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Subclinical Thyroid Disease

George R. Wilson, M.D., University of Florida Health Science Center, Jacksonville, Florida
R. Whit Curry, JR., M.D., University of Florida Health Science Center, Gainesville, Florida

Subclinical thyroid dysfunction is defined as an abnormal serum thyroid-stimulating hormone

level (reference range: 0.45 to 4.50 µU per mL) and free thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels
within their reference ranges. The management of subclinical thyroid dysfunction is controver-
sial. The prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism is about 4 to 8.5 percent, and may be as high
as 20 percent in women older than 60 years. Subclinical hyperthyroidism is found in approxi-
mately 2 percent of the population. Most national organizations recommend against routine
screening of asymptomatic patients, but screening is recommended for high-risk populations.
There is good evidence that subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with progression to overt
disease. Patients with a serum thyroid-stimulating hormone level greater than 10 µU per mL
have a higher incidence of elevated serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations;
however, evidence is lacking for other associations. There is insufficient evidence that treatment
of subclinical hypothyroidism is beneficial. A serum thyroid-stimulating hormone level of less
than 0.1 µU per mL is associated with progression to overt hyperthyroidism, atrial fibrillation,
reduced bone mineral density, and cardiac dysfunction. There is little evidence that early treat-
ment alters the clinical course. (Am Fam Physician 2005;72:1517-24. Copyright © 2005 Ameri-
can Academy of Family Physicians.)

ubclinical hyperthyroid and hypo- series of studies, the panel determined that
thyroid disease are laboratory diag- the reference range for serum TSH is 0.45 to
noses. In 2002, a scientific review 4.50 µU per mL (0.45 to 4.50 mU per L).1
and consensus committee, which Despite a working definition of subclini-
included representatives from the American cal thyroid disease, the panel found little
Thyroid Association, the American Asso- evidence to guide physicians in managing
ciation of Clinical Endocrinologists, and subclinical hyperthyroidism and hypothy-
the Endocrine Society, convened a panel of roidism.1 Some patients will progress to
experts to define subclinical thyroid disease, overt disease, and in some patients, the
review the literature concerning risks and serum TSH concentration will remain stable
benefits of treatment, and make recommen- over time or will spontaneously return to the
dations about evaluation and population- reference range.2-4 There also is controversy
based screening.1 This committee defined regarding what, if any, adverse outcomes
subclinical hypothyroidism as “a serum TSH occur from subclinical thyroid disease, and
[thyroid-stimulating hormone] concen- whether benefit can be expected from treat-
tration above the statistically ment. As a result, various organizations have
defined upper limit of the refer- adopted diverse recommendations regarding
Subclinical hyperthyroidism
ence range when serum free T4 screening for subclinical thyroid disease.
is defined as a serum thy- [thyroxine] (FT4) concentration
roid-stimulating hormone is within its reference range.” Screening for Thyroid Disease
concentration below the Subclinical hyperthyroidism In January 2004, the U.S. Preventive Services
statistically defined lower was defined as “a serum TSH Task Force updated its 1996 recommenda-
limit of the reference range concentration below the sta- tions regarding routine screening for thyroid
when serum free thyroxine tistically defined lower limit of disease. The new recommendations state that
and triiodothyronine   the reference range when serum “the evidence is insufficient to recommend
concentrations are within FT4 and T3 [triiodothyronine] for or against routine screening for thyroid
their reference ranges. concentrations are within their disease in adults.”5
reference ranges.” Based on a The most recent revision of the American

October 15, 2005 ◆ Volume 72, Number 8 American Family Physician  1517
Thyroid Disease

ommends screening for women older than

SORT: Key Recommendations for Practice 50 years who have symptoms consistent with
thyroid disease.7,8 The ACP was not a mem-
Clinical recommendation rating References ber of the consensus committee.

Screening asymptomatic persons for thyroid C 1, 3, 6-8 Evaluation of Subclinical

disease should be considered, especially for Hyperthyroidism
those older than 60 years or with risk factors.
A = consistent, good quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited In many patients who have subclinical hyper-
quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual thyroidism, careful clinical evaluation will
practice, expert opinion, or case series. For more information about the SORT evi-
dence rating system, see page 1435 or
suggest an etiology. Early Graves’ disease
accounts for the majority of cases, with
the remainder caused by toxic multinodu-
Academy of Family Physicians’ policy rec- lar goiter, autonomous functioning nodules,
ommendation for periodic health examina- or exogenous levothyroxine (Synthroid).9,10
tions remains unchanged; it recommends Other causes of low serum TSH concentration
against routine screening for thyroid disease include delayed recovery of the pituitary after
in patients younger than 60 years, based on treatment for hyperthyroidism; pregnancy;
a lack of evidence to support “net benefit euthyroid sick syndrome; or medications
over harm.”6 The 2002 consensus group’s such as dopamine (Intropin), glucocorti-
expert panel recommended against popu- coids, and dobutamine (Dobutrex).1 Few
lation-based screening but “encouraged” persons with subclinical hyperthyroidism
assessment in high-risk groups (defined as progress to overt disease (Table 1).1,2,11
women with a family history of thyroid
associated clinical conditions
disease, prior thyroid dysfunction, symp-
toms suggestive of hyperthyroidism or Subclinical hyperthyroidism appears to be
hypothyroidism, abnormal thyroid gland on associated with atrial fibrillation, reduced
examination, type 1 diabetes, or a personal bone mineral density, cardiac dysfunction,
history of autoimmune disorder).1 The panel and progression to overt hyperthyroidism
found insufficient evidence to recommend in patients with known thyroid disease.5,12-14
for or against screening pregnant women or In the Framingham Study,12 investigators
women planning a pregnancy.1 found that persons with subclinical hyper-
The American College of Physicians (ACP) thyroidism had a relative risk of three to one
issued its most recent policy statement on for developing atrial fibrillation when com-
thyroid disease in 1998, in which it rec- pared with control patients over 10 years. In

Interpretation of Thyroid Laboratory Tests

Serum TSH reference range

(0.45 to 4.50 µU per mL Increased serum TSH Decreased serum TSH
FT4 level [0.45 to 4.50 mU per L]) (> 4.50 µU per mL) (< 0.45 µU per mL)

Normal Normal, euthyroid sick Subclinical hypothyroidism Subclinical hyperthyroidism

Increased Early thyroiditis Hyperthyroidism (TSH-producing Hyperthyroidism (factitious/iatrogenic,
pituitary adenoma) Graves’ disease, toxic nodule)
Decreased Late thyroiditis Hypothyroidism (primary Hypothyroidism
thyroid failure) (primary pituitary failure)

TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone; FT4 = free thyroxine.

1518  American Family Physician Volume 72, Number 8 ◆ October 15, 2005
Thyroid Disease

another study,14 accelerated bone loss was be evaluated. Patients who are
documented in women who received exces- not receiving levothyroxine Subclinical hyperthyroidism
sive levothyroxine replacement therapy when and who have serum TSH lev- appears to be associated
compared with control patients over a period els between 0.10 and 0.45 µU with atrial fibrillation,
of more than eight years. per mL (0.10 and 0.45 mU per L) reduced bone mineral
The authors of a 10-year, population- should have a repeat test of density, cardiac dysfunc-
based cohort study15 concluded that there serum TSH levels for confirma- tion, and progression to
was an “increase in mortality from all causes tion. If results of the repeat test overt hyperthyroidism in
and from circulatory diseases in individuals are still outside the reference patients with known thy-
with subclinical hyperthyroidism,” and that range, testing of FT4 and T3 or roid disease.
patients with low levels of serum TSH “were free T3 levels should be done
at a clear survival disadvantage during the in two weeks for patients with
first [five] years of follow-up.”15 However, atrial fibrillation, known cardiac disease, or
these data were not adjusted for comor- other serious medical conditions. Patients
bidity.10 The consensus committee found who are otherwise healthy can wait three
fair evidence that treatment of subclinical months before repeating these studies. If the
hyperthyroidism is beneficial for slowing patient’s serum TSH level remains between
the loss of bone mineral density. However, 0.10 and 0.45 µU per mL at follow-up,
committee members found no evidence or a radioactive iodine uptake and scan are
insufficient evidence that treatment benefits required to evaluate for endogenous subclin-
other outcomes (Table 2).1 ical hyperthyroid disease (i.e., destructive
thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, or nodular goi-
management ter).1 Once endogenous disease is excluded,
The consensus guidelines1 recommend that serum TSH measurement can be repeated
patients with abnormal levels of serum TSH every three to 12 months.

Quality of Evidence on the Strength of Association and Benefits of Treatment  
of Subclinical Hyperthyroidism

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October 15, 2005 ◆ Volume 72, Number 8 American Family Physician  1519
Thyroid Disease

Patients whose serum TSH levels remain neous atrial fibrillation in persons older than
stable can discuss with their physician 60 years who had an undetectable serum TSH
whether their condition requires further level.12 Using these data, investigators8 deter-
evaluation. When the etiology of a low mined that over 10 years the number needed
serum TSH level is determined to be exces- to treat to reduce the risk of spontaneous
sive levothyroxine replacement therapy, the atrial fibrillation to that of the general popu-
dosage should be lowered until the serum lation would be 4.2.8 However, data showing
TSH level is within the reference range, a decrease in the incidence of spontaneous
unless serum TSH suppression for thyroid atrial fibrillation or osteoporosis as a direct
cancer or nodules is the goal. The consensus result of shifting serum TSH into the refer-
panel recommends against routine treat- ence range are not available. There is some
ment of patients with serum TSH levels evidence that treated patients may benefit
between 0.10 and 0.45 µU per mL. However, from less bone loss. When a low serum TSH
the panel suggests that physicians might concentration is caused by destructive thy-
consider treatment in older persons because roiditis, symptomatic treatment with agents
of the possible association with increased such as beta blockers is sufficient because this
cardiovascular mortality1,15 (Figure 116). condition resolves spontaneously.1
When the serum TSH concentration is less
than 0.10 µU per mL, evaluation for signs and Evaluation of Subclinical
symptoms of cardiac disease or other urgent Hypothyroidism
medical problems should be performed etiology
promptly. Repeat serum TSH testing, along Because there are no long-term outcome data
with FT4 and T3 or free T3 testing, should be for patients with subclinical hypothyroid-
performed within four weeks. There is insuf- ism, it is difficult to state definitive etiologic
ficient evidence to guide treatment decisions abnormalities. With a progression rate of only
when the serum TSH concentration is less 5 percent per year, it is reasonable to assume
than 0.10 µU per mL, although the panel does that, in many patients, subclinical hypothy-
recommend that treatment be considered roidism may not be caused by the progression
when a low level of serum TSH is caused by of any specific disease state. However, there
Graves’ disease or nodular thyroid disease.1 is good evidence that a significant number of
The two most common abnormali- patients with a history of Hashimoto’s thy-
ties encountered in patients with subclini- roiditis progress to overt hypothyroidism.2,5
cal hyperthyroidism are spontaneous atrial Therefore, a finding of subclinical hypothy-
fibrillation and osteoporosis.17 The Framing- roidism may represent a point on that con-
ham data showed an increased risk of sponta- tinuum, although a causal relationship has
not been shown. Other possible causes of sub-
clinical hypothyroidism include protracted
The Authors
recovery from acute thyroiditis, early primary
George R. Wilson, M.D., is associate professor and associate chair in the pituitary or hypothalamic disorder, and inad-
Department of Community Health and Family Medicine at the University of
Florida Health Science Center, Jacksonville. Dr. Wilson received his medical
equate levothyroxine replacement therapy in
degree from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Jackson, and a patient with known hypothyroidism.1
received his family medicine training in the U.S. Navy.
associated conditions
R. Whit Curry, Jr., M.D., is professor and chair in the Department of
There is good evidence that subclinical hypo-
Community Health and Family Medicine at the University of Florida College of
Medicine, Gainesville. Dr. Curry received his medical degree from Duke University thyroidism is associated with progression
School of Medicine, Durham, N.C., and completed his internal medicine training to overt hypothyroidism, and there is fair
at Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, Calif. He completed a family evidence that serum TSH levels greater than
medicine fellowship at the University of Florida, Gainesville. 10 µU per mL (10 mU per L) are associated
Address correspondence to George R. Wilson, M.D., University of Florida Health
with elevations in total and low-density lipo-
Science Center, 655 W. 8th St., Jacksonville, FL 32209 (e-mail: george.wilson@ protein (LDL) cholesterol levels.2,5,18 There Reprints are not available from the authors. is insufficient evidence regarding adverse

1520  American Family Physician Volume 72, Number 8 ◆ October 15, 2005
Thyroid Disease

cardiac events, cardiac dysfunction, neuro- blood pressure, body mass index, levels of
psychiatric symptoms, or systemic symptoms fasting TSH, FT4, thyroid antibodies, total
of hypothyroidism (Table 31). cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
In one study,19 investigators compared cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.
57 women with subclinical hypothyroidism Women with subclinical hypothyroidism had
with 34 healthy control patients, looking at a higher incidence of diastolic hypertension,

Suggested Approach to Diagnosis and Management of Subclinical

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Figure 1.

October 15, 2005 ◆ Volume 72, Number 8 American Family Physician  1521
Quality of Evidence on the Strength of Association and Risk/Benefits of Treatment  
of Subclinical Hypothyroidism

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media. For the missing
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hypertriglyceridemia, elevated total choles- management

terol/HDL cholesterol, and elevated LDL cho- The consensus panel1 recommends that
lesterol/HDL cholesterol.19 The authors of patients with an elevated serum TSH level
two studies20,21 reported increased prevalence have the test repeated, with a serum FT4
of dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease, and measurement, in no sooner than two weeks
peripheral arterial disease in older men and but no later than three months. When repeat
women with subclinical hypothyroidism. studies confirm subclinical hypothyroidism,
further evaluation is required, including signs
pregnancy and symptoms of hypothyroidism, previous
There is only fair evidence to support an asso- treatment for hyperthyroidism (e.g., radio-
ciation between subclinical hypothyroidism therapy, partial thyroidectomy), thyromeg-
and adverse outcomes in pregnancy. However, aly, and family history of thyroid disease. In
the consensus panel1 recommends screening addition, these patients should be screened
serum TSH levels in patients who are preg- for hyperlipidemia. Although the presence of
nant or who are planning to become pregnant antithyroid peroxidase antibodies increases
when there is a family or personal history of the chance of progression to overt hypothy-
thyroid disease, evidence of goiter, symptoms roidism, the panel found insufficient evidence
of hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes, or a per- to recommend for or against obtaining titers
sonal history of autoimmune disorder. because determining the presence of antibod-
Although there are few data, the panel ies does not change management.1
recommends treatment with levothyroxine Asymptomatic patients with serum TSH
during pregnancy to maintain serum TSH levels between 4.5 and 10 µU per mL should
levels within the reference range, with repeat have a repeat test every six to 12 months.
testing every six to eight weeks. Physiologic Available data do not support a benefit for
requirements of levothyroxine often increase early treatment of subclinical hypothyroid-
during pregnancy; therefore, women who ism; therefore, the panel does not recom-
were receiving therapeutic replacement dos- mend treatment with levothyroxine for these
ages before becoming pregnant should have patients. Also, there is insufficient evidence to
their serum TSH level monitored every six to support therapeutic intervention in patients
eight weeks during pregnancy.1 with symptoms of hypothyroidism whose

1522  American Family Physician Volume 72, Number 8 ◆ October 15, 2005

serum TSH concentration is between 4.5 and levothyroxine for patients with serum TSH
10 µU per mL. However, the panel suggests levels greater than 10 µU per mL. There is
that patients may try levothyroxine to see no conclusive evidence that treatment will
if symptoms improve. In this instance, the improve symptoms or associated clinical
panel advises that treatment be continued conditions such as hyperlipidemia; however,
only if there is “clear symptomatic benefit” to because the rate of progression to overt
the patient. Patients should be monitored to hypothyroidism is 5 percent, treatment may
evaluate improvement in symptoms. prevent development of symptoms in patients
The panel recommends treatment with whose FT4 level becomes low1 (Figure 216).

Suggested Approach to Diagnosis and Management of Subclinical

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Figure 2.

October 15, 2005 ◆ Volume 72, Number 8 American Family Physician  1523
Thyroid Disease

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