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abeyance a 1, (zero). A boy came, AR: 1 avm 2. ATS. A boy came. HIS + AR 1 aom aback, be taken ~ 244(@) T was taken aback by my friend’s refusal to lend me money. W&¥, + THI + AANS-CU Pt Aa + L4b% abandon (v.) 1, -t@, He abandoned his efforts to achieve his goal. haa + Aopeen + Secor +s 204 + Pet 1 tw 2. ‘rte © 42, The man abandoned his family. MORO + Net + AN ee eR 3. @he + Wi. The captain gave the command to abandon ship. NT7Ek # APH + omchay + 7 AO: IAT © TA + Am abandon (n.) *The students cheered with abandon waving their arms and shouting. HIZPH + NETo~ Ys NTONOUG + NEE + NDA + Aes LOSFO-F AR abandoned (adj.) era The abandoned child was begging in the streets. PMA + AR + Nee7s. + LA Pr 4c be abandoned #2. The prosecution will be abandoned if the stolen money is returned. Phebo «THI + hoo Ant hth | SboA abase APce A man who betrays his friends abases him- self, DBF | COLA t AO * OF! LPCRA abash Aaéd The rebuke abashed him. Pé,J-@ 1 be abashed Adz The little girl was abashed when she saw the room filled with strangers. HRM + MATA « OFF: PAE OPT a ABA 1 Ae abate (vt.) #90 ‘The city administration abated local taxes. ¢°7 MR Ob! therot Gs +40 abate (vi) T20 The ship sailed when the storm abated. +74 Ate + Pr: omCh stan abbreviate 1. Admé. He likes to abbreviate long words. CREP + Sat hac + LOAD 2. hawet + HA + h8Er, How do you ab- breviate ‘doctor’? BAG | FLO): FA + RIT | hIRCt 1 HA + PLCIPAUT abbreviation AtKET + A ‘Dr.’ is the abbreviation for ‘doctor’, tnt CHhIROr 1! FAs BC: ya abdicate 47 + Ad Why did the king abdicate? tru~ « agey + N4GP OY + Ada abdomen ve The sick child's abdomen is swollen, °7- Faw vss roa abdominal tue Abdominal pains may be caused by eating too much, hevm’ + MAL + oma + AUS + MOP s oy + AU + LAA abduct md FAG? 1 wag The rebels abducted his daughter. ooo? + POF 1 AG: mast + (ASO + WARD) aberration Phare + u-ht He stole the watch in a moment of aberration. AYEY 1 Chdbor s PhAPC + UE + LCA NF NNN t OPA t por "His speech was full of aberrations from the main subject. N71 1 AL + 297 + HP fo ACHAT + LOM + FC abet (abetted) ARGAd Only one man stole the tire but his two friends abetted him. 1°1@-% + ¢heta- + h FR AO MF UIP LAR UNE OP % thee abeyance, be in ~ ?iti His interest in stamps has been in abeyance for weeks, “BIG + PomNNAN + GATE A It AP TST SUA ENE NG abhor aboard hold in abeyance APme? 1 AS? The judge held the case in abeyance until additional witnesses appeared. Taaelé + Ph het + ANLACH eh + APO TART Qéme + Asta abhor (abhorred) m4 He abhorred cruelty to animals. OV7A0F « AL + any? + mA abhorrence TA#* I cannot hide my abhorrence for her. ail, + ENTY TAT: ARNO 1 hATAT abhorrent Afma, Treachery is abhorrent. hav’. + AdmA, + io abide (abode, or abided), vt. 34 I cannot abide loud noises. 2a + AAT ar abide (vi.) ARDC? Even after disappointments hope still abides. TASTY © LANAI | ONT tPA IL eo + Akbce abide by 1. AhNé. You must abide by your promises. cantons + PAs eMC + AAT 2. 1 --= 29. I abide by what I said. ater + ARTA abiding nae He manifested abiding devotion to his country. aie | HAE | HCI © HAL ability (abilities) 1 He has ability to swim like a fish. WIR + Ge + Capa «ited + Aha™ He is a man of great abilities, he + eA + Toed- + LAG = far: yo 2. +07, Musical ability often shows itself early in life, Covns + har? + han Foy « Li + MAR + LOFa abject AN> Abject poverty is visible in the beggar’s tat- tered clothes. HAC # Mrde-F + ATA: AAS + LNT + NAAN +§ L5-OFA abjure ne. He abjured his religion. 7279-7 « h& (be) ablaze 1. 704M, The streets were ablaze with lights. PAGER © Neder + -PIMNAIPA 2. AAT + ELH, The whole building was ablaze. RO + Nome : ANAT 2 be + 0c 3. RY «ha. I was ablaze with anger when he kicked my dog. @4®7 1 Adam +H + 0 Wort sD Date able 1. aed + Paw, He is an able speaker. “Fae ee 2. fl, An able speech won the king's favor. SRA s AR PIG! CIMT MANY + Alerget + hna’T be able FA Will you be able to come? Awg°m + AAU? able-bodied ¢47A + hart + faa Only able-bodied men will be accepted into the army. & + MC + AER + APPIN + & Ub + RELA + hart +t LaFO + 1 + ta ablution @-mf Ablution must be performed by Muslims before prayer. ADAM © hemgagFor + Ne Hs osavl + KAN Far abnegate a He abnegated his family fortune and became a monk, (et + AQ! ONE 1 781 > rteh abnegation (= adv.) #204 + N&te A hermit lives a life of abnegation. AJB + DOE + She + LEE abnormal 1. Whar + C-rAL. Tt is abnormal for a man to be seven feet tall. P7& + has & ove AN 1 MTs ooPy sheen + et ag + yo 2, NAAM + WP + A. Abnormal children require special teaching. MAAPCPFa- + a + Pht ARE s AK LeTETIC 1S + LAA DTPA 3. oP + EMT LAtAos. His abnormal ac- tions show that he has been drugged. #r + PMO + (LAtArRO) + Woke | ooKiKit + emponny + LALA aboard, go ~ ‘Mad We went aboard an hour before the boat sailed, CHO, = ATER | AIS AG * OP Git + PARC abode about all aboard NomchA + O-hT + PING 1 Ure When the ship went under all aboard were drowned. ch, + NTH + Non. + e410 & tet t Amor all aboard! Pat! All aboard! The bus is about to leave. G1 AGEN: ALS + tor abode (n,) ree His abode is far away. o»Pegar + 4.2 © 4a abode, see abide abolish Ante He abolished slavery. Icy? + ANE ab mn Pat The abolition of poverty was the main pur- pose of the bill. Car 1 PG 1 4A%7 + Ly 1+ oTPat 3s C abominable 1. ANhé, The weather this year is abomina- ble. ANU 1 Go + LRG 1 MAL + dhs tO He finds this music abominable, 20 + 0-11, + aAnhé + UT + LATA 2. Ads, The abominable cruelties of Nero are well known. 2 1 Ade 1 ePhE + 107, 29: tba + yar abominate mA He abominates strict discipline. PN? + &r 7G + Smad abomination (= adj.) Ane The man’s cruelty is an abomination, ¢ha-g o + Phe + Anh. t tor aboriginal ¢r7t + apr Traces of aboriginal dwellings can still be seen. Part + APE + reer e+ cuir! A OP + BISA aboriginal inhabitant fom@avce + +Pé The aboriginal inhabitants of Ethiopia are the Agaus. PAAAPRE + Povgaoce + PEPT + MPF + Go aborigine toyover + 196 The Agaus are the aborigines of Ethiopia. RIPE + MAACKE + Comoncewe 1 PE PF: Gro abort 1. @714.. When a pregnant cow is injured, it will abort. HAS © guy Tage APTA e Par4snt 2. hifé. The attack aborted because of a breakdown in communication. homag + 1a Wt +t eters erRerm + poe + Nita. abortion 677 + “has Is abortion a crime in Ethiopia? 670) + 7 OS | OAATRS + OTEA 1 102 abortive 1, #'C + SANLL. An abortive case of small- pox will leave no scars. 7G? FANKL = Pa. 7M + (ig + mad ARTO” 2. @& + 0.0. The carly attempts to fly were abortive. #29" + A.A + AGPNEE * PRATT + OONEPT § Re 1 Ua be abound 7a Animals abound in this forest. tv + 2h + ONT AERt! PALA The river abounds with fish. oe + ony + tt PALA about (prep., adv.) 1. fa. They were talking about the war. AA: Merk + Soe + 40C What is it all about? £u + oe # nas 9% £71 107 f 2. N--- A. There is something queer about him. 0-2 AL + WER! RPI HG + Bde Fa 3. NYS. There were about thirty people present. RIS + wad + APH + ine 4, £0A. This house is about as high as that tree. LUM TT Fe + SUAS LENA 5. Mtv + Ah. Are there any wild ani- mals about? H.W + ANON, + C&C * AeRT + Aa? 6. fl--- ike, The dog capered about its master, Oa + QS-o + Wee + Ne? “John is adept at repairing things about the house. 27 1 Pt APPA + geomay + fee + AA *He is about my age. NOL + Ahee + to about face! #7) * AA + IG! The officer roared, “about face”! ott 1 AeA Gt fte © An be about A + imperfect + a» The pail is about full. 1A%o + APA + 10 Lunch is about ready. 4 + ACh + yo be about the same PIhénc t 40 1 PAard aA: to Is the weather in Addis Ababa better than in Harar? It is about the same, ha. + h above abrupt AM + Ct VBA +t hhc + LAAT Clb 2M + (Ptaania) + ro ‘It’s about the same, £@ + ra be about to A -} imperfect + %a-(5fc) He is about to leave. AZ& 1 ta I was about to send for you, AARAY «1G have about enough of fi+(a») 4 have had just about enough of your argu- ments. 4b! PREP PETA how about it? 2-2.ent [See also ‘somewhere, up, what’) above (prep.) 1, h---N1Ag, They live above the store. it he Ae Leo ‘The water came above our knees, Sa + hransFy + Nag + om The temperature was above 100 degrees. a tk hooks Ae 1 Mag : om His bravery was above all praise, #A4+k + hrnos + ang + soc 2. fh. A father should not favor one child above the other. AV 1 ATA + AR th 7c emany + canter *The book is above me, o®aht # HtAed- & 1 MAL + ao “He is above suspicion. Al: + NEAI + Ae memcr above (ady.) has Seen from above, the lake looks like a mirror. DAL AAR +t ARR: AEP + LomnAd As mentioned above, the letter clarified the matter. WAL + AIRtmPhw + SAAQar + TARY 1 ECE *The bookstore is just above. Paonia + EN + ATA AE * de + par above all hua: LAT E hug! LAP Above all, remember to be on time! hu-a Pe MAT! NI: oOTTAy + haSO-H Above all, don’t get discouraged! hu--g? « LAD TAG! her [See also ‘far, over] abrade 1, Am. The stone abrades the skin. 792144 + kama 2. (= pass.) tm. *The boy abraded the skin of his knee when he fell. AR + OL& 3 7A Oks AM abrasion *Abrasions of the skin are painful. tam + LN abreast @& : 1-7 The soldiers walked three abreast. @2-Rc%E + ORT PAT + Pht + AUT | A keep abreast (of) 1. AFCN + tha-rA. He keeps abreast of scien- tific developments. PAL7N7 # ALT + OC Dt ShsrAa 2. h--- 2€ + +é.0me.. He keeps abreast of the times. Nita + 96 + écrhA abridge Aamé The book was so long he had to abridge it. mE + CWP? MAME + AMG + ent abridged (adj.) me This is an abridged version of David Copper- field, 20 1 Lméa- + Chile + WTCLAL + RAP wo be abridged “Ph The rights of citizens must not be abridged without proper cause. £0 + 110.+ PHIL # PAN + M4 s opp + CANT abridgment * This book is an abridgment of a three-volume history. 20! @hG + Ya! Pe ePsht PREV § NTAMC * PRE * YO abroad OP + HIG He studied three years abroad. #7 + 4a0%+ wes HIG Pe, abrogate Tc The Emperor abrogated all laws permitting slavery. 70 + V1 ACHET + POLL PAAT + APR ute 1G be abrogated &cf A binding contract cannot be abrogated by only one signatory. + OA 1 AFR 1 ace LMF) AReche abrupt 1. £11, The road is full of abrupt turns. OFS. 1 LITE + TPUPU® LOT We noticed an abrupt change in his attitude. NUESO- © LIVE +s OAPOP + -bemants 2. (= adv.) 1&7. The abrupt awakening was caused by a noise. ARI 1 tra + Nee Ws Pater sc abruptly *The road made an abrupt rise up the hil VIR AYE AL ALCAN ATER Lame abrupt manner He has a very abrupt manner. amg + 9A ete + yo abruptly x72417% He treated me rather abruptly. W742 # hd. 11k abscess AN The doctor had to cut the abscess. avh.o- + Roawy + Aecmat abscond, ~ with ac# + aaa The clerk absconded with the store’s money. Abdo + COPLANLY + TIM + ACH + PNAA absence AA@ec The absence of water keeps plants ftom growing. PO + hAMEC + SOPH + HIE £1 + SACoTPA *In the absence of the director all work stopped. Robt | NAPE | Pd + Ute + hon *Please be my attorney during my absence, Ae MAAVAE | 2 11d | A OF [See also ‘leave’] absent (v.), ~ oneself #¢ Why did you absent yourself from school? DIPUCT © MA AI + bevt absent (adj) ere The absent members could not vote. ¢< PAE + LPTFOF + Ada AFP be absent 1. $4, Three members were absent because of illness, Manamg? : PHS + vat + ha fF: Cro > NC 2. AAT79. Snow is absent in some countries. WATS | IF + NLP + hei in an absent manner fal She was daydreaming and answered in an absent manner. chal 1 Fon + AAHNG +4 FIM + PAD? AMT absentee 1. feuec + t7é. A careful teacher keeps track of absentees. mtA3 + ovpuc + 9eLb CPT: PCP FH +s BEMMEA 2 Neverk + A + Fe1R4C. The problem of absentee landowners is a serious one in this country. oe FFO + AL + eRe t an absolve ett + bss ANY AIC! AAD, + FI C1 aren absently 044 + h4f + axhr + -ro-m : 40 She absently nodded in response to the question. MAA 2 aM oir 1 tom + 4a He APebO- + PAA Gb 1b absent-minded 1177- He is always late to appointments because he is absent-minded, Wit * MAU’ + U-AT, ht AdMe + NAPE + BLCAA absolute 1, @A.9°. That’s the absolute truth. £v 1 & RP hoKdh + yo The dictator excercised absolute power. Ag” 12 ahh: RR NUS AM 2. &\q « et, He has been an absolute ruler, 209% : dem 3 700 + 4G 3, GAP + ACIM*. It is an absolute fact. GRP RCIME t ICO 4, 1f + ¢&Aa~, The absolute authority of the director was burdensome for the teachers. TEAL CRAG + CANT | AMT + hom ver + nak + NC 5. Fc. Absolute alcohol has no water in it. Vien + RADA + ws + CANT absolutely 1, 1%2.9°, He is absolutely right. Ate + 1% ae: Ant yo 2. feé-Ti (with negative verb), He is abso- Iutely dishonest. Mail + PE + ARRAg” 3. A + flomA-, Do you agree with me? Abso- Jutely. Ne + DE + PAPTTAV? Pty + Nomar absolution tat ¢ G3 The priest performed absolution. Bi # #1 dvb + (GI) + ARE give absolution 4.3 “Give me absolution”, he said to the priest. BOY +s LEG + AAFOX pronounce absolution &3-1 + Ade? The priest pronounced absolution. #(+* © Bub + him absolve 1. 4% ©4262. The judge absolved him of guilt in the accident. 9&9 + heeta 1 r4eb + APO 14% + hRdIO 2. Néi(A-t). He absolved me from the promise I made. MEN + CrNcorr : Ha + ACHAT absorb abstraction be absolved Pze(a7t) He was absolved from his sins. Smt + aceat absolve (someone) of his sins 4) The priest absolved him of his sins, 40+ ht absorb 1, 22mm. The sponge absorbed the water quickly. AR? | OS@7 + O8¢a- + om mo 2. $i. You cannot absorb all that material in a single lesson, 4% + ute * 9X 3 by UGh + ATO + PEA 3. Pm. Large companies absorb smaller ones. AAAR | DOLE E PTTCRY +: LO-OTPA 4, PMA, The United States absorbed millions of immigrants. AeRGH + NAS * PDs # AEE ene 5. FA, The company will absorb all the research costs. h-AVa- 1 PPG? + Wo, + Ur te PRA 6. mA(0+). This job absorbs all my time. LU ee LR 2 Norte 2 LOANED 7. “1éh. The circus absorbed the boy’s atten- tion, AChA + CAR + mah + Icha be absorbed “tori He was so absorbed in his book, he did not hear me come in. Nemgché + AMG? + “haw Ams AAME + a1 +e AAKeTI" absorbent, ~ paper o7g"m™ 1 met Absorbent paper is used to dry hands, 097° MM + OCP: AED + ALLY + LINIAA absorbing f2o"n7 He told me an absorbing story. fenemivr + wen + 010% abstain 1, ‘Hem 5 -FmN#. The doctor ordered him to abstain from meat. Ahem + hea + At Star + hiltio~ Athletes usually abstain from smoking. 12" CAPE WMO + 1 ha + Ln ade 2, £6 + KAtmMg. Three nations voted for the proposal and two abstained. wa + 41 CF CMO + AN OKIE UE 7 7 RPO hada? abstention 1, @™m0%®. His abstention from alcohol kept him healthy. HAAbA + cei + aU + ATéo- 2.896 + haehat. The meeting adjourned after a vote of three for, two against and three abstentions. vat + Nopgag 3 UAT + Nea por tyr SPO + AAwhm> + ANae 5 EMI abstinence mn? Abstinence from liquor is good for health. heneahe + emt + emit + Aart + & aga abstract (v.) 1, A@m, They abstract iron from ore by smelting it. ALC + ATPAT + Net + fo te 2. AAmé. The student was asked to abstract the book. 720% + opadhteh + WIALATC + tme? abstract (n.) 1, WRC Rav, He published the full speech as well as the abstract of it. 796% + (lama Gt RANCH! Raber + haan 2. SG + hy”. Sweetness is an abstract; sugar is concrete. M9 + CHIC + AF + Far ARG 1TH: CAG A: AI + tor make an abstract AATE + 24. ‘He made an abstract of the book on Ethiopia. A ATERL | CERO 1 OnE + OT Ct Reo abstract (adj.) 1. é4%, Only advanced students can under- stand the abstract theory about the nature of the soul. AA + PHN! MHCK * ah AA ATANA 1 Ace # Cove + MEP UCT For + PIF 2 OTP 1 Fs Sax 2,, That is an abstract question. PLANE + IG + far abstracted (adj.) ¢romnm He gazed at me with an abstracted look. Aton + Adteet © ATE + roeant sy abstraction ctbrt ‘The abstraction of philosophy contains the essence of human experience. (PANET ! < APY 6 PhO AR + OOP Ret AG * 2A *In a moment of abstraction he grabbed the wrong hat. Act: hom + AAs GA + a: acim + wag, abstruse abstruse 1, ¢7126R., What he said about the matter is abstruse, AA + TAR + RETIGO + Cae mp + sa 2. newest + HAD. +His ideas are abstruse. AAD * AMM | ADE * YO absurd 1a? It is absurd to think I would steal. Az + A CHAD: 1 Ate + TON + WO © yO absurdity Zart It is an absurdity to wear shoes on your head. 2 P#7 = AGAR een + BAT To abundance ‘47 The abundance of fish will develop the factory. 91 MT + Gellchor’s + PRED in abundance 1, 11%, Food and drink in abundance are to be found here, oT + mmr + AND + ae + gata 2, Ate. Since the end of the war they have lived in abundance. mci + HOS + @Zy + AR + FPA abundant 1, ¢Aa1. Is Ethiopia abundant in minerals? AAG HRL | NTL + CORTE + S12 2. ‘fll, We have abundant evidence to convict him. Ate + AL + AgPaLS + MN + amce + AAY abuse (v.) 1. WPA#A, The mother abused her child. AGEL? | ART + APART 2. tf, My brother abuses his eyes by reading in dim light. #702 + A&fm + NCI? + THON + GL + LAA 3. £A + AMA: w(t). The manager abused his authority. 7d + AOHLR + MAME + FA KIO went 4. h@h, The demonstrators abused the speakers with their shouts. (ATI | AAA ¢ TPSIEPED + Neb SFar + haiFar 5. A&M! ANF + mé:, He sinned by abusing God’s name.SAMLANACT + 1g + NePHeAt (On + Nempet) + MAT + vd abuse each other HA2M The candidates abused each other during the campaign. TOSS2PR + NORK + AIL PAREM academic abuse (n.) 1, A&M. No one likes to listen to abuse. OLANT | emer + $eLOR + ha + Cay 2. Fl, + SAU + h&arr. We hope to put an end to abuses. taf, « aus + A&eer Ph + aeN@Is + Phe t AAT 3. PANNA + ormbe, The abuse of power corrupts the official who does it, AMT? + LAIN + cOMbP + LUT 1 PMLLLCIOKY + Nav aAM + MAT + £2C1PA 4.1--~ ams", Abuses of public office such as taking bribes are punishable by law. PA: omAhy + AemAnAt + ARC RR + Neopet + AMY + oomby + MD! LO ona abusive fii He showed me an abusive letter. ¢HAd * £1 AN. thay abut (abutted) 1. tREH, The two houses abut. v-tk + QP + ebeen: + Fa 2, 9% + 40, The street abuts against the rail- road, oI + WANG ch8S 1 TF yO abysmal 1. het fA. The people of this region live in abysmal poverty. iu # AhAN, + OP" + he MA FIG! ODT 1 LEb 2. O26 + SMa, He showed abysmal igno- rance of Ethiopian conditions. AA? AARRL# UES | OLC + CAO + HAPHET + TT abyss 724 The bus crashed into the abyss. AO-Fil-tk + 1 LAS ONT: OLE + PANNE acacia 9160 academic 1. bay + tyPUCT. We should have an in- stitute that can grant academic degrees. APAP * TPUCT + L1G + PLAT + SCE Ht NIARCY + STA 2, AAATAAN + AF + Combs, Whether or not to have a language academy is now an academic question, (#d# + AhAL + LC+ ALEC + CLAD + EE * NUT tA AR DTAAN + MF 1 coLMaP + yar academic preparation t7°UCT He has sufficient academic preparation for the job. Aaa + Ak + CU: TVET + hao [See also ‘year’] academy academy Ahary There is an urgent need for a language aca- demy. R72 + AhAeT + MNFRS + PNZADA accede, ~ to 1, 440A. He acceded to my request. TS + enn 2. gil, He acceded to the chairmanship after the incumbent died, ¢rRqar 1 Abs avy NE + AM Ae 1 AD + OVFNCHET! SI 3. 4A, When the king died his son acceded to the throne, 71+ 1: AR: ADO 7: meh accelerate (vt.) 1. G4 + @erd, The drivers accelerated the motor by stepping on the pedal. PA: OI 1 mDOy + NomcrT + CPG: ETT + aromg, 2. Aé-m', Foreign aid is needed to accelerate Ethiopia's development. SA/rP-A 9 | ACHE: ATG) | COE ACHD + Ahad, + 40 accelerate (vi.) @PFT + chord The stone will accelerate as it rolls down the mountain, 72% + -PéneO + OCR F art 1 Reoond + LARD acceleration “Stepping on the gas pedal causes the acce- leration of the car. WIZ mena + “At CMa + LOH GOr + Gp + LARA accent (v.) 1. AY, Accent the first syllable of this word! PHYT | PA! CowRaee shea: SA 1 APT 2. AYA. Her scarf accented her blue eyes. LTE CM: NL RO-F + GLERY WN FO accent (n.) 1, 949 + 4b. Where is the accent in this word? PHU! FA! PUG? SECT ARs sor 2. @éi, The French alphabet uses different accents for the vowels, FACIAL + SRA + ALI) + ATANPT + NEAR | Pewe s g mboran 3. A771C. His foreign accent betrayed him, foe + KIC! AO + AiI% + ADAG *He still speaks with an accent. 44.97% + 1h. FR hie | TOE + heLag accentuate A7-A Her black hair accentuated the whiteness of acceptance her skin. PRG + AD + CAPT 2 Farr + Aiao be accentuated “hon. The rhythm of the dance was accentuated by drum beats, (26-0 + OPH + C1,00 G0 + ane + 94 + ya accept 1. FMA, Will you accept that position? LYE! pe ANAANT She accepted the gift. Amar + -bpnayt They accepted our invitation for dinner. PRLVINEOY + Charts PN PNA 2. Ail. + AA, He asked her to marry him, and she accepted. APSI-Ma» + meer + Mc + Ai + AAFo- 3, hAag., The children immediately accepted their new classmate. A + AAA) + eh GA + ALREOD + WALO, + KAoralr be accepted 1, Aean+ + FA, Only able-bodied men are accepted into the army. @& + me + he Rete + APM | OLB t PTeLA hard + Sato © -0F y0- 2, samy. Tt is now generally accepted that the world is round, Wa : 4A" + Wiz: + Ambaaw + 3-9°5.0 3. PPaLst + ATT. Einstein’s theory was widely accepted. PALIAAL7 + OM + dé t Ohem hON LE ATT acceptable rae?77, His behavior is acceptable, ma@ + -hheT#7, + Oo be acceptable MPAR94 1 AIT The plan was acceptable to everyone. AP Fo WAP PEALE | TT acceptance 1.040, Her acceptance of the flower they brought delighted the children, romma¥} + AND! EN + AR + NARA To The acceptance of responsibilities is a sign of adulthood. “adi? + eb + ALA: com Ft LOPK 2A? PANT +t yo- 2. -P#4L4r. The invention found widespread acceptance. ASN + PrAANAM = VIC 1 Ad t bbO Lt | ATT *She was delighted by her acceptance into the club. Phan: AMA: KISAWT + Dated ub Re hae access acclamation access P&2i Access to the mountainous towns is often difficult because of poor roads. howe + eopest | Cet + RAN EOMS ath 8 oben COL OR UE bP + onsen hNED 6140 gain access 01M + FA 120 They gained access through a back window. AG | AA + aD + And + Fee The queue was too big and I couldn't gain access to the theater. HA¢ + AANA + «:¢ HE AAI * bev have access to 1, Aewaat + FA, All children have access to the library during the afternoon. not + MAA + ARE Ute: opahet t M7 + Aca at PAA 2. Aen + FA. Only high officials have ac- cess to the Emperor. Wyrm + yay: 2 NPS Aeribedl + ROMA NEE + MAMA + OF Fo 3. Aer? + FA, He has access to the files. PPR © APT + LFA have an access of He had an access of coughing. AA + 21a accessible Abad + PezRcN Debre Bizen is an accessible monastery. LAME + NUT © OAM 1 CONRAD TAF + tO *A telephone should be put where it is acces- sible. HAH + MAM + ALAIN + NeLFAN H+ NRE 1 arharp + hANt be accessible to TNA. An open-minded person is accessible to reason. AAD | a | CUT § Os CALE + HOTAAN + £enna accession anooc The school was increased by the accession of fourteen new pupils. O7¢d + AdT + AA, A: PON P FR 1 NevanongFar : PPUCE + A. bAga accession to the throne i 1 A@é-ci. The constitution defines the accession to the throne. 1 + oP PIP: + C47 | AOA PLTIIN accessory (accessories) 1, +16 + APF, Duty has been imposed on automobile accessories. awh.g + 60, 16 ASPET AR: bens PRCMEPA 2. tm + a, A woman likes her accessories to be of the same color as her dress. (hb 1 2 MLE HANH + DC + -toeaae + gars OFeiFor + ORV accident 1. Af. When did the automobile accident happen? PePh.¢ + ALD + oF: BeAr 2. (= by accident) A742M°2, Our meeting was an accident. ChIG'Fia~ © NIAMEY, 2 > ac by accident ATAIN7, I found it out by accident. N7A2mMer + 2eh beat [See also ‘overt, prevent’] accidental (= adv.) 1. A&M. An accidental discovery of oil was reported in the paper. 4200 + mg Pe eyes MLM + brie 2, 0417. Breaking her doll was accidental, AMAT + SANGO + NET + yO accidentally Merit 1 NIAIU2, I dropped the plate accidentally. Aamir? + agent + maAnT I accidentally learned the truth, AOE + READ, + 2ahhn acclaim (v.) @20 | ASEH: 1a(At) ‘The crowd acclaimed the fireman for rescuing two people from the burning house. faa + Ago THANE + hhdMAw + 1! OT + POAT AP: Lor + Dvbed + ate + POA ALTH ATs TARA be acclaimed ‘Tilt + -eenani(art) ‘He was acclaimed winner of the race. Ade + PAT Lear + NTT + Pe + bana, ant acclaim (n.) 1, Pang + AAAS-. The Emperor was greeted with acclaim. “rw + ae: Nee NEAT + NAAT: 1 -PPNAPTO- 2. w3-. The birth of the new nation was greeted with acclaim. 24.0% + AIG + ovowpreie + au + bene acclamation ASe#+ A shout of acclamation was heard when the winner was announced. Aiea + 91} 1% FRU MEIC + th + CASTHA + EN a ban acclimate by acclamation 29") © ALAT + Na~neAa He was elected president by acclamation. £6 ALOT + NNN 1 TeAAe so Tt bowen acclimate Aone, The dogs acclimated quickly to the colder country, OM + CAO) 2 AIC + MEAS: Aas acclimate oneself Aums Tom acclimated himself readily to the new town. #9 2 AAA + hbeds AEE + Aome acclimatize Aarreme, They acclimatized the plants to the dry region. 60P47 * Rak! NEA! VIG! DG h AeTa08. accommodate 1, AAeT7, T will accommodate my plans to yours, (2 # APR | heb + DC + hNeITPAY- 2. hivbam. This table easily accommodates six people. £0 + mékN + ARAT: hos ¢ AFIC + sabre 3. Allé.2. The big bedroom will accommodate six beds, FAR + ods M+ ASH: APT + SCOA 4. €&. He accommodated his friend money. ARFOY + AIH + char 5. AYF(At). He wanted change for a quarter, but I could not accommodate him. Aha-% + PME 2A MC 11: AMAT + hak ane accommodate oneself (7 # ANI? He accommodated himself to the circum- stances, hu-kha + 9G + dale) + ANOTOD with accommodating 2.42% The man was accommodating enough to lend me a dollar. AM@-fa- + 1G 1 ALN AP BF NG accommodation 1, #79777, The accommodation of old ideas to a new plan was possible. (ca? + hit AON HAM AES OG TAME TFA 2. #¥%. The hotel has a restaurant for the accommodation of its guests. U’a + ART? Poh PHP + CHIE + CPN + Qt + haw accommodations “144, They finally found accommodations in a small hotel. Nevawei + naa + PFT + UA: OnE) 12be + ATE accord accompany (accompanied) 1, 1%. His friends accompanied him to the railroad station. 4878 # ANH + ANC + mn, keh TEE 2, thitae + com, Evangelists accompanied the Spanish colonizers in South America. @7LAa* Sh 3 CRATE: NIC * API TD + thaws 2 + 20s heEh + aray 3, OR. The orchestra accompanied the singer. ACA © NET + OF NG The nobility accompanied the Emperor to church. rw + aed: Qeb s hehset + At At OWT YE + OF OIF 4, -tbada(at), Wind accompanied the rain. thet | NEN PAP ONT + 1G *He accompanied his speech with gestures. FIG + OLLCI § Dhar + APPASA + Perc. ic accomplice 7M¢ * ANG Who was his accomplice in this plot? AA% Tat Ae | ANS + OFF * NCE accomplish 1, 449”, For one day he accomplished quite a lot. QS + OS + Mit &.Ro” 2. Ahf@r. Did he accomplish anything? Nothing to speak of. fhv@ya~ + yIC + AA? POLTICAT * ALLAP 3. «20. With their work accomplished the boys went out to play. ARE + #e7Fa-y +h ALAle NAA 1 Aamo wT 1 LH. accomplished (adi.) roma He is an accomplished speaker of English. LONAT + APNE | PGE + yor accomplishment 7-1 ¢/é: 1 om His mother is proud of his accomplishments. AGE MeO + ee These accomplishments are merely collateral to his primary goal. NYILU + C2é. + OmmeBi + PPGars GAO + BCE + Ta accord (vt.) 1. AR21. They accorded him a warm welcome. TAP PMA ALCrAT 2. fim. We accord praise to those who deserve it PADS + ASLAVFO: + KAMA accord (vi.) the1? His account of the accident accords with yours. DA + ARDO + omeen + Ate + KETILO + A Ths haha + 2c + £1

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