Long Nguyen: Education

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Long Nguyen longnguyen@mit.

http://long-nguyen.com github.com/longnguyen1997
(408) 768 - 4697

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science 2015 - 2019
Master of Engineering, Computer Science
Thesis: Tuning PostgresQL for Hardware-Agnostic Performance. 2019 - December 2020 (expected)
> Comp. Photography (Grad.) > Operating Systems (Grad.) > Distributed Systems (Grad.) > Algorithm Analysis
> Computer Graphics > Artificial Intelligence > Database Systems (Grad.) > Software Construction
> Comp./Network Security (Grad.) > Multimodal Interfaces (Grad.) > Computer Systems > Computer Architecture

Amazon (Alexa Registry Team) – Software Engineering Intern Summer 2020 / Seattle, WA (Remote)
> Designed a data collection mechanism to identify stale Alexa smart home devices in the Devices Registry.
> Processed data for over 800M smart devices across 100M unique Alexa customers (SQS/S3/Redshift).
> Visualized the data on a web dashboard (Quicksight) for Business Intelligence & other teams to follow.
> Added 5K LoC to production and left behind a complex, detailed design document for the project (including
future steps for the project’s continuation).
Platform9 Systems – Software Engineering Intern Sunnyvale, CA
Summer 2019
> Redesigned Platform9 Managed Kubernetes’s X509 certificate stack from the ground up.
> Scaled certificate request signing to hundreds of host VMs deployed on hybrid clouds.
> Saw a 10x+ increase in Kubernetes cluster convergence time in production, eliminating bottlenecks.
> Saved hundreds of man-hours in troubleshooting and debugging certificate/cluster convergence.
Summer 2018
> Architected/implemented a REST API and CLI service for managing customer software upgrades.
> Designed a distributed scheduler for handling planned customer upgrades.
> Used Docker and Kubernetes to deploy the above services with Amazon ECR.
> Reduced hours of load for efficiency on director-level positions.
MIT CS & AI Laboratory (CSAIL) – Undergraduate Researcher Fall 2018 / Cambridge, MA
> Created Scala applications using Edge-C, a performant framework for building distributed systems.
> Incorporated the Raft consensus algorithm into Edge-C’s system logic.

MIT Electrical Engineering & Computer Science – Teaching Assistant, 6.UAT Spring 2018 - Present / Cambridge, MA
> Training students in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science fundamental, effective oral communica-
tion skills in the context of technical content, pitches, and group proposals.

> k-d Tree-Based Raytracer: Final project for Computer Graphics. Implemented advanced binary search
tree data structure for partition-efficient processing when intersecting rays and objects. C++.
> Popular Classical Artists: Showcase of the 4 most famous classical composers. React.js.
> GesTerm: Augmented terminal experience with hand gesture support. Uses the Leap Motion sensor.
> Personal website: Personal portfolio for my photography. HTML/CSS/JS.

> Languages: Python, Java, Javascript (React, Node.js), Bash, C, Scala, HTML, CSS, LATEX
> Tools/services: Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, S3, Redshift, SQS

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