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Nyomie Cox

English 17th may,2020

Topic: a vast majority of children in your country can read but do not. What solutions would you offer
for this problem?

There is a narrative about how electronic devices are pulling children away from books. People
think that we are raising a generation that does not understand the value of literature. Some of the
reasons that children do not read are because their parents don’t have time to introduce them to stories
by reading to them at night or day as. some children have never been to a library, to see stacks and rows
of books, to want to pick one of them and get lost is beyond their imagination.

Most times children do not read because some get bullied, it is frowned upon making it seem like an
uncool thing to do, it can make them look ‘nerdy’. Children do not know a good book like Enid Blyton
but am sure they know the name of the new movie that came out.

There are ways that can help the children to start reading again such as making time for reading ,set
aside regular read aloud time, make sure the reading isn’t beyond their reading ability ,provide access to
books and lastly exhibit a love for reading. I hope parents read to them at night when the moon is high
in the sky and the stillness in the air makes way for dreams and a world that is still not lost. The world of

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