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Sandringham Foreshore Association (SFA)

A NOT-FOR-PROFIT charity organisation
ABN: 42947116512

Dear members, friends and supporters of the SFA

We hope you have enjoyed our Sandringham beach with the beautiful fine weather we have
been blessed with over the last few days. As predicted, the sand on our beach is now
moving to the northern beaches with prevailing strong south-westerly winds. You will
notice the sandy beaches north of the groynes, including the newly constructed groyne at
Southey St beach, are narrowing and they will continue to narrow, peaking in March, as
witnessed in previous years. This will contribute to further cliff erosion due to wave action
especially during storms. Due to new renourishment of 20,000 cubic metres of sand north of
the groyne last year by DSE, we may not witness the same level of erosion as we did the
previous years, but the problem will recur every year and will become a long term issue for
us that will need an adequate long term solution. Again, the SFA have written to our
Minister of Environment expressing concerns with the management of our beach.

Just to update you on issues relating to our local beach:

• SFA not-for-profit charitable organisation
The SFA is now registered with the Australian Government and Taxation office as an
official not-for-profit charitable organisation. This means we can apply for grants for
projects that will benefit our beach. We welcome any ideas. To be a free member of
SFA click onto this link:
• Monthly meetings on the first Thursday of every month
We will now hold regular casual monthly meetings on the first Thursday of every
month. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 4th 8 am at Limoncello’s
café on Station St Sandringham (opposite the train station). You are all welcome to
join the meeting.
• Meeting with the Hon Andrew Robb AO, MP
Our local Federal Member of Parliament, the Hon Andrew Robb AO, MP has written
to local community organisations including SFA offering support and we are keen to
invite Andrew to one of meetings in the near future.
• Meeting with the Bayside City Council Mayor and CEO
The SFA is meeting with the Bayside City Council Mayor and CEO in March to
demonstrate our concerns of the beach first hand. The SFA has valued our meetings
and positive communication with Council and for their on-going support.
• Local MP Murray Thompson and Clean Up Australia day event on Sunday 7th
March 10.30am
We are also blessed to have the on-going support of our local MP Murray Thompson,
who has a natural interest in our local foreshore. Once again, Murray is holding a
Clean Up Australia day event on Sunday 7th March 10.30am 2010 in front of the
Rotunda on Beach Rd at Sandringham beach. We would appreciate if you can show
your support and attend this worthwhile and important event. Bring: Sturdy Shoes, A
Hat and Sunscreen. Gloves if you have them.
• Sandringham Lions Club Art competition
This year the SFA has sponsored the Sandringham Lions Club Art competition with
cash prizes valued at $200 for 1st prize and $100 for 2nd prize (donated by Vicki
Karalis). Art works may include oil or water-based paintings, sketches, drawings and
photographs. See details below if you are interested in participating:

En Plein Air 2010. Paintings to be received 4-7pm Sandringham Senior Campus Hall Holloway St Sandringham
Friday 5 March 2010

Exhibition at same location 13-14 March. SLC web site for all details - application forms:

• Monash University A/Professor James Peterson - research of Sandringham beach

We are privileged that Monash University A/Professor James Peterson has an interest
in our foreshore and is organising a PHD student to do part-time research on our
foreshore – more news to come on this in the near future.

Thank you for your on-going support.

Our Sandringham coastline is such a valuable local asset and should be cared for with
the utmost respect. We have in Sandringham one of the best natural beachscape
environments in the world located close to a major city.

Your sincerely
Vicki Karalis
President, SFA
on behalf of the SFA committee: Paul Hede, John Amiet, Helen Gibson, Craig Francis,
Adrienne Smith.


Are the blue blubber jelly fish dangerous?
This time of the year during hot weather, we see more of the blue blubber jelly fish
congregate on our beaches.
They are usually not dangerous but can cause an irritating sting to swimmers and minor
skin irritation.
Some people can have an allergic reaction to the sting and require medical treatment.
• For jellyfish stings, wash with saltwater and treat with ice for 20 minutes. Do not
use fresh water.
• Tentacles can be removed by hand.

(Source: Bayside Leader January 19 2010, page 3)

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