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A Strategic Vision

of Air Traffic Management

in New Zealand to 2025
» contents

Vision 4

Introduction 5

Stakeholders 6

Metrics 8

Hierarchy of documents 9

Air traffic enabling 10

Airspace management 16

Flow management 17
Traffic management 18
Trajectory management 19
Emissions management 22

System status 23
Flight objects 24

Communications – required communications performance (rcp) 25
Navigation – performance based navigation (pbn) 26
Surveillance – required surveillance performance (rsp) 28
Weather 30
Data management 32
Safety management 34

Change management 35

Acronyms 36

Appendix 1: ICAO global plan initiatives 38

Appendix 2: Project Summary 40

» vision

Aviation plays a crucial role in New Zealand’s economic wellbeing. While current economic uncertainty impacts on near
to medium-term aviation growth globally, Projected growth of the aviation sector in the Middle East and Asia means
it is essential to maintain the vitality of aviation through safe, efficient, cost effective and environmentally sustainable
air navigation services. To ensure this, future Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems must provide for optimum use of
enhanced technology capabilities; both airborne and ground based.
Existing and developing technologies are providing options to support both tactical and strategic management of air
traffic. However, technology by itself does not provide the complete solution to enable optimum airspace and airframe
efficiencies. Operating and service delivery practices must form an integral part of the outcome.
Airways must position itself at the vanguard of aviation technology advancement. This will allow us to achieve the desired
goal of being the “global showcase” for ATM which, In turn, will secure the future of Airways as a company. As we
progress along the pathway all investment decisions must provide for commercially sustainable outcomes.
To achieve these future Air Traffic Management (ATM) goals enabling systems will be performance based, taking a Whole
of System approach and compatible with global practice as defined by ICAO. Looking forward, we anticipate an operating
environment where an aircraft’s profile will be managed from departure gate to arrival gate linking with a passenger
experience that smoothly transports them from curb to curb.
This will require a progressive shift in the role of the current ATM system, from one of tactical control, to strategic control
and exception management. This is the philosophy of Air Traffic Enabling (ATE), which will allow members of the ATM
community, especially airspace users to participate in decisions that affect them and is a fundamental requirement to
establish future directives and work practices.
Vision 2025 is a development from and replaces Vision 2015

Edition Number Changes Reviewer Date

1.0 First published All stakeholders August 2006

2.0 Major re-write and re-format; Airways New Zealand April 2009

V2025 Major re-write and re-format; Airways New Zealand July 2013

» introduction

Vision 2025 outlines the expectations, deliverables and benefits of adopting a whole of system approach to meet the
future ATM requirements in New Zealand. Vision 2025 supports the New Zealand National Airspace Policy adopted in
2012 and the National Airspace and Air Navigation Plan to be published in 2013.
This Vision is built on the work of an industry-driven project team involving the New Zealand’s Air Navigation
Services Provider (Airways New Zealand), the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and various aviation group
representatives including the airlines, the military and general aviation interest groups.
The intent of Vision 2025 is to define New Zealand’s future ATM in broad terms including aspects that will become the
foundations or ‘fundamentals’ of the future. It will highlight key requirements and milestones to deliver this Vision.
Vision 2025 will address the ICAO Global ATM Operational Concept (Doc 9854), the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan
(Doc 9750) Initiatives (GPI), the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) and the ICAO Asia Pacific Concept of
Operations. In addition, Vision 2025 will align with IATAs User Requirements for ATM and the CANSO Vision for Global
ATM. The vision is also consistent with the near to medium term objectives of the SESAR and NextGen programs.
Vision 2025 provides a mechanism to provide environmental efficiencies to support New Zealand’s obligation under
UNFCC, IPCC and ICAO’s 37th Assembly Resolution.
It is imperative that a whole of system approach is taken to enabling Vision 2025, as not only are there complex inter-
program relationships in the ATM system, but the ground infrastructure, aircraft equipage, and importantly the rules
framework and equipment mandates need to go hand in hand.
A key deliverable of Vision 2025 is the ability to provide the tools to manage varied fleet capability while delivering system
wide enhanced outcomes in safety, capacity, efficiency and the environment. Sophisticated flow management tools,
datalink communications, RNAV/RNP route structures and enhanced surveillance tools, such as ADS-B, will be the key
technology enablers to bring about these outcomes.
Whether this technology development will be driven by aircraft or ground requirements has yet to be determined,
however regardless of where the initial drivers originate, New Zealand’s ATM and navigation ground infrastructure will
need to change. A key message when it comes to technology investment is the desire to maximize current technology
and base any new investment on a sound cost benefit analysis.
This is an industry document that will require updating in line with changes in procedures, technologies, rules, business
requirements and general feedback received.
Comment on the document should be sent to:

Russ Akehurst
Manager Service Strategy
PO Box 14-131
Christchurch 8544
New Zealand

» stakeholders

Airways New Zealand Royal New Zealand Aero Clubs

New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority New Zealand Aviation Federation

New Zealand Ministry of Transport IATA

Air New Zealand BARNZ

Virgin Australia (NZ) AIAL

Qantas WIAL

Jetstar CIAL

Royal New Zealand Air Force New Zealand Airports Association

Aviation Industry Association New Zealand Meteorological Service

Stakeholder expectations, in line with ICAOs statement of the ATM communities’ expectations, can be summarized as
• Flight paths that allow for reasonable GA activity and access to airspace. (Access and equity)
• Capacity that meets peak demands, while minimizing restrictions. (Capacity)
• Cost effective air navigation services, through prudent investment and efficient procedures. (Cost-effectiveness)
• Gate to gate transactions to improve efficiency. (Efficiency)
• Minimise environmental impact of noise and emissions. (Environment)
• Flexibility in adapting flight trajectories. (Flexibility)
• Harmonious with regional and global practices. (Global interoperability)
• Customer driven solutions. (Participation)
• Enablement rather than control
• Predictable and consistent Air Traffic Management. (Predictability)
• World class safety performance and uniform standards. (Safety)
• Provide for adequate security of the system and citizens. (Security)
In addition the following expectations have been included following consultation within the New Zealand ATM
community: New initiatives must be practical and take into account the work practices and capability of the air traffic
controller and pilot groups; being the end users of the systems developed.
• Accommodation of diverse equipage standards.
• Provide appropriate levels of contingency for core services.

» metrics

Where possible an objective measure is determined, which not only will report progress towards meeting stakeholder
expectations but will also link into global benchmarking initiatives so global and regional comparisons can be made.
A yearly customer survey will measure perceptions (subjective assessments) of those elements for which objective
measures are not yet available.

Objective measures:
• World class safety performance and uniform standards.
• Aspirational goal: Zero High Risk incidents
• Near/ Med term: Improving or stable trend across agreed KPIs for safety.
• Capacity that meets peak demands, while minimizing restrictions.
• Minutes of ATM system induced delay per IFR flight.
• Profiled elapsed time vs. actual flown.
• Cost effective air navigation services, through prudent investment and efficient procedures.
• Based on agreed KPIs for ANSP performance; reference Global Benchmarking
• Predictable and consistent Air Traffic Management.
• Tracks flown vs. track filed.
• Profiled distance/time flown vs. actual.
• Optimised Arrival and Departure procedures
• Optimised Descent/Climb Profiles
• Number of aircraft where tactical Intervention applied by ATC
• Gate to gate transactions to improve efficiency.
• Departure and arrival taxi times
• Minimise environmental impact of noise and emissions.
• Establish metrics for recording fuel and emissions savings for each new initiative.
• Provide appropriate levels of contingency for core services.
• Contingency network of conventional navaids agreed.
• Harmonious with regional and global practices.
• Audits
• Subjective measures as reported through customer surveys.
• Flexibility in adapting flight trajectories.
• Customer driven solutions.
• Flight paths that allow for reasonable GA activity and access to airspace.
• Maximise use of current technology
• Accommodation of diverse equipage standards.

» hierarchy of documents

Vision 2025 is an Industry view of the direction the ATM environment in New Zealand will take over the medium term. It
is influenced by and linked to a number of other planning initiatives within New Zealand and overseas.
The NZ National Airspace Policy details the principles that will be followed in decision making on airspace matters
while the National Airspace and Air Navigation Plan identifies the fundamental components required. The overall goal
is to ensure that New Zealand’s future airspace and air navigation system support the aviation sector delivering greater
prosperity, security and opportunities for NZ.
Vision 2025 enables Airways to support these principles, providing more detail of the individual components while also
linking specific projects together.
The Vision 2025 document has been developed with the intent of detailing the overall strategy rather than specific details
of technologies. The specific projects themselves are summarised in appendix 2 which will be amended at least bi-
annually to ensure it reflects an accurate picture of developments.

» air traffic enabling

Operational Concept:
Operations within New Zealand will be conducted to the same standards and in the same manner as those overseas to
meet the drive for an interoperable global air traffic management system, for all users during all phases of flight, which
provides agreed levels of safety, optimum economic operations, 4DT trajectories and is environmentally sustainable.
Taking the example of three different flights:
• International departure (NZAA-YSSY) – the reference business trajectory (RBT) for the flight is modelled prior to
departure, any constraints anticipated and a departure time issued to meet the RBT. The RBT will provide for the most
efficient route, gate to gate and can be dynamically altered in real time as the flight progresses.
• Domestic Main Trunk (NZCH-NZAA) – in domestic main trunk operations, there is much less flexibility in the RBT, apart
from speed or requested flight levels. Again this is modelled prior to departure and an appropriate departure time
issued. There are minimal if any constraints in the departure and arrival phase, and any reconfiguring of the RBT to
meet arrival constraints is done during the cruise phase.
• Regional (NZTG-NZWN) – the process is similar to the main trunk operation with RBTs being modelled. However
there is less flexibility in the ‘procedural environment’ and the departure process is to get the flight on track as soon as
possible after departure.
In all of the examples the role of the controller has changed from tactical decision making to strategic decisions that take
into account the effect actions taken have on the whole system. The role of the human in such an automated system will
need careful consideration.

» air traffic enabling

To move forward in delivering the expectations of the aviation community both in the air and on the ground;
performance based operations, collaborative information sharing and decision making, plus support systems and tools
are required.
Together these components form the whole of system approach of Vision 2025 and will enable Airways to work with it’s
aviation partners to deliver the “Perfect Flight”.

This approach requires the engagement of the ANSP, airline operators and airspace users, regulator, airport companies,
aircraft manufacturers and avionics suppliers. The ANSP is best positioned in this group to facilitate the way to a
performance based environment.
From the perspective of the air traffic services provider this continues the evolution from air traffic ‘control’ through air
traffic ‘management’ to air traffic ‘enabling’ (ATE).
ATE aims to maximize performance based outcomes and capability, share this information to stakeholders who can
make best use of it and allow decisions to be made by the various participants. Tools need to be provided and processes
and procedures developed to balance the varying requirements of the aviation community; and support the people
(controllers and pilots) who are the end users and essential to the success of ATE.

» air traffic enabling

Note: A Flight Object is the common single reference for all the flight data that needs to
be shared between different systems involved in controlling an aircraft, including airlines,
airport operators, [ATM service providers] and the aircraft itself.
ATE Operations: Five phases of flight that provide gate to gate operations.
A way of describing ATE operations is to think of an individual flight in five distinct phases,
and describe the environment within each phase.

» air traffic enabling

Phase 1: Pre-flight. Taxi and Take-off Enablers

• All appropriate data for the flight has been loaded, or • PBN: RNAV SIDS
is available, in the aircraft.
• Reduced separations
• System information
• Revised trajectory model
• Flight object status
• Rules and Equipment mandates
• Start time is based on facilitating the required
business trajectory to destination aerodrome.
Phase 3 Enroute /Cruise
• Clearance delivery – most efficient means possible
• Minimise track miles
• Taxi, without delay from start
• Enable pilot re-routes
• Low visibility operations approximate visual
• One way routes (Dom)
• UPRs – DARP (International) - in place
• Minimal holding to meet Calculated Take - Off
Time (CTOT) • Efficiencies:
• Dynamic Sectorisation
Enablers • IFR Training Strategic Plan
• Updated information exchange - A-CDM
• Airspace Design
• Ground surveillance – MLAT/ ADS-B
• ASMGCS level 2 (Main Trunk locations) Enablers
• Clearance delivery project - DCL • CFM
• Collaborative Flow Manager (CFM) • Medium Term Conflict Alert, MTCA (domestic)
• Direct ANSP to ANSP voice and data communications • Trajectory Model
• Network Management
• Upgraded lighting systems
• Reduced separations - surveillance; RNP
• Apron Management Services/ SMC
• Conflict Probe - OCS - in place
• Reduced Sep - OCA 30/30in place, planning for
Phase 2: Departure and Climb RNP2
• Unconstrained climb to cruise level
• AIDC - in place
• Facilitate uninterrupted climb on jet SIDs
• Equipment Mandates
• Direct track (hold downs ok) for turbo props
• PBN: RNAV Enroute
• Deconflicted SIDs and STARs
• Enhanced Surveillance downlinked aircraft parameters
• Minimise additional track miles
• Controller pilot data link communications - OCA in
• Minimise controlled airspace place
• ADS surveillance - OCA in place
• Direct ANSP to ANSP voice and data communications

» air traffic enabling

Phase 4 Descent and Approach Overall

• ODP (RBT) Arrival Optimization • SWIM
• APVs – Baro V-Nav • Data sharing and data management
• Deconflicted STARs and SIDs • AIXM Project: AIS to AIM transition/ Static and
dynamic data integration
• IFR capacity approximates visual capacity
• Predictability and consistency

Enablers • Staffed Virtual Towers - Contingency and Efficiency

• CFM and associated tools (arrival optimizer) • Interoperability

• Trajectory model • Airspace design

• Medium Term Conflict Alert • Equipment mandates – Rules

• PBN: RNAV STARS • Operational procedures

• PBN: RNP-AR - partially available • Use of technology to achieve safety assurance and
• Enhanced surveillance: MLAT and ADS-B

Phase 5 Taxi and Arrival

• Minimal delay to gate
• Gate available
• Low visibility operations approximate visual operations

• Surveillance: ground
• Communications
• Upgraded lighting systems
• Apron Management Services/ SMC

» airspace management

Stakeholder Expectation: Access and Equity

Flight paths that allow for reasonable GA activity and access to airspace.

Operational Concept:
Adequate controlled airspace to encompass and protect scheduled IFR traffic while minimising environmental impact and
allowing reasonable GA activity.
There is a natural tension between the users of controlled airspace (scheduled IFR operations) and the users of
uncontrolled airspace (general aviation users), over the extent and location of controlled airspace. The aim is to design
airspace based on PBN procedures in order to minimise volumes of controlled airspace necessary to protect scheduled
IFR operations.
Consistent procedures, PBN concepts, flow management tools, reduced separation requirements will lead to the best
compromise in controlled and un-controlled airspace, with the expectation of a reduction in volume of controlled airspace
compared to today.
In order to minimize controlled airspace and realise the economic benefits access at specific locations/ times may need
to be restricted to those aircraft capable of operating to the required performance criteria.

It is anticipated that today’s transponder mandatory airspace will have additional constraints applied to it as we seek to
maximize the capacity of the airspace while minimizing the volume. Initially this will take the form of routes requiring
either a RNAV or RNP performance criteria to be met, but eventually this will apply to specified airspace. In addition the
rules around restrictions (eg transponder mandatory, position reporting, etc) in airspace where a controlled service is
normally provided but ATC is off watch requires development.
The profiles of today’s aircraft are significantly different from those of the past, and economics have forced airlines into
finely balancing fuel burn and on-time performance. This has meant a need to look at how air traffic control services are
provided within any given airspace and adapting the boundaries and volumes to suit. Hand in hand with this work will be
a need for flexibility in managing and staffing sectors.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/1 Flexible Use of Airspace; GPI/7 Dynamic and flexible route systems; GPI/8 Collaborative airspace design and


» flow management

Stakeholder Expectation: Capacity

Capacity that meets peak demands, while minimizing restrictions.

Operational Concept:
In order to realize the economic and environmental benefits of Vision 2025 it is essential to have an effective air traffic
flow management regime in place that facilitates terminal capacity and workload, in a safe, orderly and efficient flow.
Tools will need continued development to provide increased accuracy for metering from departure and provide a high
level of accuracy at terminal feeder fixes and final approach fixes (5-7secs). Airborne metering and advisories will need to
be effected in the cruise segment of the flight in order to deliver reference business trajectories
Integral to this is the sharing of information both pre-departure and airborne to assist decision making in terms of
priorities and efficient management of the whole system.

As traffic levels increase the Collaborative Flow Manager tool becomes more significant in order to achieve maximum
runway capacity for sustained periods.
Capacity is normally governed by runway utilisation and this is the case in New Zealand for the major airports at Auckland,
Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown.
The attainment of maximum runway capacity relies on strict procedures and the ability of aircraft to fly such procedures
to a very high degree of accuracy.
Auckland International Airport has signalled a need to provide an additional runway to the north of the current one. When
this occurs the associated ATM requirements will necessitate a much greater use of systems to achieve maximum runway
capacity on both runways simultaneously.
Wellington International Airport is geographically constrained and must make optimum use of available space.
Optimisation of ground facilities is paramount while consideration is being made to extend the runway and/or enhance
precision approach capabilities.
Christchurch International Airport has signalled the need to extend the main runway to maximise simultaneous use of
runway 02 for take offs and runway 11 for landings. In this environment there is a much greater need for systems to
achieve runway capacity on both runways at the same time.
Queenstown International Airport is growing in strategic importance as one of the primary tourism destinations in NZ. The
implementation of RNP-AR procedures in 2012 was supported by airspace revisions enabling a doubling in IFR capacity.
Future plans including airfield developments will need to be coordinated to ensure that optimised operations can
continue to support the wider community.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/6 Air Traffic Flow management; GPI/12 Functional Integration of ground systems with airborne systems; GPI/14
Runway operations.


» traffic management

Stakeholder Expectation: Safety and Efficiency

World class safety performance and uniform standards.
Gate to gate transactions to improve efficiency.

Operational Concept:
Ground systems, procedures, tools and processes that facilitate operations are required in the performance based
environment to deliver world class safety performance and efficiency.
Current and developing technology and systems will provide the support and capability to allow the ATM system and its
people to deliver improved safety and efficiency outcomes.

There will be shift from tactical control to more strategic management of the ATM system, which will necessitate changes
in the HMI to ensure safety and efficiency gains can be realized. More intuitive and user friendly interactions are required.
Routes will be more efficient, less track miles and less time in the air, however there will be routes within the ideal
environment that will have greater flight path distances, but their success will be judged by the design that achieves the
most fuel efficient result for the domestic fleet as a whole.
Of course there will still be significant times when controller and/or pilot intervention is needed, most commonly when
weather avoidance is required and to a lesser degree when onboard equipment is not functioning to standard.
Efficiencies can also be achieved in infrastructure; an ATM system based around PBN can achieve this by minimising the
number of ground based navigational aids to only those necessary to provide a contingency route structure.
Efficiencies can also be expected in reviewing how and where we operate control towers; are they a barrier to service
consistency; do our customers want the service we provide? Virtual towers potentially provide substantial contingency
capability at the main airports but could they be used in regional applications manned from another location altogether?

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/2 Reduced vertical separation minima; GPI/9 Situational awareness; GPI/16 Decision support systems and alerting


» trajectory management

Stakeholder Expectation: Flexibility and Predictability

Flexibility in adapting flight trajectories.
Predictable and consistent Air Traffic Management.

Operational Concept:
Trajectory based operations to facilitate both flexibility and predictability will require close matching of ground based
trajectory predictions in the ATM system and the airborne FMS. Flexibility is not as significant issue in the domestic
environment with its short sectors as it is in the Oceanic environment however predictability is.

New Zealand’s current ATM is not completely predictable or consistent. This is a legacy of an ATM system that was
developed with the emphasis on the most appropriate solution for a particular location with no real overview to the
system as a whole.
In the past this was possibly the best approach as it encouraged innovation and customised solutions in many areas.
However it is not possible to give the customer a consistent service if the various work groups continue to have their own
independent techniques.
• Customers want:
• Predictability = Repeatability Consistency
• Predictability is achieved by:
• Having a route structure which matches the typical routing and profile of an aircraft in the majority of traffic and
weather conditions.
• Having a route structure which is defined/documented by complete and continuous flight path data, easily imputed
into a Flight Management System (FMS).
• Having a route structure capable of being flown by nominally 70% of the domestic fleet under typical New Zealand
operating conditions.
• No hold-downs on jet SIDs.
• Having feeder fixes and departure gates established at AK, WN and CH which are similar distances away from the
centre of the respective airports.
• Consistency is achieved (in the case of arrivals) by:
Having aircraft almost always fly the flight path shown in the published routing (STAR).
• Speed requirements being documented in the arrival procedure and applied nominally 70% of the time.
• The landing runway being the one advised prior to Top of Descent (TOD).
• Aircraft flying instrument approach profiles in all meteorological conditions. Optimised profile from top of descent
for Jets


» trajectory management

• Consistency is achieved (in the case of departures) by:

• Having aircraft almost always fly the flight path track published in the SID.
• Where hold downs are included in SIDs (turbo prop SIDs for traffic management) they get used nominally 70% of
the time
• Optimised climb profile to initial cruise altitude for jets

As a general rule:
Success in providing a predictable system will be achieved by having all routes defined by complete and continuous flight
path data.
Success in providing a consistent system will be achieved by not needing to give changes to the complete and
continuous flight path.
The key to success is trajectory management based on time; time based operations (TBO). However, mixed avionics
equipage in the fleets will mean that TBO will require a ground based trajectory model able to accurately predict the
trajectories of multiple aircraft types.
The use of managed profiles in a PBN environment will minimise in-flight vectoring and holding and enable idle-power
descents until gear/flap extension. Profiling indicates that this can save around 200kg of fuel per flight.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/7 Dynamic and flexible ATS route management; GPI/12 Functional integration of ground systems with airborne
systems; GPI/16 Decision support systems and alerting systems; GPI/17 Data link applications; GPI/19 Meteorological


» emissions management

Stakeholder Expectation: Environment

Minimise environmental impact of noise and emissions.

Operational Concept:
We will deliver fuel/emissions efficient operations by utilising systems and tools that minimize intervention, minimize
flight time and facilitate best-economy power setting wherever possible.
Environment management is becoming an increasingly important driver for airport companies, airlines and ANSPs. For
New Zealand Inc the growing perceptions of distance and emissions are particularly relevant to our export and tourism
markets. Reducing air transport’s environmental impact, both in terms of noise and pollution, is one of the aims of this

Fuel is an airline’s largest operating cost. Aircraft time in the air (airframe hours) and associated maintenance costs are
also significant, and ANSP charges still rate in the top 10 costs for an airline. ANSP procedures also influence time in the
air, which reflects on both fuel burn and maintenance costs. The goal is to minimize fuel burn, and hence emissions,
during the various phases of a flight.
Minimum Fuel Burn for any nominated flight is achieved by:
• Collective visibility of Target Start Up Time (TSAT)
• No delay experienced from engine start to taxi, (not always available due other aircraft).
• No delay and shortest route from gate to runway takeoff point, (not always available due other aircraft).
• No delay to take off clearance, (not always available due other aircraft but maximised by limited or no General Aviation
(GA) activity, appropriate CDM-CMS information and Tower Initiated Departures [TIDs]).
• Flying the absolute shortest track from departure to destination (not always available due other aircraft, terrain, and
• Clearance to fly the optimum altitude or flight level, (not always available due other aircraft, maximised with uni-
directional routes).
• No restrictions to climb, descent or optimum speed, (not always available due to other aircraft, terrain, airspace).
A system can be designed that achieves the optimum compromise between these ideals. This implies no hazardous
weather or onboard equipment malfunction, and indeed this is a fundamental aim of Vision 2025 - to design a route
structure that can be coded into an FMS and when flown takes the aircraft on a flight path that is as short as practicable,
following a climb and descent profile consistent with optimum performance clear of other aircraft and terrain in all phases
of flight.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/5 Meteorological systems; GPI/7 Dynamic and flexible ATS route management; GPI/8 Collaborative airspace design
and management; GPI/11 RNP and RNAV SIDs and STARs; GPI/12 Functional integration of ground systems with airborne
systems; GPI/17 Data link applications.


» system status

Stakeholder Expectation: Global Interoperability

Harmonious with regional and global practices.
Accommodation of diverse equipage standards or establishment of equipage requirements where required and when the
overall system benefit can be assured.
Provide appropriate levels of contingency for core services.

Operational Concept:
Distributing information on the status of the network, bottle necks, NOTAM, weather information, and reduced capacity.
This exchange of information is key to ensuring mutual understanding amongst stakeholders (including adjacent ATM
providers) leading to improved and shared decision making. The result an, interoperable, worldwide system based on:
• Connectiveness between ATM systems
• Common user requirements, standards and procedures
• Common aeronautical information exchange
• Contingency systems and procedures need to be put in place to cope with system degradation, both airborne and
ground based.

The expected prime source of input data to a FMS to enable flight under PBN for domestic operations in New Zealand will
be derived from GNSS. Status on the GNSS system is provided through RAIM warnings.
A contingency route network involving ground-based navigation aids will remain.
Surveillance from ground-based radar, multi-lateration and/or ADSB will be an integral component of ATM in the future,
providing contingency and flexibility to a future dedicated RNP environment.
System monitoring will become increasingly important.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/10 Terminal area design and management; GPI/18 Aeronautical information; GPI/20 WGS-84; GPI/21 Navigation


» flight objects

Stakeholder Expectation: Participation and Global Interoperability

Customer driven solutions
Harmonious with regional and global practices.
Accommodation of diverse equipage standards.
Provide appropriate levels of contingency for core services.

Operational Concept:
In addition to sharing information on the system, it is vital that information
on each flight object is also available to the stakeholders in the system.
The preferred solution to a problem will no doubt vary for each individual operator and for each flight object. By
understanding the status and disposition of not only the system but each flight more effective and efficient decisions will
be made.

The implementation of a Collaborative Arrivals Manager was the first example of real collaboration and decision making
in the system. It shares real-time information on the status of all flights within the network, capacity constraints at specific
aerodromes, and the ground delays imposed to manage the demand. Armed with this information airline operators,
and individual flights, are able to manipulate their flights and delays without reference to the ANSP while maintaining the
overall integrity of the system.
The next stage of evolution in this area is to share information between ANSPs with common boundaries (Network
Optimisation), and to maximize interactions of the existing CFM system.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/3 Harmonization of level systems; GPI/4 Alignment of upper airspace classifications; GPI-8 Collaborative airspace
design and management.


» communications
– required communications performance (RCP)

Stakeholder Expectation: Global Interoperability, Cost-effectiveness and Participation

Harmonious with regional and global practices.
Cost effective air navigation services, through prudent investment
and efficient procedures.
Customer driven solutions.

Operational Concept:
Requirement to communicate (not necessarily voice) with all traffic in controlled environment while providing controller-
pilot solutions that reduce workload and enhance safety.

Frequency congestion is not a significant problem in New Zealand, however on airport applications of clearance delivery
and ground control can at peak periods face problems of frequency congestion. In Oceanic airspace HF congestion is
a problem, but has been partially resolved via reduced position reporting requirements, FANS-1/A datalink and ACARS
waypoint reporting.
Coverage problems with the use of multiple transmitter and receiver sites for the same frequency could be addressed
through the use of new offset carrier technology.
Datalink operations in the Oceanic region are proven and the focus now is on improving performance. The use of datalink
in domestic airspace has yet to be established, but the introduction of mode-S radars and ADS-B provide a vehicle to
downlink data from the aircraft. The immediate future of datalink communications in the domestic environment is likely to
be linked with aircraft trajectories, both uplink and downlink rather than general use to replace voice and with Departure
clearances (DCL).

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/12 Functional integration of ground systems with airborne systems; GPI/17 Data link applications; GPI/22
Communication infrastructure; GPI/23 Aeronautical radio spectrum.


» navigation
– performance based navigation (PBN)

Stakeholder Expectation: Access and Equity, Cost-effectiveness, Environment,

Flight paths that allow for reasonable GA activity and access to airspace.
Cost effective air navigation services, through prudent investment and efficient procedures.
Minimise environmental impact of noise and emissions.
Customer driven solutions.
Accommodation of diverse equipage standards.
Provide appropriate levels of contingency for core services.

Operational Concept:
A route structure where a balance is achieved between the absolute shortest distance between take-off and landing, and
one where routes are separated from each other, and fast and slow same-direction routes are used (i.e. separate Jet and
Turbo prop routes used in some high density airspace). Navigation in the PBN environment will be enabled by GNSS,
with DME-DME updating available as a failure mode where available for main trunk en-route operations and a network of
VOR/DMEs providing contingency based mostly at controlled aerodromes.
There will be a reduction in bi-directional routes.
In the Terminal environment (aircraft climbing and descending) crossovers will be reduced to a minimum.
There will be a low demand for controller and pilot intervention to take the aircraft away from its optimum profile.

• Oceanic Airspace
ATM in Oceanic airspace is based around the best use of technology to deliver tangible benefits to the customer. This
includes reduced separation minimums, Controller Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC), RNP, Conflict Probe, User
Preferred Routes and Dynamic Airborne Re-routes (DARPS).
RNP 4 was introduced into the Auckland Oceanic Flight Information Region (FIR) in 2005, and 30/30 separation in
2006. Planning is underway to introduce RNP2 separations when available as well as ADS-C CDP and ADS-B ITP for
climb and descent.
Conflict Probe functionality was implemented within the Auckland Oceanic FIR in 2000, where conflict detection is
now fully automated. Airways New Zealand’s customers are therefore able to take advantage of full ‘free flight’ – the
ability to randomly re-route at any point of the flight to optimise wind patterns. Track re-routes, rather than level
changes, have become the preferred method of conflict resolution, with resultant savings to airline users in terms of
time and fuel burn.


» navigation
– performance based navigation (PBN)

• Domestic Environment
The future opportunities lie in taking advantage of RNP in the en-route and terminal airspace. As a first step RNAV
1 (or RNP 1) and RNAV 2 procedures will be introduced in the terminal and enroute environments, this will require
appropriate rule and advisory circular publication.
PBN - RNP approach procedures into Queenstown, New Zealand, have been designed for scheduled jet operations.
These procedures will eventually allow enhanced operations in all weather conditions under RNP0.1 and also can
provide significant payload advantages for some operations. This provides a tangible benefit to the airlines involved
and fully justifies the expenditure to enhance both safety and reliability of operations in what is accepted as a very
challenging environment.
Experience indicates that when approximately 70% or more aircraft operating in any area have upgraded to a new
generation of onboard navigation equipment, the ATM system itself should declare this as the primary method of
It is assumed that by 2015 a minimum of 70% of all flight operations will be capable of lateral navigation to:
• RNAV 1 or RNAV 2 for en-route phase of flight
• RNAV 1 or Basic RNP1 for use within a terminal when on a SID or STAR.
• RNP0.3 or better for approach.
Any aircraft not capable of operating to the new standards would still be accommodated; however a finite time should be
given to comply.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/5 RNAV and RNP (Performance-based navigation); GPI/10 Terminal area design and management; GPI/11 RNP and
RNAV SIDs and STARs; GPI/21 Navigation Systems.


» surveillance
– required surveillance performance (RSP)

Stakeholder Expectation: Safety, Efficiency and Security

World class safety performance and uniform standards.
Gate to gate transactions to improve efficiency.
Provide for adequate security of the system and citizens.

Operational Concept:
We will invest and enhance our surveillance capabilities provided it is a cost effective option that delivers, commercial,
safety or efficiency benefits.

Traditional SSR radar services will be phased out by 2021 (current end of life), it is expected that ADS-B will form
the backbone of the en-route surveillance network, with MLAT providing overlapping coverage in terminal areas. The
availability of MLAT and/or ADS-B will also provide capability for surface surveillance at some locations. The future of PSR
will need to be decided before its end of service life, currently 2021. ICAO has determined that states should publish
equipment mandates on ADS-B as soon as practicable, so operators can plan ahead their forward purchasing and retrofit.
The extent of surveillance coverage and reliability of coverage will require careful analysis as we move to an environment
relying on the use of technology to deliver consistent and predictable services. In addition we should seek to maximize
the ‘information’ available through new surveillance initiatives.
It is likely ACAS and ADS-B In will also provide ‘surveillance’ like benefits in areas where a traditional service is not
warranted. This can lead to limited forms of self-separation.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/5 RNAV and RNP (Performance-based navigation); GPI/10 Terminal area design and management; GPI/11 RNP and
RNAV SIDs and STARs; GPI/21 Navigation Systems.


» weather

Stakeholder Expectation: Flexibility, Participation and Safety

Flexibility in adapting flight trajectories.
Customer driven solutions
World class safety performance and uniform standards

Operational Concept:
Develop capacity to integrate real-time wind and weather information into ground and airborne systems to match aircraft
and ground based trajectories.
Develop delivery methods for weather information that are timely and efficient, minimizing the need for human

Weather avoidance and re-routing around weather in the en-route sectors is not a major issue in New Zealand and is not
a limiting factor on sector capacities. However localized weather in the terminal areas can significantly disrupt the concept
of optimized arrivals and RBT, and consequently has an impact on sector and runway capacity.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/6 Air traffic flow management; GPI/7 Dynamic and flexible ATS route management; GPI/19 Meteorological systems.


» data management

Stakeholder Expectation: Cost Effectiveness and Global Interoperability

Cost effective air navigation services, through prudent investment and efficient procedures.
Harmonious with regional and global practices.

Operational Concept:
All aeronautical information, including temporary changes traditionally promulgated by NOTAM, is encompassed by the domain
of the AIXM specification. There will be a single source for all information of this nature, accessible by and shared across
multiple interoperable systems. The “single source” concept enables an element of data to be maintained in one location,
and the changed information is accessible across the system(s). Duplication of effort required to maintain several data
sources is eliminated, allowing greater effort to be applied to increasing the quality of the information at its point of capture.
Data management will follow the principles developed in the Eurocontrol CHAIN program (Controlled and Harmonised
Aeronautical Information Network), which established the concept of seamless transfer of information from the point of
origination to its end use by a user or system.
Regionally and Globally, aeronautical data is shared seamlessly across State boundaries and systems. Driven by
economics and availability of expertise, Regional data management strategies have been established, enabling platforms
and expertise to be shared.
Aeronautical information made available in the AIXM specification will be integrated by systems with information
from other related domains, such as weather, flight operations, airport operations, airport mapping and topographic
information. Each of these domains has a data specification comparable to AIXM enabling interoperable system
development, supporting the operational concept of Collaborative Decision Making.

The transition from AIS to AIM first involves a change in focus from hardcopy publication specifications (product-centric)
to digital information specifications (data-centric). The transition to AIM then enables an increased capacity to develop
new aeronautical information services to support the future ATM operational concepts.
AIM / IM Business Model: A new business model describing the future nature and structure of the provision of
aeronautical information services has been defined, incorporating and supporting the whole system approach to ATM (i.e.
system wide information management). Enterprise Architecture is one method for defining this model.
AIXM: Airways, supported by CAANZ, has already begun the establishment of a single source of NZ static data which
meets the AIXM specification.
Integrated aeronautical information: Digital NOTAM is the first step towards capturing dynamic aeronautical information
(NOTAM) in the context of the AIXM specification. Digital NOTAM is essential to the future seamless integration of what is
currently regarded as two distinct types of aeronautical information, namely static (i.e. AIP) and dynamic (NOTAM). Seamlessly
integrated aeronautical information is required to support ATE phases 1-5 and many of the future ATM Operational Concepts.
Electronic Terrain and Obstacle data (eTOD): ICAO Annex 15 now requires digital terrain and obstacle data to be made
available to a variety of specifications including the entire State territory (Area 1), the Terminal area (Area 2), the vicinity of
the manoeuvring surface (Area 3), and the approach and take-off area (Area 4). Availability of terrain and obstacle data to
the specified accuracies is essential to many of the future ATM Operational Concepts.

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/18 Aeronautical information; GPI/20 WGS-84: GPI/21 Navigation Systems.


» safety management

Stakeholder Expectation: Safety

World class safety performance, management and uniform standards.
The Airways Safety Management System Framework applies to all activities carried out by Airways, its subsidiaries and
controlled entities.
It applies to all staff, contractors and sub-contractors when Airways outcomes are directly dependent on their
It consolidates common management system requirements of safety, health, security, quality, compliance and
environmental risk management through the establishment of the SMS.

Operational Concept:
The Airways Safety vision is supported by a genuine commitment to safety. Airways Managers and staff are ultimately
responsible for safety and health within the organisation. Safety Staff support safety management within Airways by
facilitating effective SMS functions within the business.
The aim being to:
• Provide Safe Air Navigation Services
• Provide a safe and healthy workplace for our staff
• Ensure we foster a strong safety culture and a Just Culture
• Ensure Airways operates from a sound and robust base.

Safety Strategy, goals and performance targets:

Safety goals and performance targets are monitored through Safety Strategy initiative achievements. Safety Strategy is
aligned throughout the business and is monitored on a monthly basis by the Airways Safety Review Panel.

The introduction of a robust, integrated SMS within Airways is essential to provide safety assurance as we move forward
in the rapidly changing and unstable aviation environment. Technology advancement will impact on the way aircraft are
controlled and as already discussed will trend towards enabling. With this will come very different safety challenges which
must be met and controlled.


» change management

Stakeholder Expectation: Safety

World class safety performance and uniform standards.
New initiatives must be practical and take into account the work practices and capability of the air traffic controller and
pilot groups; being the end users of the systems developed.

Operational Concept:
To ensure tools, communication and training are in place to ensure the people (controllers and pilots) are adequately
prepared to operate in an ATE environment.

The transition between today’s high levels of controller input and the need for pilots to change the aircraft’s mode of
operation away from its most efficient path, and the projected ATM in the future will need to be managed carefully.
It involves a significant change to the way operations are currently conducted.
This can be summarized as finding the right balance between human input and automation to achieve the safety and
efficiency benefits demanded from the system. In some respects, with the introduction of OCS into the Oceanic sectors
we have some experience in the transition to more automated systems and the impact it has on the human operator.
Change management in the implementation period will require a high priority to ensure safety is maintained, and indeed,

Linkage to Global Plan Initiative:

GPI/16 Decision support systems and alerting systems.

» acronyms

ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast

ADS-C Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Contract

AIDC ATS Inter-facility Data Communications

AIM Aeronautical Information Management

Airways Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited

AIS Aeronautical Information System

AIXM Aeronautical Information Exchange Model

ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider

APV Approach with Vertical Guidance

ASBU Aviation System Block Upgrades

ASMGCS Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System

ASPIRE Asia and South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions

ATE Air Traffic Enabling

ATM Air Traffic Management

Baro V-Nav Barometric Vertical Navigation

CAA Civil Aviation Authority

CAM Collaborative Arrivals Manager

CDA Constant Descent Approach

CDM Collaborative Decision Making

DARP Dynamic Air Route Planning

DME Distance Measuring Equipment

FMC Flight Management Computer

FMS Flight Management System

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

GPI Global Plan Initiative (ICAO)

HMI Human / Machine Interface

IATA International Air Transport Association

» acronyms

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

ITC In-trail Climb

MLAT Multi-Lateration Surveillance System

Mode S Selective Interrogation Mode of Secondary Surveillance Radar

NextGen Next Generation Air Transport System (FAA future plan)

NDB Non-Directional Beacon

PBN Performance Based Navigation

PSR Primary Surveillance Radar

RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring

RBT Reference Business Trajectory

RCP Required Communications Performance

RNAV Area Navigation

RNP Required Navigation Performance

RSP Required Surveillance Performance

RTA Requited Time of Arrival

SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research

(European equivalent to NextGen)

SID Standard Instrument Departure

SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar

STAR Standard Instrument Arrival

SWIM System Wide Information Management

TBO Time Based Operations

TMA Terminal Control Area

UPR User Preferred Routes

VOLMET Volume Meteorological. (MET information to pilots via radio)

VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range

» Appendix 1: ICAO global plan initiatives

GPI Description

GPI-1 Flexible use of The optimization and equitable balance in the use of airspace between civil
airspace and military users, facilitated through both strategic coordination and dynamic

GPI-2 Reduced vertical The optimization of the utilization of airspace and enhanced aircraft altimetry
separation minima systems.

GPI-3 Harmonization of level The adoption by all States of the ICAO Flight Level Scheme based on feet as
systems contained in Appendix 3 to Annex 2 – Rules of the Air.

GPI-4 Alignment of upper The harmonization of upper airspace and associated traffic handling through
airspace classifications application of a common ICAO ATS Airspace Class above an agreed division

GPI-5 RNAV and RNP The incorporation of advanced aircraft navigation capabilities into the air
(Performance-based navigation system infrastructure.

GPI-6 Air traffic flow The implementation of strategic, tactical and pre-tactical measures aimed
management at organizing and handling traffic flows in such a way that the totality of the
traffic handled at any given time or in any given airspace or aerodrome is
compatible with the capacity of the ATM system.

GPI-7 Dynamic and The establishment of more flexible and dynamic route systems on the basis
flexible ATS route of navigation performance capability, aimed at accommodating preferred
management flight trajectories.

GPI-8 Collaborative The application of uniform airspace organization and management principles
airspace design and on a global basis, leading to a more flexible airspace design to accommodate
management traffic flows dynamically.

GPI-9 Situational awareness Operational implementation of data link-based surveillance. The

implementation of equipment to allow traffic information to be displayed in
aircraft supporting implementation of conflict prediction and collaboration
between flight crew and the ATM system. Improve situational awareness
in the cockpit by making available electronic terrain and obstacle data of
required quality.

GPI-10 Terminal area design The optimization of the terminal control area (TMA) through improved design
and management and management techniques.

GPI-11 RNP and RNAV SIDs The optimization of the terminal control area (TMA) through implementation
and STARs of improved ATS route structures based on RNP and RNAV, connecting
the en-route phase of flight with the final approach, based on improved
coordination processes.

» Appendix 1: ICAO global plan initiatives

GPI Description

GPI-12 Functional integration The optimization of the terminal control area (TMA) to provide for more
of ground systems fuel-efficient aircraft operations through FMS-based arrival procedures and
with airborne systems functional integration of ground and airborne systems.

GPI-13 Aerodrome design The implementation of management and design strategies to improve
and management movement area utilization.

GPI-14 Runway operations Maximize runway capacity

GPI-15 Match IMC and VMC Improve the ability of aircraft to manoeuvre on the aerodrome surface in
operating capacity adverse weather conditions.

GPI-16 Decision support Implement decision support tools to assist air traffic controllers and pilots in
systems and alerting detecting and resolving air traffic conflicts and in improving traffic flow.

GPI-17 Data link applications Increase the use of data link applications.

GPI-18 Aeronautical To make available in real-time quality assured electronic information

information (aeronautical, terrain and obstacle).

GPI-19 Meteorological To improve the availability of meteorological information in support of a

systems seamless global ATM system.

GPI-20 WGS-84 The implementation of WGS-84 by all States.

GPI-21 Navigation Systems Enable the introduction and evolution of performance-based navigation
supported by a robust navigation infrastructure providing an accurate, reliable
and seamless global positioning capability.

GPI-22 Communication To evolve the aeronautical mobile and fixed communication infrastructure,
infrastructure supporting both voice and data communications, accommodating new
functions as well as providing the adequate capacity and quality of service to
support ATM requirements.

GPI-23 Aeronautical radio Timely and continuing availability of adequate radio spectrum, on a global
spectrum basis, to provide viable air navigation services (communication, navigation
and surveillance).

» Appendix 2: Project Summary

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Focus Area Item Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun

Safety Improvement
Zero High Risk Incidents
Guard Light WN
Guard Lights CH
Airspace Management
CAA Airspace Policy
CAA Air Navigation Plan
Rules Development
Equipment Mandates
Flow Management
Airport CDM
Traffic Management
Electronic Data (EFS) Centre
DCL - SRC Delivery
Integrated Tower Ops (Glass tower)
Virtual towers
New ATM System
Trajectory Management
New Skyline Traj model
Intent data
Improved OCS Traj Model
In Trail Procedures (ITP) ADS-C & ADS B (trial)
Enhanced STCA for enroute
Review/implement MTCD
Emissions Management
UPRs Trans-Tasman

» Appendix 2: Project Summary

2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25

Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun

» Appendix 2: Project Summary

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Focus Area Item Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun

Communication (RCP)
Regional Offset Carrrier rollout
Domestic datalink strategy
Automated Clearance delivery
ADS C (in)
Pasnet - Target Island Sites
AMHS Replacement
RCP Strategy
Skyline ATM VSCS integration
Surveillance (RSP)
ASMGCS lv2 Auckland
MLAT Surveillance Christchurch
Southern MLAT Surveillance
QN Lighting
Equipment mandates: mode-S, ADS-B
ADS-B (out) national rollout
MLAT/ADS-B Pacific business case
Upgrade lighting systems - low visibility
GBAS Research and Implementation
Navigation - PBN
PBN Program
RNAV Regional airports
PBN Procedures Pacific
Retire end of life navaids (NDBs & some VOR/DMEs)
Establish contingency conventional network
Primary means GNSS rules - status
Equipment mandates GNSS
D Volmet
Met Strategy
Domestic Grib 2.0
OCS Grib 2.0
Data Management
ATM Optimisation
Schedule /Slot management
People/Change Management
People/Change Mgmt Plan
Roster tool
Perfomance Based Service provision
Change Management Improvement

» Appendix 2: Project Summary

2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25

Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun

Published October 2013

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