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acquisitive 15 (be) acquisitive (of) 1. TanhNh + LS. A miser is acquisitive of money, 6m + hax = THs TANANA + LORA 2. wor, A great scholar is acquisitive of ideas, FAP + AP + heh + Leber acquit (acquitted) 4% * Ad The judge acquitted him. A¥a~ : M2 + AP eax acquit oneself well “The new player acquitted himself well in the football game. AS + FPF + CHIC + Wh AP POY 2 Pe 2 ROT *He acquitted himself well in battle, mcr WG! BAG 1 ASC PPD acquittal 11% + mare His acquittal was published in the newspaper. 072 | rake + ADM + 10% acre [avait : aah e] acrid Ag? + genhahc Ismell acrid smoke from the burning rubber. AGI « COMNENC + C4971 Ts LTA *The old man has an acrid disposition. ‘#7 Aan: yepqen 1 ba seem acrid hehe Smoke seems acrid in your nose. mat NAG 7m sha + Rhahew acrimonious f°Zehecc He sent an acrimonious reply to my letter, ARGKAT + LNA + CoLenePCE + An + Anat acrobat [PATE 1 f-hoPANT + AG + Ph@T7* RFPDPO + $oRLAL + ho] across (prep.) 1. h=-- AMC, I looked across the room. bhea- + ac + rovattu- 2 -18., He lives across the street, how. + O1R + LEED 3. (= adv.) NAC + RAH: AG. Drawaline across the sheet of paper. NOatE 1 AR + HAG 1 wA ht act Aero 4. 1--- kIL9, They stretched arope across the path. Nowt28. + AIST + 109 + er 5. fl === ARCM, He hiked five miles across the desert. APSE + Ma + AREM + PAT + ILA) TA 6. l= ~~ 8, They are going to construct a bar- rage across the river. NOT 1 AR + 12 + ATH + 1M across (adv.) HAG + AAG What is the distance across? h&C # ASC! C PRET! LVR tO? *The river is a half a mile across. @7H+ + oT + IRA + Net + hAw- [See also ‘come, just, pass, now, walk’] act (v.) 1, AL22, I will act on your advice. NIRA” neh «© ARcoAv 2. AhaALOt + A&C2. He acted in time to save the house from burning down. Ort + RIALS MA + MLL ANALO’ | REA 3. u'r. Don't act like a child. APR + YF + A to 4.U¢ + tor, Who is acting Hamlet? UPON UT + PLROLO ¢ TOT 5. @-4zsim, I am required to act by tomorrow. AA 2 1 Beh + OH ISAT | bee Pau 6. ANePAA. She is not really crying; she is only acting. PAM + APA + ALLAM 1 oF eng, + 4a *Please act your age. AMHVT! “6-0 + NOL ow Ant £u% *The boy acted badly in school. A¥. + 049" UC Mt OAT 1 COME, + MAL + har act as -+abstract + wd. The student acted as interpreter for the Em- peror, PIga s Are + ek + Mat Lit 1 wd. act for 1, @hA. My lawyer acts for me in my absence. Ab MAAVAT + MOFe + LOHATA 2. NES 1 UF 1 wd., Heinvested his lawyer with complete power to act for him. NIREi + UE NA AMNSO + ort MAMI Amo: act on ‘Miikhe + wd He acted on his lawyer's advice. ¢mfsa- 2 ePhe + Pht 2 we. act out *Everyone roared when Henry acted out the episode with the teacher. %27é + hovgrys + PE! SCL! LA TIIC + AP ANE AF + ALAL + utey | DE + Maa + ord act up AETPC + ANIA The children always act up in school the day act 16 before a holiday. ‘revere + ANGAT + PH Le ARETE + LATIN act upon wd This medicine acts upon the heart. £v + a» SE + Phe cart MAN 1 AL + yo {See also ‘collusion, friendly, humble’) act (n.) 1, £624, To hit a baby is a cruel act. eh? + oop di 3 Sorhh | RCIA + 40 2, MiG. I do not want to miss the first act. Lav Fovg Lar: WC + AA LPAM * HALA ae 3. ¥2-@¥ + ar, By act of parliament demon- strations require a permit. ICA‘ + AF-wz + HDs Over + MATE + OAR * BAK LD BADD in the act of M+ imperfect ‘The thief was caught in the act of stealing. Alo (OC ENE NETE te acting (n.) 1, £4¢@- + NA, The acting of the main performer was disappointing, Pa- + 47g 2+ Lato: HEA + HC + POLLEN 2 MC 2. eeTharivA s »*é-, His acting fooled nobody. SOTA peo TEI + ATP acting (adj.) tmaae He is acting minister in the Foreign Office. Moa THR + OLLIE + mae + OTA AC 1 10 action 1, &C2F, The action takes place in a garden, CLE! LARGO NAAT © AEE + 10 The adventure story was packed with action, PENG © Heh + SC + ean + inc 2, ##é:, Emperor Theodore was a man of action. ALE bPRED: Cyd. + ha + 1e 3. PIMC, To betray a friend is a base action. BAHT: OOnAt + REG + FING | FO 4, RCP. Has any action been taken on my case? AAS! TAL + COAL © RCPF + HA? 5. “2A. The action of the water wore away the rocks. fa~Sam #420 # RARE? 1 iteTo- *He was killed in action, mG + RA © Pr actions A&é1t His actions are hard to. understand, A@é-t-k Yt NORE t LATA be in action wd The machine is not now in action, Av“? « nso + heweg? be missing in action AMC}: + AS = me He is missing in action and presumed dead. AMEE © AL + Dame 1 PEA * -PAte tL ms see action FP. The battalion saw action in Korea, TAPa- + ME + ASS + FPA LA activate Pata The noise of the alarm activated the fire company, PIAMITPheO + LOA + COTE + ChAT ARO + SOB + badoo active 1, amt, Are you an active member? om + Tere + 0? 2. MG. He is still very active for his age. ANY +! ba + Au-T? + AC = o~ 3. 7&. Children are more active in the morning than at night. ARF: hes: Laks pr + ham + Hk + GFo- 4, h&e2,, “Bats” in “he eats bread” is an active verb, (Ale © AN + BNAAD + NLA © OLE TIC OAT! «LMA » 1 AK eT so “He leads an active life. UAL + ATRwe. + 10 be active 1. Qt + wd, Is he still active in this club? Av-7 + ANN + @aP +s ODT + Lweat 2, -t4.. How long ago was Zuqwala an active volcano? URA! RAE 2 1d Berd + A <0 DPT + SUA tL * Ne + HC? take an active part oma: oo 2 -nEf + sa He takes an active part in the government. Nemyerprts + pide + OE + omy + (lms + ANGEL + a actively Noma + AT He is actively interested in the project. Wa? Be POLAND + ome tA OH activity 1, AFPALKA, There is very little activity around here on Sundays. Adv& + AdvS * ANY th HA, + LAG: AFPASA 1 MP 1 EFT! PO He has to give up all physical activity for a while. APRT #1 1 TTFOrT + AHAR* RIPOLA + copa 2 RAN 2. fed + ALA, When a man is over 70, his time of full activity is usually past. APR + actor 17 adapt Ao + AN + Gort s hadans ANN Faxy + th Od te LPIA, 3. PING, A student who has too many activities does not have time to study. tt: + TMCEY + CLLNTOD + 11 + ATT + Lh: kaa 4, A&e7t. The government was aware of the activities of enemy spies. om7Ie7-k + ¢ ant | OARET heed + god + yc *The committee is probing into his financial activities. 200 «THM + hI: Hd th TAPAD + Love pend [Sce also ‘feverish’] actor 1742 Charlie Chaplin is a good actor, Fea. + FT 04+ Ph! TPL © yO actual 1, At, The actual reason was an entirely different one. AOYTFO 1 PHIvt + 2. Pat: mC 2, ‘Hhha%. Can you give me the actual figures and not an estimate? 19° + Agu a thhatod + erg + atim's + TEA av? The actual state of affairs in the country is not known. U2ég: | huey + gaat + th hae + obs + AgRswodye 3. 1.1. The teacher described the actual position of the moon. 9»9°vs + Ca.h@> + Paes + ve + hhes actuality 1. £1.1.@- + u-4-, He had to adjust to the ac- tualities of life. ATRL + U-RS- +: opgC = Aan 2. AGP + 1G. The actuality is worse than your suspicions. AGM + 49G 1 Art + hy merem + Lhe become an actuality (r’é-1 AL + PA The plan never became an actuality. A4. + 06 AL ALGAT be in actuality ACIM“ § ACPA In actuality, the battle never took place. ACTA) | ATIC! OCrk DEE AATLCI actually 1, MA@-4-, Do you actually believe that story? LVF Fens NAOH PTA? 2 (= adj.) A@ 4%, The president rules in mame only, as the party is actually in power. Rory © KANT ® SAO PAO + ORF UT TOMATE + eeLAHO + Mag? + AF to actuate h724¢0 He actuated the pump by an electric motor. PREY MDL | Pre + hrbAbha be actuated -hvI"t She was actuated by love for her mother. REIT ¢ ADT + AAT + REC + Oe acumen lav} His business acumen made him rich. AA? FIR * SAO NAVE 1 UNEP | ALEIO- acute 1, 424%, Dogs have an acute sense of smell. ORT | ALAF + COTTE + Fted + AAO 2. AMAd., Aacute appendicitis prevented him from going on the trip. ANA4 * PPCR | AVE hs oop: hwo + hAshAw 3. %% A bad tooth can cause acute pain. OG + PCh t RR Y oP Agorm + RRNA 4. #4, Some sounds are so acute that we cannot hear them. AVAI& + LPP + AMP + Cid 1 hows Fa + CAyel + ATH FO + AVE 5. N® + A. Due to the drought there was an acute shortage of vegetables. h&Ck + errr he PA SMA Ee NG 6. 4, He is an acute observer of the political situation. A7ALHO + LHD PI PHIL + 10 7. NA. An acute angle is less than 45 degrees. AAT TAY HCAs APNE! Ae 1 NA 10 be acute 1, 84. If the pain becomes acute, calla doctor. Moro s DRE ANI 1 Pe 2. née. The political crisis became more acute, M7 AERO + AerAT © ALLL + BK (be) adamant 747%: hear Once he has made his decision he is adamant. WIL OME DECI FETE LAP Adam’s apple 777-40? He scraped his Adam’s apple on his collar. STYRCEY + Nd ram + A adapt 1, héo"2., Schools should adapt their curric- ulum to modern needs. tPUCT + MFT + adaptable 18 additional PCr tPPUCET + hey + GATT + Gt 16008 + had To *The ministry adapted the American textbook for use in Ethiopian schools, *LzAt4 # fA%% 2hyt 1 Iheeee | oom! NLA: He 1 OAAPRL | PUT * LRT AE AL NAMA 1 ARET adapt to Age Most children adapt easily to new surround- ings. fir? ARE + Aad + AWANT + 1A fe + RAPA adapt oneself “hove § -hhe?77 He adapts himself easily. NAA + LAGHA He adapts himself to new conditions hee, PIP 1 AN) OEP FE 1 LNT adaptable 1 NANAALE * AAPOR + $17. Mother has an adaptable schedule, AVE + WHANZA1. rh 1 AAPOR © COVFA 1 Te + hat 2. hUsGrk@ + 9G » gerne", She is an ad- aptable person. hu-Fka- 1 9G 1 ern} + Ao + add (vt.) 1, 4092, You will have to add some sugar. Pdb + NRC + opcharc + hav Add it to my bill. M21 cA + AL + Gagrcar 2. £a¢, He added 8 and 2. APTTT + UA WD Rave, 3. AhAa(N), The committee added a rider to the bill. 20% + Maa + chi 1 ARs IS + 7 e+ ROANT 4, ib. They debased gold} by adding copper. NOCH 1 AL + HN + Non + Aah 5, PAPA (F-PAPA), Pigment is added to oil to make paint. PAY * Aemy gt TPAC La + NUL? + DC 1 RPAPAA add (vi.) 1, &om¢. They started learning to add and subtract. @ROPCE + opbyh + aPmIC +s Kare 2, Oraaeré + AA. “I hope you will come early,” he added. A-rauers + «er 1 AA UKEP am + PO + ALCDAV DA Ao add to AaA(at) His father’s illness added to his troubles. PO 1 oops Ie; + NAAN add up £204, Add up these figures! AYU? « kre: @ Pc add up to AovAnT The evidence adds up to a case of murder. EHO + CHRD 1 WL 2 WFEA + oon + Loran sa *How much does the bill add up to? Ant + AmPare- + AFF + LETAT [See also ‘luster’] addict a-a% The cigarette addict finds it hard to stop smoking cigarettes, ¢L9d- * Chi + Hd + EP 1 LNEIPA (be) addicted to ¢--- ava’ AANT He is addicted to smoking. PAH. + 0-A% + UGA He is addicted to strong drink. fe7mt + (eft Aan tuhie--- ant addiction Ag1# 5 tut t On Opium is an addiction-causing drug. AT#9” + ALTE © CU tO POLL 1 ome + 10 addition 1. £9°C. Is my addition correct? 9% + A ht wr 2, @g.0¢, Addition is taught in second grade. gor + NATE + HEA + LAMA 3, evaenc, The addition of flour will thicken the soup, A&E + opa@nong : CAT * L Ret 4. Pg. Workmen are building an addition to the house, wéeTPE + CH7TROD + PT Ft Moret 1 Ag 1 FEO in addition Q-rene7é In addition he asked for ten dollars. Att mere 1 Ore 1+ mee in addition to h=-- 4A In addition to his fixed salary he gets a com- mission. hoeny © 2PIR + AA + heLAe 71 gta *He works in addition to going to school. ews. 1 LE additional trarcie An additional difficulty is the lack of money. PMeO 1 FIC 1 SHIN have + ya *For an additional dollar you get better quality. AIS 1 le +! Arenec + eta + agit + saau address 19 adjective address (v.) 1, ASG + Rd.. He addressed the letter to me, SNGMO + 1 1 ALG + Reo 2. TIC + AREA. Mr. Parker will now ad- dress the meeting. “Rive # 7ChGs hut Ar LO PPIC # LLC DN 3. ArPdl. I would like to address a question to the speaker. Ab@2é0*1 Te 1 Te + AeAZAV- 4, fm, He addressed a warning to a friend, ATS + ORR + Thavteee + dm 5. AG1é. I addressed him with MARNE? + ATIC Fo 6. mé- (tmé-), Protocol requires that“digni- taries be addressed by their titles. aa: “al PF NTE NOTE O + NAME | TERA + PMLA *How do you address a mayor? ¢hvi:a + ¢ DAC + mes + P4802 address oneself Pm + tr He addressed himself to the task of doing his homework. Pb 2 °é0-% 1 Aompygt a $ cos her be addressed “The letter is addressed to me, &M40L@- + Gara ho: es ALS 1 yw address (n.) 1. A&é-4. Do you want to write down my address? ACGTRY | ACRE 1 PANT 2. 49°C. The Emperor delivered an important address, “Fru 1 1p + FOR CUE 1 FIT cheer 3. Fed: He managed this difficult affair with admirable address, ANF2¢@% + AL. 2 167, SORE 1 Flee + d.nomar 4. ah. A salesman should be a man of pleasant address. AWW 1 een 1 Rs oA Ret aw + hos copy + KAN adduce mth The lawyer adduced a decision in which the judge freed a man charged with robbery. PO + Nar + AFa- + (Ned + CHAO? + OO + 1R 1 LAPENT + O-AE 1 MEA (be) adept at Fars: « Ano- John is adept at repairing things about the house. BF 1 CMA 1 ASPH 1 Commis» wo + haw adequacy ‘tri We doubt the adequacy of his training, PPPUCHT + MRE 1 NiMeMeAT respect. adequate 1. N, The lawyer presented adequate proof. MPO © Nk eee + AbEN 2, hrAN, + FRA, His schooling is not ade- quate. TUCK! ATIN. 1 (PEA) + ALLA 3. ld, Mr. Smith is adequate for the job. PLOEG *§ NLU + AP eo tA 2 YO adhere (to) 1, tan, That scotch tape will adhere to anything. AAD eT heey: c+ oct Lara 2. APNE +-TrlA. He adhered to his plans, PAT AONE + Per 3, th-tA, Most people adhere to the church of their parents. ANT P + APF + pwr BECO | YLT + LN AA adherence £245 He declared his adherence to the cause of freedom. A+Ai 1 AR! RISE © INR adherent (n.) 224 ‘The adherents of the church party supported this plan, Pt HCO ET + OTF! RILPF LUYE AER + Rate adherent (adj.) P°Z1n? Adherent materials should not be placed together. P°RON! HOF) + ADL E IEE Age adhesion *Adhesion of the intestine to the muscles requires surgery. AVE + havi + 2C+ A, ANP + PR TT! SNLAIA adhesive (n.) Tbe + eu + 1c Glue is one of the many adhesives, 07-9, + 97 MNES AU Mi se ADA. | ro adhesive tape TANTC Give me some adhesive tape for my wound. ADA + CLIT e TAREC + hav adieus, make ~ tAgit He made his adieus and left. ragat : 2% adjacent Pre + gaa The house adjacent to ours has been sold. RA AEs beret Sages Ott hit be adjacent Prac | 4a: 1 TAY The house is adjacent to the church. Qt +h Qt AGHELE 1 bed 1 yas (VPATA) adjective #xa The word ‘heavy’ is an adjective. « NAS: » + PLAD © PA PRA Om adjoin 20 administrative adjoin +Pay My garden adjoins his. @tHAT + AFE& + Ped STAT + NE LPATPA adjoining teLra The adjoining room is empty. ¢ZtTA@ + eA + AR thor adjourn (vt) 1, #mé. The judge adjourned the court until the following day. &%a- + A*L¢TAG@ + 7 + ome 2. Nt", The chairman adjourned the meeting. AP PFe 1 NANO? + te adjourn (vi.) 1. +47, The meeting adjourned at 100’clock. ONAN + Ne AVE PAE 2. afada + ANS, With the concordance of the membership we will adjourn. ANA“E # br dejo + AAAa + LASA 3. FASE, It was a strange proceeding when the senate adjourned without any decision. a) + ONE + LA 1 ONE + AALL + LATAL © vic + WC be adjourned Af The meeting is adjourned. A-AN@ + ANS (be) adjudged 1, P@A¥. The boy's case was adjudged in juve- nile court, PAR # TAL + Nome: egere he SCS! Ot bony 2, NECK +f. The property was adjudged to the rightful owner, Mle + MFCR + AA Oy tr Fars NAUAT © TAM 3. P4.2{Nt). The accused man was adjudged guilty. “HAT + hos rg eV elder «ob ACP. 4, biaet, It was adjudged wise to avoid war. Mork + NAST + CAAA UE + eae adjudicate N&G& + hhwny It is better to adjudicate disputes than to settle them by fighting. m0? # PA * hove, chi Lak + NECK + TMNT + LAA adjunct ‘rawere «Ay A radio is a common adjunct to an automobile. GAL 1 APNG | CIAOPL + PAUL. I 70 adjure Ae% T adjure you to tell the truth. NOTE? #27 LEGG | RAPA adjust (vt.) 1. Aorrhha, The manager will adjust your bil. e+ ANDER + hanvy + Loerhh AAA ‘You cannot see through the binoculars unless you adjust them first. hemRavee + hanna h@ NAFEMO + mR + ANCE AEA 2. hh@Z, The elders tried to adjust the differences in the quarrel. “i717 + anit + PheMeord + KACPINGE + ATNOIL + Phe adjust (vi) Gi} + Naas His son adjusted to army life. te + AG + G0 t HOFLE | PE 1 DE + hrows, *He has to adjust to the actualities of life. RILLILO* UGS PEC RAE adjust oneself “rAa% I cannot adjust myself to the climate here. IY + AGE * AKC + DC 1 cPAoMe: 1 AATF AP adjustment 1, “li-thhg. Our radio has an adjustment so that we can make the tone loud or soft. LORLTEYY + SPH DRT UE + LPELC Its errhhye + haw 2. $°LLECN + HZ, They worked out an ad- justment of their conflicting ideas. ¢7299 ONFOXY + HAE 1 LOLLhECN + HP. + dene make an adjustment ri777 Try to make some adjustment of your differ- ences. lophha‘Fu- + DAAw: + AAPA + Aone + Phe adjutant <4 The colonel’s adjutant gave a report. *ha% tt 8b 67Cb AP administer 1, AdTALS, Who is administering his estate? COR | LOLLATARLO- + TO? 2. Ahé.R0, Ethiopia has many good lawyers to administer justice. AAATKP + FN + POLL Ram 6 Met SUF Alle + LAD | OPE PA Aer 3. Am. The nurse is entitled to administer drugs. CH, | ORT + AomaE +s PAM © har administration ANtAec The country is in need of good adminis- tration, A1éd: + TH | ANTALG + SNEADIA administrative Pnt42c This is purely an administrative job. £u + APA + SNTARG Ye 1 Or

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