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D610-75 \ XN 1 Japanese Automobile Standard 8 No ' eS 5 Se co Selection of Fuses and Fusibie-links for g Wy Automobile Wiring Reviced 1978-5-74 Investigated by Japanese Automobile Standards Organization (Pabtined by the Seuty of Astomttive Fnqinecis ot Inpun, be.) JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARD 0 Dew 7a Selection of Fuses and Fusible-Links for Automobile Wiring 1. Scope This standard oreswrbes oertaining to the desis ard ot the fuses, fusble-ings and those cone caole [JIS C 3406 [Low Tersion Cables lor Auto mobiles | utilized on the automobile, Remick The units aid qumerieal valutt incested wiih the = sha fi) ad them have bent ony verted a i pe hy 2 Binge This stardard prescribes the sign stendaed of the (uses fusiblelinks and those connecting exbles and accords ta this, adeauate design for prictcal usage ean be 3c comolshed thu, it rsintaine the objective 10 prosect | {he cables whicn are Uzed in ine circus f it 2 Resa % 3.1 Classes & rang { The gasses ang rating of the fuses shall be os er th y JASO D 601 (Fuses. F | i 92 Desir eta ainireemeeY & In order 19 decide thy ‘elation between the fuse and the connecting sabes, i shall accord (0 the fallow ing procedures, —_ Aoforence Standaias: 44S € 3004 JIS € 2005 JISC 1406 IS 0 1601 Vibescle sig z2971 Marhonts JASO 0 101 JASO 0 OT Fuse JASO G09 Cuerwae€ Old Stantaed No. saso 1326 Se enorme Testing Mattoo fo Huliias Lasuand Wires 8 atte Testing Mattia 008 VG. Witws 8 Cabees Low: Tarsion Cablas tor Automaniles (1D Selective of eminnewant cable mime wetionet fara in relation wth te sad S Wren performing the wining On the Ive, the foas current grail be esleoluted and wlact the, sominal sictonal ares of the connectiog cables wvch is capable to perme that toad euerent, a Raunt current of the tue relation the load the Uses selvetant Ht ent ss ge the Tabla wane t0 18 Iai c. Fe panninal sectianal avon oe ieexpnnrting th ve Cable the conv Tablet vow? Frvcing Matha! tor Antuerabile Paty 1 Sate Saray Tasting Swatagy artery fo Aucwnsyatales ausac ny ME Cabids tor Ay tonensttey JASO D 610-78 Yabia 2 Cable nominal sectional ase Rates eareenc ar - I]. Fusible-Linkes x Table Nominal 08 [os Los 1 eh on | z|8 ~ ~ i =| ° Anau to | B [2 Teme _ ses | Tanai iw SP (Chlowowsifoaie pulvathyiave) OF esaMe Fesulatar matecal on Seta 18 Note (2) the wentticaton mas 2 rule dune oY se sotane OF m4 wm by other easy centtying win. JAG-DWe-7F 42 The pertorman Peformance ars ‘eating methad and testing mathad at the fle link shalt e as per the Tale 4 JASO 0 610-78 Tote t Ne] hem Charter |___ Shonen oe 1) teserton Tmenon | Seow suet (728) | seneion ‘Abou 1 beiow 8 fore | [above 14.7 orion 8:58 | - > | termnna 05 em Wiis nora ete twlow9 kw! {98.38} croerne Separmen | nominal 0.35 sce focees of totow 15 gt (187.100) axoies trom | omnia! 1.25item |_seeinat tetowr 20 (196.124) _ oe | . 3] vor Nominal 05 tem Win ont 102 + alow 30mv 08 taper ture Nominal 0.85 stant betow ev 108 ] Nomina 1.25 eon | - below Toenviva | | conn Carvent valve at 100°C of roneuctor ane | promactia | came, Vat a) aw 1 | corranne theccomnan ot | = Bat Tablas 5) Wires tern of natin! 0.6 2004 liar ot ner 0,35 2504 ms force between the yoke es, ces for sthlectink ast the tare There ial ba tion of insuator ‘atte wang, 1 aa mts wth Without | Theve vial be no alieraion wn he ahem (Temuig tet toe crite aN BIS. 6 2006 (Tents Memnat of MVC, Roe S Cabie! 1 | Tostany temnst | Astonia 8.3. Fates wasn fT ies woantaning Vive dO EE ise woo ita be a as £274 Unttno 9 of Sat xe JaSo 0 610.78 4.3 Selection of nominal sectional area of fusibh Tie ‘The relation botwaun the fusibledinks and the connect ing cables shail br as per the Table 5. Bue in case the terminal of the fusibledinks i of vinyl ebleride which comparatively melts at low temperature and with the ‘aetalling method which contacts directly with the thermoplastic, the maximum length of the circuit cables (2) shall be below 70%. b- f- blo 7 sae | oer | ee | | SRE | ENS gee eed, | OE aeeeaceones | Ten longet (Relerenee oy ben. | oes S z wast es 2 1 ‘eeiow 0.23 ss os 20. a ry eae 30 $ T 3a eel eT ee a pe een i= 2 \—3 1.25 Below 004 Ee. + | ao Now (3) The init exbla includes the fusibledinks and the connecting cable, Teck 1 Ou he cc cab a trait cormmctr on armen bir otf utara cn vain war He OL Oe thee Gaol, In guis ot usae. confirmation by the batneat During wa reset £m Sees teas tenn tom it of rent — cemate raat, ond ows Mt ee ee carrcs pewperece ca esa vretoves nd tieaieas im the Acted CO f 44 Installing location of lunbletinic The installing location of tne tusiblerlnks stall 4 2 rola be selected near the storage battery Dy conse" the vulising siecurnstanees and maintenance, > JASO 0 B10 74 Atuched Figure 1 Fusing ume of fusibledik 2 circurt cables, ewhicion tweiweew shunetar Udeturmavion $4 surface temperacure (Reference) Fsbielink 05 mn! Funtiiak @ 85 mt owen 1.281m | Hoos ‘ we FS z ar 2 ON =| 7 08 3 € g los a on gS ° ae ae eS F & br > fio fos no a ed a aa aoa iS eee LLangin of crouse cabie ++ circu cable 54 Gireicante a Cisse cathe $0! Ms Fusing tose anh oat ctl) eas erosion shall a fat Ihe 2A IS ERY (Levey Menton! a6 Ty Surface wemnpaiecve fore! eauies) amare 1, liam wth tre damatersintorinainis halons 2 Tha Save tener Ginga os he tinwagy Ba Automobile! winch wana to x Sz~ St Yo) Aisieg oe beet den voit oy) tm zain08 NO BL YN JASO D 610-78, Explanatory Note 2. Purpose ofthe automobile 3. Fuses With Uie TASO D 601, the fuse presenibed is up to 60A of rated current and as the JASO 0 610-78 JASO D 610-78 Selection of Fuses and Fusible-tinks for Automobile Wiring Supplementai explanation shall be added for exch stem of-the standard. (The stein nusnher shall be same as the text) ‘The objective of this standard is to prepare the design standard which will be tie guide in designing the wiring harness by clarifying the relation between the effect which give to the fusing time and the fusiig current by the connecting Gable nominal sectional area and that length when the fuses and the fasible-links aie provided on the wirmg harness sled curtent of the fuses utilized on the ordinary automobiles is mainly of below 30A thus, with thie standard it peitains only to 1DA, ($4, 20A, é 30A and stopped. 1) Utilizing example for decision of fase mated current a. When 3 loads are connected to | fuse. b, When { loud is connected t0 L fuse: The waliziay conition are assumed as follows. Calvulation of load current Load current of load Losd curment of load 3 is Lod current of load C 24 (WAZ LY) = 2A, 120 (WY (Y) = LOA T2OWZ = 1A Selection of cable nosninal sectional area By somidering the load current and the amdient (ewupersture condition, i: selected from 5.2 of JASO D 609 (Current Capacity of Cucrent), Attached Table 2, eaStY ‘The cable nominal sectional area of load 4 50.5 nun The cable aominal sectional area of load 8 L258 gun? The cable aomaal sectional area of lou! «is 0.5 nt” Co ¥ Ambent temp, | Ambiese T cman eid atwirie CO) | inwataion ec | Coanecting ables AU2Y, IW) x0 | eeu 202 ¥, 20W) A 0 (Low Teasion Castes for Automabien ema o [ {tm ease ofa] Section of miniiousn cable nominal sectional sea ie relation to load the abie nominal sectional area bies) (Ambient Temperature & Permissitlo I VASG- A-h1e - JASO D 610-78 Decision of fuse rated currene ‘Total each of the load current and decide the fuse rated cur The total of the load currencis TA +104 + 1A = 13a, From the Table I decide the fuse rated current to 20, Decision of cable nominal sectional area Cable nominal sectional area of load is 0.35 mm? Cable nominal sectional area of load 8 1.25 mm? Cable nominal sectional area of load C is 1.25 mm? Cable auminal sectional area front item (2), Decide the cable nominal sectional area which celates to the fuse ftom item (3) Consider the 20A fuse and ambient temperature condition from Table 2 and deewle ‘mum nominal sectional aeea among each Of the load. fe is case it shall be of 125 ment uss we Pose r~ uw DA . Las qe @ 12Y, 120 Loa € The cable nominal sctonal seca of thi os oor portion shal be of the cables with mani E25 _ 60°C. DW [in case of b] Selection of mininsuin cable nominal sectional area it relation to lesed Perdnn similar 194, Decision of fuse mated current From item (2). Shall be Fuses rated cusrent of toad 100 Fuses rated current of load # is 190, Fuses rated cuttent of load C i 101, Decision of cable nominal sectiowal area Peetonn similar to a, Shall be decided as Cable norunal sectional area of load 1s 0,5 au? Cable nominal sectional aeea of load 6 1-25 mun? Cable nominal seennal area of toad C05 ant Whee te (+) side cables of he load and (~) de eables fue buvsled as farses, 38 we aes to consider for ‘hort evourt from contact ting te deseable to vulize the cables wih same none - 28 Vo-D Lh TH JASO 0 610-78 Cable nominal sectivial area ‘ ~ fg ‘Bia ( fs a se ” 13, 1208 10s ¥ B 2Y, 128 é) But even in regard to sither a,b case, it of a necessity to conten by matching with the condition of the actual vehicle (2) Rated current of fuse in relation to load ‘The high temperature surrounding and heating shall be consideved on the cuirent which always energizes onto the fuses and it is desirable to maintain the rated current below 70% fo thit eeason, the load airrent value of the Table I has been maintained below 70 %. (3) Cable nominal sectional area in relatioa to the fuse “The relation of the fuse capacity and cable nominal sectional area at ambient temperature 20°C and 60°C the actual testing values have been prepared as per the Explanatory Attached Figure 1. When considering tie actual energizing time az automobile winng, 10°C is the ambient temperature When the voltage drop by the circuit and mechanical intensity ate requiced, 28 iL i necessary to prove an allowance on cable nominal sectional area, “above” fas been attached (9 the cable nomial Va. Fasbletinks : a a Besides the items prescribed in this standard, the items with the nominal actions ateas of 0.3 avin® anid 1.0 na? > ate partially utilized and also the items with the insulator of silicon glass te and the conductuie of copper clad aluminum ate partially uulized but as these are ot yer widely adapted ror usage, these cannot be stated thus, Uhese have been excluded for this time. Especially pertaining to the item of 0.3 aim? various studies there was a sitony opinion to add in the revision for this time snd 1 been performed but at the present somewhat of g problem in prescribing creterore, al was noc aacluded foc Unis tive. But when this supporting data is fully maintaned, and at the tame when the salety property of that has been coniirmed, it shall be unmediacely revised as additional. ‘The permissible current of the fusiblecink largely sitters by the ambient temperature and the condition of the load and i€ cannot be prescribed uniformly. As zeterence, the alterution of the pertusuble current value indicated ‘mainly by the ambien! temperature isas per the Explanatory Table L nition, the supporting data ig least yet and at there war JASO D 610-78 Explanatory Table | (Reference) ee gS oer .. Tonle ink Ambien os oas has Conduc- temp. °C tortemp."0 wo «| ~«s ae Ms ua a a 10) wo i wo) eo 1 100 0 a7 JALO 0 610-78 ee SSE SS — + nN Explanatory Attached Figure 1 Relation between fuse fusing time & cate yeulhificatian abu ine é be AV OS [ator No $00} AV 0.85 (at 60°C) ‘ AVE2S @ueo'e q ( { S \! iS \l & 100} - uaa os diel Sng ath as Wa aS Cunent A o \ JASO 0 610-78 42 Selection of nominal seetionat area af fusihle-tink With the continmity test of the fusbiedinks and te connecting cables, the mioit uspuctane catter is that the connecting cables do not Jefomm or heae during shore siecurting an du nol fuse the fsible-hnk, AHO, duang short sreuiting if the cuent capucity which dows iutu the fasible-hnks i$ small, the tiie inl tusuag becoines longet aed as the cemperacuce increase of the connecting cables becomes larger thits. it will be safee to test with xinallet sapacity of the storage battery ond by taking a «maller charged curtent capacity. For this reason, with this tert by Considering the condition of the storage battery NS10 with minimum capacity prescribed in the JASO D 10H (Storage Battery for Auromoniles) with discharged condition of 1S ~ 25% has been utliced, When utilising a much larger capacity storage battery, itis capable to utulize a longer or thicker connecting cables then that of the Table 4 but in regard ‘o selection of these, pertorm the test and decide alter contirming the safety {mn order to check the discharged condition of the storaye Dsttery, as the judsing with the specifi: gravity of the Storage battery electrolyte is convenient, the relation of discharged capacity and specific gravity in Attached Figure 2 Explanatory Attached Figure 2 Disctnsed sap acety ae

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