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Read the following plan carefully, then write a story based on the prompt below.

You may add

additional details and descriptions to enhance your story.
PROMPT: You(girl/boy) are standing at the front of a store waiting for a taxi to go home. A
woman approaches you and asks you to keep a parcel while she goes inside to get something. Half
an hour passes, and the woman does not return. Write a story using the guidelines given and say
what you did next.

a) After a hard day of school, walk to the bus stop.
b) Describe the weather. (sunny, windy, rainy: chose one)
c) Describe what you see and hear. (E.g. cars zooming by, people (who) busily heading home)
d) Stand by the bus stop to wait for a bus. (how long do you wait)
e) A lady came running towards you, holding something in her hands.
a) Describe the lady. (How does she look and behave?)
b) Describe the package. What does she tell you? Use quotes - (E.g. She whispered, “Can
c) You took the package. Why did you take it? How do you feel about taking it?
d) She told you to wait and that she was coming back soon. You watched as she disappeared
into a store. (Give the name of the store and the type of store it is?)
e) What happened after she left? How long did you wait for her? What were you thinking?
Were you curious about the parcel? Did you want to find out what was inside? Did you
shake it? Did you listen to it? What did you guess was inside it? Did you open the box?
f) How did you feel at that moment?

a) You went to see if she was still in the store but found that they were already closing.
b) You asked if they had seen the lady. You describe her. They stated that no one with that
description had entered the store.
c) You looked around the area to see if you could find her. She was nowhere to be found.
d) It was getting late. State the time. There were only a few people around. The last bus will
arrive soon. Your phone kept ringing. You know it was your parents. You did not want to
tell them what had happened, so you did not answer. You were tempted to leave the box
at the bus stop.
e) You shook the box and listened. You heard movement. Something was in the box.
Curiosity got the better of you. You looked around. No one was looking at you. You
opened the box and looked. Your mouth dropped wide open. It was a baby dragon.
(Describe it)


a) The last bus suddenly arrived. You closed the box quickly and ran to catch it. You decided
not to leave the box at the bus stop. You told the bus driver to wait, and quickly scribbled
a note for the lady. What did you write in the note?
b) You get on the bus with the parcel. A million thoughts raced through your mind.
c) What are you going to tell your parents? Would the woman return looking for you?
d) You reached home in twenty minutes. Your parents were waiting at the door. You
confessed and showed them the parcel with the dragon. Your mother looked worried and
eyed your father. They quickly took you and the parcel inside.
e) They explained what was going on.

a) Father/Mother told you that he/she comes from a faraway place. He/She ran away from
his life as princess/prince to explore the new world.
b) You find out that you were a prince/princess and you must carry on the tradition of being
a dragon warrior.
c) It was your duty to grow and train the dragon which will grow bigger than your house.
d) You cannot believe what you were hearing. You pinched yourself. You were not dreaming.

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