God Uses Two Basic Means To Bring Healing Into People's Lives. They Are

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Cornerstone – Healing Ministry

Lesson 4 – Manifestations and Faith

“On Earth . . . .
. . as it is in Heaven”

God uses two basic means to bring healing into people’s lives. They are:

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________


I Corinthians 12: 7-10 (NKJV)

the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of
wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by
the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to
another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the
interpretation of tongues.

As we taught last week, we find there are nine manifestations of the Spirit:

Revelation – Reveal Something

o Word of Wisdom
o Word of Knowledge
o Discerning (distinguishing) of spirits
Power – Do Something
o Faith
o Gifts of Healings
o Working (effecting) of Miracles
Vocal – Say Something
o Prophecy
o Different Kinds of Tongues
o Interpretation of Tongues

When you pray for a sick person – at home – at Wal-Mart -- in a Healing Service or at a church altar on
Sunday morning, there are typically six manifestations at work (and at times all nine) may be in operation
but typically you will use those items listed under the Power and Revelation grouping.

Three Purposes of these manifestations:



Characteristics of each manifestation:

o Word of Wisdom

o Word of Knowledge

o Discerning of spirits

o Faith

o Gifts of Healings

o Miracles

ALL Faith comes
from God


God gives to man a measure

of faith (Ro. 12:3) so man
can be born again.

The righteous (just)

shall live by faith - My Faith – To Live
Ro. 1:17 (My Faith) my life in this world
How God Uses Faith for Healing

Manifestations My Faith (Gk – pistis) – Gal. 5:22

of the Holy Spirit God’s Side Man’s Side
(I Cor. 12:8-10) Revealing & Empowering Cultivating – Believing - Acting
Ro. 10:17 – Faith comes by
Word of Wisdom Ex. 15:26 – I am YHWH
hearing the Word of God
Word of Knowledge Rapha
Mk. 11:24 – Believe that you
Healings Heb. 4:12 – Every word
receive it
Miracles that God speaks is full of
Prophecy power (Amp)
Mk. 11:23 - Speak to the
Discerning of Spirits
“sickness” and command it to
Various Tongues
be healed
Interpretation of Tongues

There are Special Manifestations that bring Healing AND there is something called - MY FAITH.

Earlier when we were talking about the manifestation of faith, I said that there were three types or
forms of faith:

1. Faith to live by or saving faith – Ro. 1:17

2. The fruit called faith – Galatians 5:22

3. Supernatural manifestation of faith – I Cor 12:9

The first two could be called MY FAITH because -

o God gives us (me) a measure of Faith – Ro. 12:3 (faith to live by, faith to believe in Jesus)

o The Faith that God gives me (MY FAITH) is increased (fruit) by hearing the Word of Christ and
putting it into action – Ro. 10:17 (fruit of Holy Spirit)

When it comes to MY FAITH (Galatians 5:22), there are two components to this faith:


o God has declared who He is – Ex 15:26

o God has given us His promises – Ps. 30:2, Ps. 103:3, Ps. 107:20, Isa. 53:5, Jer. 30:17, Ja. 5:14-16,
I Pet. 2:24

o I must now receive these promises and act on them.

First – our faith must be in God.

Second – we must know that it is God’s will that we be well – that God does not want us sick.
Third – we must speak to our mountains (sickness, disease, pain) and tell them to go.

This form of healing is not a special manifestation of the Holy Spirit … rather it is receiving the
promises of God and believing them to be true for me.

God is looking for Believers to BELIEVE…

and not to rely on the gifts or manifestations of the Spirit to receive healing.

How long will it take?

The writer of Hebrews shows us that there are two ingredients involved in receiving the promises of God –
Hebrews 6:10-12
o one is faith
o and the other is patience.

Why do you need patience?

Because once you believe God for something, patience will keep you on track until it manifests. It is
possible to:

o pray in faith,
o believe you receive something,
o and then let go of it through impatience and negative confession -- thus not receive your healing

God has said to us through the writer of Hebrews --

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith
and patience (perseverance) inherit what has been promised.
Cornerstone – Healing Ministry
25 Healing Miracles in the New Testament
“On Earth . . . .
. . as it is in Heaven”

No. Event Scripture Ref. Description of Event Category

Father comes to Jesus asking to
heal son. Jesus told him to go
1 Nobleman’s Son Jn. 4:46-53 home because his son was well. FIJ
Father believed Jesus and went
home. Son was healed.

2 Demoniac in Synagogue Mk. 1:23-26; Lu. 4:32-37 Jesus cast out a spirit with a word NF
Mt. 8:14-15; Mk. 1:30-31; Jesus rebuked the fever & she got
3 Peter Wife’s Mother up and waited on them NF
Lu. 4:38-39
Leper came to Jesus. “If you are
4 Leper Mt. 8:2-3; Mk. 1:40-42 willing.” Jesus said, “I am willing FIJ
be clean.” Leprosy was healed
Four men brought man. Jesus
5 Paralytic Mt. 9: 2-7; Mk. 2:3-12 saw their faith & said – “sins FIJ
forgiven” – man healed
Man waiting for an angel. Jesus
6 Cripple at Pool of Bethesda Jn. 5:5-9 said, Get Up – pick up your mat AOW
and walk
Jesus said, “Stretch out your
Mt. 12:10-13; Mk. 3:1-5;
7 Man With Withered Hand hand.” The man did and hand AOW
Lu. 6:6-10 restored.
Say the Word and my servant will
8 Centurion’s Servant Mt. 8:5-13; Lu. 7:2-10 be healed. FIJ
Jesus spoke a word to the dead
9 Widow’s Son Lu. 7:12-15 boy to get up & boy came back to NF
Mt. 8:28-34; Mk. 5:1-13; Man fell at feet of Jesus. Jesus
10 Demoniac of Gedara commanded demons to go. FIJ
Lu. 8:26-33
Mt. 9:20-22; Mk. 5:25-34; Bleeding 12 yrs. Touched the hem
11 Woman With Issue of Blood of Jesus garment & was healed. FIJ
Lu. 8:43-48
Mt. 9:18-19, 23-26; Father came to Jesus for his
daughter was sick. She died and
12 Jairus’s Daughter Mk. 5:22-24, 35-42; Jesus raised her from the dead by FIJ
Lu. 8:41-42, 49-56 telling her to get up.
Do you believe I am able to do
13 Two Blind Men Mt. 9:27-30 this? Yes! Touched eyes – healed FIJ
Jesus cast out spirit and man
14 Person with Dumb Spirit Mt. 9:32-33 spoke. NF
Mother came to Jesus. Persisted
in asking for healing for her
15 Syrophoneician Girl Mt. 15:22-28; Mk. 7:26-30 daughter and Jesus granted her FIJ
Jesus put fingers in ears and put
spit on man’s tongue and prayed.
16 Deaf and Dumb Man Mk. 7:32-35 Man was healed – could hear and NF
Man brought to Jesus. Jesus
17 Blind Man Mt. 12:22 healed him. Not told how. NF
Father came to Disciples to heal
Mt. 17:14-18; Mk. 9:14-27;
18 Demonized Boy son. Disciples couldn’t heal so FIJ
Lu. 9:38-42 came to Jesus and Jesus healed
Crippled for 18 yrs. Jesus laid His
19 Woman Bound By Satan Lu. 13:11-13 hands on her and she straightened NF
Jesus put mud on eyes and told
20 Man Born Blind Jn. 9:1- 6 man to go wash in Pool of Siloam. AOW
He did and came back seeing.
Jesus took hold of man and he
21 Man with Dropsy Lu. 14:2-4 was healed. Not specific on how. NF
Jesus came to tomb. Lazarus was
22 Raising of Lazarus Jn. 11:1-44 dead. Jesus told Lazarus to come NF
out and Lazarus came out.
Cried to Jesus. Jesus told them to
go to the priest. As they went they
23 Ten Lepers Lu. 17:12-19 were cleansed. One returned to FIJ
thank Jesus and give praise to
Cries out to Jesus to have mercy
on him. Jesus asked what he
24 Bartimaeus Mk. 10:46-52; Lu. 18:35-43 wanted. Man said to see and FIJ
Jesus said your faith has healed
Right ear cut off and Jesus
25 Malchus’s Ear Lu. 22:50-51 touched man’s ear and healed him NF

Category Key:
FIJ – Faith In Jesus
NF – No Faith
AOW – Acted on Words of Jesus

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