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You Got A Salary Job?

Deny Yourself, Serve Your BOSS.

7 Lessons I Unearthed Working with a Female CEO.

Copyright © 2020 by Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew.

All rights Reserved under the International Copyright Law.

Content and/or cover may not be reproduced in any form without the
express written consent of the publisher.

If there are names found within this work, they’ve been used with
changes made for the purposes of respect and personal preference.
Any coincidence observed is absolutely unintentional.

Published & Designed by Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew .

Proofread & Edited by Apollos Ambrose. Jr

B.A ( Linguistics and French), University of Cape Coast, Ghana.

Why many prefer to breakout from their paid job………..…....….....….viii

LESSON 1 ………………………………...…………………………………1
LESSON 2 ………………………………………...…………………………3
LESSON 3 …………………………………………...………………………5
LESSON 4 ……………………………………………...……………………7
LESSON 5 ………………………………………………...…………………9
LESSON 6 …………………………………………………………...…..…11
LESSON 7 ………………………………………………………...……..…13
Conclusion ……………………………………………………….15
About Me ………..………………………………….……………17

ast year, 2019, I graduated from the university. As a young man
who loves work, I decided to work for a Non-Governmental Or-
ganization (NGO) as a volunteer.
Little did I know that I’ll, shortly after, occupy the position of the Opera-
tional Manager of the NGO Investment Company.

And I tell you the truth, the experience gathered so far has been
stretching; waking up early in order to resume office work at 8 AM every
morning of each working day has made me unearth the 7 lessons I doc-
ument in this book.
The fact remains; I didn't volunteer to be employed in order to be paid a
salary and/or to obtain the position of Operational Manager, rather I had
wanted to offer my expertise as an Idea Monetization Coach.

Well, boldly, I’ll say this to you; school gave the foundation on which I
have built, however, the laying of blocks started when I decided to be a
volunteer offering my expertise to an NGO.

It’s not about scoring A’s on exam papers, but to me, revenue genera-
tion right now is all about managing the entire resources of an organiza-
tion that makes the average of 400,000 naira daily to 40 million naira
profit monthly.

For me, all the A’s I scored in the university are irrelevant right now, it’s
rather time to show results while working with another man’s re-

The truth is, I was not too good a student while in the university. A lot of
my course-mates were extremely good students, and to be honest,
sometimes I admired them. But then, I was more concerned about 'Life
After B.Sc. Degree'.

But the fact was; on-campus, while my course-mates were busy burn-
ing midnight candle, taking note of concepts and memorizing sentenc-
es, I was busy developing training manuals, organizing events, travel-
ing for speaking engagements and developing myself beyond the class-

Now, while many are waiting to finish serving on the National Youth
Service Corps (NYSC) program before they start focusing on life, a few
of the wise ones are now volunteers in banks and cooperate establish-
ments garnering experiences, knowledge as well as setting a pace for
themselves to enable them have a competitive advantage among their
peers when the opportunity arrives.

Many are actually looking for an organization that will pay them
30,40,50....100 in thousands of Naira as monthly salaries being gradu-
ates without experience before they can work.

Little do they know that being a graduate now is more like finishing from
an Elementary school.

They are not privy to what I call, "The Life after B.Sc. degree"

This is where you'll have to show “working”. Here, an 'A student' at the
University can be an ‘F Student'– if he or she refuses to pass through
the process of “SELF-DEVELOPMENT"

This is the point, you've to sit down and talk to yourself and not play
with your life. At this stage, if you don’t set standards for yourself, oth-
ers will do that for you. Here, you've to develop yourself afresh. This is
the point at which your real journey begins.

I call this stage the "laying of blocks stage"

This is where you've to build your life, finances, relationship, marriage...

name it.

Even though you're an "F student" in the classroom/university, you can

win at this stage.

The society will regard you better compared to those "A students" in the
classroom – This is just the fact.

I conclude with this paragraph.

"Find a body of knowledge and build relevance there. Relying on your

university degree alone is like relying on paid oxygen for survival"

Why many prefer to
breakout from their
In this piece, I’ll be sharing life lessons I've learnt working with a female
CEO of a private organization. My intent of writing this letter is to leave
you in light bulb moment as I carefully narrate my experiences.

I'll be sharing with you why many prefer to breakout from their paid
jobs in order to start building and driving their own personal brands into

Also, I’ll share why working with government is far better than working
with a private organization.

As I speak with you, I'm about breaking out too. You'll get to know my
WHY. Just read on.

L E S S O N 1 :

Working in most private

organizations will require
you to deny YOURSELF.

This is one lesson I have learnt lately.

Late last year, I graduated from the University. Being a lad with so
much hatred for idleness, I decided to volunteer to offer my expertise to
an NGO.

Having perceived my fitness, the NGO decided to hire me into their In-
vestment company to oversee their day-to-day operations.

In diligent manners, with appropriate efforts, I productively performed

my job description, but then, I've been conditioned to obey "Matthew
16:24" if I must remain in the company.

I've been told to deny myself, pick up my cross, and forcefully serve the
company with a penny as salary.

Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew

From Sunday to Sunday, I wake up by 6 AM, resume office by 8 AM,

and to return home around 8 PM sometimes 9. Nonetheless, the sum-
total of my 6-month salary can't pay my rent..

In the midst of this, if you must remain in any private organization, you
must deny yourself and serve you BOSS.

Let's end the gist here for now, and continue in the next page.

L EE SS SS OO NN 2 1: :

Most CEOs of private or-

ganizations battle with
management PROBLEM.
That's why in less than 7 months,10 staff can easily walk away from
their establishment without regrets.

They really need to step-up their game in managing people.

Initially, I thought I could curtail my own CEO’s managerial pitfalls, but I

realized that they're never ready to mellow down and learn from their
staff because they feel that they're doing their workers favor simply be-
cause they are under their monthly payroll.

Apart from being conditioned to obey Matthew 16:24, inability to handle

staff well is another major reason I tender my resignation notice against
31st of this month, July.

Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew

One lesson I need you to learn from this letter is; no staff wants to be
used, while at the same time paid a kobo as salary.

Until you unearth this, nobody will ever work with you for long even
when they know that the future is colorful.

Do you've a different thought? Please, click Here to share with me.

LL EE SS SS O N 31 ::

No matter the condition

you find yourself; ensure
your rent is paid by YOU.
Allowing your Managing Director (MD) to rent a house for you is so

Living in a company apartment without a plan to move out to rent your

own apartment is like a suicide bomber.

This is one lesson, I've also learnt working with a female CEO of a pri-
vate organization.

Don't ever bring your personal gadgets for office use without proper
documentation or else you might end up in the police custody when you
decide to breakout from the establishment.

Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew

These and many more lessons are those I've taken to heart even as I
tender my resignation signature against 31st, July.

Have you been learning from our engagement since this week began?

If yes, Click here let's chat.

S SS OO NN 4 1 : :

It's not every establish-

ment you've worked in
that you should include
When you're working in any establishment, ensure in diligent manners
with appropriate efforts that you productively carry out your job descrip-
tion, but when you want to breakout from the establishment do it wisely
by following due process.

This will save you and your good name from crisis that might come af-

Again, it's not every establishment you've worked in that you should in-
clude in your CV –most especially if your breaking out raised some
dust. This is to avoid being blackmailed by a mean CEO.

Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew

Most CEO of some private organizations, having perceived your fitness,

wouldn't want you to resign and at the same time would not want you to
go forward.

Hence, in their bid to blackmail you, citing them in your CV gives them
the liberty to tarnish your reputation when consulted.

These and many more lessons have I taken to heart even as I breakout
from my paid job.

Do you have a dissenting thought? Please, share with me.

LL EE SS SS O N 51 ::

80% of CEOs of private

organizations are under
government PAYROLL.
You see, the only establishment that gives you the right to own your
own life is government parastatals and your own start-up.

Why do I say this?

This is because 80% of CEOs of private organizations are under gov-

ernment payroll. If you think I'm fabricating statistics, go do your find-

Most of them give less effort to the job government has hired them to
do, and ceaselessly dedicate the whole of their attention, time, and en-
ergy to the growth of their own establishment.

Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew

Yet, they want their own employees to be fully obliged to the growth of
their own personal businesses.

As for me, as long the earth remaineth seedtime, and harvest time....
shall not cease ( Gen 8: 22)

You've a different view? Please, share with me.

LL EE SS SS OON N 6 1: :

Not all that

glitter are
I bring you the 6th lesson I've taken to heart working with a female

Don't be carried away by that which you're seeing on the outside. When
you finally get closer, you'll see the beast unravel itself, but in all, don't
ruin your CEO or those you're working with down because of your dis-

If you get into any establishment as a staff, and you can't curtail the ex-
cesses of your BOSS even when you're skillfully executing your job de-
scription– don't run them down.

Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew

If you can't stay anymore, wisely tender your resignation letter and take
a bow from the establishment.

The fact remains; not all that glitter are gold.

That's how most CEOs will package themselves to appear beautiful be-
fore great men. Yet a lot has gone sour in their lives. They battle with
lots of issues they can't unearth to you as their staff.

Even as I take a bow from my paid job, these and many more lessons
have I taken to heart.

You've a different opinion? Please, share with me.

LL EE SS SS O N 71 ::

The process of becoming

well-known at what
you do will require
I bring you the final lesson of my experience.

I need you to take this from me even as I end this epistle.

"The process of becoming well-known at what you do will require self-

withdrawal and sometimes going naked on your ideation, while you
carefully calculate the cost others pay to get to where they're"

At this juncture, I need to make this point clear. I'm not withdrawing
from my paid job to sit home, fold my arms, and then start begging for
alms from people. No. Rather I am doing so to navigate my personal
brand towards profitability.

Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew

I have skills. I have stuff others need. I know my onions; hence, I'm
moving into the market to strategically trade my knowledge in exchange
for physical currency.

This will come with a lot of costs. Nevertheless, the price must be paid.

Even as I await 31st, July. I've learned that nobody can ever pay you
better than yourself even if you're under a 1 million monthly payroll.

All that you ever need to become financially independent is inside you–
just think.

Just think and take action– this is the only way you can live your dream


D o you want to work in an organization and the day you'll tender

your resignation letter your MD will be pleading you stay a little

more year? Then consider building your own personal brand and drive
it effectively towards profitability.

I remember, in my undergraduate days, how I'll single-handedly host

events and do the whole of the documentation from the start to finish all
by myself. Little did I know that all of these will be required of me in my
place of work someday.

I thought only my educational qualification will do all of the magic for

me. But now, I know better.

Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew

Its not about making noise on social media, rather it’s about getting re-
sults. It's all about having a clear direction. It has to do with discipline
and dedication to your cause.

The truth is, if you can't manage yourself how do you want to manage
another man talk less of managing their businesses.

Build your brand and manage it to profitability first. In doing so, you'll
discover a lot of stuffs that will give you an edge over others.

I value you!

Seiminiyifa Franklin Matthew

About me?
I am a certified Accountant by educational qualification and an
Idea Monetization Coach by personal development.
As a coach, I train individuals to be known for their ideology, be-
come influential by teaching others what they know, and to ex-
change their ideas for physical currency; I achieves this by show-
ing individuals practical ways to leverage on their Smartphones
and social media handles in order for them to build a profitable
knowledge-based online business doing what they love.
Aside coaching, I am a seasoned teacher, writer, and a thought
leader. Currently, I’m in my 25th year, and I’m the author of | A-Z of
Online Course Creation | Cash Your Ideas & | My WhatsApp My
ATM Card.
Currently, I run a consultancy agency for micro–businesses here
in Bayelsa state, Nigeria.
I love connections. Trust me, I do.
And Yes I'm available to teach my knowledge in your online plat-
forms in the areas of ideas monetization, building a knowledge
base business, and social media marketing.

I'm single, but on a journey to take the ‘I Do Vow’ with a very pretty
lady. I live in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Live your best life always! I love you.

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