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1029/2000JC000294, 2002

An experimental study of turbulent flow over a low-angle dune

Jim Best
School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Ray Kostaschuk
Department of Geography, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Received 24 February 2000; revised 13 August 2001; accepted 28 August 2001; published 24 September 2002.

[1] Many large, sand bed alluvial channels are dominated by dunes that possess low-
angle lee sides, often <10, which play a critical role in the transportation of sediment and
generation of significant bed form roughness. Despite the fact that these low-angle dunes
are very common in such channels many current models of dune flow dynamics are based
on bed forms with an angle of repose slip face that generates a zone of permanent
separated flow in the dune lee. Study of flow associated with low-angle dunes in the field
is inherently difficult since it is usually both hard to measure very near the bed and hard to
quantify the nature of turbulence over these bed forms. Results from a detailed scale
model experimental study of flow over a low-angle dune, which is based on a prototype
dune from the Fraser River, Canada, present a necessary link between flume and field
studies and document the origins of macroturbulence associated with these bed forms.
Two-dimensional laser Doppler anemometer measurements over a low-angle dune
(maximum lower lee side slope = 14) show that dune morphology exerts a dominant
control on the turbulent flow, causing flow deceleration in the lower lee and development
of an intermittent layer of shear at the interface with the higher velocity flow above. The
scale model confirms that permanent flow separation does not occur over low-angle dunes
but, instead, is replaced by a small region (here 7% of the dune wavelength in length) of
intermittent flow reversal, which may be present for up to 4% of the time. Shear layers
generated along this small zone of decelerated and/or separated flow in the lower lee have
a much smaller velocity differential than is characteristic of shear layers generated by flow
separation in the lee of angle of repose dunes. Turbulence production associated with low-
angle dunes is dominated by eddies generated along this shear layer, which produce highly
variable horizontal and vertical velocities and large Reynolds stresses in this region. These
results show that macroturbulence associated with low-angle dunes is generated by
intermittent separation or shear layer generation due to velocity gradients established in
the zone of lee side flow expansion. Velocity profiles and maps of turbulence structure
from the scale model are in reasonable agreement with field measurements from low-angle
dunes in natural sand bed rivers. These results highlight the need to consider the temporal
evolution and intermittency of shear layer behavior, often very near the bed, when
interpreting the generation of macroturbulence and dispersal of sediment associated with
low-angle dunes. INDEX TERMS: 1824 Hydrology: Geomorphology (1625); 4235 Oceanography:
General: Estuarine processes; 4568 Oceanography: Physical: Turbulence, diffusion, and mixing processes;
KEYWORDS: dune, low-angle leeside, intermittent flow separation
Citation: Best, J., and R. Kostaschuk, An experimental study of turbulent flow over a low-angle dune, J. Geophys. Res., 107(C9), 3135,
doi:10.1029/2000JC000294, 2002.

1. Introduction dunes occur in a wide range of shapes and sizes, they are
often described, primarily on the basis of flume experi-
[2] Dunes are ubiquitous bed forms in sand bed rivers ments, as asymmetric bed forms with long, gently sloping,
and exert a significant influence on the nature of turbulent upstream facing stoss sides and short, angle of repose lee
flow, which in turn controls the processes of sediment sides. Lee side slopes of asymmetric dunes often exceed
erosion, transport, and deposition [Best, 1996]. Although 25 –30 and generate a well-developed separation zone of
permanent, recirculating flow [Roden, 1998; Kostaschuk,
Copyright 2002 by the American Geophysical Union. 2000]. However, evidence from field studies suggests that
0148-0227/02/2000JC000294 such asymmetric dunes may be rather uncommon in large

18 - 1

sand bed rivers where most sand is transported in suspen- low-angle lee sides with no or intermittent flow separation
sion. In such rivers many dunes have a more symmetric may be produced in the absence of high suspended sediment
shape with stoss and lee sides of similar length. Moreover, loads because of the influence of superimposed secondary
the lee sides of these ‘‘symmetric’’ dunes are typically gentle dunes on the upstream stoss side of the dune.
(usually <10), with a steeper segment at the base of the [4] Many sedimentological studies assume that the asym-
slope that can approach 30 but is usually much less. For metric dune is the dominant dune type despite the fact that
example, Roden [1998, Figure 4.12] measured lee slope these dunes are often uncommon in large sand bed rivers.
angles of over 500 dunes in the Jamuna River, Bangladesh, One reason for this focus on angle of repose asymmetric
and found that only around 15% had slopes >30 and that the dunes may lie in the fact that they are relatively easy to
mean lee side angle was 8.6. Carling et al. [2000a] also generate and study in laboratory flumes where bed load is
measured the lee side angles of both developing and dimin- often dominant; few flume studies have concentrated on
ished large dunes in the River Rhine and found that the mean situations where appreciable quantities of suspended sedi-
leeside angle was 5.2, with a range between 1.1 and 19.8. ment are present. It is worthy of note, for instance, that
Additionally, the few velocity measurements that have been Wan’s [1982] studies of hyperconcentrated flows showed
taken in the lee sides of these low-angle dunes [Smith and that dunes flatten significantly as clay concentration
McLean, 1977; Kostaschuk and Ilersich, 1995; Kostaschuk increases, this perhaps being analogous to the change in
and Villard, 1996; McLean and Smith, 1979; Roden, 1998] dune form between angle of repose and low-angle dunes. To
show no evidence for a zone of permanent flow separation, date there have been no detailed laboratory studies of flow
although all of these field data were from lee slopes <18, and sediment transport associated with low-angle dunes
where it was very difficult to obtain near-bed measurements. where most sand transport is in suspension.
Kostaschuk and Villard [1999] propose that a well-defined [ 5 ] Significant progress in understanding the flow
zone of decelerated, downstream flow occurs in the trough dynamics of asymmetrical dunes has been achieved in
rather than in the region of flow separation characteristic of studies of fixed negative steps and dune forms [e.g., van
asymmetric dunes. However, intermittent flow separation Mierlo and de Ruiter, 1988; Lyn, 1993; Mendoza and Shen,
[e.g., Soulsby et al., 1991] may be expected over both the 1990; Bennett and Best, 1995; Gyr and Müller, 1996;
steeper lee sides of symmetric dunes and over lee sides McLean et al., 1994; Müller and Gyr, 1986, 1996; Nelson
whose angle is in the transition region for the onset of flow et al., 1993, 1995; Vendetti and Bennett, 2000]. The primary
separation (e.g., 10 – 15) [Ruck and Makiola, 1990]. Carl- advantages of utilizing fixed bed forms are that they allow
ing et al. [2000b] found, from electromagnetic current meter detailed measurements of velocity without the complica-
measurements in the lee side of both steep and low-angle tions of both a migrating and changing bed form and the
dunes, that flow separation was weak or intermittent, with difficulties of flow measurement in the presence of sediment
periodic reverse (upstream) flow being noted at the toe of the transport. Field studies of turbulent flow over low-angle
dune lee side. dunes are also fraught with serious logistical difficulties,
[3] Although the physical processes responsible for the especially in detecting the presence or absence of flow
contrasting morphologies of asymmetric and low-angle recirculation and a separation zone close to the bed surface.
dunes are, as yet, unresolved [Roden, 1998], several authors The purpose of the present study is to link field and flume
have considered that the mechanisms of sand transport are research by conducting a scale model flume study of
likely to play an important role. Smith and McLean [1977] turbulent flow over a fixed low-angle dune. The low-angle
and Kostaschuk and Villard [1996] suggest that asymmetric dune is scaled from dunes in the Fraser River, Canada, for
dunes occur when significant sand transport occurs as bed which previous research has established an extensive data-
load, whereas lower-angle dunes develop when most sand base [e.g., Kostaschuk and MacDonald, 1988; Kostaschuk
transport is in suspension. Smith and McLean [1977] and et al., 1989; Kostaschuk and Church, 1993; Kostaschuk and
Kostaschuk and Villard [1996] propose that the steep ‘‘angle Ilersich, 1995; Kostaschuk and Villard, 1996, 1999; Villard
of repose’’ lee sides of asymmetric dunes are maintained by and Kostaschuk, 1998; Kostaschuk, 2000]. The main objec-
avalanching of bed load down the lee slope, whereas the tives of this study are to (1) compare velocity profiles over
much lower angle lee sides of symmetric dunes result from the prototype and scale model dunes, (2) describe and
deposition of sand from suspension in the lee side and interpret patterns of turbulent flow over the scale model,
trough between dunes. This argument finds parallels in the (3) compare turbulent flow patterns from the scale model
changes in dune morphology that occur over the transition with previous studies of angle of repose and low-angle
from dunes to upper stage plane beds [Saunderson and dunes, and (4) examine the origins of large-scale turbulence
Lockett, 1983; Bridge and Best, 1988], where the dune lee associated with low-angle dunes.
side becomes progressively lower and ‘‘swept out’’ in shape
as flow velocity, and sediment suspension, increases. How-
ever, it is also clear that not all flows with high suspended 2. Scale Modeling
sediment loads will be characterized by low-angle dunes 2.1. Dunes in the Fraser River Estuary
and that flow depth, bed shear stress, and upstream bed [6] The Fraser River has a mean annual discharge of
form morphology will also be controlling factors [Carling 3400 m3 s1, with maximum flows over 11,000 m3 s1 and
et al., 2000a, 2000b]. For instance, Roden [1998] found that discharges into the Strait of Georgia, a mesotidal marine
large asymmetric dunes occurred in the Jamuna River basin on the west coast of Canada. The main channel of the
during high flows when most sand was in suspension, Fraser Estuary has a sand bed with a median grain size of
perhaps reflecting oversteepening of lee slopes by extensive 0.25– 0.32 mm [Kostaschuk et al., 1989]. Dunes in the
scour in the trough. Carling et al. [2000a] also contend that estuary range from 0.1 to 4 m in height and 2 to more than

Figure 1. Mean horizontal velocity (U ) over a low-angle dune in the Fraser River, Canada, on 20 June

100 m in length [Kostaschuk et al., 1989] and have a curved Sciences, University of Leeds, using a recirculating flume
concave downstream planform geometry with circular 10 m long, 0.3 m wide, and 0.3 m deep. Two-dimensional
depressions on crests and associated pits in the dune troughs model dunes were cut from high-density styrofoam that
[Kostaschuk and MacDonald, 1988]. Dunes migrate around permitted high-resolution manufacture of these low-angle
low tide during high river discharge when sand is in trans- and low-amplitude dunes. These experiments followed the
port [Kostaschuk et al., 1989; Kostaschuk and Church, principles of Froude-scale modeling (see review by Peakall
1993; Kostaschuk and Villard, 1996], although Helley- et al. [1996]) whereby the Froude number is kept constant
Smith bed load sampling together with pump sampling of between prototype and model but the flow Reynolds
the suspended load [Kostaschuk and Ilersich, 1995] sug- number is relaxed, provided the flow is fully turbulent.
gests that bed load accounts for <1% of the total sand For the present experiments and flume facilities a scale
transport with the remainder travelling in suspension. ratio between flume and prototype of 1:58 was chosen in
[7] Kostaschuk and Villard [1996] examined horizontal order to match the dune dimensions, flow depth, and flow
velocity profiles over six low-angle symmetric dunes, which velocities (see below and Table 1). The two-dimensional
were found to be the equilibrium dune form during high profile and dune height/flow depth ratio in the experiment
river discharge in the Fraser River. These dunes had a height were modeled on the 20 June Fraser dune (Figure 1), and
of 1.09 – 2.42 m and a wavelength of 29.9– 38.1 m in flow the maximum lower lee side slope angle of the scale model
depths of 11.1– 12.8 m. Velocities were measured with an dunes was 14. The entire length of the flume was covered
electromagnetic current meter equipped with an internal with identical foam dunes, and the bed slope was adjusted
compass in order to determine flow direction. Since the so that at the discharge and flow depth imposed by the
current meter had a measurement sphere with a radius of 0.2 scale ratio the water depth was constant along the flume.
m, the closest that measurements could be taken to the bed On the basis of the 1:58 scale ratio (Table 1) the mean flow
was 0.5 m. The current meter was deployed from a research depth in the flume was 0.20 m, the Froude number was
launch anchored at three to six positions over individual maintained at 0.15, the flow was fully turbulent (Reynolds
dunes, and a velocity profile was measured at each position. number = 36,000), and the dune height:flow depth ratio
Each point in a velocity profile was sampled at 1 Hz for 90 was 0.16.
s, the short sampling period being necessary so that all [9] The scale modeling approach has several limitations.
velocity profiles could be completed during the 2– 3 hour First, the smooth surface of the styrofoam dune does not
period of steady flow around low tide. Mean flow velocity capture the effect of ‘‘skin’’ and ‘‘minor form’’ friction
over the dunes was 1.10– 1.68 m s1, the Froude number from sediment particles or smaller superimposed bed forms
was 0.10 – 0.15, and the Reynolds number was 9.95 – 14.2 
106. The flume study detailed in the present paper used the Table 1. Flow and Dune Characteristics in the Field and Flume
20 June dune of Kostaschuk and Villard [1996] as the Flow and Dune Characteristics Fraser River Flume Dune
prototype for the scale model (Figure 1). The morphology Dune (Scale Ratio 1:58)
of the experimental dune is consistent with other low-angle
Mean flow depth d, m 11.5 0.20
dunes in the Fraser River, and the velocity profiles are Mean velocity U, m s1 1.61 0.21
representative of spatial variations over the dunes examined Froude number 0.15 0.15
by Kostaschuk and Villard [1996]. Flow Reynolds number 14.2 106 36 515
Dune height H, m 1.8 0.031
Dune length L, m 38 0.66
2.2. Flume Methods H/L 0.047 0.047
[8] Flume experiments were conducted in the Sedimen- H/d 0.16 0.16
tological Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, School of Earth Maximum lower lee side angle, deg 15 14

(ripples/small dunes) that occur in the field [Villard and

Kostaschuk, 1998]. However, at the scale ratio of 1:58 the
scaled grain size and ripple height would approximate
0.004 and 0.3 mm, respectively, and would thus have a
minimal effect on the flow. Second, the experimental dunes
were two-dimensional and all the same shape and size,
whereas in the field, dunes are three-dimensional with
considerable spatial variability in both shape and size.
The possible effects of three-dimensional form were
excluded in the flume model since it was very difficult
to characterize a ‘‘typical’’ three-dimensional form and the
lateral scale of this variability could not be modeled at the
scale ratio dictated by the flume width. Third, the fixed
dune approach does not capture the effect of sediment
transport on velocity profiles. However, this effect may be
expected to be relatively minor since sand concentrations
in the field are not sufficiently high to have a significant
impact on the shape of velocity profiles [Kostaschuk and Figure 2. Sampling locations for horizontal velocity
Villard, 1996]. Finally, the Froude-scale approach in this measurements u over the scale model dune. The lowest
narrow flume produces a low width:depth ratio (1.5) that measurement is 1 mm above the bed. Vertical velocity v was
may be expected to generate secondary flows in the flume measured simultaneously at the same points as u, with the
that are not present in the field [Nezu and Nakagawa, lowest location being 4 mm above the bed.
1993]. The influence of secondary flows is evidenced by
lower velocities near the flow surface but does not mask
the significant influence of the dunes upon flow near the the sampling volume was 0.22 mm2. Flow visualization was
bed. Despite these limitations, simplification of dune achieved using long-exposure images on both a digital
morphology to a fixed two-dimensional profile does allow video camera and a standard 35 mm camera, with neutrally
investigation of the major features of flow, as has been buoyant Pliolite particles that were illuminated with a laser
successfully demonstrated in previous studies of flow over light sheet.
two-dimensional bed forms [e.g., Raudkivi, 1966; Lyn,
1993; Nelson et al., 1993; Bennett and Best, 1995], and 2.3. Comparison of the Prototype and Scale Model
will provide a basis for study of the effects of three- [11] Table 1 shows an excellent morphological similarity
dimensionality. The benefits of the experimental approach between the field and flume dunes, with the ratios of dune
permit investigation of turbulent flow over low-angle height/flow depth (H/d ) and dune height/dune length (H/L),
dunes to a level of detail and precision that is simply not together with the leeside angles, all being in good agree-
possible in the field. Experiments allow measurement of ment. The H/d and H/L ratios of the experimental dune are
both horizontal and vertical velocities at rapid rates at also well within the range of the symmetric low-angle dunes
many profiles, observations very close to the bed, and documented in the Fraser River by Kostaschuk and Villard
combined flow quantification and flow visualization. [1996].
[10] A total of 32 velocity profiles were measured over a [12] Nondimensional velocity profiles from the Fraser
0.775 m test section in the flume (Figure 2), with between dune and the scale model (Figure 3) provide a useful
26 and 28 points in each vertical profile, thus yielding a grid comparison between field and flume measurements. Veloc-
of 872 points over the test section. Velocity at each point in ity profiles from the field (Figure 1) were measured over the
a profile was measured for 1 min at an average data rate of trough, the midstoss, the crest, and the lower lee side.
200 Hz with a DANTEC two-component fibre-optic laser Corresponding profiles over the experimental dune
Doppler anemometer (LDA). Longer samples of 10 min (Figure 2) were located at X = 180 mm (lower lee), X =
duration were also collected at certain locations for later 270 mm (trough), X = 450 mm (midstoss), and X = 630 mm
spectral analysis. The LDA was used in backscatter mode (crest). Mean horizontal velocity (U ) and the root mean
with a 400 mm focal length lens and 100 mW argon ion square (Urms), or standard deviation, were calculated for
laser. A 40 MHz frequency shift was applied to one beam of each point in the field velocity profile and for the corre-
each beam pair to enable bidirectional measurements of sponding point on the flume profiles. Mean velocity was
velocity along each axis. Signals were processed with a normalized by the average of the maximum near-surface
DANTEC particle dynamics analyzer, with signals being velocities for the four profiles (U s), following procedures
validated when Doppler bursts above a sufficient threshold used for field data by Kostaschuk and Villard [1999]. The
were recorded on both channels. This resulted in a range of root mean square value was normalized by the mean
sampling rates between 120 and 600 Hz, in excess of those velocity (Urms/U ) to provide a measure of turbulence
desirable to ensure full characterization of the turbulence intensity. The vertical position of each point above the dune
spectra [see Nezu and Nakagawa, 1993, p. 30]. The four- surface (Ybed) was normalized by the dune height H.
beam arrangement of the LDA prevented measurement of [13] Profiles of normalized mean velocity and turbulence
vertical velocity at heights <4 mm above the bed, although intensity generally display the same trends between flume
horizontal velocities were measured to within 1 mm. Veloc- and field data (Figure 3), although discrepancies between
ity resolution of the LDA was 0.0027 m s1, and the size of the two data sets do exist. The profiles of downstream

velocity and turbulence intensity are less consistent in the

field compared to the flume, reflecting the shorter relative
sampling frequency, larger sampling volume, and more
complex upstream dune morphology in the field. All of
these factors may be expected to cause greater variability
in profiles of both mean velocity and turbulence intensity
in the field. Additionally, the simplification of dune mor-
phology to a two-dimensional profile in the flume may also
be expected to impart a slightly different shape and range
to the profiles when compared with the three-dimensional
field dunes. Normalized mean velocities near the bed are
generally higher in the flume profiles, and turbulence
intensity is lower, especially over the midstoss and dune
crest. However, agreement between profiles is far better in
the lower lee and trough where the velocity profiles are
more influenced by the local topography. As highlighted
above, the normalized mean velocity profiles in the flume
also display a deceleration toward the flow surface due to
the influence of secondary flows at this low width:depth
ratio. Figure 3 clearly shows that although the flume
experiment was not designed to incorporate the variability
in dune morphology that occurs in the field and does
possess some features caused by secondary flows, it
effectively captures the effect of two-dimensional dune
shape on the mean flow structure, especially over the
crucial lee side region.

3. Turbulent Flow Over the Scale Model

3.1. Mean Velocity, Turbulence Intensity, and Reynolds
[14] The time series of horizontal (u) and vertical (v)
velocity for each sampling point were decomposed into the
first- to third-order moments of the mean (U , V ) root mean
square (Urms, Vrms) and skewness (Uskew, Vskew) using

1X n
U¼ ui ; ð1Þ
n i¼1

1X n
V ¼ vi ; ð2Þ
n i¼1

" #0:5
1X n  2
Urms ¼ ui  U ; ð3Þ
n i¼1

" #0:5
1X n  2
Vrms ¼ vi  V ; ð4Þ
n i¼1

n  3
1X ui  U
Uskew ¼ ; ð5Þ
n i ¼ 1 Urms

Figure 3. Vertical profiles of mean horizontal velocity U n  3

1X vi  V
and turbulence intensity Urms/U for comparable locations Vskew ¼ ; ð6Þ
n i ¼ 1 Vrms
on the field prototype (Figure 1) and flume-scale model
(Figure 2) dunes.
where n is the total number of velocity measurements, ui
and vi are the instantaneous downstream and vertical

Figure 4. Selected profiles of horizontal velocity moments at different locations on the model dune. U
is mean velocity, Urms is the root mean square, and Uskew is the skewness.

velocities, respectively, and u0 = ui  U and v0 = vi  V . The [16] A pronounced zone of negative mean vertical veloc-
time-averaged Reynolds stress for each point in the profile ity V is centered above the lee side, and a larger zone of
tR was determined using positive V occurs above the midstoss (Figures 6 and 7),
both zones reflecting topographic forcing of flow in the
1X n    dune trough region. Mean vertical velocity is close to zero
u0 v0 ¼ ui  U vi  V ð7Þ elsewhere over the dune. Values of root mean square
n i¼1
vertical velocity Vrms are high close to the bed in the lower
lee and trough but are low elsewhere. All profiles show a
tR ¼ ru0 v0 ; ð8Þ general decrease in Vrms above the bed to Ybed = 100– 150
mm, although there is a slight increase above the bed to Ybed
where r is water density. Contour maps of the first three = 10– 20 mm on the midstoss and crest profiles (Figure 6).
moments and Reynolds stress were generated using a Skewness in the vertical velocity distribution (Vskew) is
kriging procedure in the Spyglass2 contouring package. generally negative between the bed and Ybed  6– 8 mm,
Kriging minimizes the variance between interpolated points then positive to Ybed  80 –90 mm, and negative to the flow
and was achieved using a spherical distribution. Vertical surface. The exception is in the lower lee, where Vskew
distance is expressed as height above the bed (Ybed) for follows a similar pattern but is positive close to the bed.
profiles and height above datum (Y ) for contour maps (e.g., [17] Time-averaged Reynolds stress (tR) is positive
Figures 4 and 5). between the bed and Ybed  80 – 90 mm and slightly
[15] The lowest mean velocities U occur close to the bed negative in the upper half of the flow (Figure 8). A zone
on the lower lee side of the dune (Figures 4 and 5). All of high positive tR, centered on the lower lee, extends from
values of U are oriented downstream, and there is no the upper lee to the lower stoss. Profiles of tR in the lower
evidence of permanent flow reversal. Detailed examination lee, trough, and midstoss show a slight increase from near
of the time series in the immediate lee side (X = 165– 195 the bed to Ybed  7 – 10 mm, then a consistent decrease to
mm) showed that intermittent flow reversals do occur, but Ybed  80– 90 mm. Above the crest, tR decreases from the
they are infrequent (<4% of the time series; see below). bed to Ybed  80– 90 mm and then remains constant to the
There is a consistent increase in U with height above the flow surface (Ybed  200 mm).
dune until Ybed = 160 mm, where velocity then decreases [18] These patterns of mean flow and Reynolds stresses
toward the surface, possibly because of the presence of are similar to those documented in past studies of flow over
secondary flows, although the vertical velocities are zero at angle of repose dunes [Nelson et al., 1993, 1995; McLean
the topmost points in the profile (Figures 6 and 7). Profiles et al., 1994, 1996; Bennett and Best, 1995]. Hence,
from the midstoss and crest display a consistent decrease in although permanent flow separation is not present in the
the root mean square of horizontal velocity (Urms) to around lee side of low-angle dunes, their topographic forcing of
Ybed = 100 – 150 mm. In contrast, Urms increases over the flow results in similar gross patterns of flow acceleration,
lower lee and trough to Ybed = 6 – 10 mm and then deceleration, and Reynolds stress production.
decreases to Ybed = 100– 150 mm. The only positive skew-
ness values of horizontal velocity (Uskew) are close to the 3.2. Intermittency in Flow Reversals
bed on the lower lee, trough, and lower stoss, but these [19] Although the mean downstream velocities do not
become negative above Ybed = 7 –8 mm. Skewness becomes show any regions of permanently reversed flow, examina-
more negative to Ybed = 100 – 150 mm and then less tion of the time series for points close to the bed (Ybed = 1 –
negative toward the flow surface. 10 mm) in the lee side shows that intermittent flow

Figure 5. Contour maps of horizontal velocity: (top) mean U (m s1), (middle) root mean square Urms
(m s1), and (bottom) skewness Uskew. Flow is from left to right.

reversals, and thus temporary flow separation, are present. and Johnston, 1980, 1981; Simpson, 1989; Ruck and
Flow reversals are restricted to profiles at X = 165– 195 mm Makiola, 1990]. However, because of the flattened shape
in the lee side, and these time series were examined to of the crest and the low-angle lee side (14) of the dune, it is
determine the intermittency factor c defined as the percent- more realistic to use the height of the lee side face, which is
age of the total at a point time series when the horizontal 12.3 mm, rather than the total dune height to calculate the
flow was directed upstream (u). Reverse flow near the bed dimensionless reattachment distance. Use of this lee side
in the lee side can occur for up to 3.8% of the time series, height produces an Xr /h value of 4.1, a value that is
with flow reversals being most frequent at X = 180 mm comparable with those found in the lee side of 15 angle
(Figure 9). Intermittent flow separation also causes reverse steps [Ruck and Makiola, 1990]. The percentage time of
flows at the profiles upstream and downstream of X = upstream flow in the lee of this low-angle dune is also much
180 mm, and these are used to calculate the approximate lower than that recorded behind (1) steep negative steps,
maximum length of the separation zone, Xr, as 50 mm. which can have reverse flow occurring for between 50 and
Given that the bed form height is 31 mm, this produces a 95% of the time [Eaton and Johnston, 1980; Simpson et al.,
ratio of reattachment length:dune height (Xr /h) of 1.67, 1981], (2) angle of repose dunes, which also may have
which is a value much lower than those of between 5 and reverse flow for between 2 and 95% of the time series,
8 previously recorded in the lee of negative steps [Eaton depending on position within the separation zone [Kadota

Figure 6. Selected profiles of the vertical velocity moments. mean V , root mean square Vrms, and
skewness Vskew.

and Nezu, 1999], or (3) large-amplitude wavy surfaces values (x/Yt = 2 – 80) were also higher than those of the low-
[Buckles et al., 1984], which possess reverse flow near the angle dune bed forms described here. Kline et al. [1959] and
wall in the separation region for between 5 and 79% of the Johnston [1998] also show the angle of bed divergence
time. The few field measurements of intermittent reverse required to generate separation was higher at lower x/d
flow in the lee side of dunes also show periods of reversal ratios. Singh and Azad [1995c] also showed that the occur-
from 0 to 48% of the time series [Soulsby et al., 1991; rence of intermittent flow separation decreases slightly with
Roden, 1998]. Roden [1998] documented flow reversal for increasing flow Reynolds number (in the range of 50 –250 
up to 48% of the time in the lee side of angle of repose 103) in low-angle diffusers, and it is worthy of consideration
dunes but found no evidence for flow reversal in the lee side that flow separation over low-angle dunes may also display
of low-angle dunes, although her study was unable to some Reynolds number dependence. Dengel and Fernholtz
resolve flow very close to the bed. [1990] detailed the characteristics of flow over a flat boun-
[20] Although the results shown here are different from dary in the region of incipient separation. Their data (see
studies of flow over high-angle steps and angle of repose bed Figure 9) also show the presence of a region of low-
forms, the intermittency characteristics of low-angle dunes frequency reversals in the zone of incipient separation and
are similar to the flow patterns documented in low-angle an intermittency profile similar to that documented herein,
diffusers [Kline et al., 1959; Azad and Kassab, 1989; Singh especially for the distance nearest to the separation point (x =
and Azad, 1995a, 1995b, 1995c, 1995d; Azad, 1996; John- 1.031 m). Simpson et al. [1981] and Simpson [1989] classi-
ston, 1998]. Experimental studies of conical, low-angle fied the permanence of flow separation into several classes:
diffusers where the angle of bed divergence is 4 [e.g., incipient detachment, where backflow occurs up to 1% of the
Azad, 1996; Singh and Azad, 1995a, 1995b, 1995c, 1995d] time; intermittent transitory detachment, where backflow
show that intermittent flow separation can occur up to a occurs up to 20% of the time; and transitory detachment,
dimensionless depth (Ybed/Yt, where Yt is the flow depth which has reverse flow for up to 50% of the time. Permanent
before the diffuser expansion) of 0.3 (Figure 9). Although flow separation was defined as where the time-averaged wall
showing a similar shape of intermittency profile to that shear stress was zero. Application of this classification to the
documented in the present study, differences in the magni- present data would place flow over low-angle dunes in the
tude and form of the two data sets may be expected for two regime of intermittent transitory detachment.
principal reasons: (1) the diffuser data shown in Figure 9 are [21] Measurement of the length of time of reversals, t, in
at a dimensionless distance downstream of the separation the time series shows that the maximum period of reverse
point (the point of bed divergence), x/Yt of 3 – 5  11 flow (at X = 180 mm, Ybed = 1 mm) is only 0.3 s1. This
(where x is the distance downstream from point of the bed produces a dimensionless maximum time of reversal, Xr /tU
divergence), whereas the intermittent separation data in the [see Driver et al., 1987; Simpson, 1989], of 0.08, again
present study are at a maximum x/Yt of 0.225, appreciably shorter than those periods of Xr /tU  0.6 derived behind
closer to be point of bed divergence. (2) The data for low- steep negative steps. Flow reversals in the lee side of this
angle diffusers concern flow in a constant angle expansion, low-angle dune thus occur infrequently and last for a short
whereas over a dune field the lee side flow is rapidly period. However, intermittent flow reversal in this region,
influenced by the topographic form and flow acceleration together with flow deceleration in the lee side, may both
over the next downstream dune. Kline et al. [1959] demon- produce velocity gradients that are favorable for the for-
strated that flow in two-dimensional diffusers developed less mation of intermittent shear layers that generate Kelvin-
frequent separation at lower values of x/Yt, although their x/Yt Helmholtz instabilities.

Figure 7. Contour maps of vertical velocity: (top) mean V (m s1), (middle) root mean square Vrms
(m s1), and (bottom) skewness Vskew. Flow is from left to right.

3.3. Spectral Analysis flow deceleration at 120 mm (Figure 10d), the signal is
[22] The periodicity of turbulence at four points in the dominated by peaks only at 0.26 and 0.54 Hz, with the
vertical profile at X = 180 mm was examined by spectral higher-frequency peaks being absent. Simpson (1989)
analysis of samples collected for 600 s at Ybed = 1, 4, 50, shows that the frequency f of eddy shedding from a free-
and 120 mm. The signals were detrended using linear shear layer bounding a separation zone in the lee of a
regression and analyzed using a Lomb-Scargle routine for negative step can be estimated from
unevenly spaced data [Scargle, 1982; Press and Rybicki, 
1989] and filtered with a Tukey-Hann window. The four f Xr U  0:6  0:8: ð9Þ
spectra (Figures 10a– 10d) show that the signal is largely
dominated by frequencies <1 Hz. Near the bed (Ybed = 1 and
Additionally, Simpson [1989] proposed that the shear layer
4 mm; Figures 10a and 10b), significant peaks are grouped
may vary in its reattachment position and this ‘‘flapping’’ of
around 0.15 –0.2, 0.33– 0.6, and 1.5– 2.7 Hz, with the 0.15
the shear layer could be approximated from
and 0.5 Hz groups being more dominant at 50 mm above
the bed (Figure 10c), although significant peaks are still 
present at 1 – 2.7 Hz. However, once above the region of f Xr U < 0:1: ð10Þ

Figure 8. Selected profiles and contour map of mean Reynolds stress tR. Flow is from left to right.

Application of (9) and (10) to the present data (using Xr = magnitude and frequency may be expected between this
50 mm) yields eddy-shedding frequencies of 2.5– 3.4 Hz and region of gentle flow expansion and the permanently
a shear layer flapping frequency of 0.42 Hz. The groups of separated flow behind vertical negative steps, the corre-
significant spectral peaks at 0.4– 0.55 Hz at all heights spondence of the flapping frequency may again indicate the
(Figures 10a– 10d) match well with the lower-frequency intermittent nature of flow reversal in this region. The
flapping frequency, and it is noticeable that higher in the spectral peaks at 0.15 Hz may also reflect this longer-period
flow the signal is dominated only by these lower frequencies. movement in the region of intermittent flow separation.
Several peaks in the spectral response are also present at [23] Itakura and Kishi [1980] used a series of flow
1 – 2.5 Hz at heights up to 50 mm, and these fall just below visualization measurements over experimental dunes to
the range for eddy shedding given by (9). However, given propose an empirical relationship for the frequency of
the uncertainties in estimating the exact reattachment length large-scale turbulence generation:
in (9), this group would seem to correlate well with the eddy- 
shedding frequency. Although differences in eddy-shedding f ¼ 0:14 U H: ð11Þ

structure and its interaction with sediment transport [e.g.,

McLean et al., 1994]. Each observation in a time series is
identified as quadrant 1 (outward interaction; +u0, +v0),
quadrant 2 (ejection; u0, +v0), quadrant 3 (inward inter-
action; u0, v0), or quadrant 4 (sweep; +u0, v0) and the
results used to determine the percentage of each time series
occupied by each quadrant. Each velocity pair may be
investigated either through examination of the entire signal
or only those events that lie above a certain threshold value
(Ho or hole size) defined as

Ho ¼ ju0 v0 j=½ðUrms ÞðVrms Þ

: ð13Þ

In this study, events above a hole size of 2 were used,

consistent with past work [e.g., Bennett and Best, 1995,
[25] The percentages of quadrant 1 (Q1) and quadrant 3
(Q3) events generally increase above the bed, with the
Figure 9. Plot of intermittency factor c against dimen- highest percentages occurring at Ybed  150 – 200 mm and
sionless height above the bed (Ybed/Yt, where Ybed is height then decreasing toward the surface (Figure 11). In contrast,
above the bed and Yt is the flow depth upstream of the the percentages of quadrant 2 (Q2) and quadrant 4 (Q4)
diffuser or at the dune crest) for profiles in the immediate events are highest near the bed and decrease toward the
dune lee side (X = 165 – 195 mm). Here c is defined as the surface (Figure 11). A broad region of high Q2 occurrence
percentage of the time that flow at a point undergoes (Ybed = 20 –75 mm) extends along the dune surface from
reverse (upstream) horizontal flow. Upstream flow was crest to crest, although the percentage occurrence is highest
only present near the bed for profiles at X = 165, 180, and over the dune trough and lee side. The Q2 plot shows two
195 mm. Also shown here are the plots of c given by zones of slightly higher percentage occurrence (5%) near
Dengel and Fernholtz [1990] (DF) for flow at three the lower lee (X = 175 mm, Ybed = 20– 25 mm) and 20– 25
distances along a flat plate in the region of transitory mm above this lower region (X = 200 mm, Ybed = 40– 70
detachment and Singh and Azad [1995a, 1995d] (SA) for mm), although the pattern is rather patchy.
flow in a conical diffuser (at 0.236 and 0.557 m [26] Pliolite flow visualizations showed that flow paths
downstream of the diffuser entrance). in the lower 20% of the flow generally followed the
topography of the dune surface and in the upper 80%
were essentially horizontal. The most irregular flow paths
Application of this relationship to the present data produces
occur close to the bed in the lower lee and trough regions
a dominant frequency of 0.95 Hz, which is similar to the
of the dune (Figure 12), where Q2 and Q4 events domi-
group of significant peaks at 1 – 1.5 Hz (Figures 10a– 10c)
nate. Particle paths near the dune surface are also often
and may represent the presence of eddies generated from the
toward the bed (Q4 events, Figure 11) and display infre-
intermittent shear layer. Levi [1983, 1991] has also argued
quent flow reversals in the lee side. Some particles were
that the Strouhal law may be used to express the frequency
also observed rising at high angles over the trough and
of eddy shedding in a restrained fluid body where the
being ejected toward the flow surface (Figure 12; Q2
Strouhal number S is given by
events, Figure 11).

S ¼ fd U  0:16: ð12Þ
3.5. Turbulence Production and Correlation
Solving (12) for f produces an estimated frequency of
0.17 Hz, similar to the low-frequency peak detected both [27] The production of turbulence P is dominated by
near the bed and higher in the flow (Figures 10a– 10c) but vertical shear over two-dimensional dunes [Nelson et al.,
noticeably lower than that yielded by the Itakura and Kishi 1993] and can be estimated from
relationship. Levi [1983, 1991] also noted that this
relationship produced similar values to the bursting @U
P ¼ u 0 v 0 ð14Þ
frequency adopted earlier by Rao et al. [1971] and Jackson @Y
and is plotted in Figure 13a. Figure 13a confirms the patterns
3.4. Quadrant Analysis shown by the turbulence intensity and Reynolds stress -
[24] Quadrant analysis [Lu and Willmarth, 1973; Will- plots (Figures 5, 7, and 8) in that turbulence production is
marth and Lu, 1974; Bogard and Tiederman, 1986; Luchik concentrated in the immediate lee side and region of
and Tiederman, 1987; McLean et al., 1994; Best, 1996] has intermittent flow separation. This further illustrates that this
proven to be a useful technique for defining turbulent events region of flow deceleration and intermittent flow reversal
from velocity data [e.g., Luchik and Tiederman, 1987; dominates the production of turbulence over low-angle
Nelson et al., 1995; Bennett and Best, 1995, 1996] and dunes, with the rest of the dune form and flow field being
for investigating the nature of the instantaneous flow uniform in the generation of turbulence.

Figure 10. (a) – (d) Spectral plots of amplitude versus frequency for 600 s time series collected at X =
180 mm for points at Ybed = 1, 4, 50, and 150 mm. (e) Spectral plot of amplitude versus frequency for 60 s
time series at X = 150 mm, Ybed = 1 mm, and data rate = 328 Hz. The data rates in Figures 10a– 10e were
194, 109, 115, 141, and 328 Hz, respectively. The significance limits are shown as lines for the 90, 99,
and 99.9% significance levels.

Figure 11. Contour maps of percentage of time occupied by quadrants: Q1 (outward interactions), Q2
(ejections), Q3 (inward interactions), and Q4 (sweeps). A hole size, Ho (equation (13)), of >2 is shown.
Flow is from left to right.

Figure 12. Pliolite flow visualization of the lower lee and trough. Flow is from left to right.

[28] The boundary layer correlation coefficient R is given turbulent flow are controlled by bed friction and dune
by topography, which primarily influence the lower half of
u0 v0
the flow. The decreasing influence of bed friction with
R¼ h i0:5 ð15Þ height above the bed is most evident over the upper stoss,
ðu0 Þ2 ðv0 Þ2 crest, and upper lee side, resulting in an increase in
horizontal velocity and a decrease in turbulence intensity
and is typically around 0.4 over most flat bed boundary of both horizontal and vertical velocities. Topographic
layers [Hinze, 1975; Nelson et al., 1993]. Figure 13b forcing of flow exerts the strongest control on flow and
shows that the value of R reaches 0.3 – 0.5 near the bed generates a zone of low horizontal velocities centered on the
over much of the lee and stoss sides of the low-angle dune, lower lee side. This region of decelerated flow undergoes
but R is lower in the upper flow. This distribution is similar intermittent flow reversal near the bed in a small region in
to that expected in flat bed boundary layers and is different the immediate lee side as a result of weak and infrequent
from that documented in the lee side of angle of repose flow separation. Such intermittent flow reversals and decel-
dunes by Nelson et al. [1993], who attributed low eration of flow in the lee side will generate a vertical
correlation coefficients in the near-bed lee side region to gradient in the horizontal velocity and possible formation
unsteadiness due to flow separation. It is noticeable that the of a shear layer between this decelerated flow and the
values of R over the low-angle dune are far more uniform higher-velocity flow above. Mixing and formation of Kel-
and near to values expected in a boundary layer developed vin-Helmholtz instabilities along this shear layer result in
over a flat bed, thus again reflecting the far more highly variable horizontal and vertical flow velocities and
intermittent nature of flow separation than that associated large Reynolds stresses in this region. The shear layer also
with angle of repose dunes. However, lower values of R determines the type of turbulent events that predominate
are present higher in the flow over the stoss side, especially over the dune, with a higher percentage of Q2 events
toward the crest, and may indicate interaction of the occurring along and above the shear layer and more Q4
boundary layer with wake-like turbulence generated from events occurring below it (similar to that associated with the
the intermittent shear layer. shear layer of angle of repose asymmetrical dunes [Bennett
and Best, 1995]). Dune topography also exerts a broad
control on the direction of the vertical component of flow,
4. Discussion producing a zone of positive mean vertical velocity over the
[29] LDA measurements and flow visualization over the stoss side and a region of negative mean vertical velocity
scaled Fraser dunes indicate that the principal features of over the lee side. These broad observations can be examined

Figure 13. Contour maps of (top) turbulence production P and (bottom) correlation coefficient R. Flow
is from left to right.

against previous studies of both low-angle dunes and dunes permanent flow separation does not occur over dunes with
that are clearly asymmetric in profile with steeper lee side low lee side angles <14 but is replaced by a region of
angles. intermittent flow reversal. Flow separation does occur over
steeper slopes on the lower lee side, although field evidence
4.1. Comparison With Previous Studies [Kostaschuk and Villard, 1996] indicates that no permanent
4.1.1. Low-angle dunes separation occurs at lee side angles up to 18. The occurrence
[30] Perhaps the most noticable aspect of turbulent flow of intermittent flow separation will thus increase at larger lee
over low-angle dunes that have been recorded in the field, side angles [Carling et al., 2000b] until permanent flow
and which are more symmetric in profile than those separation is present at lee side angles of >18.
employed in many models of dune dynamics, is the [31] Field studies of turbulent flow over low-angle
apparent lack of permanent flow separation in the lee dunes comparable to the present scale model are those
side [e.g., Smith and McLean, 1977; Kostaschuk and of McLean and Smith [1979] from the Columbia River,
Villard, 1996; Roden, 1998; Carling et al., 2000a, Roden [1998] from the Jamuna River, Kostaschuk and
2000b]. Accurate positioning of instruments is always Villard [1999] from the Fraser River, and Carling et al.
difficult in deep rivers, especially over the relatively [2000a, 2000b] from the Rhine River. The spatial varia-
small zone in the lee where flow separation is likely to tions in Reynolds stress described by McLean and Smith
occur. For instance, the present flume experiments indicate [1979, Figure 11] are virtually identical to those of the
that the region of intermittent flow reversal would only be present scale model (Figure 8), especially over the lee and
a maximum of 3 m long and 0.6 m high over the field trough. Roden’s [1998] profiles of horizontal and vertical
prototype dunes, a small region in which to obtain velocity and Reynolds stress over the lee sides of two
accurate flow information from a moving or anchored dunes [Roden, 1998, Figures 5.43 – 5.45] are also very
boat. In addition, field instrumentation may not be able similar to those of the scale model (Figures 4, 6, and 8),
to resolve the duration, magnitude, or direction of although the acoustic Doppler profiler (ADCP) that she
intermittent flow reversals close to the bed [Roden, used was unable to resolve flow close to the bed (Y <
1998]. The scale model approach used herein eliminates 0.5 m). Carling et al. [2000a, 2000b] also found that flow
these uncertainties and confirms the field observation that separation is weak or intermittent in the lee side of low-

angle dunes but becomes more consistent over steeper low-angle dunes, however, have similar zones of positive
angle lee sides. mean vertical velocity over the stoss and negative mean
[32] Kostaschuk and Villard [1999] combined velocity vertical velocity over the lee. The highest turbulence inten-
measurements from individual dunes in the Fraser River sities are centered on the lower lee of the low-angle dune
(e.g., Figure 1) to generate contour maps of nondimensional but are often at the reattachment point of the flow separation
mean horizontal velocity and turbulence intensity that can zone of the asymmetric dune. High values of turbulence
be compared to the scale model maps (Figure 5). Their intensity of the vertical velocity occupy a large area above
maps show a zone of decelerated horizontal flow with high the separation zone on the asymmetric dune, as compared to
turbulence intensity in the trough area that is also found a much smaller region close to the bed on the lower lee of
over the scale model. A prominent feature on the maps of the low-angle dune. Positive skewness in the horizontal
Kostaschuk and Villard [1999] was a zone of low horizontal component of velocity is also restricted to a small zone in
velocity and high turbulence intensity above and down- the lee and trough of the asymmetric dune but extends well
stream of the dune crest. Kostaschuk and Villard [1999] above the lower lee of the low-angle dune. The region of
interpreted this zone as the time-averaged region of upwell- positive skewness in the vertical component of velocity
ing turbulent flow structures [Kostaschuk and Church, occupies a broad zone extending downstream of the crest of
1993], or ejections, generated over the dune. However, the the asymmetric dune, as compared to a thin region close to
scale model maps of mean horizontal velocity and turbu- the bed in the trough of the low-angle dune. High Reynolds
lence intensity (Figure 5) do not indicate a similar zone, stresses occur above the separation zone of the asymmetric
although the map of Q2 events (Figure 11) does show a dune but are close to the lower lee of the low-angle dune.
relatively high percentage of ejection events in a similar The percentages of Q1 and Q3 events display similar
position. This pattern may not be as clearly represented in patterns over asymmetric and low-angle dunes. The highest
the scale-model study because of the two-dimensional percentages of Q2 events over the asymmetric dune occupy
dunes modeled in the flume, which may limit the ejection a distinct single zone that extends downstream of the crest
of intense vorticity generated in three-dimensional dune above the separation zone and corresponds to the location of
troughs. the free shear layer. A similar but less well-developed zone
4.1.2. Angle of repose asymmetric dunes also occurs over the low-angle dune, where a region of high
[33] Many investigations of asymmetric dunes [e.g., Q2 occurrence extends from the lower lee downstream
Bennett and Best, 1995; McLean et al., 1994, 1996; above the trough. The highest Q4 percentages on the
Nelson et al., 1993] are based on flume-generated dune asymmetric dune are along the lee and in the trough,
profiles or idealized dune shapes rather than scale models of compared to the lower lee and trough of the low-angle
asymmetric dunes derived from the field. Lee side angles of dune. The production of turbulence is concentrated in the
these asymmetric dunes are around 25– 30, much steeper immediate lee side (Figure 13) and associated with the
than the 14 lower lee slope of the Fraser scale model dunes, region of expanded, decelerated, and intermittently separa-
and with crest lines that have a much sharper break of slope. ted flow. Flume studies over angle of repose dunes [Nelson
In comparison to the dunes of the present study (Table 1), et al., 1993] have also found turbulence production at a
past experimental studies of fixed asymmetric dunes [e.g., maximum along the separation zone shear layer, but above
Bennett and Best, 1995] have a greater dune steepness these dunes this layer expands farther into the outer flow.
(height/length >0.06) and higher mean horizontal flow
velocities (>0.5 m s1) and mean Froude numbers (>0.5). 4.2. Generation of Macroturbulence Over Low-Angle
The only detailed field measurements of turbulent flow over Dunes
asymmetric dunes are those of Roden [1998] in the Jamuna [35] Although there are differences in turbulent flow
River, Kostaschuk [2000] in Canoe Pass, a distributary of patterns over angle of repose asymmetric dunes and low-
the Fraser River, and Carling et al. [2000b] in the Rhine angle dunes, which can be explained by dune morphology
River. Dunes in the Jamuna River were up to 6 m in height and which may influence the processes of sediment trans-
and 300 m in length, somewhat larger than low-angle dunes port and deposition [Smith and McLean, 1977; Kostaschuk
from the Fraser River [Kostaschuk et al., 1989], whereas the and Villard, 1996], it is evident that there are many
angle of repose dunes detailed by Kostaschuk [2000] were similarities between flows over these two forms. Addition-
up to 2.92 m high and 51 m in wavelength and had ally, it is clear that large-scale macroturbulence can be
maximum lee side angles of 37. Dunes in the Rhine generated over both asymmetrical angle of repose dunes
River were up to 1.1 m high and 77 m in wavelength [e.g., Nelson et al., 1993; Bennett and Best, 1995, 1996] and
with lee side angles of up to 19 [Carling et al., 2000a]. low-angle dunes [Kostaschuk and Church, 1993; Kosta-
[ 34 ] The most obvious difference in flow patterns schuk and Villard, 1999; Carling et al., 2000b]. The
between the fixed low-angle dune (Figures 5, 7, 8, and 9) generation of large-scale turbulence over angle of repose
and the asymmetric angle of repose dunes documented in dunes has been linked to the shedding of Kelvin-Helmholtz
many laboratory experiments [e.g., Nelson et al., 1993; instabilities generated along the free shear layer of the flow
McLean et al., 1994, 1996; Bennett and Best, 1995] and separation zone [e.g., Bennett and Best, 1995; Kadota and
field studies [Roden, 1998; Kostaschuk, 2000] is the Nezu, 1999]. This process may both generate large instanta-
upstream mean horizontal velocity in the lee and trough neous shear stresses in the reattachment region and lead to
of asymmetric forms. Permanent flow reversal in the lee the suspension of appreciable quantities of suspended sedi-
side of the angle of repose asymmetric dune causes a small ment in macroturbulent eddies that may reach the flow
zone of positive mean vertical velocity near the lee side that surface as ‘‘boils’’ [e.g., Jackson, 1976; Kostaschuk and
does not exist over low-angle dunes. Both asymmetric and Church, 1993; Babakaiff and Hickin, 1996].

[36] However, in the absence of permanent flow separa- modulated by the vortices and flow pattern imposed from
tion over low-angle dunes, what processes can generate upstream. This may produce a more complex spectral
such large-scale turbulence? Two interlinked processes response for vortex generation than is yielded by simple
appear likely. First, although permanent flow separation scaling laws and suggests that future work should seek to
does not occur in the lee side of low-angle dunes, the examine the spatiotemporal evolution of vorticity over
present flume study has demonstrated the presence of a series of bed forms.
small region of intermittent flow separation and flow [37] Flow over an angle of repose asymmetric dune
reversal. This small zone, which leads to reverse flow for results in an extensive separation zone with a large velocity
<4% of the time in the immediate lee side near the bed, may differential across the shear layer. The sharp crest of the
generate a shear layer linked to short-lived flow separation. asymmetric dune produces a broad wake region with an
This process is thus identical to that observed over angle of upward tilting shear layer that extends downstream of the
repose dunes, except that eddy generation will occur over a crest [Nelson et al., 1993; Bennett and Best, 1995]. In
far shorter time period and also have a lower magnitude contrast, the shear layers above the small zone of decel-
because of the smaller size of the flow separation zone. erated flow on the lower lee, and downstream of the
Second, it is apparent from many other studies that shear rounded crest, of low-angle dunes have a much smaller
layer development may occur in regions of sharp velocity velocity differential and are weakly developed. Since a
gradient but in the absence of flow separation. For example, larger velocity differential and better developed shear layers
such shear layers commonly occur at channel confluences result in more energetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities
where large-scale turbulence is generated along the interface [Bennett and Best, 1995], dune morphology thus controls
between mixing flows [e.g., Best, 1987; Best and Roy, the location of the shear layers and therefore the spatial
1991]. Generation of shear layers and large-scale turbulence patterns of turbulent flow over the dunes.
simply require a sufficient velocity gradient between two
layers of fluid, a case examined in detail in many studies of 5. Conclusions
plane mixing layers [e.g., Browand and Weidman, 1976;
Hussain and Zaman, 1985]. The present scale model experi- [38] Many models of alluvial dunes assume such bed
ments, together with past field studies, demonstrate that the forms are asymmetrical with an angle of repose lee side in
lee side of low-angle dunes is a zone of marked flow excess of 30 and a zone of permanent flow separation.
expansion and deceleration (Figures 5 and 7) that may lead However, most dunes in large sand bed rivers possess more
to velocity gradients capable of generating temporary shear symmetrical profiles, lower lee side angles, and flow
layers. Although exact quantification of the scale and separation that is either intermittent or absent. The present
periodicity of this process awaits full flow field quantifica- study provides a link between flume studies of asymmetric
tion, it is likely that flow deceleration, aided by temporally dunes and field studies of low-angle dunes by examining
varying local velocity gradients generated by the flow field turbulent flow over a fixed scale model of a low-angle dune
from upstream dunes, may cause local shear layer develop- from the Fraser River, Canada. The principal conclusions of
ment and instability. Research detailing pulsating flow over the present study are as follows.
a negative step [Mullin et al., 1980] has demonstrated that 1. Dune morphology exerts a strong control on turbulent
the stability of the separation zone is strongly perturbed by flow, causing flow deceleration in the lower lee and
fluctuations in the upstream free stream velocity. Mullin development of an intermittent layer of shear at the interface
et al. [1980] state that the stability of the separation zone with the higher velocity flow above. Turbulent eddies
may depend on the frequency of pulsation, fp, as expressed generated along this shear layer produce highly variable
through the dimensionless parameter F, where horizontal and vertical velocity flow and large Reynolds
 stresses in this region. The development of Q2 events
F ¼ fp H U : ð16Þ (ejections), and an associated positive skewness in horizon-
tal velocity, is enhanced along and above the shear layer.
When F < 0.07, the separation vortex is unstable and sheds, Below the shear layer, there is a predominance of Q4 events
whereas when F > 0.07 the separation zone is stable but and a negative skewness in horizontal velocity. Topographic
smaller than for steady flow [Mullin et al., 1980]. Pulsation forcing generates regions of positive and negative mean
in the flow over a dune may come from many sources, vertical velocity over the stoss and lee sides, respectively.
including long-periodicity fluctuations [e.g., Barua and 2. The scale model confirms that permanent flow
Rahmann, 1998] or vortices generated by upstream dunes. separation does not occur over low-angle dunes but instead
The frequencies detected close to the bed at the profile is replaced by a region of intermittent flow reversal. Shear
immediately upstream from the zone of flow reversal on the layers generated above the small zone of decelerated and/or
low-angle dune (X = 150 mm; Figure 10e) have a strong separated flow on the lower lee have a much smaller
component at 0.36 Hz (Figure 10e). If this periodicity velocity differential than is characteristic of shear layers
were to cause pulsation in flow at the downstream generated along the separation zone of asymmetric dunes.
separation point, then F  0.053 if the dune height is However, it is important to note that although permanent
taken as 31 mm or F  0.02 if the lee side height of 12.3 mm flow separation is often assumed as a prerequisite for the
were adopted (see discussion of the intermittency of flow generation of large turbulent structures associated with
separation above). Although there are many uncertainties in dunes that suspend sand [e.g., Nezu and Nakagawa, 1993],
both the frequency and magnitude of such vortices at the these macroturbulent structures also commonly occur over
bed, this estimate of F indicates that the very process of low-angle dunes without permanent flow separation [Kos-
vortex generation and separation zone stability may be taschuk and Church, 1993; Kostaschuk and Villard, 1999].

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mittent separation and the high shear gradients that may be view and implications, Phy. Fluids A, 1, 564 – 573, 1989.
Babakaiff, C. S., and E. J. Hickin, Coherent flow structures in Squamish
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work should therefore quantify the magnitude of the Open Channels, edited by P. J. Ashworth et al., pp. 321 – 342, John
velocity gradient in the lee side and ascertain whether this, Wiley, New York, 1996.
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rather than the presence of permanent flow separation per in large alluvial rivers, J. Hydraul. Res., 36, 235 – 252, 1998.
se, is important in generating dune-related macroturbulence. Bennett, S. J., and J. L. Best, Mean flow and turbulence structure over
[39] Although the present study has clarified several fixed, two-dimensional dunes: Implications for sediment transport and
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