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1 a.

* More and Better Relationships

*Better Communication
*Greater Efficiency.
*Advancing Career Prospects

* speak clearly and keep your voice calm.
*wait until the introduction is completed before you shake hands.
*once introduced, use that persons name several times during the conversation.
* during self-introductions, do not give yourself an honorific.

2. cultural background plays an important role. The main task is not to impact
knowledge but to help the learners grasp the different lifestyle. The culture varies
in different introductions such as hand shaking, nose rubbing, clapping and cheek
to cheek embrace. was only practiced at higher nobilities because it was a sign of respect for the
more known people.

3b. deference is to make/show a gesture of respect to a person. Three that should

be observed are the ability to remember their names, smile and show that you
enjoy being around them and forget about yourself and concentrate on helping
others feel at ease.

4. Dr. and Mrs. knight, may I introduce my teacher and his lovely wife, Mr. and
Mrs. graham.
I)when going up the stairs the man should be behind her. If she were to trip or
fall, the man, generally being larger and stronger will be able to catch her

ii) going down the stairs, the man should be on the lower stair, so ahead of the
woman when coming down. If there was to be a door to be opened, he can open
it for the female.

5b. examples where male and female rise to the occasion are court, meetings and
a social setting.

I) when amongst a group you should take the person being introduced to each
person, allowing the usual handshake and personal greeting. Its also practical to
name the group members first.

ii) If you were to introduce your friend with full name, it may sound out of place
and very heavy. Use only first names to keep things casual and informal when you
are introducing a friend.

7. The women walk first. The proper etiquette is for the man to follow the woman
up the stairs and lead the woman downstairs. This puts the man in position to
catch or buffer should she stumble or fall.

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