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Entry Exam – PhD

Chemical Engineering Department

University of Baghdad
Date 2/9/2015 (2nd Attempt) Time: 3 hrs

Q.1 Choose the right answer of the followings: (60 marks)

1. The velocity profile for turbulent flow through a closed conduit is
(a) logarithmic (b) hyperbolic (c) parabolic (d) linear
2. Which of the following denotes the effect of compressibility in fluid flow?
(a) Mach number (b) Weber number (c) Euler number. (d) Reynolds number.
3. The fluid property, due to which, mercury does not wet the glass is
(a) Viscosity (b) Surface tension (c) Adhesion. (d) Cohesion.
4. At high Reynolds number
(a) Viscous forces predominate (b) Inertial forces control and viscous forces are unimportant.
(c) Inertial forces are unimportant and viscous forces control (d) None of these.
5. With increasing flow rate, the hydraulic efficiency of a centrifugal pump
(a) Monotonically decreases (b) Decreases and then increases
(c) Remains constant (d) Increases and then decreases
6. The ratio of average fluid velocity to the maximum velocity in case of laminar flow of a Newtonion fluid
in a circular pipe is
(a) 0.66 (b) 0.5 (c) 2 (d) 1
7. Shear stress in a fluid flowing in a round pipe
(a) in laminar flow, Newton's law of viscosity does not apply
(b) is zero at the wall and increases linearly to the center
(c) is zero at the centre and varies linearly with the radius
(d) remains constant over the cross-section
8. Mass velocity is independent of temperature & pressure, when the flow is.
(a) Steady through changing cross-section (b) Unsteady through unchanged cross-section
(c) Steady and the cross-section is unchanged (d) Unsteady and the cross-section is changed
9. Drag force acting on a body does not depend upon the.
(a) Velocity of the body (b) Density of the body (c) Density of the fluid (d) Projected area
10. Applying a pressure drop across a capillary results in a volumetric flow rate „Q‟ under laminar flow
conditions. The flow rate for the same pressure drop, in a capillary of the same length but half the radius
(a) Q/2 (b) Q/8 (c) Q/4 (d) Q/16
11. Two main requirements for good insulating materials are
(a) High thermal conductivity and it should lower convection currents
(b) Low thermal conductivity and no convection currents
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Entry Exam – PhD
Chemical Engineering Department
University of Baghdad
Date 2/9/2015 (2nd Attempt) Time: 3 hrs

(c) Low thermal conductivity and it should lower convection currents

12. Dittus and Boelter equation uses an exponent for Prandtl number as
(a) 0.4 for heating and 0.3 for cooling a fluid (b) 0.4 for both heating and cooling the fluid
(c) 0.3 for both heating and cooling the fluid
13. In order to allow for the removal of tube bundle in shell and tube heat exchanger
(a) A fixed head is used (b) A floating head is used (c) Either a or b
14. Which of the following is not a mode of heat transfer?
(a) Conduction (b) Convection (c) Condensation (d) Radiation
15. Heat transfer by conduction
(a) is not possible from human beings to their environment
(b) does not occur from light bulbs  they are too bright
(c) requires some sort of material to facilitate the heat transfer
(d) None of the above
16. Which of the following is the best conductor of heat?
(a) air. (b) water. (c) iron. (d) aluminum
17. The predominant method of heat transfer that causes a pot of water to boil is
(a) conduction (b) radiation (c) convection. (d) boiling
18. The fact that, in general, liquids and gases expand when heated gives rise to
(a) convection currents in fluids due to changing masses
(b) convection currents in fluids due to changing densities
(c) heat transfer by conduction.
(d) convection currents in fluids due to constant temperatures
19. The compression ratio is the ratio of
(a) total volume to swept volume (b) total volume to clearance volume
(c) swept volume to total volume (d) swept volume to clearance volume
20. A system is said to be ar equilibrium if the entropy of the system has reached ---------------- value.
(a) maximum. (b) minimum (c) zero (d) none of these
21. At pressure approaches zero, the ratio of fugacity to pressure (f/P) for a gas approaches
(a) zero (b) an indeterminate value (c) infinity (d) unity
(c) None of these. (d) Second law of thermodynamics
22. At absolute zero temperature, the ----------------- of the gas is zero.
(a) volume (b) none of these (c) pressure (d) mass
23. A system in which there is exchange of energy but not of mass, is called a/an -------------- system.
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Entry Exam – PhD
Chemical Engineering Department
University of Baghdad
Date 2/9/2015 (2nd Attempt) Time: 3 hrs

(a) closed (b) insulated (c) isolated (d) open

24. The main feature of Carnot refrigeration cycle is that it
(a) Transfer heat from high temperature to low temperature
(b) Accomplishes the reverse effect of the heat engine
(c) none of these
(d) does not need the addition of external work for its functioning
25. Which of the following is true for virial equation of state?
(a) Virial coefficients are function of temperature only
(b) Virial coefficients are universal constants
(c) Virial coefficient „B‟ represents three body interaction
(d) For some gases, Virial equations and ideal gas equations are the same.
26. For the ideal liquid solution, which of the following is unity?
(a) Fugacity coefficient (b) Activity coefficient (c) Activity (d) Fugacity
27. Helmholtz free energy (A) is defined as
(a) A = E-TS (b) A = H+TS (c) None of these (d) A = H-TS

28. The conversion for a first order liquid phase reaction A  B in a CSTR is 50%. If another CSTR of the
same volume is connected in series, then the conversion at the exit of the second reactor will be
(a) 30% (b) 60% (c) 75% (d) Approach unity
29. With increase in the order of reaction (for all positive reaction orders), the ratio of the volume of mixed
reactor to the volume of plug flow reactor (for identical feed composition, flow rate and conversion)
(a) Increases. (b) Decreases.
(c) Remain the same. (d) Approach unity
30. For the reversible reaction A↔R ( = -14130 J/mole, = -75300 J/mole, CpA=CpR=
constant). The increasing in reaction temperature from 25° C to 85° C, will causes decreasing in
equilibrium conversion (XAe) from 0.993 to :
(a) 0.892 (b) 0.791 (c) 0.648 (d) 0.481
31. It is favor to get the best product distribution for the parallel reactions that the desired product has the
highest reaction order
(a) Keep CA high. (b) Keep CA low.
(c) Use recycle for the reactor. (d) None of the above!
32. A first order reaction requires two equal sized CSTR. The conversion is
(a) Less when they are connected in series. (b) More when they are connected in series.

Page 3 of 5
Entry Exam – PhD
Chemical Engineering Department
University of Baghdad
Date 2/9/2015 (2nd Attempt) Time: 3 hrs

(c) More when they are connected in parallel. (d) Same whether they are in series or in parallel
33. If helium is introduced in a reactor containing O2, SO2, and SO3 at equilibrium, so that the total pressure
increases while volume and temperature remain constant. In this case, the dissociation of SO3 (as per Le
Chatlier principle)
(a) increases. (b) decreases.
(c) remains unaltered. (d) changes unpredictably.
34. In quantitative analysis of a certain reaction ( A  R  S ) the selectivity of the desired product R can
be defined as
(a) moles of R formed/reacted moles of A. (b) moles of R formed/final moles of A only.
(c) moles of R formed/initial moles of A only. (d) moles of R formed/moles of S formed.
35. Mass transfer rate between two fluid phases does not necessarily depend on the -------- of the two phases
(a) chemical properties (b) physical properties (c) degree of turbulence (d) interfacial area
36. Which of the following is more suitable for extraction in a system having very low density difference?
(a) Mixer-settler extractor. (b) Centrifugal extractor.
(c) Pulsed extractor (d) Packed extraction tower.
37. Overall efficiency of the distillation column is
(a) the ratio of the number of ideal plates to actual plates. (b) same as Murphee efficiency.
(c) The ratio of the number of actual plates to ideal plates. (d) always more than point efficiency.
38. Drying operation under vacuum is carried out to
(a) dry materials having very high unbound moisture. (b) reduce drying temperature
(c) increase drying temperature. (d) drying materials having high bound moisture
39. Relative humidity is the ratio of
(a) partial pressure of the vapor to the vapor pressure of liquid at room temperature.
(b) partial pressure of the vapor to the vapor pressure of liquid at gas temperature.
(c) Actual humidity to saturation humidity (d) None of these.
40. The mass diffusivity, the thermal diffusivity, and the eddy diffusivity are same for Pr = Sc = ------.
(a) 1 (b) 0.5 (c) 10 (d) zero
Q.2 Answer the following questions (40%)
a. A capillary tube is 30 mm long and 1 mm diameter. The head required to produce a flow rate of 8
mm3/s is 30 mm. The fluid density is 800 kg/m3. Calculate the dynamic and kinematic viscosity of the
oil. Hint: Poiseuille‟s equation is: P  32Lu / D 2

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Entry Exam – PhD
Chemical Engineering Department
University of Baghdad
Date 2/9/2015 (2nd Attempt) Time: 3 hrs

b. The heat loss through a firebrick furnace wall 0.2 m thick is reduced by addition of a layer of insulating
brick to the outside. What is the thickness of insulating brick necessary to reduce the heat loss to 400
W/m2? The inside furnace wall temperature is 1573K, the ambient air adjacent to the furnace exterior is
at 293K and the natural convection heat transfer coefficient at the exterior surface is given by ho =
3ΔT0.25 W/m2K, where ΔT is the temperature difference between the surface and ambient air. Thermal
conductivity of fire brick is 1.5 W/mK. Thermal conductivity of insulating brick is 0.4 W/mK.
c. Make a qualitative discussion for the irreversible first order reaction in series to describe the effect of
mixing on the product distribution.
d. Write notes on “Mass Transfer Theories”.
e. A fluid is flowing through a tube (assume plug flow) as shown in the figure. Perform the material
balance for the flow to find the dynamic equation of the flow through the tube.

f. Find the Laplace transform for the functions e 3t cos 4t and the inverse of Laplace transform of the
s2  4

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