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eyes, nave!, or agglomerated lympb nades ( m a i n l y including sub-mandibular,

lateral cervical, supra-clavicular fossa, axillary, inguinal, skin allerge and

others). (See Fig. VII).

S u b m u n rl i b u l a r

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Fig. VII. C o n c e p t u a l diagram oí ar e a s n o t appropriate for cupping

c. Cupping is not suitablc al arcas with Jocalizcd tumor, trauma or fracture,

areas with varicosities of vcins, scars, or scrofula (nucleus of lymph nodc) and

al superficial siles ofblood vesscls.

d. Cupping is not appropriate over the sense organs and pudenda] arcas.

e. Cupping is not appropriate for pregnant women, during mcnstruation, patients

with active tuberculosis, mania or mental disorders, restlessness, and muscle

cramps or convulsions.

f. Cupping is not appropriate for patients with too high blood pressurc, heart

discases, congestive heart failures and respiratory failure.

g. U sed with caution in childrcn under 3 years o\d.

h. Cupping is not appropriate in drunken statc, too hungry, too full, too thirsty,

after strcnuous exercise, in patients with extreme cmaciation, cachexia, and

patients without skin elasticity.

(VI). Paticnts with acute and critica! discases, sucb as high fcvcr, coma, or

convulsions, definite diagnosis should be made first to prevent any loss of

rescue opportunity.

( V I I ) . After removing the cups, don't scratch randornly over tbe arcas with

localized flushing and itching. They will spontaneously resolve after severa]

hours or severa! days.

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