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Sandringham Foreshore Association Newsletter Autumn 2014


Founded January 2007
ABN 42947116512
PO Box 52
Sandringham 3191

From the president of SFA

Dr Vicki Karalis

Welcome to the Autumn edition of the SFA newsletter.

Sandringham beach restoration

The SFA committee have been very busy behind the scenes, meeting with a
coastal engineer appointed by BCC and DEPI. We are very pleased with his work
and look forward to his Modelling and Costing studies for restoration of our
beach, where needed.
Draft Bayside Coastal Management Plan
The SFA committee, together with input from local stakeholders and members,
have provided feedback to Council for the draft Bayside Coastal Management
Plan. Please reply to us if you would like a copy of the SFA report.

You can view a copy of the Draft Plan on the web-link below (the consultation
period closed 2 May 2014), or ask SFA directly and we will forward you a copy:

Council officers and consultants have undertaken the huge task of

amalgamating and integrating the various activities and needs proposed for
the 11 Precincts along the Bayside coastline into one document, with an overall
vision to help protect and sustain our precious Bayside beaches. This is not an
easy task as the plan must consider the agendas and activities of many groups.

SFA's main focus has been protecting and sustaining our local environment; the
cliffs, dunes and beaches, and re-vegetation, to create a natural fauna & flora
habitat – a wildlife corridor for future generations to enjoy.

We have also emphasised and highlighted the importance of protecting the


 Fossils: there are many fossils embedded in the rocks along our coastline
from Brighton to Beaumaris that are over 5 and even up to 12 million
years old. The Beaumaris Fossil Heritage site is a precious site that needs
absolute protection. SFA would oppose any proposals to expand the
Beaumaris Yacht squadron.

 Indigenous sites: there are multiple Indigenous Aboriginal sites along

our coastline from Brighton to Beaumaris e.g. coastal middens. They
need high quality interpretation of early aboriginal use of the sites, and
flora and fauna, in consultation with relevant Aboriginal groups.

 Cliffs: rock geology and landscape sites unique to the Bayside area from
Brighton to Beaumaris; to minimize erosion of cliffs and beaches by
protecting the base of cliffs from wave action and diverting surface run-
off and drainage, monitoring the entire Bayside coastline to protect
identified erosion when and where needed.
 Landscape: conservation and protection of cliff structure and macro-

 Marine life: the protection of our reefs and marine life identified within
the Brighton-Beaumaris area, especially at Rickett’s Point Marine

 Dune restoration and protection: as required along the entirety of the

Bayside coastline.

 Beach re-nourishment: we emphasised the importance of programs and

monitoring of beach erosion within the entire Bayside coastline, for
protection of our cliffs and community enjoyment.

 Weed control and re-vegetation: as required for entire cliffs to help

reduce erosion; low lying native vegetation and grasses in areas of beach
views along Beach Rd as relevant.

 Beach cleaning: improve beach cleaning, especially after storm surges,

which accelerate and increase rubbish accumulated from identified
sources, such as the Yarra River and local storm drainage outlets, high-
activity beach use (busy summer days) and local garden refuse (e.g. lawn
clippings and leaves spread onto roads from leaf-blowers).

Beach Walk and Talk

Our Beach Walk and Talk held with Sandringham Lifesaving Club (SLSC), on
March 23rd, went exceptionally well.

I spoke on the history of the Sandringham beaches, how the cliffs & beaches
were formed, rock geology, coastal processes & helped identify the local fossils
found in the rocks. I acknowledged the local Boon wurrung (pr. Bunnerrong)
People of the Kulin nation and my teachers, Dr Eric Bird and Professor John
Buckeridge, for providing me with the knowledge to share with our local
community and our next generation.

Margaret Kent, President of SLSC, spoke on water safety, water surveillance

and EPA warnings. The Club volunteers were amazing in helping the event
proceed smoothly. Margaret also arranged a Lifesaving helicopter to visit – the
children were very excited by the helicopter! All proceeds went to SLSC and we
are grateful to Buxton's real estate for offering to donate $1000 to the Club
which made the fundraiser a success! Margaret has provided us a great
snapshot of the day below.

At the event I was honoured to meet Sean Kelly, a

Cultural Heritage Officer. He showed me a few
middens located at the Sandringham cliffs that I
had never discovered! We are blessed that Sean
lives here in Sandringham and value his support!

Sean Kelly,
Cultural Heritage Officer

Here are some photos of the event held on the day (Vicki leading the group
along the cliffs) and more below, under Margaret Kent's snapshot of the event:

We hope you can join us at Rickett's Point, Beaumaris on Sunday 25th May
2014 at 10am, to plant indigenous vegetation to help stabilize the dunes. This
event is hosted by Bayside City Council and Bayside Environment Friends
In this issue, SFA are proud to profile Margaret Kent, a long term local resident
and President of the Sandringham Lifesaving club.
Margaret Kent

Margaret Kent is pictured to the right of Murray Thompson, Sandringham MP

who honoured us by officially opening the SFA- SLSC event.

Margaret Kent has been a
resident in Sandringham for
14 years and has been
involved in the Sandringham
Life Saving Club (SLSC) most
of that time, holding a position
on the Committee and
President for the last 2 years.

SLSC will be 100 years old in

2017 and Margaret is working
with Life Saving Victoria and
the local community to ensure
the club can celebrate the
milestone and function well
into its next century.

The club is entirely run by

volunteers who give their time
to patrol, participate in the
Committee of Management
and run the Nippers program.

Life Saving is a complete

diversion from Margaret's
occupation as an IT Project Manager. She loves visiting the beach as a great way to
wind down from a hectic day/week at the office. Although not a patroller herself, she
contributes to the club in the many administrative tasks that are required to keep the
club operational.

Margaret loves to take the Wave ski or her kayak for a paddle to Black Rock or
Hampton. Water sports provide a great way of getting fit while enjoying the local
scenery. Being so close to the water, the ever changing water conditions and marine
life can be examined at close range.

Sandringham is blessed with a beautiful beach and the Life Saving Club has
panoramic views towards the Yacht Club and City. The beach and Life Saving Club
are great assets for the community, providing a valuable essential service.
SLSC & SFA Walk & Talk 23 March 2014
By Margaret Kent

Wow, what a day to remember!

It was a great event enjoyed by everyone. Our speakers, Life Savers and helpers really
proved how talented and capable they are. Murray Thompson, State Member for
Sandringham, gave us a very informative opening, followed Vicki Karalis, President of SFA
who kept everyone entranced with her knowledge of the Sandringham foreshore, rocks and

After Margaret provided some information, facts and figures about life saving operations, our
Life Savers explained and demonstrated the equipment they use. Karl and Fabrice even
demonstrated a mock resuscitation. Well done guys!
The Lifesaving helicopter landing at Trey bit reserve capped off the day. The crew explained
the use and operation of the helicopter and earned the respect of the crowd for their rescue
work. They confirmed that there really are sharks in the bay, so it's good that they keep an
eye out and buzz the sharks away from our beaches when they can!

A huge thank-you goes to Vicki Karalis for instigating the event, then giving us so much of
her valuable time preparing for the event and speaking on the day. Thank you Vicki!
Many thanks also to Murray Thompson who always gives us his whole-hearted support in
making SLSC a viable and worthwhile facility for the community.
We are extremely grateful to Buxton’s who generously sponsored the event, providing
$1,000 to the club. The funds will be put to good use!

Our thanks go to Life Saving Victoria and Bayside Council for their support in facilitating the
helicopter visit. Nicholas Ryan of LSV was a key player, so many thanks Nicholas and to the
helicopter crew. It was excellent! Our club members played a very big part in the day making
it a huge success.

Many thanks to:

Therese Hickey and family, Lorna Nielsen and family, the Nicol family, Leanne Chudleigh,
Andrew Gluth, Hamish McKay, Margaret Kent and of course, to our great team of patrollers
on the day: Phil, Karl, Kyle, Simona, Bianca, Claire, Fabrice, Adrian and Alexa.

Sandringham Life Savers with the crew from the Lifesaving helicopter crew (patrollers Phil Spacil and
Alexa Ongoco not in photo).

On the beach:
Murray Thompson, Sandringham MP, with Dr Vicki Karalis.
Royal Avenue and Tennyson St beaches in April 2014

It was surprising this year to see that the beach erosion occurred a little later
than usual. We found in the past that the erosion of the southern beaches of
Sandringham peaked March, but this year it occurred late April, through to the
present. This photo of Royal Ave beach was taken on April 24th 2014.

The following photos of Tennyson St beach were taken on the same day – note
very little sand on the beach would not protect our cliffs with storm surges.
Fortunately this year we did not experience any major storm surges from the
south that could have impacted the beach, such as cliff erosion from wave
action such as we have witnessed in previous years. The sand will return to
these beaches with the prevailing northerly winds expected in winter.
Tennyson Street beach facing north

Tennyson Street beach facing south

Below is an historic photo of Sandringham beach (southern aspect). Compare
with the picture of our beach (above) taken April 24th 2014:

Some interesting details below:

Note recession caused by constant foot traffic and rainfall on the face of Red Bluff in current
photo, compared to below. Also foreground and cliff near the Bluff are almost empty of
vegetation (faster erosion). Pattern of erosion on beach, less groynes, is similar for recent
summers with exception of those including strong storm surges (2004-5 a good example); a
nice lesson in natural sand-retention relative to the shape of the coastline – those groynes
certainly accelerate erosion unless you re-fill (Hampton, 1998) the whole beach!
Water-line, swim-gear on bathers and umbrella pattern suggests a low-tide summer day,
1940s-50s (similar to SFA header photo from 2006-7).
We suspect some re-touching or artistic licence regarding bathing boxes…
– Co-ed.
We hope you have enjoyed reading the Autumn edition of the SFA

Yours with kindness,

Dr Vicki Karalis, SFA President

SFA committee members:

Alison Horton, Vice-President
Adrienne Smith, Secretary
Craig Francis, Treasurer
Ike Solomon, Engineer
Helen Gibson, Geologist
Paul Hede, Architect
Laurie Evans, Architect and Mayor of Bayside City Council

Assistant editor: Helen Gibson

Co-editor: Cristian Silver

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