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Quality Control Testing

Quality control functions are deployed in the public toilet construction operation
from receiving raw materials from the suppliers. To ensure the quality and
compliance with requirements of incoming raw materials, all specifications of
every type of raw materials are informed to all suppliers through an agreement.
All process steps and sub process steps are documented with its inputs
andoutputs using process flow charts and required standard operating
procedures(SOPs) and working instructions(WIs) are prepared using readable
languages and communicated within relevant interest parties after reviewing
and approving.

QC plan in overall toilet construction project is implemented in 2 phases in the

operation. By this QC plans, the quality of receiving raw materials which are used
for building public toilets is assured as several steps

1. Incoming inspections QC plan

2. Operational QC plan

QC plan for in-coming inspections

On the purpose of testing receiving construction raw materials, QC plan manual

is prepared for each testing type and communicated after reviewing and
approving with;

 Purpose
 Responsibilities
 References
 Procedure
 Frequency

Specifications for all in-coming materials are defined as complying with;

 internal requirements and standards of the company,

 regulatory requirements of local & international authorities,
 best practices in the industry, and communicated to suppliers.

When raw materials are received to the construction site, all lots are temporary
hold till testings are done & till approvals to release are received. Every raw
material will be tested using agreed testing methods and frequencies to verify
the compliance with given specifications.

Examples for incoming raw materials which required for building toilets;

Sand Acrylic sheets Ceramic commodes

Structural filling media Iron beams Aluminium beams

PVC pipes
“Quality Test report for incoming materials-FOR001”(Refer table 1) will be
submitted to construction company with the material lot after verifying and
approving by responsible persons.

When the incoming material lot is received to construction company, samples

from received construction material lots will be withdrawn as per sampling plan
for incoming inspections and will be test again to verify the compliance with

The lot will be release for construction site to use for toilet construction
activities only if the lot testing results are acceptable with labeling as
“APPROVED”. If the lot is not approved due to non compliance with
specifications or any other reason, the lot will handled as non confirming
product and quarantined with “NOT APPROVED” labels and will go through
below ways.

 Further sampling & re-testing

 Rejecting & returning to supplier

All test results and approved lot details are acknowledged by QC manager and
any rejections of incoming inspection, those details will be circulated among
relevant departments.

Operational QC plan is implemented as 2 stages.

1. Contractor quality control testing

When construction activities are being done by contractor parties, this QC plan is
activated to assure the fulfilling established requirements on construction
quality aspects. These testings will be done with higher frequencies by
competent technicians.

2. Project management team quality control testing

The basic purpose of this QC plan is verification of the reliability of contractor

quality control testing plan. This QC plan will be carried out by responsible
persons of project management parties in associate with contractor QC teams.

1. QC plan for contractor quality control testing

QC plan manual for contractor quality control testing is prepared for each testing
type and communicated after reviewing and approving with;

 Purpose of overall QC plan and each testings

 Responsibilities of relevant parties
 References with regulatory requirements and internal standards
 Procedure to carried out testings
 Frequency of testings done
Selected parameters of construction materials will be tested in defined
frequencies using approved test methods and all results are documented by
relevant personal to verify the compliance with pre-determined specifications.
These parameters are pre-identified based on severity on quality aspects on
toilet construction activities.

“Test report for contractor QC testings-FOR002”(Refer table 2) will be used to

record all test results and maintained as documented information. The each
day’s test results should be submitted to the engineers prior to the start of the
next day’s construction works.

If any situation with non confirming test results with specifications or

requirements or standards, the contractor should submit those reports and need
to discuss with chief engineer and QC manager for decision making.

2. Project management team quality control testing

The basic purpose of QC testings done by project team is verification of reliability

of test results done by contractor QC testings. Same parameters were tested
again with less frequency than contractor QC testing plan for verification
purpose. If any significant variation is noticed with results of same parameter by
contractor QC and project team QC, further testings will be done to confirmation
according to procedure of QC testing.

“Test report for project management QC testings-FOR003”(Refer table 3) will be

used to record all test results and maintained as documented information.
Every test results sheets will be circulated with the team and will be approved by
chief engineer.

Using of quality strategies and quality tools in toilet construction project:

Quality assurance strategy vs quality control in toilet construction project Most

of time QC plans are implemented in construction projects to maintain their
expected quality level. When considering pros and cons of quality assurance and
quality control strategies, QA strategy is more effective than QC. QC testings are
placed at end of process steps and finally that product is rejected, it will be a cost
to organization.

In this toilet construction project, we need to address quality consistancy at

supplier stage also. By addressing all sub process steps as a customer of previous
process step, always prevoius process step owners need to deliver the
bestquality product or service. Then ultimatly final product will 100% quality
assured. Project management should be lead the suppliers to assure thier quality
consistancy and periodic audits & training sessions can be used to improve the
supplier stage.
PDCA - Deming cycle

PDCA cycle can be used to continually improve the all process of toilet
construction project. By improving sub process of the entire process using this
systematic strategy, overall output of the construction operation can be done

As an example,to reduce the drying time of concrete mixture with added amount
of gypsum and added amount of water with keeping quality aspects PDCA cycle
can be used. When mixing concrete mixtures with standard propotions of
ingrediants this study can be carried out with starting from proper planining on
the work with frequently monitoring, concrete mixing process can be
continuasly improved upto low cost and high quality level with minimum
process defectives.

 PDCA cycle for improvement study of reducing drying time of concrete

Customer Focus

 Customer centricity
 Customer feedback
 Customer satisfaction
 Customer Loyalty and Referrals

The all objectives of the toilet construction project should be made based on the
satisfaction of the customer/consumer side. Those requirements can
betranslated into numeric values such as specifications to be easily followed and
easily understandable. Any decision is made on the process of this project need
to be made on focusing of customer satisfaction. If any high cost material or
equipment is proposed to replace with low cost equipment, that change need to
be analyzed based on how that change will effect to final customer.
For the improvements of operation in toilet constructon project and in upcoming
projects, the customer feedbacks with suggestions and complaints are very
imortant to the project management team. Those received feedbacks will be
evaluated frequently and will be submitted to project mangement meetings to be

Stakeholder Management

Stakeholder management plant should be made through as a proess icluding

inputs, processing phase and outputs. Based on thier enengement severiaty with
in toilet construction project, their engagement level need to be identified,
monitored and communicated with interested parties considering as a
mandotory funcion of the toilet construction project.

Identifying stakeholders is very critical phase based on the coordination with

toilet construction projects. For this task, matrix chart can be used as another
tool to requiremnts for each sector of stake holders to be visualized for easy
understanding. The expectation, involvement and the coordination level with
each type of stake holders are different each other. That management of
coordination is very important for the effectiveness and ultimate project sucess.
Matrix chart for criteria of stakeholder management

High To be
Keep in managed
satisfied & to closely &
be informed work

Min effort to be
and informed &
monitoring consultation

Low High


Quality tools in toilet construction project

Cause-and-effect diagram
If any deviations had been occurred beyond the expected
values/range/condition, the cause and effect diagram can be used to find
potential root causes which related to identified deviation. When working with
cause and effect diagrams, brainstorming sessions can be held with process
experts and process owners to collect and extract all ideas and finally the most
relevant potential root causes can be identified. Finally, by taking effective
corrective actions to identified root causes, those process deviations can be

Check sheet

Check sheet can be used for collecting various type of data which collecting for
data analyzing. Any extra technical competency is not required to use this check
and due to this reason this quality tool is very useful when seeking for process
improvements and decision making.

The check sheet is a one of most powerful tool which be used to collecting data of
process in proper manner. If project team need to mark the quantity of defective
nut and bolts detected in the feild received from suppliers, a check sheet can be
used to record those data. By this checksheet, a final report can be made & those
relevant supplier can be informed to take preventve actions to avoid sending
defective nut and bolts.
Control chart

After collecting data of related to any process, the trend of the data and how it
deviate from specific target are can be understood using control charts. In a
requirement of analyzig the detected number of defective nut and bolts in each
batchs against given tolrnaces from a supplier, t control charts can be used to
easlily visualized the trand of defectives in each batch.

Histogram and Pareto chart

These techniques can be used to study the pattern of the data distribution of a
process. The Pareto 80-20% principal can be visualized and implementing
effective corrective actions for identified 20% causes which cause for 80%
problems, the process can be significantly improved. As an example, the project
team need to reduce total cost due to defectives or deviation from standards, all
identified defectives and process deviations can be analyzed through pareto
chart and this study will be useful to select majority of critical issues to be solved
to reduce the total cost of defectives.
Scatter diagram

If any 2 parameters are exhibited in a process with a correlation, using this

scatter diagram, those parameters can be identified.

As an example, if project team need to check whether there is any relationship

between quantity of gypsum added into concrete mixture with the time to dry
the slab, the scatter diagram can be used to study of correlation on above factors.


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