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Philosophy Sources

Beauvoir hope for women





In what Beauvoir hoped today for women, many things have been achieved. Simone De

Beauvoir's main emphasis on the fundamental oppression of women in every level of society by

men. His work is mainly against men. Men take on the role of themselves, whereas women are

portrayed only for men as objects. He creates events, therefore, to save women from their

oppressors. This thesis analysis how women as seen using Beauvoir story in his perspective and

hope for women in the society. In what Beauvoir hoped for females, a lot has been achieved, but

some remain to be done.

How much of what de Beauvoir hoped for women has been accomplished?

Initially, men still found women to be objects, while men played a part in society.

Women are currently holding important social positions, empowered and educated. Women are

also like men to become provider families. Women were at the beginning, only housekeepers and

men were vendors (Bozorgimoghaddam, That has improved now that women have the

potential to support their children. Beauvoir wished-for gender equality and it was accomplished

even though it is not fully achieved. He also hoped that the treatment of women as human beings

rather than as objects is achieved because the relationship between men and women is a bit

health conscious.

As De Beauvoir discusses, women were also mystically represented. They were a

depiction of mystic human consciousness and hoped to depress the persistent myth of the eternal

feminine. He is studying how various modern authors portrayed women. Women were

mystically represented, and this had a great impact on their personal experience. He argued that

literature, psychoanalysis biology and history strengthen the eternal actions of women. Today,

women's representation has changed as they are portrayed as important people who can make

their own decisions. Women were able to attain their independence. The roles of women have

dramatically changed today, given their place in society. Women can decide their own lives and

how they want to be without judgment.

Behavior purports that women were tied to mystics so that they couldn't strengthen their

position. This also made them reliant on the figures. In an external objection, they were unable to

draw selfhood (Swanson and Cecily 695). Beauvoir hoped that women could recognize this one

day and then free themselves from femininity. This is because women no longer linked to the

relationship of femininity; they perform male tasks and do even better. You can accept the usual

roles, and that underlines your determination.

The fact that some femininity bonds still bind females is not achieved. They depend on

their husbands and play their roles as a mother in a family at the same time. Beauvoir had

predicted the freeing of women from the bonds of femininity, but in every aspect of life, it

appears to have not.

Conclusion: What remains to be done?

There is much that Beauvoir had hoped for today's women, but there are still some to be done

(Bozorgimoghaddam, Beauvior hoped for women to receive equal treatment with men and

to break free from bonds of women's liberation. This is because women can play roles that were

originally thought to belong to men. They could also be reliant, unlike when they were still

dependent on men. But, because women play the role of the wife and are still caring for their

families, they cannot break away from all bonds of femininity.



Bozorgimoghaddam, Masomeh, and Naser Moeen. "Representation of Women as the ‘Second

Sex’in The Great Gatsby." Life Science Journal 10.8s (2014).

Swanson, Cecily. "" The Language of Behavior": Gurdjieff and the Emergence of Modernist

Autobiography." Modernism/modernity 24.4 (2017): 695-721.

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