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Language Placement Questionnaire

Student’s full name:


In order to be placed in the appropriate Arabic language class according to your level of
competency, you need to either complete the questionnaire below or check the box that
says you have had no prior Arabic instruction. However, please answer question 8, 10 and

I have never studied Arabic before: 

Questionnaire for students with Arabic language background:

The more information you share with us in this form about your Arabic background, the
easier it will be to place you in the appropriate level. Note that students will also take
written and oral placement tests during the orientation at the CCCL.

If you studied Modern Standard Arabic (Fus’ha):

1) Where did you study Arabic Fus’ha? Please list the institution(s) and country/countries.


2) When did you learn Arabic? Please specify the month(s), year(s), semesters, course number
and total number of Arabic instruction hours.

4) What textbook (s) did you use? Please tick the correct box:

 Alif Baa, 2nd edition  Al-Kitaab Part 2, 2nd edition

 Alif Baa, 3rd edition  Al-Kitaab Part 2, 3rd edition

 Al-Kitaab Part 1, 2nd edition  Al-Kitaab Part 3

 Al-Kitaab Part 1, 3rd edition  Other: ______________________________

5) Which chapter(s) (units) did you cover? Please be specific.


6) What other teaching materials were used? Please be specific


7) If you stopped studying Arabic at any point, please explain when and for how long.


- If possible, please provide a copy of the Arabic syllabus (or syllabi) covered, or a description of

- Dates/period when this syllabus (or these syllabi) were covered?


8) Will you be studying Arabic between now and the program start date? Yes  No 
If yes, please provide us with a syllabus. If a syllabus is not available, please list the material that
will be covered.

9) How would you evaluate your Modern Standard Arabic language skills? (Poor, Fair, Good,

 Reading: Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent 

 Writing: Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent 

 Speaking: Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent 

 Listening Comprehension: Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent 

10) What is your style of learning languages?





Please explain:

11) What are your expectations for this Arabic course? What would you like to achieve by the
end of this course?


If you studied colloquial Arabic:

12) Please specify which dialect (Egyptian, Levantine, etc?


- When did you study it? (Months, years, total number of Arabic instruction hours)


- Where? (Institution, country)


13) What were the teaching materials used?


14 How would you evaluate your Colloquial Arabic language skills? (poor, fair, good, excellent):

 Reading: Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent 

 Writing: Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent 

 Speaking: Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent 

 Comprehension: Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent 

If you studied both Fus’ha and colloquial Arabic

15) Which one do you feel more comfortable speaking? Why?


16) Anything else you’d like to tell us?


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