini is the evolving curiosity and communication. (Mercury, Airy, fun and stimulation)
The Gemini native experiences vulnerabilities in the area of maintaining consistent values, security
and wealth as well as close family relations as the Moon rules the 2nd house. The native will fall back
on their skills and interests in order to compensate for this as the Sun rules the 3rd house. They are
more motivated by a playful curious nature, not an ambitious one and would prefer to keep an
intellectual distance from familial entanglements.

Cancer is the emotional sensitivity developing. (moon, water, sensitivity)

The Cancer native is vulnerable in the area of themselves. They are the most self - conscious of
natives as the Moon rules the 1st house. They can easily lose themselves in the interpretations of
others, creating much insecurity. They overcompensate by seeking to control their outer environment,
relying too heavily on family ties, accumulating wealth and clinging to security issues as seen through
the Sun’s lordship of the 2nd house.

Leo is the Pride developing in young adulthood. (Sun, fire, activity and accomplishment)
The Leo native feels vulnerable letting go of their self – image and personality as well as with life’s
ups and downs and transitions as shown by the Moon ruling the 12th house. They will
overcompensate by projecting a strong, confident and secure personality as shown by the Sun ruling
the 1st house. They may surround themselves with those weaker in order to bolster this false sense
of self - importance and power.

Virgo is all of the details being organized to create a good life. (Mercury, earthy, practical)
The Virgo native feels vulnerability and confusion in the sphere of ambition, worldly gain and large
groups of people as shown by the Moon as lord of the 11th house. They will overcompensate by
assuming a very anonymous and humble lot in life, preferring solitude well as by transforming and
purifying themselves as shown by the Sun as 12th lord. Much of this process is driven by their
inherently weak physical constitution, as shown by the Sun as 12th lord.

Libra is connecting all of that with other people. (Venus, air, stimulation and enjoyment)
The Libra native experiences confusion around taking positive action, the Moon is Lord of “Karma
Bhava”, the houses of action. They will vacillate mentally trying to feel their way through yet after
much struggle will still feel ill equipped to act or wind up doubting their actions later. They will
compensate for this behavior by relying too heavily on the opinions of others and the general
consensus of their peers, as shown by the Sun as 11th lord.

Scorpio is overcoming the vulnerability involved with others. (Mars, sensitivity, Control)
The Scorpio native will feel vulnerable in the area of spiritual devotion and accepting God’s grace as
the Moon rules the 9th house. Although naturally mentally and psychically attuned to the workings of
the human mind, they experience much confusion in how to put this natural wisdom to use. The Sun
as 10th lord will exert too much attachment to their own efforts to transform. These self - motivated
efforts foul up their transformation.

Sagittarius is transcending this world and being hopeful. (Jupiter, fiery, inspiration)
The Sagittarius native will experience doubt and vulnerability about life’s changes and necessary
transformation as their mental outlook is conditioned by rebirth and death as the Moon rules the 8th
house for them. This will cause them to cling too tightly to a belief system, yet not test it, which would
subject their beliefs to the transformation from which they flee as shown by the Sun as the 9th lord.

Capricorn is persevering through difficulty and overcoming fear (Saturn, Earthy, limits)
The Capricorn native will experience vulnerability in relationships and the compromise necessary to
be successful in them as shown by the Moon as 7th lord. They will assert a lot of self – control and
discipline, engage in power plays, or assume a domineering role and / or obsess sexually to
compensate for this weakness as shown by the Sun as 8th lord. They may also force the relationship
into a sphere where other people’s money becomes important, like their own. This is one of the most
simple, yet complex placements as the 8th house is a death, sex, obsession, but mainly a house of

Aquarius is aligning with other individuals and selflessness. (Saturn, air, social structures)
The Aquarius native has an inherently weak mental self - image, one that feels the work involved with
maintaining a positive outlook. This can also gives them a sense that they owe a debt to the world.
The Moon as 6th lord shows these things. The Sun as 7th lord will try to rescue them by relying too
heavily on others for confidence, both in romantic relationships and public life. They will often lack
power in relationships, accepting a servile role in them.

Pisces is surrendering and letting go of it all. (Jupiter, watery, metaphysics)

The Pisces native experiences vulnerability in the area of exercising discrimination, especially as it
relates to the things they love. As shown by the Moon ruling the 5th house of creative intelligence and
what we love the most. They will compensate for this with a dutiful, fatalistic, even servile attitude or
depending on the strength of the Sun they may bury themselves in hard work and be worldly

7. All 12 Houses Examined Holistically

Similar to the psychological unfolding we just explored with the zodiac signs, we see that the
astrology houses also I have a very similar, linear Evolution. We can especially see how the four life
lessons of Dharma (truth) Artha (wealth and value) Kama (happiness and desire) and moksha
(freedom) evolve through the three segments of self (Tamas) others (Rajas) and the universal

Use the House / evolution matrix

From Parashara
1st house – (Sun) – “Body and appearance, cognizance and caste as well as strength and weakness,
comfort, pain and one’s own true state are looked at from the Lagna (intersecting) Bhava.”
2nd house - (Jupiter, Mercury) “Wealth, grains, family, death, collections, friends and metal,
minerals, gems, etc. are all looked at from the Dhanasthaana (place of wealth)
3rd house – (Mars, Mercury) “Courage and servants maintained, siblings, etc. upadesa (initiatory
instructions), journey, deprivation of parents, death and discernment are looked at from the difficult
4th house – (Moon) “Vehicles and other such, relatives, mother, happiness, etc. as well as other such
yearning, and deposits, land and house are considered from the 4th.”
5th house – (Jupiter) ”Yantra (amulet), mantra, knowledge and also intelligence, continuance,
children and fall from royalty are seen from the child house.”
6th house – (Mars, Saturn) “Maternal uncle, enemies, wounds and such, and also the step-mother
are considered from the sixth Bhava.
7th house – (Venus, Jupiter) “Wife, distant journey, trade, lost sight and death of one’s own body are
looked at from the wife Bhava.”
8th house - (Saturn) “Longevity, battle, cheats, impassables /strongholds, wealth of the dead and the
soul course – what begins and what after the wise see all from the cavity/flaw (Bhava).”
9th house - (Jupiter) Fortune, wife’s brother, religious law, brother’s wife, pilgrimages, etc. are all
looked at from Dharmasthaana.
10th house – (Mercury, Jupiter, Sun) “Empire, space, occupation, respect, father, absence from
home and obligation are looked at from Vyomasthaana (sky house).”
11th house – (Jupiter) “Acquisition of various objects, son’s wife, income, increase advancement and
domesticated animals are looked at from Bhavasthaana.”
12th house – (Saturn, Ketu) “Loss/expense, the result of the enemy’s actions, gain of last
possession, all this should be known by the wise from Vyaya.”
8. Dominant Bhava chapter in Parashara – Rules and Exceptions to rules.

In Vedic Astrology the concept that the planets show their effects as karakas and house rulers is
fundamental. The pure energy of the planet is its nature as a karaka. The relationship of the signs
and where they fall relative to each other determines which houses each planet will rule. There are
very detailed and specific guidelines that show us how planets operate as house rulers. As with
everything in Vedic astrology, memorizing the rules and remembering their application will only give
us a surface understanding of the deeper principles being illustrated. The deeper principles relate
more to yoga, Vedanta and awakening to our divine purpose within.

From the BPHS chapter on Yoga Karakas, we get the sutras for determining the planets as temporal

BPHS Yoga Karakas Chapter:

2-7. Nature due to Lordships of Grahas. Benefics, (Moon, Venus Jupiter or Mercury) owning Kendras,
(angles) will not give benefic effects, while malefics, (Sun, Mars, Saturn) owning Kendras, will not
remain inauspicious. The Lord of a Kon (Trine) will give auspicious results. The Lord of Lagn is
specially auspicious, as Lagn is a Kendr, as well as a Kon.

Putr (5) and Dharm (9) Bhava are specially for wealth, while Yuvati (7) and Karm Bhava (10) are
specially for happiness. Any Grah, owning Sahaj (3), Ari (6), or Labh (11) Bhava, will give evil effects.

The effects, due to the Lords of Vyaya (12), Dhan (2) and Randhr Bhava (8), will depend on their

In each group the significance will be in the ascending order. Randhr’s (8) Lord is not auspicious, as
he owns the 12th from Dharm Bhava.

If the Lord of Randhr (8) Bhava simultaneously owns Sahaj (3), Yuvati (7), or Labh Bhava (11), he
will prove specifically harmful, while his simultaneous ownership of a Kon (trine) will bestow
auspicious effects.

The Grah, owning a predominant Bhava, will stall the effects, due to another, owning a less significant
Bhava and will give his own results. Randhr’s lordship of Sūrya and Candr is not evil. (Capricorn and

In this chart the trines have a plus sign, which denotes they lead us to positive awakening; the cruel
houses have a minus sign, which shows they lead us farther from this awakening. The angles and
neutral houses have a zero, which shows they do neither. The houses are also ranked, based on the
above sutras, according to their dominance.

General Rules:

• A graha will be the Lord of either one or two houses. When the graha is the lord of one house,
the nature will be obvious and indicated by the house the planet rules; when the graha is the
lord of two houses, the nature is determined by the non-neutral house.
• If the graha rules a dharmic and cruel house the nature is determined by the dominant bhava
as shown in the dominant Bhava Chart above.
• When the 8th lord also rules the 3rd, 7th and 11th house it becomes especially cruel.
• Benefics ruling angles cease being Benefic. (Different than becoming MALEFIC.)
• Malefics ruling angles cease being Malefic. (Different the become BENEFIC.)

9. Doing a reading just with planets in signs and houses from each other
It’s possible to do fantastic readings just by evaluating planets in signs, if you do it correctly. In that
case, you’re simply reading all of the indicators from the planets as Karakas.
For example you read:

• The level of confidence, persona, vision and father/duty from the SUN
• The emotional state, piece of mind and mother/nurturing from the MOON
• The level of courage, self-will, willingness to fight and siblings from MARS
• The communication, Curiosity and ability to comprehend from MERCURY
• The teachings, gurus, children and inspirations from JUPITER
• The relationship style, desires and ability to compromise with others from VENUS
• Their willingness to let go of things and persevere through difficulty from SATURN
• Where they seek innovation, novelty and obsession from RAHU
• Where they seek to withdrawal, scrutinize and be frustrated from KETU

1. Just evaluate the planetary indicators above based on the sign qualities.
Look for alignment or disagreement around things such as: Elements, Gunas, modalities, Dignity (its
relationship with the ruler), etc.
2. Start with the sun, is their vitality persona vision, etc.
3. Move to the Moon as their emotions and feelings
4. Then move through the other planets, explaining each principle in great detail.
5. The better you understand the planets and the signs the better your explanations will be.

A few other important things:

1. Evaluate Houses / Signs From Each Planet
You can read planets in houses from each other as being in that type of relationship.
For example, in Hillary Clinton’s chart above you can read every planet in relationship to the sun,
based on his house & qualities and as being supportive / detrimental to her SUN life lesson. The
same is true for the moon, etc.

Her, Venus and Mercury in Libra are with Her Sun in Libra. Her Jupiter in Scorpio in the second is in a
certain relationship to her Sun (adding resources through teaching / law). Her Mars and Saturn in
Cancer in the 10th house from her Sun is all influencing the Sun. Her moon in Pisces is in the 6th
from the Sun. All of these things are influencing her SUN Quality.

Then you can move to the Moon. Jupiter in Scorpio in the 9th from the Moon. Sun, Venus, Mercury in
Libra in the 8th from her Moon.

2. Retrogrades, Nakshatra’s and other chart factors are important

Because this is Vedic astrology – of course you have the Nakshatras as well to add a lot of nuance to
your readings.

As we see with Gaga’s chart, we have Mercury and Saturn retrograde.

Venus is in very early degree.
Kala Sarpa Yoga is Happening in the Aries/Libra axis.
Jupiter aspecting Moon, etc.

All of these factors can also be brought Hillary Clinton’s chart, as well as the same principle we
discussed on her chart can be used on Gaga’s.
10. Predictions with Planets in Signs and Transiting Houses
A. Planetary interpretations from the natal chart is where we begin. The dignity gives a foundation for
B. Making predictions with planets in Signs.
• Take the planet as a karaka by transit.
• Look at transiting planets in houses from that natal Karaka to see energy and action from that
Karaka. (10th from it, 7th from it, etc)
• Also look at aspects by transit to the Karaka.
• Prioritize Saturn, Jupiter and the Nodes.
• You can (and should) read all planets in transit and aspect to all karakas.
• Look for confluence of factors, etc.
• This is valid even if you are using the dasa system.

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