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Cornerstone – Healing Ministry

Lesson 1– Preparation of the Man or Woman of God

“On Earth . . . .
. . as it is in Heaven”

History of the Healing Ministry at Cornerstone

o Pastor Gary Williamson started Cornerstone in May 1979
o In September 1983, Pastor Gary shared his vision with the congregation and said:
“There is going to be a healing center! The beginning location will be 10551
Chalkley Road . . . .”
o In July 1999, the Isaiah 61 Prayer Ministry was established
o In June 2001, the monthly Healing Services began on Sunday Night
o In May 2003, the Prayer Room was opened to pray with people after each Sunday morning
o In September 2008, the weekly Altar Ministry began at each Sunday morning service
Preparation of the Man or Woman of God for the Healing Ministry
o What is the purpose for devoting a whole lesson to this topic?
Key One – God is looking for a ___________________________________.
Key Two - God is not ________________________ about _____________ ministry.
God is more _______________ about our _________________________.
The devil cannot counterfeit the Fruit of the Spirit so God’s focus in our lives is bring us
into a relationship with Him and to develop the Fruit of the Spirit – that is a process and
it will take time.
o Two ways that God deals with us (transforms us)
First Way - _______________________________________________________________________

God uses ____________________________________ AND ________________________ to confront

us and disappoint us so that all of our “buttons” get pushed on the inside.

Second Way - ___________________________________________________________________

The Five _______________________________________________________ are:









When we have victory on the INSIDE -- in our life – we have aut

hority on the OUTSIDE. As
Ministers of the Gospel, we need both Godly character and a powerful anointing to do the
works of Jesus. That character and anointing come as we live continuously in His Presence.

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