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Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of

Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)


1. Purpose
2. Preparation

2.1 Prerequisites

3. Implementation Information
3.1Sollution Overview

4. Report ways of working

1. Purpose:

As per Country PT legal requirement (198/12), delivery notes which accompany the shipment of
goods will require previous notification and approval from TAX authorities. The truck has loaded the goods for
shipment must notify the authorities with the corresponding delivery notes before leaving the loading center.

2. Preparation:

To meet the legal requirement (198/12), all companies in Portugal are required to submit the transport
document (before goods issue) in SAFT format.

2.1 Prerequisites:

For this SAP has released the below SAP notes to generate the data and send it in particular XML
format. By implementing these notes, country will be able to submit transport documents to PT Tax authorities
before goods issue.

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

Ranking Application Area Number short text

1 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1925346 Mini-SAFT: XML file with

values not accepted by

Bottom of Form

2 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1880690 PT: SAFT Online

Authorization - XML

3 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1872138 PT:SAFT for online

communication of
transports to AT

4 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1877149 SAFT Online Auth

change:Status filter &
XML changes

5 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1878704 PT: SAFT Online Auth -

XML Changes

6 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1880928 PT : SAFT Online

Authorization - wrong

7 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1882308

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

Mini SAFT - Online

Authorization UoM, VAT
ID Changes

8 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1882979 SAFT - Online


9 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1884999 Mini SAFT - Online

Authorization XML

10 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1886221 Mini SAFT - Online

Authorization - class

11 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1888912 Mini SAFT - Online

Authorization XML

12 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1890880 Mini SAFT - Online

Authorization XML

13 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1921162 Mini SAFT - Online Issues

14 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1933135 Mini-SAFT Online Issues

15 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1880020

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

PT: SAFT online

Authorization - Batch Split

16 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1881275 Mini SAFT - Online

Authorization UOM and

17 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1881112 PT: SAFT Online

Authorization - tax id
issue, fixed

18 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1884197 PT: SAFT - Online

Authorization Unit Price,
Bill to

19 XX-CSC-PT-LO 1892738 Mini SAFT - Online Auth.

changes for multiple

Bottom of Form

20 XX-CSC-PT 1885115 Portugal legal tax reports

(SAFT, Communication of
transport documents,

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

Once we implemented all above SAP Notes in the System, PT Country will be able to submit the required data
to the tax authorities in the requisite format.

3.Implementation Information
3.1 Sollution Overview:
The SAFT for online communication of transports to AT solution enables the generation of a XML File
containing the data of delivery documents in the SAP system. This document is then submitted manually to the
Portuguese Tax Authorities online website.

4.Report ways of working

Please find below Steps to follow while executing T-code: RMINI_SAFT and Report

The report SIPT_GM_SAFT_PT_XML (RMINI_SAFT) is the main component of the SAFT for online
communication of transports to AT solution. This is used to Export the XML file and Import the XML Response
from the Tax Authorities.

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

For this transaction we will have to perform follow below two steps in a sequence:

1. Export
2. Import


• As per Business Scenario we will have to extract XML file (in given system patch) for which deliveries
has to validate
by TAX authorities website (AT site) and we will have to provide Extracted XML file to PT business.
• Once XML file extracted from SAP system you can track the status in table (WSPT_LIKP) i.e.(In

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

• Once XML file successfully validated at AT site with no errors. After that Business users has
download same XML file from
AT site (which they uploaded).
• After we will have import the same XML file into SAP system which we have downloaded from AT

Make Sure Tax Authorities Website (AT site) is kind of Third party system which will be used by
Business (only Business Users will have access to AT site).

Use the selection screen to find delivery documents that you want to export.

a. Choose Export.
b. Choose a filename in your computer where the SAFT file will be saved.
c. Apply the selection criteria as desired.

I have given the desired path where I need to save extracted XML file as mentioned below.

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

I have given the company code as 0160 (i.e., PT country) and goods movement date range (this can be
changed as per requirement) as mentioned below.

Important Notes:

• This report we have implemented only for PT country.

• This report will display only the deliveries which are having PT shipping points.
• As per the design to display delivery list system will check shipping point country if it is PT only report
will display
the deliveries list.
• If some deliveries having PT plants and ES shipping points system will ignore this delivery document.
• This report will display the delivery document which already invoiced and which are not invoiced (PGI

I have executed the report for above mentioned selection parameters.

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

As you can see list of PT deliveries for the given selection parameters.

Here those deliveries which are in Green light those are already invoiced and which are in Red light those are
not yet invoiced (but PGI has been done).

Here you can select the deliveries which needs to extract into XML file and for my testing purpose I have
selected below deliveries.

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

After selection you will have to click on “Export XML”.

If you select any documents which plant date in the past system will show below pop-up(not an
Error) and we need to click on “ok”.

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

As you can see below selected deliveries has been extracted to XML file and XML file has been saved in given

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

XML file:

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

As explained above this XML file has to be uploaded in Tax authorities’ site (AT site) and this has
activity has to perform by business users only.

Once results are fine in Tax Authorities website Business users has to download the same XML file which they
have uploaded.

TAX Authorities Website looks like below:

Below screen not related to above XML file. This was related to different XML file I am just showing how AT
site will show the pop when any XML file uploaded successfully without any errors.

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)


We can import the valid XML file which has been down loaded from TAX Authorities Website.

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

Once it got imported an import log will show which documents were accepted by the authorities and that are
now stored in the SAP system. The errors that were present in the response are also showed here and we
can tract the delivery statues in table (WSPT_LIKP) and for the approved deliveries status will be changes to
Approved with an Approval ID.

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00

Doc_SAFT for Online Communication of Transports to AT (PORTUGAL)

Generated by Jive on 2015-08-15+02:00


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