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Analyzing Knowledge Graph Embedding Methods from a

Multi-Embedding Interaction Perspective

Hung Nghiep Tran Atsuhiro Takasu
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, National Institute of Informatics
SOKENDAI Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan takasu@nii.ac.jp
Knowledge graphs are the cornerstones of modern seman-
tic web technology. They have been used by large companies
ABSTRACT such as Google to provide semantic meanings into many tradi-
tional applications, such as semantic search engines, semantic
arXiv:1903.11406v3 [cs.LG] 14 May 2020

Knowledge graph is a popular format for representing knowl-

edge, with many applications to semantic search engines, question- browsing, and question answering [2]. One important applica-
answering systems, and recommender systems. Real-world knowl- tion of knowledge graphs is recommender systems, where they
edge graphs are usually incomplete, so knowledge graph embed- are used to unite multiple sources of data and incorporate ex-
ding methods, such as Canonical decomposition/Parallel factor- ternal knowledge [5] [36]. Recently, specific methods such as
ization (CP), DistMult, and ComplEx, have been proposed to ad- knowledge graph embedding have been used to predict user in-
dress this issue. These methods represent entities and relations teractions and provide recommendations directly [10].
as embedding vectors in semantic space and predict the links Real-world knowledge graphs are usually incomplete. For ex-
between them. The embedding vectors themselves contain rich ample, Freebase and Wikidata are very large but they do not
semantic information and can be used in other applications such contain all knowledge. This is especially true for the knowledge
as data analysis. However, mechanisms in these models and the graphs used in recommender systems. During system operation,
embedding vectors themselves vary greatly, making it difficult to users review new items or like new items, generating new triples
understand and compare them. Given this lack of understanding, for the knowledge graph, which is therefore inherently incom-
we risk using them ineffectively or incorrectly, particularly for plete. Knowledge graph completion, or link prediction, is the
complicated models, such as CP, with two role-based embedding task that aims to predict new triples.
vectors, or the state-of-the-art ComplEx model, with complex- This task can be undertaken by using knowledge graph em-
valued embedding vectors. In this paper, we propose a multi- bedding methods, which represent entities and relations as em-
embedding interaction mechanism as a new approach to unit- bedding vectors in semantic space, then model the interactions
ing and generalizing these models. We derive them theoretically between these embedding vectors to compute matching scores
via this mechanism and provide empirical analyses and compar- that predict the validity of each triple. Knowledge graph embed-
isons between them. We also propose a new multi-embedding ding methods are not only used for knowledge graph comple-
model based on quaternion algebra and show that it achieves tion, but the learned embedding vectors of entities and relations
promising results using popular benchmarks. are also very useful. They contain rich semantic information sim-
ilar to word embeddings [21] [20] [14], enabling them to be used
Source code is available on github at in visualization or browsing for data analysis. They can also be
https://github.com/tranhungnghiep/AnalyzingKGEmbeddings used as extracted or pretrained feature vectors in other learning
models for tasks such as classification, clustering, and ranking.
KEYWORDS Among the many proposed knowledge graph embedding meth-
ods, the most efficient and effective involve trilinear-product-
Knowledge Graph, Knowledge Graph Completion, Knowledge
based models, such as Canonical decomposition/Parallel factor-
Graph Embedding, Multi-Embedding, Representation Learning.
ization (CP) [13] [17], DistMult [35], or the state-of-the-art Com-
plEx model [28]. These models solve a tensor decomposition
1 INTRODUCTION problem with the matching score of each triple modeled as the
Knowledge graphs provide a unified format for representing knowl- result of a trilinear product, i.e., a multilinear map with three
edge about relationships between entities. A knowledge graph variables corresponding to the embedding vectors h, t, and r
is a collection of triples, with each triple (h, t, r ) denoting the of head entity h, tail entity t, and relation r , respectively. The
fact that relation r exists between head entity h and tail entity trilinear-product-based score function for the three embedding
t. Many large real-world knowledge graphs have been built, in- vectors is denoted as hh, t, r i and will be defined mathematically
cluding WordNet [22] representing English lexical knowledge, in Section 2.
and Freebase [3] and Wikidata [29] representing general knowl- However, the implementations of embedding vectors for the
edge. Moreover, knowledge graph can be used as a universal various models are very diverse. DistMult [35] uses one real-
format for data from applied domains. For example, a knowl- valued embedding vector for each entity or relation. The original
edge graph for recommender systems would have triples such CP [13] uses one real-valued embedding vector for each relation,
as (UserA, Item1, review) and (UserB, Item2, like). but two real-valued embedding vectors for each entity when it is
as head and as tail, respectively. ComplEx [28] uses one complex-
Published in the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Data Science valued embedding vector for each entity or relation. Moreover, a
for Industry 4.0 (DSI4) at EDBT/ICDT 2019 Joint Conference. Full version. recent heuristic for CP [17], here denoted as CPh , was proposed
Copyright ©2019 held by the owner(s)/author(s). Distribution of this paper is per-
mitted under the terms of the Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC 4.0.
to augment the training data, helping CP achieve results com- (3) Prediction: using the matching score to predict the validity
petitive with the state-of-the-art model ComplEx. This heuristic of each triple. A higher score means that the triple is more
introduces an additional embedding vector for each relation, but likely to be valid.
the underlying mechanism is different from that in ComplEx. All
of these complications make it difficult to understand and com-
pare the various models, to know how to use them and extend 2.2 Categorization
them. If we were to use the embedding vectors for data analysis Based on the modeling of the second component, a knowledge
or as pretrained feature vectors, a good understanding would af- graph embedding model falls into one of three categories, namely
fect the way we would use the complex-valued embedding vec- translation-based, neural-network-based, or trilinear-product-based,
tors from ComplEx or the different embedding vectors for head as described below.
and tail roles from CP.
In this paper, we propose a multi-embedding interaction mech-
anism as a new approach to uniting and generalizing the above 2.2.1 Translation-based: These models translate the head en-
models. In the proposed mechanism, each entity e is represented tity embedding by summing with the relation embedding vector,
by multiple embedding vectors {e (1) , e (2) , . . . } and each relation then measuring the distance between the translated images of
r is represented by multiple embedding vectors {r (1) , r (2) , . . . }. head entity and the tail entity embedding, usually by L1 or L2
In a triple (h, t, r ), all embedding vectors of h, t, and r interact distance:
with each other by trilinear products to produce multiple interac-
tion scores. These scores are then weighted summed by a weight
vector ω to produce the final matching score for the triple. We S(h, t, r ) = − ||h + r − t ||p
show that the above models are special cases of this mechanism. D
! 1/p
Therefore, it unifies those models and lets us compare them di- =− |hd + rd − td | ,
rectly. The mechanism also enables us to develop new models d
by extending to additional embedding vectors. where
In this paper, our contributions include the following. • h, t, r are embedding vectors of h, t, and r , respectively,
• We introduce a multi-embedding interaction mechanism • p is 1 or 2 for L1 or L2 distance, respectively,
as a new approach to unifying and generalizing a class of • D is the embedding size and d is the dimension for which
state-of-the-art knowledge graph embedding models. hd , td , and rd are the scalar entries.
• We derive each of the above models theoretically via this TransE [4] was the first model of this type, with score function
mechanism. We then empirically analyze and compare basically the same as the above equation. There have been many
these models with each other and with variants. extensions such as TransR [19], TransH [33], and TransA [34].
• We propose a new multi-embedding model by an exten- Most extensions are done by linear transformation of the entities
sion to four-embedding vectors based on quaternion alge- into a relation-specific space before translation [19].
bra, which is an extension of complex algebra. We show These models are simple and efficient. However, their mod-
that this model achieves promising results. eling capacity is generally weak because of over-strong assump-
tions about translation using relation embedding. Therefore, they
are unable to model some forms of data [31].
Knowledge graph embedding methods for link prediction are ac-
2.2.2 Neural-network-based: These models use a nonlinear
tively being researched [30]. Here, we only review the works
neural network to compute the matching score for a triple:
that are directly related to this paper, namely models that use
only triples, not external data such as text [32] or graph struc-
ture such as relation paths [18]. Models using only triples are
relatively simple and they are also the current state of the art. S(h, t, r ) =N N (h, t, r ), (2)
• h, t, r are the embedding vectors of h, t, and r , respec-
2.1 General architecture
Knowledge graph embedding models take a triple of the form • N N is the neural network used to compute the score.
(h, t, r ) as input and output the validity of that triple. A general One of the simplest neural-network-based model is ER-MLP
model can be viewed as a three-component architecture: [7], which concatenates the input embedding vectors and uses
(1) Embedding lookup: linear mapping from one-hot vectors a multi-layer perceptron neural network to compute the match-
to embedding vectors. A one-hot vector is a sparse dis- ing score. NTN [26] is an earlier model that employs nonlinear
crete vector representing a discrete input, e.g., the first en- activation functions to generalize the linear model RESCAL [24].
tity could be represented as [1, 0, . . . , 0]⊤ . A triple could Recent models such as ConvE [6] use convolution networks in-
be represented as a tuple of three one-hot vectors repre- stead of fully-connected networks.
senting h, t, and r , respectively. An embedding vector is These models are complicated because of their use of neural
a dense continuous vector of much lower dimensionality networks as a black-box universal approximator, which usually
than a one-hot vector thus lead to efficient distributed rep- make them difficult to understand and expensive to use.
resentations [11] [12].
(2) Interaction mechanism: modeling the interaction between
embedding vectors to compute the matching score of a 2.2.3 Trilinear-product-based: These models compute their
triple. This is the main component of a model. scores by using trilinear product between head, tail, and relation
embeddings, with relation embedding playing the role of match- CP, achieving results competitive with ComplEx. Its score func-
ing weights on the dimensions of head and tail embeddings: tion is:

S(h, t, r ) =hh, t, r i S(h, t, r ) =hh, t (2) , r i and ht, h (2) , r (a) i, (7)
=h ⊤diaд(r )t where h, h (2), t, t (2) , r, r (a) ∈ RD .
In the next section, we present a new approach to analyzing
Õ these trilinear-product-based models.
= (h ⊙ t ⊙ r )d (3)
d =1
In this section, we first formally present the multi-embedding in-
= (hd td rd ) ,
d =1 teraction mechanism. We then derive each of the above trilinear-
where product-based models using this mechanism, by changing the
• h, t, r are embedding vectors of h, t, and r , respectively, embedding vectors and setting appropriate weight vectors. Next,
• diaд(r ) is the diagonal matrix of r , we specify our attempt at learning weight vectors automatically.
• ⊙ denotes the element-wise Hadamard product, We also propose a four-embedding interaction model based on
• D is the embedding size and d is the dimension for which quaternion algebra.
hd , td , and rd are the scalar entries.
In this paper, we focus on this category, particularly on Dist- 3.1 Multi-embedding interaction mechanism
Mult, ComplEx, CP, and CPh with augmented data. These mod- We globally model each entity e as the multiple embedding vec-
els are simple, efficient, and can scale linearly with respect to tors {e (1) , e (2) , . . . , e (n) } and each relation r as the multiple em-
embedding size in both time and space. They are also very effec- bedding vectors {r (1) , r (2) , . . . , r (n) }, where n is the number of
tive, as has been shown by the state-of-the-art results for Com- multi-embedding vectors generally, which can be different for
plEx and CPh using popular benchmarks [28] [17]. entity and relation. The triple (h, t, r ) is therefore modeled by
DistMult [35] embeds each entity and relation as a single real-
multi-embedding vectors h (i ), t (j) , and r (k) , i, j, k ∈ {1, . . . , n}.
valued vector. DistMult is the simplest model in this category.
In each triple, the embedding vectors for head, tail, and rela-
Its score function is symmetric, with the same scores for triples
tion interact with each and every other embedding vector to pro-
(h, t, r ) and (t, h, r ). Therefore, it cannot model asymmetric data
duce multiple interaction scores. Each interaction is modeled by
for which only one direction is valid, e.g., asymmetric triples
the trilinear product of corresponding embedding vectors. The
such as (Paper1, Paper2, cite). Its score function is:
interaction scores are then weighted summed by a weight vec-
S(h, t, r ) =hh, t, r i, (4) Õ
where h, t, r ∈ RD . S(h, t, r ; Θ, ω) = ω (i, j,k) hh (i ) , t (j) , r (k) i,
ComplEx [28] is an extension of DistMult that uses complex- i, j,k ∈{1, ...,n }
valued embedding vectors that contain complex numbers. Each where
complex number c with two components, real a and imaginary • ω ∈ Rn denotes the weight vector used to combine the
b, can be denoted as c = a + bi. The complex conjugate c of c is interaction scores, with ω (i, j,k) being an element,
c = a − bi. The complex conjugate vector t of t is form from the • Θ denotes embedding vectors h (i ) , t (j) , r (k) .
complex conjugate of the individual entries. Complex algebra re-
quires using the complex conjugate vector of tail embedding in 3.2 Deriving trilinear-product-based models
the inner product and trilinear product [1]. Thus, these products The existing trilinear-product-based models can be derived from
can be antisymmetric, which enables ComplEx to model asym- the proposed general multi-embedding interaction score func-
metric data [28] [27]. Its score function is: tion in Eq. (8) by setting the weight vector ω as shown in Table
S(h, t, r ) =Re(hh, t, r i), (5) For DistMult, we can see the equivalence directly. For Com-
where h, t, r ∈ CD and Re(c) means taking the real component plEx, we need to expand its score function following complex
of the complex number c. algebra [1]:
CP [13] is similar to DistMult but embeds entities as head and S(h, t, r ) =Re(hh, t, r i)
as tail differently. Each entity e has two embedding vectors e
=hRe(h), Re(t), Re(r )i + hRe(h), Im(t), Im(r )i (9)
and e (2) depending on its role in a triple as head or as tail, re-
spectively. Using different role-based embedding vectors leads to − hIm(h), Re(t), Im(r )i + hIm(h), Im(t), Re(r )i,
an asymmetric score function, enabling CP to also model asym- where
metric data. However, experiments have shown that CP’s perfor- • h, t, r ∈ CD ,
mance is very poor on unseen test data [17]. Its score function • Re(c) and Im(c) mean taking the real and imaginary com-
is: ponents of the complex vector c, respectively.
Changing Re(h) to h (1) , Im(h) to h (2) , Re(t) to t (1) , Im(t) to
S(h, t, r ) =hh, t (2) , r i, (6) t (2) , Re(r ) to r (1) , and Im(r ) to r (2) , we can rewrite the score
where h, t (2) , r ∈ RD . function of ComplEx as:
CPh [17] is a direct extension of CP. Its heuristic augments S(h, t, r ) =Re(hh, t, r i)
the training data by making an inverse triple (t, h, r (a) ) for each
existing triple (h, t, r ), where r (a) is the augmented relation cor- =hh (1) , t (1) , r (1) i + hh (1) , t (2) , r (2) i (10)
responding to r . With this heuristic, CPh significantly improves (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (1)
− hh , t ,r i + hh , t ,r i,
Table 1: Weight vectors for special cases.

ComplEx ComplEx ComplEx CPh

Weighted terms DistMult ComplEx CP CPh
equiv. 1 equiv. 2 equiv. 3 equiv.
hh (1) , t (1) , r (1) i 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
hh (1) , t (1) , r (2) i 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
hh (1) , t (2) , r (1) i 0 0 0 -1 1 1 1 0
hh (1) , t (2) , r (2) i 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 1
hh (2) , t (1) , r (1) i 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 1
hh (2) , t (1) , r (2) i 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 0
hh (2) , t (2) , r (1) i 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
hh (2) , t (2) , r (2) i 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

which is equivalent to the weighted sum using the weight vec- 3.4 Quaternion-based four-embedding
tors in Table 1. Note that by the symmetry between h and t, we interaction model
can also obtain the equivalent weight vector ComplEx equiv. 1.
Another question is whether using more embedding vectors in
By symmetry between embedding vectors of the same entity or
the multi-embedding interaction mechanism is helpful. Motivated
relation, we can also obtain the equivalent weight vectors Com-
by the derivation of ComplEx from a two-embedding interaction
plEx equiv. 2 and ComplEx equiv. 3.
model, we develop a four-embedding interaction model by using
For CP, note that the two role-based embedding vectors for
quaternion algebra to determine the weight vector and the inter-
each entity can be mapped to two-embedding vectors in our
action mechanism.
model and the relation embedding vector can be mapped to r (1) . Quaternion numbers are extension of complex numbers to
For CPh , further note that its data augmentation is equivalent four components [15] [8]. Each quaternion number q, with one
to adding the score of the original triple and the inverse triple real component a and three imaginary components b, c, d, could
when training using stochastic gradient descent (SGD): be written as q = a + bi + cj + dk where i, j, k are fundamental
S(h, t, r ) =hh, t (2) , r i + ht, h (2) , r (a) i. (11) quaternion units, similar to the imaginary number i in complex
We can then map r (a) to r (2) to obtain the equivalence given in algebra. As for complex conjugates, we also have a quaternion
Table 1. By symmetry between h and t, we can also obtain the conjugate q = a − bi − cj − dk.
equivalent weight vector CPh equiv. 1. An intuitive view of quaternion algebra is that each quater-
From this perspective, all four models DistMult, ComplEx, CP, nion number represents a 4-dimensional vector (or 3-dimensional
and CPh can be seen as special cases of the general multi-embedding vector when the real component a = 0) and quaternion multi-
interaction mechanism. This provides an intuitive perspective plication is rotation of this vector in 4- (or 3-)dimensional space.
on using the embedding vectors in complicated models. For the Compared to complex algebra, each complex number represents
ComplEx model, instead of using a complex-valued embedding a 2-dimensional vector and complex multiplication is rotation of
vector, we can treat it as two real-valued embedding vectors. this vector in 2-dimensional plane [1].
These vectors can then be used directly in common learning Several works have shown the benefit of using complex, quater-
algorithms that take as input real-valued vectors rather than nion, or other hyper-complex numbers in the hidden layers of
complex-valued vectors. We also see that multiple embedding deep neural networks [9] [23] [25]. To the best of our knowledge,
vectors are a natural extension of single embedding vectors. Given this paper is the first to motivate and use quaternion numbers
this insight, multiple embedding vectors can be concatenated to for the embedding vectors of knowledge graph embedding.
form a longer vector for use in visualization and data analysis, Quaternion multiplication is noncommutative, thus there are
for example. multiple ways to multiply three quaternion numbers in the tri-
linear product. Here, we choose to write the score function of
3.3 Automatically learning weight vectors the quaternion-based four-embedding interaction model as:
As we have noted, the weight vector ω plays an important role
in the model, because it determines how the interaction mecha-
nism is implemented and therefore how the specific model can
be derived. An interesting question is how to learn ω automati-
cally. One approach is to let the model learn ω together with the
embeddings in an end-to-end fashion. For a more detailed ex-
amination of this idea, we will test different restrictions on the
range of ω by applying tanh(ω), sigmoid(ω), and softmax(ω).
Note also that the weight vectors for related models are usu- S(h, t, r ) =Re(hh, t, r i), (13)
ally sparse. We therefore enforce a sparsity constraint on ω by an where h, t, r ∈ HD .
additional Dirichlet negative log-likelihood regularization loss: By expanding this formula using quaternion algebra [15] and
mapping the four components of a quaternion number to four
Õ |ω (i, j,k) |
Ldir = −λdir (α − 1) log , (12) embeddings in the multi-embedding interaction model, respec-
||ω|| 1 tively, we can write the score function in the notation of the
i, j,k ∈{1, ...,n }
where α is a hyperparameter controlling sparseness (the smaller
α is, the sparser ω is) and λdir is the regularization strength.
multi-embedding interaction model as: 5.2 Evaluation protocols
Knowledge graph embedding methods are usually evaluated on
S(h, t, r ) =Re(hh, t, r i)
link prediction task [4]. In this task, for each true triple (h, t, r ) in
=hh (1) , t (1) , r (1) i + hh (2) , t (2) , r (1) i the test set, we replace h and t by every other entity to generate
corrupted triples (h ′, t, r ) and (h, t ′, r ), respectively [4]. The goal
+ hh (3) , t (3) , r (1) i + hh (4) , t (4) , r (1) i
of the model now is to rank the true triple (h, t, r ) before the
+ hh (1) , t (2) , r (2) i − hh (2) , t (1) , r (2) i corrupted triples based on the predicted score S.
For each true triple in the test set, we compute its rank, then
+ hh (3) , t (4) , r (2) i − hh (4) , t (3) , r (2) i (14)
we can compute popular evaluation metrics including MRR (mean
(1) (3) (3) (2) (4) (3)
+ hh , t ,r i − hh , t ,r i reciprocal rank) and Hit@k for k ∈ {1, 3, 10} (how many true
(3) (1) (3) (4) (2) (3) triples are correctly ranked in the top k) [28].
− hh , t ,r i + hh , t ,r i
To avoid false negative error, i.e., corrupted triples are ac-
(1) (4) (4) (2) (3) (4)
+ hh , t ,r i + hh , t ,r i cidentally valid triples, we follow the protocols used in other
works for filtered metrics [4]. In this protocol, all valid triples in
− hh (3) , t (2) , r (4) i − hh (4) , t (1) , r (4) i,
the training, validation, and test sets are removed from the cor-
where h, t, r ∈ HD . rupted triples set before computing the rank of the true triple.


The learning problem in knowledge graph embedding methods We trained the models using SGD with learning rates auto-tuned
can be modeled as the binary classification of valid and invalid by Adam [16], that makes the choice of initial learning rate more
triples. Because knowledge graphs do not contain invalid triples, robust. For all models, we found good hyperparameters with
we generate them by negative sampling [20]. For each valid triple grid search on learning rates ∈ {10−3, 10−4 }, embedding regular-
(h, t, r ), we replace the h or t entities in each training triple with ization strengths ∈ {10−2, 3×10−3, 10−3 , 3×10−4, 10−4, 0.0}, and
other random entities to obtain the invalid triples (h ′, t, r ) and batch sizes ∈ {212, 214 }. For a fair comparison, we fixed the em-
(h, t ′, r ) [4]. bedding sizes so that numbers of parameters for all models are
We can then learn the model parameters by minimizing the comparable. In particular, we use embedding sizes of 400 for one-
negative log-likelihood loss for the training data with the pre- embedding models such as DistMult, 200 for two-embedding mod-
dicted probability modeled by the logistic sigmoid function σ (·) els such as ComplEx, CP, and CPh , and 100 for four-embedding
on the matching score. This loss is the cross-entropy: models. We also fixed the number of negative samples at 1 be-
Õ cause, although using more negative samples is beneficial for all
L(D, D ′ ; Θ, ω) = − log σ (S (h, t, r ; Θ, ω))
models, it is also more expensive and not necessary for this com-
(h,t,r )∈D
Õ parative analysis.
log 1 − σ S h ′, t ′ , r ; Θ, ω We constrained entity embedding vectors to have unit L2 -
− ,
(h ′,t ′,r )∈D ′ norm after each training iteration. All training runs were stopped
(15) early by checking the filtered MRR on the validation set after ev-
where D is true data (p̂ = 1), D ′ is negative sampled data (p̂ = 0), ery 50 epochs, with 100 epochs patient.
and p̂ is the empirical probability.
Defining the class label Y(h,t,r ) = 2p̂ (h,t,r ) − 1, i.e., the labels 6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of positive triples are 1 and negative triples are −1, the above loss In this section, we present experimental results and analyses for
can be written more concisely. Including the L2 regularization of
the models described in Section 3. We report results for derived
embedding vectors, this loss can be written as:
weight vectors and their variants, auto-learned weight vectors,
and the quaternion-based four-embedding interaction model.

log 1 + e−Y(h, t, r ) S(h,t,r ;Θ, ω)
L(D, D ′ ; Θ, ω) =

(h,t,r )∈D∪D ′
6.1 Derived weight vectors and variants
+ ||Θ||22 , 6.1.1 Comparison of derived weight vectors . We evaluated
(16) the multi-embedding interaction model with the score function
where D is true data, D ′ is negative sampled data, Θ are the in Eq. (8), using the derived weight vectors in Table 1. The results
embedding vectors of specific triple (h, t, r ), nD is the total em- are shown in Table 2. They are consistent with the results re-
bedding size, and λ is the regularization strength. ported in other works [28]. Note that ComplEx and CPh achieved
good results, whereas DistMult performed less well. CP performed
5 EXPERIMENTAL SETTINGS very poorly in comparison to the other models, even though it
is a classical model for the tensor decomposition task [13].
5.1 Datasets For a more detailed comparison, we report the performance
For our empirical analysis, we used the WN18 dataset, the most on training data. Note that ComplEx and CPh can accurately pre-
popular of the benchmark datasets built on WordNet [22] by dict the training data, whereas DistMult did not. This is evidence
Bordes et al. [4]. This dataset has 40,943 entities, 18 relations, that ComplEx and CPh are fully expressive while DistMult can-
141,442 training triples, 5,000 validation triples, 5,000 test triples. not model asymmetric data effectively.
In our preliminary experiments, the relative performance on all The most surprising result was that CP can also accurately
datasets was quite consistent, therefore choosing the WN18 dataset predict the training data at a comparable level to ComplEx and
is appropriate for our analysis. We will consider the use of other CPh , despite its very poor result on the test data. This suggests
datasets in in future work. that the problem with CP is not its modeling capacity, but in its
Table 2: Results for the derived weight vectors on WN18.

Weight setting MRR Hit@1 Hit@3 Hit@10

DistMult (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0.796 0.674 0.915 0.945
ComplEx (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, −1, 1, 0) 0.937 0.928 0.946 0.951
CP (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0.086 0.059 0.093 0.139
CPh (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) 0.937 0.929 0.944 0.949
DistMult on train 0.917 0.848 0.985 0.997
ComplEx on train 0.996 0.994 0.998 0.999
CP on train 0.994 0.994 0.996 0.999
CPh on train 0.995 0.994 0.998 0.999
Bad example 1 (0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) 0.107 0.079 0.116 0.159
Bad example 2 (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) 0.794 0.666 0.917 0.947
Good example 1 (0, 0, 20, 1, 1, 20, 0, 0) 0.938 0.934 0.942 0.946
Good example 2 (1, 1, −1, 1, 1, −1, 1, 1) 0.938 0.930 0.944 0.950

Table 3: Results for the auto-learned weight vectors on WN18.

Weight setting MRR Hit@1 Hit@3 Hit@10

Uniform weight (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 0.787 0.658 0.915 0.944
Auto weight no restriction 0.774 0.636 0.911 0.944
Auto weight ∈ (−1, 1) by tanh 0.765 0.625 0.908 0.943
Auto weight ∈ (0, 1) by sigmoid 0.789 0.661 0.915 0.946
Auto weight ∈ (0, 1) by softmax 0.802 0.685 0.915 0.944
Auto weight no restriction, sparse 0.792 0.685 0.892 0.935
Auto weight ∈ (−1, 1) by tanh, sparse 0.763 0.613 0.910 0.943
Auto weight ∈ (0, 1) by sigmoid, sparse 0.793 0.667 0.915 0.945
Auto weight ∈ (0, 1) by softmax, sparse 0.803 0.688 0.915 0.944

Table 4: Results for the quaternion-based four-embedding interaction model on WN18.

Weight setting MRR Hit@1 Hit@3 Hit@10

Quaternion-based four-embedding 0.941 0.931 0.950 0.956
Quaternion-based four-embedding on train 0.997 0.995 0.999 1.000

generalization performance to new test data. In other words, CP the score hh (1) , t (2) , r (1) i + hh (2) , t (1) , r (2) i is indistinguish-
is severely overfitting to the training data. However, standard able because switching h and t forms a symmetric group.
regularization techniques such as L2 regularization did not ap- As an example, consider the ComplEx model, where the mul-
pear to help. CPh can be seen as a regularization technique that tiplication of two complex numbers written in polar coordinate
does help CP generalize well to unseen data. format, c 1 = |c 1 |e−iθ 1 and c 2 = |c 2 |e−iθ 2 , can be written as
c 1c 2 = |c 1 ||c 2 |e−i(θ 1 +θ 2 ) [1]. This is a rotation in the complex
6.1.2 Comparison with other variants of weight vectors. In Ta- plane, which intuitively satisfies the above properties.
ble 2, we show the results for two bad examples and two good
examples of weight vector variants. Note that bad example 1 per- 6.2 Automatically learned weight vectors
formed similarly to CP and bad example 2 performed similarly to We let the models learn ω together with the embeddings in an
DistMult. Good example 1 was similar to CPh and good example end-to-end fashion, aiming to learn good weight vectors auto-
2 was similar to ComplEx. matically. The results are shown in Table 3.
This shows that the problem of bad weight vectors is not We first set uniform weight vector as a baseline. The results
unique to some specific models. Moreover, it shows that there were similar to those for DistMult because the weighted-sum
are other good weight vectors, besides those for ComplEx and matching score is also symmetric. However, other automatically
CPh , that can achieve very good results. learned weight vectors also performed similarly to DistMult. Dif-
We note that the good weight vectors exhibit the following ferent restrictions by applying tanh(ω), sigmoid(ω), and softmax(ω)
properties. did not help. We noticed that the learned weight vectors were
• Completeness: all embedding vectors in a triple should be almost uniform, making them indistinguishable, suggesting that
involved in the weighted-sum matching score. the use of sparse weight vectors might help.
• Stability: all embedding vectors for the same entity or We enforced a sparsity constraint by an additional Dirichlet
relation should contribute equally to the weighted-sum negative log-likelihood regularization loss on ω, with α tuned
matching score. 1 and λ
to 16 −2
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