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'"' K A N G :Z: H U

( IIT) .Lifl the pistan on top of vacuum cup (a little bit up) to ensure free passage of air.

( IV) .Encase gcntly thecntrance ofvacuum gun over the pistan at the top ofthc vacuum

cup, vertically lifl and pull the pull rod rapidly for severa! times until the skin within thc

cup is elevated. The optima\ strength of suction depends on the user not felling is well.

(V) .Al thc sites not accessible to the user himself (such as thc spinal and lumbar

regions), an adaptar (optional) may be used. The method ofmounting adaptar: First

connect the big connecting gripal one the adaptar to the big hale in the standby gun

entrance, thcn connect thc small connccting rod at the other cnd to thc entrancc of

vacuum gun to integrate it into a whole unit. Then the gun enrrance and the pistan al

thc top ofvacuum cup are encased together, and thcn thc vacuum cups are placed on

the treatment siles (See Fig.IV). During the operation, suck the vacuum cups on thc

body surface according to the requirements in item JV ofthis method.

Fig. IV. Conceptual diagram for thc use of adaptor

(VI). After the vacuum cups are sucked on the body surface, gently rotate the

en trance of vacuum gun to !he left and to the right and drop it off posterior. Gently

press once the pistan on the vacuum cup to prevent air leakage.

(VH).Cupping Methods may be divided into the following kinds:

a. Stay cupping: Sta y the vacuum cups on the skin after cupping for about IO

minutesfabout 3 minutes for children). In the patients with dclicate skins, the time is

liruited by the tolerance of human body. Removc the cups aftcr the skin undcmcath

the cupping site is congcsted with blood extravasations. lf the cup is big and thc

suction force is strong, thc staying time of cups may be correspondingly shortened. In

patients with scvere diseascs, decpcr focus, or more pain, the staying time may be

slightly prolonged. In those with \ess severe diseases, more superficial focus or

paralytic diseases, the staying time may be shortened. The time may be slightly

prolonged at sites with thicker muscles, and be shortened with thinner muscles; the

stay time may be slightly prolonged during winter, and shortened during summer.

This is the mostcommonly used method and suitable forany ordinary diseases.

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