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A. Objective Type/Multiple Choice Questions: (1 Mark)

a. Choose the correct option:
i. The most important factor in the organization of recreation is:
(a) Materials (b) Leadership
(c) Facilities (d) Planning
ii. A physical education teacher now-a-days is essentially:
(a) An instructor (b) A movement educator
(c) A drill master (d) All the above
iii. How many methods can be used for preparing fixtures in a
league tournament ?
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5
iv. Intramurals are advantageous for:
(a) Mental development (b) Physical development
(c) Social development (d) All the above
v. How many byes will be given if 15 teams are participating in a
knock-out tournament ?
(a) 16 (b) 14 (c) 12 (d) 11

B. Answer the following in brief:

a. What is a tournament ?
b. What do you mean by seeding ?
c. What do you mean by knock-out tournament ?
d. What do you mean by a ‘Bye’ ?
e. The second bye is given to the ………… team of the upper half. (Fill
in the blank).
f. What is the need of intramurals in schools ?
g. Define the need of extramurals.
h. What do you mean by single league tournament ?
i. League tournament is also called the Berger system. (True/False)
j. What is tabular method ?
k. How seeding is given ?
l. Enlist two objectives of Intramurals.
m. Write the formula for giving ‘bye’.
n. What is seeding in fixture for tournaments ?
o. Round Robin Tournament is of two types. Name them and give one
major difference between them.
p. What do you mean by ‘Fixture’ ?
q. Suggest any two disadvantages of league tournaments.

C. Short Answer Questions-I (3 Marks)

a. Discuss any two important objectives of intramurals.
b. Discuss any two important points about tournament.
c. What do you mean by seeding method ? Explain with an example.
d. Distinguish between Intramurals and extramural programmes.
e. Explain briefly advantages and disadvantages of knockout tournament.
f. Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of league
g. Explain any two specific sports programmes.
h. Give a brief account for health run and run for fun.
i. Draw a fixture of 11 football teams participating in a tournament on
the basis of knock-out.
j. How are various committees formed for tournament ? Write briefly.

D. Short Answer Questions-II (5 Marks)

a. What is a league tournament ? Explain the types, advantages and
disadvantages of league tournament.
b. Define and classify “fixtures”. Draw a league fixture for 16 teams.
c. What is the meaning of tournament ? Draw knock-out fixture of 27
d. Define seeding. Draw a fixture of 25 teams when 8 teams are seeded
e. Enlist in detail the various specific sports programmes.
f. State the methods, which are used for drawing fixtures in league
tournament. Give suitable examples.
g. Draw a knock-out fixture of 21 teams mentioning all the steps
h. What do you mean by knock-out tournament ? Draw the fixtures of 21
teams on knock-out basis.

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