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Notre Dame University –

Use either paraphrasing, empathetic response, or open-ended questioning to respond to
the following client responses. Be sure to be able to identify your style of response.

1. “I can’t exercise, I am just too busy”

So, your job or daily responsibilities are the reason why you cannot spare 20 to 30
min per day to exercise?
2. “I have tried dieting before and always regained the weight back, and then some”
Can you further elaborate? I’d like to know what kind of diets were you on and if
you sought the help of a dietitian or if you did your own research. That way we
can pinpoint what went wrong and proceed accordingly to make sure you are able
to obtain and maintain the desired results.
3. “I don’t really relate well to counselors, you guys always seem to have your mind
made up before I even finish my statements”
I understand you may have had unfortunate encounters with certain counselors in
the past. However, as a dietitian, I aim to help you reach your health goals so your
input is crucial.
(Empathetic response)
4. “This diet is working great! I am almost at my goal of wearing the size 12 dress to
the wedding…then I can really go crazy and relax again”
I’m so glad you’re happy with your results! But don’t you want to maintain a
healthier lifestyle on the long run too? Although a specific diet may require
discipline, we can work on a more flexible strategy that will encourage you to
adopt healthier habits with occasional indulgences.
5. “I don’t have even enough food in the house to feed all of my children. There are
times that they are too tired to even go to school”
I understand these are very challenging times economically. If you tell me what’s
your budget for groceries, I can recommend filling, nutritious foods that aren’t
Notre Dame University –

6. “You are the best counselor! I never could have done it without you.”
Does that mean you found the dietary plan we came up with helpful and
comfortable to follow? I’m happy with your positive feedback and proud of what
you’ve achieved!
7. “My husband said I was fat. What would you do if you were me?”
Sometimes criticism, even if stemming out of good intentions, can be hurtful –
especially from loved ones. However, I encourage you to want to make changes
for your own sake and to improve your health rather than letting negative
criticism affect you.
8. “Since I have been on this diet, all I can do is think about food”
What foods do you find yourself craving the most? Do you feel like your diet plan
is not filling? I can make some adjustments for you while sustaining the caloric
9. “I don’t even know why I am here; my doctor’s secretary made this appointment.
So, who are you again?”
Can you explain to me in detail what is your current health condition? I’m pretty
sure your doctor had a good reason to refer you to me; as a dietitian I would like
to help you. Your health is our concern.
10. “Sometimes coping with diabetes just isn’t worth it. I don’t know how much
longer I can take this.”
Yes, dealing with a chronic condition is not easy and requires discipline and
patience, but you need to stick to the recommendations for diabetes can be tricky.
Eating the right foods, being physically active, and monitoring your blood sugar
levels will help you avoid various health complications. Believe it is worth it!
Notre Dame University –

11. “I think I have to stop coming for counseling, my wife really thinks that it is
Why did you decide to come for counseling in the first place? Don’t you think it
is something you should do for yourself and for your health and well-being? …
12. “Well I was doing great with my diet and then, well, it was Valentine’s Day…
well, you know how that is!”
Holidays and special occasions can make you deviate from the diet, but that is
absolutely fine. It is not a crime to indulge, do not feel bad about. You just need to
get back on track and continue with the diet.
13. “It is just like New Year’s resolutions. I mean why bother setting myself up for
another failure. I thought we were supposed to like ourselves even if we are fat.”
Indeed, you should like yourself and your body. Don’t you think for that same
reason you should be motivated to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Past attempts may
have not succeeded, but we can start a promising journey and learn from these
attempts to improve and ensure your goals are achieved. It will require time and
effort, but it is necessary. Are you ready to give it a try?
14. “As long as I don’t have to face a scale, I am ok. I just don’t think I am able to be
So, you primarily dread the number on the scale?
What makes you anxious about weighing yourself?
(paraphrasing, open-ended)

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