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Remote Viewing: One.

In addition to spiritualists and mediums, I am going to develop you into remote viewers. I’ve
struggled with how to do this. I’ve inherited two methods. The first is like water, a gentle and
flowing pace of natural development, alongside spiritual guides. The second is akin to fire,
highly energetic, fast paced and directly assisted by a spiritual entity. I can’t choose which I like
best. Due to my energetic framework I am very comfortable with the fire method. However the
water method is more organic and generally produces better mediums, and clairvoyants overall. 

In my mediumship sessions regarding this I’ve learned the water method will be the most result
producing. All of you will benefit and because of this group’s spiritual development, it is not
unrealistic to expect top notch Remote Viewing and other Clairvoyant abilities with the next
three years (long before my current deadline...more on that latter). The fire method, in this case,
wouldn’t get this group ready any faster. So until we need it, or its time to pass it on to you, i’ll
keep it on the shelf. 

Gaze is consciousness. Remember that, but let us move on. 

Also… what I am about to share with you is not common knowledge. This is temple work and
belongs to our lineage. Please do not share this information outside of our temple and its
members. My Godfather understood the sorcery of the Nago people, powers and abilities
absorbed into the old Vodou of West Africa’s occult mysteries. Other traditions have their own,
and many came to near similar methods, but others did not, and a great deal was nearly lost
forever. You do not want to arm others outside our temple with this knowledge. This method will
become yours overtime. See that you protect it, and elevate it, passing it on only at the right time
and to the right people.

Not only will you develop mediumship and remote viewing, but astral projection, lucid
dreaming, and projecting a greater influence over both others and circumstances than normal
people. Because I developed through the fire method first I tend to project stronger than most. As
such people in positions of authority, particularly police officers, bully bosses, and people
pretending to hold power, often perceive me as a threat. It has, every so once in awhile, created
some minor inconveniences. Another reason to pick the water method, as it projects charm and
charisma rather than brute power. 

On the old patreon I introduce the candle gazing method. This is an excellent practice, and we
will certainly get back to it. I want us to switch to mirror gazing. It is as result producing but
gentler, and has the added benefit of activating both your astral body and dream body. By
looking into the mirror, you are creating the possibility of two way communication between your
physical and astral bodies (your dream body IS the bridge between your physical and astral
body). You also can implant positive messages within your subconscious which will change your
thought patterns and eventually your world. 

Mirror Gazing: One

We start at at the beginning.

Stand or sit so that you are 6-8 inches away from a mirror. See your whole face in the mirror.
Gently tap on your third eye with your finger three times. Now settle your gaze, direct your
focus, onto your reflection’s third eye, right between its eyes and slightly up. Hold your gaze
steady, and let yourself relax. Natural, easy, and effortless breathing. Do your best not to blink
your eyes. Keep as silent and still as possible. This is a powerful secret. Do not blink, make no
sound and do not move. Think Sphinx. As you hold your focus on your reflection’s third eye,
begin to get the sense of the “you” in the mirror. Allow yourself to really like who you see, and
start to feel a great sense of warmth and affection for who you are looking at right now. Think,
“wow,you are amazing” and "you are very powerful", start to sense what that feels like to hear
and let yourself feel it.  
Do this for 3-5 minutes. When you can go 5 minutes without blinking, move it up to 6 minutes,
and so on until you can hold your gaze steady, without blinking, for 15 minutes. Once you can
do this, let me know. I will demand proof, and if you can demonstrate it I will bring you into an
inner circle, as this an ancient initiation test you just passed. 

Do this once a day.

When you are finished, close your eyes and cover them with the palms of your hands. Enjoy the
darkness for a minute and let your eyes rest. Let the feelings of strength, and confidence persist
all the rest of the day. 


Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas

“The Machete leads the way and defends ALL who follow”

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