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Dig Into the Dictionary! me letters that oppear on the edges of the pages of some dictionaries help you skim the whole dictionary quickly to see where you are In the alphabet. Just look for the first letter of the word you want to find, ap: pre-ci- ate (uhpree-shee-ate) verb 1.To enjoy or value something of somebody. > adjective appreciative > adver appreciatively 2. To understand something, foppreciate your point of view. 3. To increase In worth, The value of this stamp has appreciated since I bought i for my collection > verb apprecioting, appreciated > noun appreciation ‘au* thor? Is ty (uhthoruttee) noun 1. The right to do something oF fo tell other people what to do. The defectives have authiority fo search the house. 2. A group of people with power in a certain area, The Transportation Authority fs adding new bus rouros, 3. Somecne who knows-a lot about a particular subject, Jod is an authority on ‘computers, noun, plural authoritie: ausfo* mat *ic (awtuh-mat-ik) adjective 1, An automatic machine can perform its functions without anyone operating It 2, An automatic action happens without your thinking about it > adver) automatically boundary (boun-duh-tee) naun The line, fence, etc., thal separates one ated from ‘another. noun, piurat boundaries broadest (brawd-kast) 1. verb To sand out c program on television orradio. > broadcasting, broadcasted > noun broadcaster, broadcasting 2. noun A television of radio program campaign (kam-payn) noun A serlos of ‘actions organized over a period of time in order fo achieve oF win something, as in on election campaign. > verb campaign ceanse (eeess) verb Io stop. > ceasing, ceased cerse+mo “ny (serut-mof-nes) noun Formal actions, words, and often music performed fo. mark an important occasion, as in a wedding, coremony. > noun, plural ceremonies D> adjective ceremonial [> adverts ceremonially lr cum stance (sur-kuhm-stanss) noun The ¢ireumstances of an event are the facts of conditions that are connected fo tt. Laura fook her exam under very difficult cireumstances, collapse (kuh-laps) ver 1. To fall down suddenly trom weakness of illness. The apartment building collapsed after the earthquake. The dancer collapsed after the periormonce. 2. To fail suddenly and completely. The bank collapsed because of he president's actions. D vert collapsing, collapsed > noun collapse Use one of the 10 words defined above to answer this riddle. Something that can happen to 4 person, o building, ot a plan. Hint; The answer is a verb. Word Group Two This Auto Be Great A prefix is a letter or letters added to the beginning of a word. The prefix auto means “self.” Read the sentences below, and Finish the wards that begin with aute=, inocu | Wea re Jehn Hanceck is famous for his auto —_ _________ L] on the Declaration of Independence. ees The book Michelle Kwan: My special exert: isan auto — —— —— — — — because Michelle Kwan wrote it about herself. (A Porsche is an auto | ees engine thet mates it go fast, Answer this riddle by putting the xed letters in order an the lines below. 5 S The more you take m Adding a prefix to.a word sometimes changes its meaning as well as its part of speech. List the newly created wards in the left column. Then check what part af speech each one is, i ? Circling Around Aword raotis a part of a word, It contains the core meaning of the word, but it cannot stand alone. The Latin root eire means “around,” Complete the circle by filling in the wards that go with each clue, Choose from the-words in the box circle cireulate: ‘circumference circuit circulation —_ circumstance 1. the distance around your head 2. fo move in a circle 3. the conaiiion around an event 4. the path that an electric current flows around 5. @ round shape 6. the movement of blood through the body Word Group Two A Pyramid to Appreciate Fill in the word pyramid with different forms: of the word appreciate. appreciate Active Tense Past Tense Maya and Maria can't agree en anything. Everyt a, thi other says the opposite. Use the wards from the box te finish their sentences. some cases, you may ni change the word's tense appreciate cease broadcast collapse My goldfish has My goldfish continues to live despite Its dirty fishbowl to live because of its dirty fishbowl, After a long run, | want to stay active ‘and energized. Affero long run, | want to from exhaustion. 1__itwhen despise it when the teacher tries the teacher tries to help me when |'m 19 help me when I'm stuck on stuck on a problem, a preblem, & Mord Group Two Invention Appreciation A suffix is a letter or letters added to the end of a word, The suffixes =ion and ~ation mean “act or process." Add one-af those suffixes to each of thase words to create a new word. Hint: You may have to drap a final e or change some spellings to do 80. Then complete the sentences below. Write your own sentences using each of the new words. Word Group Two Count ’Em Up 2, 4, 6, 8, what do we appreciate? 3,2, 1, let's gol Words that get our point across Here's a word you want to know. Let's celebrate! To get people to agree, or vate for you, See ‘campaign's the thing you have to do. it we want fo say “a line,” 10, 100, 1,000 more! what's ¢ word that we might use? Mt you ron this many laps Boundary is a word to choose. chances are you would callapse! 10, 20, 30, 40 1,2,3,4, stop itl Who's the person in authority? can't fake any more! Whoever is the one in charge End it, cut it out, please. (usually for @ job that’s large). The word I'm leoking for is cease! Word Group Two Read each rhyme. Write your own sentences using each highlighted word. capper te ses boundary authority campaign collapse Make up your own thyme or cheer with one of the words on the dictionary page (page 52), using these numbers. ER rg leek Word Group Two A Picture Says a Se Thousand Words [ sicascas aren Weche nad a : campaign collapse Use the words ftom the box to create captions for each photograph a Word Group Two = eer re Two Peas in a Pod The words in the box are synenyms for the highlighted words in the sentences Write the correct synonym, or ward with o similar meaning, on each line. Makes a3 appreciate broadcast collapse boundary ceremony Sally Sally’s Mom 1 al the nice things | value all the nice things you do for me. you do forme, The fence isc border between our The fence isa house and the road. between our house and the road It you sit on the table, it will It you sit on the table, it will break. The wedding ritual was beautiful. The wedding -was beautiful. The president's speech was The president's speech was announced live live from from the Oval Office. the Oval Office. ‘Ward Group Two Riddle Me Thiis. 0:0»: omsne vos te hguie ou each ot the ease appreciate broadcast cease circumstance authority campaign ceremony _— collapse fact or condition that Is connected to an event @ person who knows a lot about a specific subject to stop l Politicians do this ____ OC = = wedding is an example of one __ oO

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