Bayesian Estimates For Vector

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Bayesian Estimates for Vector

Autoregressive Models
Shawn N I
Department of Economics, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211

Dongchu S UN
Department of Statistics, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211

This article examines frequentist risks of Bayesian estimates of vector autoregressive (VAR) regression
coefficient and error covariance matrices under competing loss functions, under various noninformative
priors, and in the normal and Student-t models. Simulation results show that for the regression coefficient
matrix, an asymmetric LINEX estimator does better overall than the posterior mean. No dominating es-
timator emerges for the error covariance matrix. We find that the choice of prior has a more significant
effect on the estimates than the form of estimator. For the VAR regression coefficients, a shrinkage prior
dominates a constant prior. For the error covariance matrix, Yang and Berger’s reference prior dominates
the Jeffreys prior. Estimation of a VAR using U.S. macroeconomic data yields significantly different esti-
mates under competing priors.

KEY WORDS: Bayesian VAR; LINEX loss; Noninformative priors; Pseudoentropy loss; Quadratic
loss; Student-t distribution.

1. INTRODUCTION researchers have information on the nature of parameters of in-

terest, they may use informative priors to reflect their beliefs.
The purpose of this article is to explore properties of For example, Doan, Litterman, and Sims (1984) and Litterman
Bayesian estimates of vector autoregression (VAR) models (1986) observed that many macroeconomic time series approx-
under several possible choices of sampling distributions, loss imately follow random-walk processes and developed an infor-
functions, and priors. Over the past two decades, VAR mod- mative prior known as the “Minnesota prior” that reflects this
els have become popular tools for analyzing time series data. pattern. In recent Bayesian studies, Pastor (2000) and Pastor
Applications of VAR to such policy questions as the macro- and Stambaugh (2000) used finance theory for elicitation of in-
economic effects of monetary supply shocks are too numerous formative priors. Hollifield, Koop, and Li (2001) developed a
to list (see, e.g., Sims 1980, 1992; Christiano, Eichenbaum, method for elicitating an informative prior for VAR variance
and Evans 1999). The popularity of VAR models justifies a decompositions.
close look at the technical issues pertaining to VAR estima- In many applications of VAR models, because of the large
tion and finite-sample inference. A typical VAR has hundreds number of parameters involved, researchers often find it desir-
of parameters, which are often estimated through least squares able to use vague or noninformative priors. However, examina-
or maximum likelihood by VAR users. There are several prob- tion of the effects of using different noninformative priors on
lems with the frequentist approach to VAR estimation, however. VAR posterior distributions is relatively rare. (For some stud-
First, for some distributions of data (such as Student-t), MLE ies along this line, see Kadiyala and Karlsson 1997; Ni and
does not have an analytical form or simply does not exist. Sec- Sun 2003; Sun and Ni 2004.) The default prior in the literature
ond, drawing finite-sample inference for the VAR parameters for the VAR regression coefficients is the constant prior, and
is a challenge. Frequentist finite-sample distributions cannot be the default prior for the error covariance matrix is the Jeffreys
derived in closed form even for normal errors, whereas asymp- prior or a modified version of it used in the RATS software
totic theory may not be applicable to a VAR with a large number package (called the RATS prior hereinafter). These combina-
of parameters and limited observations of macroeconomic data. tions of priors allow for easy simulation of posterior distri-
Third, in some applications of VAR models, nonlinear functions butions and are widely used in macroeconomic studies. The
of VAR parameters are the focus of research. For example, im- Jeffreys prior for the covariance matrix has also been widely
pulse responses are often considered easier to interpret than the used for multifactor asset pricing models in the finance litera-
regression coefficients. For another example, eigenvalues of the ture (some recent examples include Kandel, McCulloch, and
regression coefficient matrix are of interest, because they de- Stambaugh 1995; Kandel and Stambaugh 1996; Lamoureux
termine the long-term dynamics of the VAR. Finite-sample fre- and Zhou 1996; Pastor and Stambaugh 2000; Barberis 2000).
quentist analysis of these nonlinear functions is more difficult However, the Jeffreys prior is known to be undesirable in high-
than analysis of the VAR parameters themselves. dimensional settings (see Berger and Bernardo 1992). Bernardo
The difficulties encountered in the frequentist approach of (1979) and Berger and Bernardo (1992) proposed an alterna-
VAR inference can be circumvented by the Bayesian approach, tive approach for deriving a reference prior. Following this ap-
which combines information from data with the researcher’s proach, the reference prior for the covariance matrix in an iid
prior. Many applied econometricians find Bayesian methods ap-
pealing not only for philosophical reasons, but also, and more
© 2005 American Statistical Association
importantly, for their effectiveness for finite-sample inference. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
Bayesian inference is influenced by the choice of prior. Elici- January 2005, Vol. 23, No. 1
tation of priors is an important step of Bayesian analysis. When DOI 10.1198/073500104000000622

106 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, January 2005

normal model was derived by Yang and Berger (1994). The prior. These conclusions are drawn from a numerical example
constant prior on the regression coefficient matrix is known with the normal and Student-t errors. Estimation of a VAR us-
to be inadmissible under quadratic loss for estimation of an ing U.S. macroeconomic data produces significantly different
unknown mean of a vector with iid normal observations (see estimates under the shrinkage and constant priors.
Berger and Strawderman 1996). An alternative to the constant The rest of the article is organized as follows. In Section 2
prior is a “shrinkage” prior (e.g., Baranchik 1964; Berger and we define notation for the VAR models with the normal or
Strawderman 1996), which dominates the constant prior under Student-t errors. In Section 3 we introduce several loss func-
squared error loss for estimating an unknown normal mean in tions for VAR estimation and derive corresponding Bayesian
iid cases but has scant applications to the VAR model. estimates. In Section 4 we present priors, especially noninfor-
For Bayesian VAR analysis, the subject of interest is the pos- mative priors. In Section 5 we derive full conditional distribu-
terior of the VAR parameters. However, reporting the posterior tions under both normal and t-errors. Several algorithms under
distribution of each parameter is infeasible even for a small t-errors are given in the Appendix. In Section 6 we give sim-
VAR. Some summaries of posterior quantities, such as the pos- ulation results for illustration, and also compare Bayesian es-
terior risks of Bayesian estimates, would be desirable. Bayesian timates of a VAR using quarterly data of the U.S. economy.
estimates are derived from minimization of expected posterior In Section 7 we offer concluding remarks.
loss in the parameter space; however, the choice of loss func-
tion determines the form of the Bayesian estimator. In appli-
cations of Bayesian procedures, the posterior means of VAR 2. VECTOR AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS
regression coefficients and the error covariance matrix are usu-
ally reported as the Bayesian estimates. The posterior mean is A VAR of a p-dimensional column variable, yt , typically has
optimal for certain loss functions. Bayesian estimates derived the form
from minimizing other commonly used loss functions are rarely 
studied for VAR models. These loss functions include Yang and yt = c + yt−i Bi +  t (1)
Berger’s (1994) quadratic and pseudoinverse entropy losses for i=1
the error covariance matrix and Zellner’s (1986) LINEX loss for t = 1, . . . , T, where L is a known positive integer, c is
for the regression coefficient matrix. The fact that Bayesian a 1 × p unknown vector, and Bi is an unknown p × p matrix.
estimates derived from these loss functions differ from the pos- In the normal VAR, the errors  1 , . . . ,  T are iid Np (0, ), and
terior mean may be of interest for macroeconomists. For in-  is a p × p positive definite error covariance matrix. Define
stance, the posterior mean of the regression coefficient matrix
xt = (1, yt−1, . . . , yt−L ),
is often biased. An asymmetric LINEX estimator may be help-
ful in correcting the bias.  y   x 
1 1
The main objective of this article is to examine the effect Y =  ...  , X =  ...  ,
of using competing priors and estimates for VAR models un-
der various assumptions on the distribution of data. We explore yT xT
 
Bayesian estimates under three competing loss functions on the c   
covariance matrix (pseudoentropy loss, quadratic loss, and in-  B1  1

verse pseudoentropy loss). We also compare the quadratic and = 

 ...  ,  =  ...  ,
asymmetric LINEX loss functions with respect to the VAR re-  T
gression coefficient matrix. We consider each estimator under
the following prior combinations: Jeffreys, RATS, or Yang and xt
where is a 1 × (1 + Lp) row vector and Y and  are T × p
Berger’s reference prior on the covariance matrix, and a con- matrices. Here X is a T × (1 + Lp) matrix of observations, and
stant or shrinkage prior on the VAR coefficient matrix. The the regression coefficient matrix  is a (1 + Lp) × p matrix of
noninformative priors for the covariance matrix are derived un- unknown parameters. We can rewrite (1) as
der the normality assumption. We evaluate their performance
for both normal and Student-t VAR models. Our study on the Y = X + . (2)
Student-t model extends Geweke’s (1993) analysis on univari- For the case of normal errors, the likelihood function of
ate time series models to the vector case. We examine the com- (, ) is
peting VAR estimates in terms of frequentist average losses.

We also investigate the posterior of the eigenvalues of the VAR T
1  −1
regression coefficient matrix and the posterior of the impulse lN (, ) = exp − (yt − xt )  (yt − xt )
||T/2 2
response functions. t=1

We find that the asymmetric LINEX estimator for the VAR 1 1 −1 
regression coefficient matrix does better overall than the pos- = etr − (Y − X) (Y − X) . (3)
||T/2 2
terior mean. The performance of competing estimates for the
error covariance matrix is mixed. The choice of prior has more Here and in the following etr(A) represents exp(trace(A)) for a
significant effects on the estimates than the form of the esti- matrix A. Under the normality assumption, the maximum like-
mates. The shrinkage prior on the VAR regression coefficient lihood estimators (MLEs) are
matrix dominates the constant prior, whereas Yang and Berger’s
reference prior on the covariance matrix dominates the Jeffreys MLE = (X X)−1 X Y
 and MLE = S(
 MLE )/T, (4)
Ni and Sun: Bayesian Estimates for Vector Autoregressive Models 107

where VAR regression coefficients only. The overall loss with respect
ˆ )
to estimator (, ˆ for (, ) has the form
S() = (Y − X) (Y − X). (5)
It is well known that normal distributions have light tails. ˆ ;
L(, ˆ , ) = L (;
ˆ ) + L (;
ˆ ). (7)
Alternative heavier-tailed distributions for the errors  t include
an independent multivariate-t with parameters (0, ) and de- The question that we seek to answer is whether alternative loss
grees of freedom v, denoted by tv (0, ). The density of tv (0, ) functions result in Bayesian estimates with significantly differ-
is given by ent properties.
p(s|, v)
( 12 (v + p)) 3.1 Loss Functions for 
(πv)p/2( 2v )
 First, we consider the loss function for ,
−1/2 1  −1 −(p+v)/2
× || 1+ s  s , s∈R p
v −1 −1
) = tr(
L1 (; ˆ
) − log | | − p, (8)
(see Johnson and Kotz 1972, p. 134).
Regression models with Student-t errors have been studied where p is the number of variables in the VAR. We refer this
by a number of researchers in different contexts. In Zellner’s
function as a pseudoentropy loss because it is an entropy loss
(1976) model, the error terms (of different periods) in a uni-
with respect to  only, whereas the true entropy loss pertains to
variate regression model form a joint multivariate-t distribu-
both  and .
tion. In his model, given degrees of freedom, the MLEs of
The second loss function on  is a quadratic loss,
the variance and regression coefficients are the same as the
MLEs in the normal model. For independent and identically
t-distributed vector models, Fernandez, Osiewalski, and Steel ˆ ) = tr(
L2 (; ˆ −1 − I)2 . (9)
(1997) proved propositions on the robustness of both frequen-
tist and Bayesian inferences developed under the normality The third loss function is the pseudoentropy function on  −1
assumption. Osiewalski and Steel (1993) showed that in a re- considered by Yang and Berger (1994),
gression model with exogenous regressors and an improper
prior, the posteriors of the parameters of interest are the same ˆ ) = tr(
L3 (; ˆ −1 | − p.
−1 ) − log | (10)
under the normal and under t-errors. In Geweke’s (1993) uni-
variate time series regression model, the error terms are inde-
pendently t-distributed and have unknown degrees of freedom. Note that the loss functions with respect to  are separated from
In our VAR model, the vector of error terms in each period is the loss functions with respect to . As a result, Bayesian esti-
assumed to follow a multivariate-t distribution with unknown mates can be derived separately from minimizing expected pos-
degrees of freedom. The case with degree of freedom v = 1 cor- terior loss functions regarding (, ) if the minimum is finite.
responds to a multivariate Cauchy distribution (cf. Johnson and A generalized Bayesian estimator can be defined analogously
Kotz 1972, p. 134). When v → ∞, tv (0, ) goes to Np (0, ). regardless of whether the Bayes risk is finite.
The property that the MLE based on the t-distributed errors
Lemma 1. (a) Under the loss L1 , the generalized Bayesian
is the same as the MLE under normal errors no longer holds 1 = E(|Y).
estimator of  is 
for the VAR model. For given degrees of freedom parame-
ter v, the MLE of (, ) under the t-distributed errors is not (b) Under the loss L2 , the generalized Bayesian estima-
2 , given by vec(
tor of  is  2 ) = [E{( −1 ⊗  −1 )|Y}]−1 ×
available in closed form. If v is unknown, then the MLE for −1
(, , v) may not even exist. Fernandez and Steel (1999) dis- vec{E( |Y)}, where ⊗ represents the Kronecker product.
cussed the difficulties of conducting likelihood-based inference (c) Under the loss L3 , the generalized Bayesian estimator
for t-distributed models when identical data are recorded from 3 = {E( −1 |Y)}−1 .
of  is 
independent sampling. But we do not encounter such a prob-
Proof. For part (a), note that
lem in our VAR analysis on a given set of time series observa-
tions. To simulate Bayesian estimates, in this article we develop −1

∂ log(||) )
∂ tr(
MCMC methods based on a hierarchical structure of the multi- −1
= and −1  
= − −1 .
variate t-distribution.

The foregoing facts can be used to calculate the derivative of

E{L1 (, The desired result follows
A Bayesian estimator of (, ) depends on the distribution by setting the derivative to 0. The proof of part (b) is more te-
model, the prior, and the loss function. We consider loss func- dious (see Yang and Berger 1994). The proof of part (c) follows
)|Y} with re-
from the fact that the derivative of E{L3 (,
tions that contain a part measuring the loss associated with the −1
error covariance matrix and a part measuring the loss of the −1
spect to  is E( |Y) −  .
108 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, January 2005

3.2 Loss Functions for  of the errors can be achieved through Cholesky decomposi-
tion of the covariance matrix,  =   , where  is an upper-
The most common loss for  is the quadratic loss triangular positive definite matrix. VAR errors are mapped to
) = trace{(
L1 (, − ) W(
− )}, (11) structural shocks through ut =  t  −1 . The covariance matrix
of the structural error vector ut is the identity matrix. The im-
where W is a constant weighting matrix. If the weighting pulse response to structural shocks occurring j periods earlier is
matrix W is the identity matrix, then the loss of L1 is given by Zj = Hj . By definition, impulse responses are non-
simply the sum of squared errors of all elements of ,
1+Lp p linear functions of (, ). The nonlinearity makes it difficult

j=1 (φij − φij ) .
i=1 to conduct frequentist inference but does not pose difficulty for
The quadratic function is symmetric. LINEX loss, an asym- Bayesian simulations as long as the posteriors of (, ) can
metric loss function, was explored by Zellner (1986) for esti- be simulated.
mating an iid normal mean under a conjugate prior. LINEX loss The loss function for estimation of the impulse response Zj
has the form (with forecasting horizon j) is assumed to be L(Z, Zj ) =
ˆ )
L2 (, trace{(Zj − Zj ) (Zj −
Zj )}. The matrix  weighs the esti-
mation error of each element of the impulse responses. The

1+Lp p
  weighting may be dictated by the economic significance of the
= exp{aij (
φij − φij )} − aij (
φij − φij ) − 1 , (12) element. As long as  is constant, the Bayesian estimate Zj is
i=1 j=1
the posterior mean E(Zj |Y). In the numerical example in this
where aij is a given constant. When aij is close to 0, the LINEX article, we simply set  as the identity matrix.
loss function is nearly symmetric and not much different from
the quadratic loss. When aij is a large negative number, the
LINEX loss is close to exponential when φij < φij and close to 4. PRIORS
linear otherwise. Hence if we suspected that the posterior mean Bayesian analysis requires explicit specification of a prior on
had a downward bias, using the LINEX loss with a negative aij the parameters. Noninformative priors are commonly used by
parameter should help correct the bias. The Bayesian estimates VAR users, because it is difficult to find a universally justifiable
of  under these loss functions are well known and are given subjective prior. Note that noninformative priors for (, ) are
here for convenience. not unique because they can be derived according to different
Lemma 2. (a) Under the loss L1 , the generalized Bayesian principles (see Kass and Wasserman 1996).
estimator of  is The most popular noninformative prior for  is the Jeffreys
prior (see Geisser 1965; Tiao and Zellner 1964). The Jeffreys
1 = E(|Y).
 (13) prior is derived from the “invariance principle,” according to
(b) Under the LINEX loss function, each element of the which the prior is invariant to reparameterization (see Jeffreys
Bayesian estimator  2 satisfies the condition 1961; Zellner 1971). Specifically, for the VAR covariance
1   matrix, the Jeffreys prior is πJ () ∝ ||−( p+1)/2. The prior

φij = − log E{exp(−aijφij )|Y} (14) for  in RATS is a modified version of the Jeffreys prior,
πA () ∝ ||−(L+1)p/2−1.
for i = 1, . . . , Lp + 1 and j = 1, . . . , p. It has been noted, however, that the Jeffreys prior often gives
unsatisfactory results for multiparameter problems. Bernardo
Proving the lemma is straightforward. The lemma shows that
(1979) proposed an information-based approach for deriving a
the Bayesian estimate of  under the quadratic loss function is
reference prior by breaking down a single multiparameter prob-
the posterior mean, whereas the estimate under the LINEX loss
lem into consecutive problems with fewer numbers of parame-
may be larger or smaller than the posterior mean, depending on
ters. The form of the reference prior depends on the inferential
the sign of the constant aij .
problem at hand and on researchers’ ordering of parameters in
terms of perceived importance. (For examples where the refer-
3.3 Impulse Response Functions ence priors produce more desirable estimates than the Jeffreys
A covariance stationary priors, see Berger and Bernardo 1992 and Sun and Berger 1998,
VAR has the moving average rep-
resentation yt = E0 yt + t−1
j=0  t−j Hj , where H0 is the p × p
among others.) In estimating the variance–covariance matrix 
identity matrix and the impulse responses of yt to a shock  t−j based on an iid random sample from a normal population with
j known mean, Yang and Berger (1994) reparameterized the ma-
occurring j periods earlier is Hj = i=1 Bi Hj−i , with Bi = 0
for i larger than L. Note that the components of the vector trix  as O DO, where D is a diagonal matrix whose ele-
of errors  t are correlated because the covariance matrix is ments are the eigenvalues of  (in increasing or decreasing
unrestricted. For example, the forecasting error of short-term order) and O is an orthogonal matrix. The following refer-
interest rates may be correlated with that of inflation. Sup- ence prior is derived by giving priority to vectorized D over
pose that a short-term interest rate is the monetary policy in- vectorized O: πR () ∝ ||−1 1≤i<j≤p(λi − λj ) , where
dicator. A monetary policy shock should be represented by a λ1 > λ2 > · · · > λp are eigenvalues of .
shock in the short-term interest rate uncorrelated with other The prior for (, ) can be obtained by putting together pri-
shocks. Thus more economic meaningful impulse responses are ors for  and . In practice, it is often convenient to consider
those to orthogonalized (structural) errors. Orthogonalization the vectorized , vec(), which we denote by φ. A common
Ni and Sun: Bayesian Estimates for Vector Autoregressive Models 109

expression of ignorance about φ is a (flat) constant prior. A pop- 5.1 Conditional Posteriors Under the Normal Errors
ular noninformative prior for multivariate regression models,
called the diffuse prior, consists of a constant prior for φ and the We make use of the following results for the normal model.
Jeffreys prior for . The joint density of the constant Jeffreys
prior for (, ) [or (φ, )] is in the form πCJ (φ, ) ∝ πJ (). Fact 1. Consider the constant Jeffreys prior for (φ, ).
The constant RATS prior πCA (, ) ∝ πA () is the default
(a) The conditional posterior of φ given (, Y) is NJ (
φ MLE ,
choice in RATS and has been used in hundreds of published
works in empirical macroeconomics. (For an argument touting  ⊗ (X X)−1 )
the constant RATS instead of the constant Jeffreys prior, see (b) The marginal posterior of  given Y is inverse Wishart
MLE ), T − Lp − 1). Here we use Anderson’s (1984)
Sims and Zha 1999.) Finally, the constant reference prior, which
has not been commonly used for VAR models, takes the form definition of the inverse Wishart distribution.
πCR (φ, ) ∝ πR ().
Fact 2. Consider the constant RATS prior πCA .
For estimating an unknown multivariate normal mean, mo-
tivated by Stein’s (1956) result on inadmissibility of the MLE, (a) The conditional posterior of φ given (; Y) is NJ (
φ MLE ,
some authors (e.g., Baranchik 1964; Berger and Strawderman  −1
 ⊗ (X X) ).
1996) have advocated the following “shrinkage” prior as an al- (b) The marginal posterior of  given Y is inverse Wishart
ternative to the constant prior for φ: MLE ), T).
πS (φ) ∝ φ−(J−2) , φ ∈ RJ , (15)
Fact 3. Consider the constant reference prior πCR .
where the dimension of φ, J, equals p(Lp + 1). Note that the
prior (15) has a two-stage hierarchical structure. Let πS (φ|δ) be (a) The conditional distribution of φ given (; Y) is
the normal density NJ (0, δIJ ). We can write NJ (
φ MLE ,  ⊗ (X X)−1 ).
(b) The conditional density of  given (φ; Y) is
(φ|δ) ∼ NJ (0, δIJ ) and π(δ) ∝ 1, (16)
because etr{−1/2 −1 S()}
 ∞  ∞  π(|φ; Y) ∝  , (18)
1 1 ||T/2+1 1≤i<j≤p (λi − λj )
πS (φ|δ)π(δ) dδ ∝ exp − φ  φ dδ
0 0 (2πδ)J/2 2δ
(J/2) where S() is defined by (5).
= ,
(2π) (φ  φ)J/2−1
For the shrinkage prior, the hierarchical structure (16) sug-
which is proportional to (15). gests a nice computational formula. Instead of simulating from
We consider three noninformative priors for (, ) with the the conditional distribution of  and  within each Gibbs cy-
shrinkage prior on : the shrinkage Jeffreys prior πSJ (φ, ) = cle, we use δ as a latent variable and simulate from , , and δ
πS (φ)πJ (), the shrinkage RATS prior πSA (φ, ) = πS (φ) × based on the following fact.
πA (), and the shrinkage reference prior πSR (φ, ) = πS (φ) ×
πR (). The noninformative priors for (, ) are improper (i.e., Fact 4. Consider the shrinkage reference prior πSR . The full
the integrals of these in the parameter space are infinite). Ni and conditional posteriors of (, φ, δ) given data Y are as follows:
Sun (2003) and Sun and Ni (2004) provided conditions under
which the posteriors of (, ) are proper with the prior combi- (a) The conditional density of  given (φ, δ; Y) is given
nations considered in this article. in (18).
We now turn to the prior for the degrees-of-freedom parame- (b) The conditional distribution of φ given (δ, ; Y) is
ter, v, in the Student-t errors. The parameter v in the Student-t NJ (µS , VS ), where
likelihood function is commonly considered a positive integer
but can be any positive number. We apply a gamma (a, b) prior µS = δ  ⊗ (X X)−1 + δIJ φ MLE (19)
for w = v/2, the density of which is given by
ba a−1 and
[w] = w exp(−bw), w > 0, (17)
(a) −1
where (a, b) are positive known constants. When a = 1, it is the −1  1
VS =  ⊗ (X X) + IJ . (20)
exponential prior given by Geweke (1993). δ

(c) The conditional distribution of δ, given (φ, ; Y), is

CONDITIONAL POSTERIORS inverse gamma( J2 − 1, 12 φ  φ).

The posterior quantities of (φ, ) are not available in closed These conditional posteriors are used for MCMC simulations
form for most of the priors that we consider. In this study we use of the posteriors of (, ). Ni and Sun (2003) offered proofs
Gibbs sampling Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for some of the foregoing facts as well as detailed algorithms
to sample from the posteriors (see Gelfand and Smith 1990). of MCMC procedures. The Bayesian estimates of (, ) under
The first step of the MCMC computation is to find the full con- alternative loss functions and priors can be computed when the
ditional distributions of (φ, ). posterior distributions are simulated.
110 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, January 2005

5.2 Conditional Posteriors Under Student-t Errors (d) Given (φ, , Q; Y), the conditional density of w = v/2
has the form
The conditional posterior distributions of  and  un-
der the t-errors are quite complicated. We can, however, use [w|φ, , Q; Y]

T w
the hierarchical structure of the t-distribution to introduce la- wTw+a−1  
tent variables. In particular, let (s|q) ∼ Np (0, q−1 ), where = qt exp − b + qt w ,
q ∼ gamma(v/2, v/2) has density given by t=1 t=1
 for w > 0. (26)
(v/2)v/2 qv/2−1 vq
p(q|v) = exp − for q > 0. (21) (e) If T/2 + a − 1 > 0, then the conditional posterior of w in
(v/2) 2
part (d) is log-concave.
It follows that the marginal density of s is
 ∞ Proof. The proof of parts (a)–(d) is easy. For part (e), de-
note g(w) = log[w|φ, , Q; Y]. It is enough to show that
p(s|, v) = p(s|q, , v)p(q|v) dq ∂2
0 ∂w2
g(w) < 0. Clearly,
∝ ||−1/2 (v + s  −1 s)−(v+p)/2 , g(w) = (Tw + a − 1) log(w) − T log{(w)}
which is the same as the density of tv (0, ) given by (6).  
+ w log qt − b + qt w.
Now we introduce independent latent variables q1 , . . . , qT
t=1 t=1
that are iid ∼ gamma(v/2, v/2). For given q1 , . . . , qT and ,
VAR error vectors  1 , . . . ,  T are independent, with  t ∼ It follows from formula (1.46) of Bowman and Shenton
Np (0, q−1
t ). Let Q = diag(q1 , . . . , qT ). The joint likelihood (1988) that
of (, , Q, v) is then  √
d2 1 1 2π ∞ y s
T log[(w)] = + + ds,
( p+v)/2−1 dw2 w 2w2 w 0 (w2 + s)( y − 1)2
∗ t=1 qt exp(−vqt /2)
l (Q, , , v) ∝ √
[(v/2)]T ||T/2 where y = exp(2π s ). Consequently,


qt (yt − xt )  −1 (yt − xt ) d2 T/2 + a − 1 2πT ∞ y s
× exp − g(w) = − − ds,
2 dw2 w2 w 0 (w2 + s)( y − 1)2
 ( p+v)/2−1 which is negative if a + T/2 − 1 > 0.
(v/2)vT/2 Tt=1 qt exp(−vqt /2)
= For MCMC simulations, one can sample successively from
[(v/2)] T || T/2

the full conditional distribution, given by Fact 5(a)–(d), treat-
1 ing (φ, , Q, v) in four blocks in updating. Alternatively, we
× etr − SQ () −1 , (22)
2 can divide (φ, , Q, v) into three blocks, Q, (φ, ), and v. We
first sample (Q|φ, , v; Y) according to Fact 5(c); within the
where block (φ, ), we sample (φ|, Q, v; Y) according to Fact 5(a),
then instead of using property Fact 5(b), we sample (|Q, v; Y)
SQ () = (Y − X) Q(Y − X). (23) from inverse Wishart (SQ ( Q ), T − Lp − 1). Chib, Osiewalski,
and Steel (1991) offered a theoretical discussion on simulation
The following facts are useful for Bayesian simulation in the of the degrees of freedom parameter v. Gilks and Wild (1992)
Student-t model. proposed an adaptive rejection sampling scheme for simulat-
Fact 5. Consider the constant Jeffreys prior for (φ, ) and ing from a log-concave density. We will adopt Gilks and Wild’s
gamma(a, b) prior for w = v/2. method for simulating the conditional posterior of w based on
Fact 5(e).
(a) The conditional posterior of φ given (, Q, v; Y) is
N( φ Q ,  ⊗ (X QX)−1 ). Here
φ Q is defined as vector- Fact 6. Consider πCA , the constant RATS prior for (φ, ),
and gamma(a, b) for w = v/2. The conditional posteriors of φ,
Q , and
ized  Q, and v are the same as parts (a), (c), and (d) in Fact 5, whereas
Q = (X QX)−1 X QY. the conditional posterior of  given (Q, v; Y) is inverse Wishart
 (24) Q ), T).
(SQ (
(b) The conditional posterior of  given (φ, Q, v; Y) is in- Fact 7. Consider πCR , the constant reference prior for
verse Wishart (SQ (), T). (φ, ), and gamma(a, b) prior for w = v/2. The conditional
(c) Given (φ, , v; Y), q1 , . . . , qT are independent and posteriors of φ, Q, and v are the same as parts (a), (c), and (d)
in Fact 5, whereas the conditional posterior density of  given
(qt |φ, , v; Y) (φ, Q, v; Y) is

∼ gamma 12 (v + p), etr{−1/2 −1 SQ (φ)}
 π(|φ, Q, v; Y) ∝  . (27)
2 v + (yt − xt )  (yt − xt ) . (25)
1 ||T/2+1 1≤i<j≤p(λi − λj )
Ni and Sun: Bayesian Estimates for Vector Autoregressive Models 111

Table 1. Frequentist Average Losses (with standard deviations in

Fact 8. Consider πSR , the shrinkage reference prior and
parentheses) of Competing Bayes Estimates of Σ in the
gamma(a, b) prior for w = v/2. Numerical Example With Normal Errors
(a) The conditional distribution of φ given (δ, , Q, v; Y) is LΣ 1 LΣ 2 LΣ 3
NJ (µQ , VQ ), where MLE
 .861 (.403) .681 (.189) .516 (.178)
 −1 1CA
 .608 (.308) .646 (.222) .415 (.153)
µQ = δ  ⊗ (X QX)−1 + δIJ φQ (28) 2CA
 1.187 (.501) .803 (.192) .660 (.205)
 .861 (.403) .681 (.189) .516 (.178)
and 1CJ
 .450 (.222) .800 (.344) .389 (.142)
−1 2CJ
 .862 (.403) .681 (.189) .516 (.178)
1 3CJ
VQ =  −1 ⊗ X QX + IJ . (29)  .609 (.309) .645 (.222) .415 (.153)
δ 1CR
 .281 (.172) .434 (.219) .234 (.113)
 .546 (.314) .489 (.184) .353 (.161)
(b) The conditional distribution of δ given (φ, , Q, v; Y) is 3CR
 .386 (.238) .419 (.178) .273 (.133)
inverse gamma( J2 − 1, 12 φ  φ). 1SA
 .609 (.308) .646 (.222) .415 (.153)
 1.187 (.501) .803 (.192) .661 (.205)
(c) The conditional density of  given (φ, δ, Q; Y) is given 3SA
 .862 (.403) .682 (.189) .516 (.178)
by (27). 1SJ
 .449 (.221) .801 (.345) .389 (.143)
(d) For t = 1, . . . , T, (qt |φ, δ, , v; Y) has the distribu- 2SJ
 .862 (.403) .682 (.189) .516 (.178)
tion (25). 3SJ
 .609 (.308) .646 (.222) .415 (.153)
 .261 (.163) .418 (.208) .221 (.107)
(e) Given (φ, δ, , Q; Y), the conditional posterior of 2SR
 .505 (.300) .464 (.177) .332 (.154)
w = v/2 is the same as Fact 5(d). 3SR
 .356 (.226) .399 (.169) .256 (.126 )

Besides to evaluating the overall performance of VAR esti-
6.1 Simulation Results mates, we also investigate stationarity of the estimated VARs.
VARs with one lag are stationary if the absolute values of the
In what follows we use a numerical example to evaluate the real eigenvalues (and amplitudes of the complex eigenvalues) of
properties of competing Bayesian estimates. We first generate the regression coefficient matrix B1 are less than unity. VARs
data samples from a VAR with known parameters, then com- of more than one lag can be rewritten as a VAR with one lag
pute the Bayesian estimates via MCMC simulations. Using the through transformation of variables. For simplicity, simulations
MCMC results, we evaluate the performance of the Bayesian in this study were based on a VAR with one lag. For each
estimates under competing priors in terms of the frequentist prior, we compared the eigenvalues of the posterior mean of
risks given the true parameters. The frequentist risks under a the B1 matrix with those used for generating the data.
and EY|, L(, )]
loss L [i.e., EY|, L(, ) of the MLE We generated N = 1,000 samples from a five-variable VAR
and Bayesian estimates using alternative priors on  and  are model with one lag (i.e., p = 5 and L = 1) with true parame-
estimated as the average loss pertaining to estimates  and 
ters given in the following. The elements of  are σi,j = 1.0

across generated data samples. For instance, EY|, L(, ) is if i = j and .5 otherwise, which implies that the VAR errors
 have a pairwise correlation of .5. The elements of  are c = 0
estimated as N1 N
n=1 L(, n ). Here n is the Bayesian esti-
mate from sample n (n = 1, . . . , N), and  is the true parameter and B1 = I5 . By assumption, the VAR regression coefficients
matrix . contains unit roots. The number of sample observations, T,
We denote the estimates according to a loss function and a is 50. In computating the Bayesian estimates of (, ), we ran
1CA represents the estimator of  un- M = 10,000 MCMC cycles with 500 burn-in cycles for each of
prior. For example, 
the 1,000 samples. We choose the weighting matrix W in the
der loss L1 and the constant RATS prior combination, and
2SR represents the estimator of  under loss L2 and the loss function L1 to be the identity matrix. The parameter a in

shrinkage reference prior combination. Each row of Tables
Table 2. Frequentist Average Losses (with standard deviations in
1 and 2 reports the frequentist average and standard devia-
parentheses) of Competing Bayes Estimates of Φ in the
tions of losses of the corresponding estimator under different Numerical Example With Normal Errors
loss functions.
As mentioned in Section 1, besides frequentist risks of es- LΦ 1 LΦ 2
timates of parameters of the VAR, we are interested in esti- MLE
 11.183 (14.070) 11.614 (6.898)
 11.184 (14.068) 11.611 (6.893)
mates of certain nonlinear functions of these parameters, such
 11.135 (14.055) 9.416 (5.154)
as impulse responses. Losses pertaining to impulse responses 1CJ
 11.184 (14.094) 11.613 (6.905)
are computed as follows. For the nth dataset generated in the ex- 2CJ
 11.134 (14.079) 9.156 (4.947)
periment, we denote the impulse response matrix for the ith step 1CR
 11.185 (14.070) 11.615 (6.894)
after the shock by
(n)  11.135 (14.057) 9.319 (5.066)
Zi . The accuracy in estimation of the im- 1SA
 1.552 (.597) 7.254 (3.349)
pulse responses (with forecasting horizon i) is measured by the 2SA
 1.523 (.596) 6.313 (2.786)
frequentist average of sum of squared errors, 1SJ
 1.419 (.501) 7.174 (3.250)
 1.387 (.499) 6.155 (2.653)
1 1SR
 (n)   (n) 
 1.261 (.359) 7.176 (3.332)
RImp,i = trace Zi −
Zi Zi −
Zi . (30) 2SR
 1.231 (.355) 6.198 (2.739)
112 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, January 2005

Table 3. Frequentist Average Losses of Impulse Responses in the

loss L2 is set as follows. We let the parameter corresponding
Numerical Example With Normal Errors
to the intercept term φ1j be .001, implying a near-symmetric
loss, and let that parameter corresponding to nonintercept term Horizon MLE CA CJ CR SA SJ SR
be −4.0. (The value −4 was used in Zellner 1986 for estimat- 1 .963 .911 .848 .854 .734 .662 .640
ing the normal means.) We first consider the normal model and 2 1.745 1.657 1.603 1.640 1.331 1.249 1.250
then a Student-t model. 3 2.389 2.276 2.238 2.290 1.851 1.772 1.781
4 2.898 2.767 2.747 2.804 2.282 2.208 2.220
Simulations for the six prior combinations took less than 5 3.302 3.158 3.152 3.210 2.638 2.568 2.580
2 minutes for each of the 1,000 samples on a Pentium 4 6 3.625 3.470 3.476 3.533 2.931 2.867 2.877
1.7-GHz PC. The simulations converged quite quickly. There 7 3.886 3.723 3.738 3.793 3.176 3.116 3.125
8 4.101 3.929 3.953 4.005 3.382 3.325 3.332
is little difference when the Markov chain is shortened to 5,000 9 4.278 4.101 4.131 4.180 3.556 3.502 3.508
from 10,000. The acceptance rates for the Metropolis step for 10 4.427 4.246 4.283 4.330 3.706 3.653 3.659
simulation of  under the reference prior are about 30%. 11 4.554 4.371 4.417 4.460 3.835 3.785 3.789
12 4.662 4.483 4.540 4.579 3.947 3.900 3.903
Several conclusions can be drawn from the numerical
a. The estimates of  are largely unrelated to the priors unchanged. We find similar performance of the estimates and
on , and estimates of  are not affected much by the priors priors as in the normal model. To save space, we do not re-
on . Tables 1 and 2 report the frequentist risks of the estimates port the counterparts of Tables 1 and 2. We use gamma(1, .5)
of  and  under competing priors for the VAR with normal er- as the prior for the nuisance parameter v. Experiments with al-
rors. In Table 1 the -related losses of  1CA (based on the con- ternative priors on v show that our general conclusion is robust.
stant RATS prior) are quite similar to those of  1SA (based on Table 4 reports frequentist losses of impulse responses, with
the shrinkage RATS prior), and in Table 2 the -related losses the normal VAR errors replaced by Student-t–distributed errors
1CA (based on the constant RATS prior) are similar to those
of  and degrees of freedom treated as an unknown parameter. The
1CJ (based on the constant Jeffreys prior) and 
of  1CR (based posteriors are simulated under the algorithm for t-errors given
on the constant reference prior). This is due to the assumption in the Appendix. Consistent with our finding on the estimates
that the loss functions are separable in  and . of VAR parameters under competing priors and data-generating
b. Under the constant prior, the estimator  2 obtained from models, Table 4 is not qualitatively different from Table 3.
minimizing the LINEX loss function is slightly worse than es- e. Economists are often concerned with inference on sta-
timator  1 in terms of quadratic loss, but it is moderately better tionarity of time series models. Much research has been done
in terms of LINEX loss. Hence overall  2 is better than the pos-
on the properties of MLE of autoregressive (AR) models. It is
terior mean. The Bayesian estimates of  under the shrinkage known that the MLE of the AR(1) coefficient with unit root has
prior yield smaller frequentist average losses than their counter- a downward bias. MacKinnon and Smith (1998) showed that
parts under the constant prior. the downward bias of ML estimates for an AR(1) coefficient is
c. In terms of frequentist risk, the influence of prior exceeds nonlinear in the true AR parameter. When the true parameter is
that of the loss functions. Table 1 shows that the reference prior near unity, the downward bias is particularly severe. There is a
dominates other priors on . Under the reference prior with any rich Bayesian literature on the unit root model. Phillips (1991)
loss function, the average losses associated with  are reduced and Sims (1991) debated the merit of using a constant prior
for all estimates. Table 2 shows that the Bayesian estimates for the AR coefficient. Stambaugh (1999) conducted Bayesian
of  based on the shrinkage prior yield smaller frequentist risks analysis of a model with two equations, one a regression of asset
than their counterparts based on a constant prior. Even with return on lagged dividend yield and the other an AR(1) equa-
strong asymmetry (a = −4.0) in the loss function L2 , there tion of the dividend yield. He showed that the posterior mean
is not much difference between the two estimates of  under of the slope parameter in the asset return equation is smaller
the shrinkage prior. In contrast, prior choice is critically impor- than the bias-corrected ordinary least squares (OLS), whereas
tant. Under the constant prior, both Bayesian estimates perform that of the dividend yield equation is larger. Zellner and Hong
poorly, even in comparison with the MLE. The large standard
deviations of the frequentist losses under the constant prior indi-
Table 4. Frequentist Average Losses of Impulse Responses in the
cate that these Bayesian estimates are not successful in dealing
Numerical Example With Student-t Errors (true degrees
with outliers. In comparison, under the shrinkage prior, both of freedom parameter v = 8)
estimates dominate the MLE in terms of the frequentist risk
associated with . The Bayesian estimator under the shrink- Horizon CA CJ CR SA SJ SR
age prior improves over the MLE by reducing bias for some 1 .930 .867 .875 .747 .673 .654
elements and at the same time substantially reducing variances. 2 1.684 1.630 1.670 1.334 1.252 1.255
3 2.307 2.272 2.327 1.843 1.764 1.776
Table 3 reports the frequentist risks of impulse responses for the 4 2.798 2.782 2.842 2.264 2.190 2.206
normal model. The frequentist risks of impulse responses are 5 3.186 3.184 3.246 2.610 2.541 2.558
smaller under the shrinkage prior than under the constant prior. 6 3.492 3.502 3.564 2.895 2.831 2.849
7 3.737 3.756 3.816 3.133 3.073 3.090
d. A question of interest for applied econometricians is 8 3.934 3.960 4.019 3.333 3.276 3.293
whether the conclusions on comparison of priors are robust 9 4.095 4.127 4.184 3.502 3.448 3.465
when the VAR errors are not normal. We find that they are. 10 4.229 4.266 4.321 3.646 3.595 3.612
11 4.342 4.386 4.438 3.771 3.721 3.738
We simulate 1,000 samples using the Student-t model with de- 12 4.441 4.493 4.542 3.879 3.832 3.848
grees of freedom v = 8 and the parameter values for  and 
Ni and Sun: Bayesian Estimates for Vector Autoregressive Models 113

(1989) estimated an AR(3) model for gross domestic product loss function, when the parameter in the asymmetric loss func-
(GDP) growth and found that 80% of the posterior eigenvalues tion a is set at −8 instead of −4, the Bayesian estimator  2
had a complex pair.
becomes more different from the posterior mean 1 . The down-
ward bias of the posterior mean is better corrected by the esti-
We now examine the posterior mean of eigenvalues of the
mator based on the loss function with stronger asymmetry.
VAR regression coefficient matrix B1 . The true coefficient ma-
The foregoing exercises demonstrate that the frequentist
trix of the VAR in the numerical example has five eigenvalues
properties of alternative estimates can be substantially differ-
of unity. We found that all eigenvalues of the MLE and poste-
ent under competing priors. In the next section we compare
rior mean of Bayesian estimates of the matrix were smaller in
Bayesian VAR estimates of the U.S. economy with a data sam-
magnitude than the true value. About 40% of the eigenvalues
ple of 172 quarters. We show that the estimates are quite dif-
in the 1,000 samples turned out to be complex numbers. The
ferent, and it is important to be aware of the effect of using
imaginary parts of these complex numbers were much smaller
alternative priors.
than the real parts. In what follows we focus on the eigenval-
ues with the largest and smallest amplitude. For the normal
6.2 Estimating a Vector Autoregressive Model of
model, the average of the largest eigenvalues of the MLE over
the U.S. Economy
the 1,000 samples is .960, and the standard deviation is .036.
The average of the smallest eigenvalues is .510, with a standard In the past two decades, Bayesian VAR models have been
deviation of .145. There is clearly a downward bias even for commonly used for analyzing multivariate time series macro-
the largest eigenvalues. For the 1,000 samples, the statistics of economic data and addressing policy questions. However, not
the eigenvalues for posterior means of B1 under constant prior much attention has been given to the sensitivity of results
were almost identical to those of the MLE. The well-known with respect to researchers’ choice of estimator and prior.
downward bias of the MLE for AR(1) coefficients exists for In what follows we compare various Bayesian estimates of a
the eigenvalues of the posterior mean of B1 as well under the six-variable VAR using quarterly data of the U.S. economy
constant prior. Under the shrinkage prior, the downward bias from 1959 Q1 to 2001 Q4. We set the lag length of the VAR
in eigenvalues of B1 improves slightly. For example, the aver- at 2, in accordance with the Schwarz criterion. The variables
age of largest eigenvalues under the shrinkage reference prior are real GDP, GDP deflator, world commodity price, the Fed-
is .965, and the standard deviation is .030. The average of the eral Funds rates, nonborrowed reserves, and M2 money stock.
smallest eigenvalues is .534, and the standard deviation is .133. The commodity price data were obtained from the International
A closer examination of the impulse responses reveals from Monetary Fund, and the rest of the data were obtained from
a different angle a pattern of the downward bias of the MLE the FRED database at the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis.
and the Bayesian estimates under the constant prior. For in- All variables except the Federal Funds rates are in logarithms.
stance, the true impulse responses of the fifth variable to a These variables frequently appear in macroeconomics-related
shock of the fifth equation at the first lag (denoted as z1,(5,5) ) VARs (e.g., Sims 1992; Gordon and Leeper 1994; Sims and
is .775, and at the 12th lag, the element z12,(5,5) is .775 as well. Zha 1998; Christiano et al. 1999). We focus on the role of pri-
The frequentist averages of the same elements corresponding to ors by limiting our attention to the normal model. The Gibbs
the MLE are ẑ1,(5,5) = .397 and ẑ12,(5,5) = .004. Similar num- sampling algorithms for the posteriors under various priors in
bers are obtained for Bayesian estimates under the constant this application are based on the conditional posteriors given in
priors. The same elements corresponding to the Bayesian es- Section 5.1. The number of MCMC cycles is set at 10,000.
timates under the shrinkage reference prior are ẑ1,(5,5) = .605 6.2.1 Bayesian Estimates and Posterior Risks. As in our
and ẑ12,(5,5) = .216. The downward bias under the shrinkage numerical example, under the constant prior the posterior mean
prior is still quite sizeable but is much smaller than that of the of  is very close to the MLE but quite different from that un-
MLE and Bayesian estimates under the constant prior. der the shrinkage prior. To be specific, the most prominent dif-
We conducted more simulations with several parameter ferences of the two estimates under alternative priors on  are
settings. To save space, we do not report the details of the sim- in the third and the ninth rows of , which correspond to the
ulations, but briefly describe the results instead. When the sam- first and second lag parameters of the GDP deflator variable.
ple size T is increased, the role of the prior diminishes. When Most elements of the third row of  under the constant prior
the size of the VAR, p, or the number of lags, L, increases, the are similar in magnitude to the elements in the ninth row of
opposite is true. When the degrees of freedom parameter of the the same column but have the opposite signs. The pattern of
Student-t distribution v increases, the results become more sim- estimates also emerge in the GDP variable (of the second and
ilar to the case with normal errors. The shrinkage prior tends to eighth rows), the nonborrowed reserves variable (of the sixth
shrink the intercept terms more than the nonintercept terms. and the twelfth rows), and the M2 money stock variable (of the
When the true value of the intercept term is set at a positive seventh and thirteenth rows). The estimates of this VAR sug-
value, the dominance of the shrinkage prior over the constant gest some degree of collinearity, which is not uncommon for
prior becomes less prominent with respect to the symmetric macroeconomic applications of VARs because macroeconomic
quadratic loss. Stronger correlations of the VAR variables am- time series data often exhibit strong serial and pairwise corre-
plify the variances of MLEs and the variances of Bayesian esti- lations. Moreover, the VAR models are “overparameterized,”
mates under the constant prior. The shrinkage prior is effective with no restrictions on the matrix . In empirical applications
in reducing the variances of the Bayesian estimates and results such as the present one, the MLE estimates of the first and sec-
in smaller losses compared to the constant prior when the VAR ond lag coefficients are not only of similar magnitude and oppo-
errors have strong pairwise correlations. Finally, regarding the site signs, but also are often found to be very sensitive to model
114 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, January 2005
specification and sample period. The fact that the estimates of  i=1 log |dki |, which can be computed in MCMC runs. The
under the constant prior are similar to the MLEs suggests the posterior risk of the estimator  = E(|Y) associated with the
possibility of improvement by using alternative priors in place
loss L1 (, ) is
of the constant prior.  
As discussed earlier, the shrinkage estimator of James and E trace{( − ) ( − )}|Y
Stein (1961), which motivates the shrinkage prior, reduces  
= trace E( |Y) − {E(|Y)} {E(|Y)} . (32)
quadratic frequentist loss in estimating a multivariate normal
mean. The James–Stein estimator is also known for improv- Both E(|Y) and E( |Y) can be computed in the process
ing efficiency in the presence of multicollinearity in regression of MCMC simulations without storage of the entire MCMC
models. Assessing the improvement of shrinkage prior-based output.
estimates requires computation of losses. In real applications, The posterior risks of the posterior mean estimator under al-
frequentist risks cannot be calculated, because the true para- ternative priors turn out to be quite different. For instance, under
meters are unknown. Theoretical results on the admissibility of the constant RATS prior the posterior risks (31) and (32) are
estimates under alternative priors have not been established in .126 and 13.703. Under the shrinkage reference prior combi-
the VAR framework, but most likely the use of a shrinkage prior nation, the corresponding posterior losses are .123 and 6.470.
for  improves upon the MLE and Bayesian estimates based on The posterior losses under the shrinkage reference prior are
the constant prior. smaller because the posterior distributions are tighter for the
Unlike the frequentist risk, the posterior risk for a given
distribution of the VAR regression coefficient matrix .
dataset can be computed using the MCMC simulation out-
6.2.2 Impulse Responses. We now compare impulse re-
put. For some loss functions, this can be done at little addi-
sponses under the constant RATS and shrinkage reference pri-
tional cost. For example, with the posterior mean estimator
) is
= E(|Y), the posterior loss of L1 (, ors. To save space, we plot only responses of GDP to shocks

   in the GDP deflator. We compare the GDP response with an
E trace( −1 ) − log |
−1 | − p Y inflation shock under competing priors. As noted earlier, un-
der the constant prior, the third and ninth rows of  1CA show
− E{(log ||)|Y}. (31)
= log || similar magnitude but opposite signs. For example, the poste-
To compute E{(log ||)|Y}, we decompose the  k matrix rior means of elements φ(3,1) and φ(9,1) are 3.057 and −3.714.
in the kth MCMC cycle as  k = Ok Dk Ok , where Dk is In contrast, under the shrinkage prior, the posterior means of
the diagonal matrix comprising eigenvalues of  k ,—that is, elements φ(3,1) and φ(9,1) are .358 and −1.134. The difference
Dk = diag(dk1 , dk2 , . . . , dkp )—and Ok is an orthogonal matrix in the Bayesian estimates  1CA and  1SR corresponds to quite

with Ok Ok = I. It follows that E{(log ||)|Y} = M1 Mk=1 × different impulse responses. Figure 1 shows that under the con-

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 1. Responses of GDP to an Inflation Shock. The dashed line, represent the 10th or 90th percentile; dotted line, the 32th or 68th percentile;
solid line, the posterior mean of impulse responses. The panels are GDP responses (a) under the constant RATS prior; (b) under the constant
Jeffreys prior; (c) under the constant reference prior; (d) under the shrinkage RATS prior; (e) under the shrinkage Jeffreys prior; and (f) under the
shrinkage reference prior.
Ni and Sun: Bayesian Estimates for Vector Autoregressive Models 115

stant prior, after a one-unit inflation shock, GDP initially surges APPENDIX: SAMPLING FROM THE POSTERIOR
by as much as 1% and then quickly drops. The long-run effect OF (, ) UNDER STUDENT-t ERRORS
is about −.2%. Given the fact that price level increases after an
inflation shock, the shock may be interpreted as a positive shock The algorithms for MCMC computations of posterior distri-
in demand. Under the shrinkage prior, a distinctly different pat- butions of (φ, ) depend on the priors. For brevity, we outline
tern emerges. GDP does not change by much immediately after only the algorithms with the constant prior on φ and the Jeffreys
the inflation shock and drifts slowly below 0. Under the shrink- and reference priors on , and we outline the algorithms only
age prior, an inflation shock plays the role of a negative supply with Student-t errors, which have one more step than the al-
shock (with the consequence of increases in price and decreases gorithms with the normal errors. We take the degrees of free-
in output). Obviously, using different priors on the same dataset dom of the Student-t distribution, v, as unknown. Following the
leads to quite different conclusions. discussion after Fact 5, we use an MCMC algorithm to sample
from the joint posterior distribution (φ, , Q, v). The algorithm
used for simulating the posterior under the constant Jeffreys
7. CONCLUDING REMARKS prior is as follows:
Algorithm CJT. Suppose that at cycle k, we have (k−1 ,
In this article we compare frequentist risks of several
 k−1 , Qk−1 , vk−1 ) sampled from cycle k − 1:
Bayesian estimates of the VAR regression coefficients  and
covariance matrix  under competing priors and data distribu- Step 1. Simulate qtk ∼ gamma( 12 (vk−1 + p), 12 {vk−1 +
tions. The asymmetric LINEX estimator  does better overall (yt − xt k−1 )  −1 k−1 (yt − xt k−1 )}).
than the posterior mean. We do not find an estimator for  dom- k = (X Qk X)−1 X Qk Y, where Qk =
Step 2. Calculate 
inating in all cases. It is therefore well advised to compare all
diag(q1k , . . . , qTk ).
estimates of  in applications. The choice of prior has stronger Step 3. Simulate  k ∼ IW(Sk ( k ), T − Lp − 1), where
effect on the Bayesian estimates than the choice of loss func- Sk () = (Y − X) Qk (Y − X).
tion. The shrinkage prior on  dominates the constant prior in
Step 4. Simulate φ k ∼ N( φ k ,  k ⊗ (X Qk X)−1 ).
the numerical example. Yang and Berger’s reference prior on 
Step 5. Simulate w conditional on φ k ,  k , and Qk from dis-
dominates the Jeffreys prior and the RATS prior. These con-
tribution (26) using the adaptive rejection sampling
clusions also hold for the Student-t model as well as the nor-
scheme of Gilks and Wild (1992), and let vk = 2w.
mal model. Estimation of a VAR using U.S. macroeconomic
data reveals significant difference between estimates of VAR The algorithm using the constant RATS prior is similar to
regression coefficients under the shrinkage and constant priors. the foregoing, with the exception that in step 3 the distribu-
Similarly, impulse responses of GDP to an inflation shock are tion of the inverse Wishart has different degrees of freedom:
shown to be distinctly different under the competing priors.  k ∼ IW(Sk ( k ), T).
This study may be extended in several directions. First, the It is much more difficult to simulate from the conditional
list of noninformative priors that we examine in this article is by distribution of  under the reference prior. We adopt the hit-
no means exhaustive. Other noninformative priors applicable to and-run algorithm used by Yang and Berger (1994). In im-
the VAR framework need to be explored. Second, in this arti- plementing the algorithm, we use a one-to-one transformation
cle we derive Bayesian estimates from loss functions separable of ,namely  ∗ = log() or  = exp( ∗ ) in the sense that
in  and . As a result, inferences for  and  are largely = ∞ ∗j
j=0  /j!. Then the conditional posterior density of 

independent. Our future research concerns joint Bayesian in- given (Q, φ, Y, v) is
ference of  and  based on an intrinsic joint loss function,
such as the entropy loss. Third, we consider only linear VAR π( ∗ |Q, φ, v, Y)
models. Recently, applications of nonlinear VAR models (e.g., = π  ∗ |SQ (φ)
Altissimo and Giovanni 2001) have become more common.
Extending our analysis to nonlinear Bayesian VARs will be an etr{−T/2 ∗ − 1/2(exp  ∗ )−1 SQ (φ)}
∝  ∗ ∗ , (A.1)
interesting future research topic. i<j (λi − λj )

where  ∗ = O ∗ O, O is an orthogonal matrix, and ∗ =

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS diag(λ∗1 , . . . , λ∗p ) with λ∗1 > · · · > λ∗p . Note that exp( ∗ ) =
O exp( ∗ )O. To simulate  ∗ from (A.1), we use the follow-
This research was supported by a Research Board grant from ing algorithm:
the University of Missouri System. Sun’s research is also sup-
Algorithm CRT. Suppose that at cycle k, we have (k−1 ,
ported by National Science Foundation grants DMS-99-72598
 k−1 , Qk−1 , vk−1 ) sampled from cycle k − 1:
and SES-0095919 and a grant from the Missouri Department of
Conservation. The authors thank two referees and an associate Step 1. Same as step 1 of Algorithm CJT.
editor for their valuable comments. They also thank Professor Step 2. Same as step 2 of Algorithm CJT.
Arnold Zellner and the referees for suggesting the simulation Step 3. Simulate φ k ∼ N( φ k ,  k−1 ⊗ (X Qk X)−1 ).
study on stationarity of the estimated VARs. They are espe- Step 4. Decompose  k−1 = O O, where = diag(λ1 ,
cially grateful to Professor Paul L. Speckman for his careful . . . , λp ), λ1 > λ2 > · · · > λp , and O O = I. Let λ∗i =
proofreading and helpful comments. log(λi ), ∗ = diag(λ∗1 , . . . , λ∗p ), and  ∗k−1 = O ∗ O .
116 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, January 2005

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