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Bronchial asthma

« r l a i n question Yin and Yang BieLun)) : "Yin in

. competition, Yang interference ar outside, angular

khan did not hide, four in verse, thc fume lung,


«The theory of plain question regulare the menstrual


function)) : "Gas than the air en asthmatic cough,

is lack ofinterest, Jess gas"

«synopsis phlcgm cough pulse license and cure))

mi: "Diaphragmatic disease on phlegm, full

astbmatic cough spit, hair is not apparcnt, backache

backache, cry out, thc man ílap Shun drama, there

will be a drink"

1.Cold retaincd in long type

Symptcms: Ful lness and tightness in the chest and

diaphragm, respiration rapid and short, sputum

sounds in the throat, sputum white and thick or thin

and foamy, often triggered by feeling or accompanied

by chilliness and fever.

Points to be taken:

FengMcn ( B L I 2) ,FeiShu ( B L I J) ,DaZhui (GV 14) ,T

anZhong, ( C V l 7 ) ,DingChuan(Extra).

2.Phlegm-heat oppressing lung type

Symptoms: Rapid gasping and Lightncss of chcst, whcczing sound in the throat,

the voice is high and husky, irritating cough in paroxysms, sputum yellow and

sticky, and unable to be expectorated, mouth thirsty.

Points to be taken:

FeiShu { B L I 3 ) , TanZhong (CV 1 7 ) ,ChiZe ( L U S ) ,

DingChuan ( Extra) . ..,........

3.Vital energy deficiency of spleen and lung type

Sym p toms: Asthmatic cough and shortness o f breath, aggravated by any ac ti vit i es,

cough sound low and t imid, spu tu m mostly th i n and clear, menta l ly and physically

ti red, loss of appetite, and loo se and thin stool.

Points to be taken:

1 )Fe i S h u (BL 1 3 ) . P i Shu ( B L 2 0 ) , ZuSanLi (ST36), O i ngChuan ( E x t r a ) ,

2)GeShu(BL17), TanZhong(CV17), DingChuan(Extra).


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